public user getDataUserData(string username) { try { _userDataService = IoC.Resolve <IuserService>(); string key = "USERDATA_" + username; user userdata = GetRedis <user>(key); if (userdata != null) { return(userdata); } else { userdata = _userDataService.GetByName(username); if (userdata != null) { PushRedis <user>("USERDATA" + username, userdata); } return(userdata); } } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error(ex.Message); var userdata = _userDataService.GetByName(username); return(userdata); } }
public AccountController() { NguoidungService = IoC.Resolve <INGUOIDUNGService>(); _iLogSystemService = IoC.Resolve <ILogSystemService>(); UserDataService = IoC.Resolve <IuserService>(); authenticationService = IoC.Resolve <FanxiAuthenticationBase>(); }
public ActionResult ServiceRoleIndex(string username, int?page) { IRBACRoleProvider _RoleProvider = IoC.Resolve <IRBACRoleProvider>(); IuserService _userService = IoC.Resolve <IuserService>(); int defautPageSize = 10; int currentPageIndex = page.HasValue ? page.Value - 1 : 0; Company currentCom = ((EInvoiceContext)FXContext.Current).CurrentCompany; IQueryable <user> query = _userService.Query.Where(p => p.GroupName.Equals(; IList <user> lst; int total = 0; List <String> temp = new List <String>(_RoleProvider.GetUsersInRole("ServiceRole")); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(username)) { query = query.Where(u => u.username.ToUpper().Contains(username.ToUpper().Trim()) && temp.Contains(u.username)).OrderByDescending(i => i.userid); total = query.Count(); lst = query.Skip(currentPageIndex * defautPageSize).Take(defautPageSize).ToList(); } else { query = query.Where(u => temp.Contains(u.username)).OrderByDescending(i => i.userid); total = query.Count(); lst = query.Skip(currentPageIndex * defautPageSize).Take(defautPageSize).ToList(); } IPagedList <user> model = new PagedList <user>(lst, currentPageIndex, defautPageSize, total); ViewData["username"] = username; return(View(model)); }
private void KhoiTao() { _iNguoidungService = IoC.Resolve <INGUOIDUNGService>(); _userDataService = IoC.Resolve <IuserService>(); _iDonviService = IoC.Resolve <IDM_DONVIService>(); _iDmcosokcbServcie = IoC.Resolve <IDMCOSOKCBService>(); _iRoleService = IoC.Resolve <IroleService>(); }
public RBACServiceProvider(string mApplicationName, string mSessionFactoryConfigPath) { App = new ApplicationsService(mSessionFactoryConfigPath).GetByName(mApplicationName); UserSrv = new userService(mSessionFactoryConfigPath); RoleSrv = new roleService(mSessionFactoryConfigPath); OperationSrv = new operationService(mSessionFactoryConfigPath); ObjectSrv = new objectService(mSessionFactoryConfigPath); PermissionSrv = new permissionService(mSessionFactoryConfigPath); }
public JsonResult SearchByAccountName(string searchText) { Company _currentCom = ((EInvoiceContext)FXContext.Current).CurrentCompany; IuserService _SvcUser = IoC.Resolve <IuserService>(); IList <user> lst = _SvcUser.GetbyHQuery("select u from user u where u.GroupName = :comid AND u.username like :searchText AND u.username Not IN (select AccountName from Customer)", new SQLParam("comid",, new SQLParam("searchText", "%" + searchText + "%")); var qr = from u in lst select(new { u.username }); return(Json(qr, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
public RBACMembershipProvider(string mApplicationName, string mSessionFactoryConfigPath) { _SessionFactoryConfigPath = mSessionFactoryConfigPath; ApplicationName = mApplicationName; UserSrv = new userService(mSessionFactoryConfigPath); RoleSrv = new roleService(mSessionFactoryConfigPath); OperationSrv = new operationService(mSessionFactoryConfigPath); ObjectSrv = new objectService(mSessionFactoryConfigPath); PermissionSrv = new permissionService(mSessionFactoryConfigPath); }
public ActionResult NewServiceRole() { IRBACRoleProvider _RoleProvider = IoC.Resolve <IRBACRoleProvider>(); IuserService _userService = IoC.Resolve <IuserService>(); user _model = new user(); Company currentCom = ((EInvoiceContext)FXContext.Current).CurrentCompany; _model.GroupName =; ViewData["RetypePassword"] = _model.password; return(View(_model)); }
private user GetUserPPid(int pid, IuserService userService) { if (pid != 0) { var item = userService.LoadEntities(n => == pid).FirstOrDefault(); if (item != null && != 0) { return(userService.LoadEntities(n => ==; } return(null); } return(null); }
public QuanLyNguoiDungController() { CurrentNguoidung = ((EISContext)FXContext.Current).CurrentNguoidung; UserDataService = IoC.Resolve <IuserService>(); RoleService = IoC.Resolve <IroleService>(); DmcosokcbService = IoC.Resolve <IDMCOSOKCBService>(); Nguoidung = IoC.Resolve <INGUOIDUNGService>(); DmDonviService = IoC.Resolve <IDM_DONVIService>(); ApplicationsService = IoC.Resolve <IApplicationsService>(); _iLogSystemService = IoC.Resolve <ILogSystemService>(); TypeRoleService = IoC.Resolve <ITYPE_ROLEService>(); GetValueCommon(); }
public ActionResult New() { IRBACRoleProvider _RoleProvider = IoC.Resolve <IRBACRoleProvider>(); IuserService _userService = IoC.Resolve <IuserService>(); user _model = new user(); _model.IsApproved = true; AccountModels model = new AccountModels(); List <String> lst = new List <string>(_RoleProvider.GetAllRoles()); model.RetypePassword = _model.password = ""; model.AllRoles = lst.ToArray(); model.UserRoles = new string[] { }; model.tmpUser = _model; return(View(model)); }
public ThongTinTaiKhoanController() { try { UserDataService = IoC.Resolve <IuserService>(); nguoidung = ((EIS.Core.EISContext)FX.Context.FXContext.Current).CurrentNguoidung; usercurent = UserDataService.GetByName(nguoidung.TENDANGNHAP); userModel = GetUserModel(); ViewBag.Username = nguoidung.TENDANGNHAP; ViewBag.Ten = nguoidung.TEN; } catch (Exception e) { log.Error(e.StackTrace + e.Message); ViewData["EditError"] = e.Message; } }
public ActionResult Index(IndexAccountModel model, int?page) { IuserService _userService = IoC.Resolve <IuserService>(); int defautPageSize = 10; int currentPageIndex = page.HasValue ? page.Value - 1 : 0; IQueryable <user> query = _userService.Query.Where(u => u.GroupName == null || u.GroupName == "0"); IList <user> lst; int total = 0; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.username)) { query = query.Where(u => u.username.Contains(model.username.Trim())); } total = query.Count(); query = query.OrderByDescending(i => i.userid); lst = query.Skip(currentPageIndex * defautPageSize).Take(defautPageSize).ToList(); model.PageListUser = new PagedList <user>(lst, currentPageIndex, defautPageSize, total); return(View(model)); }
public ActionResult Reset(string username) { ResetModel mm = new ResetModel(); try { IuserService _userService = IoC.Resolve <IuserService>(); Company _currentCompany = ((EInvoiceContext)FXContext.Current).CurrentCompany; user model = _userService.Query.Where(u => u.GroupName.Equals( && u.username == username).FirstOrDefault(); if (model != null) { string randompass = IdentityManagement.WebProviders.RBACMembershipProvider.CreateRandomPassword(8); IService.IRegisterEmailService emailSrv = FX.Core.IoC.Resolve <IService.IRegisterEmailService>(); Dictionary <string, string> subjectParams = new Dictionary <string, string>(1); subjectParams.Add("$subject", ""); Dictionary <string, string> bodyParams = new Dictionary <string, string>(3); bodyParams.Add("$password", randompass); bodyParams.Add("$site", FX.Utils.UrlUtil.GetSiteUrl()); emailSrv.ProcessEmail("*****@*****.**",, "ResetPassword", subjectParams, bodyParams); model.password = GeneratorPassword.EncodePassword(randompass, model.PasswordFormat, model.PasswordSalt);//FormsAuthentication.HashPasswordForStoringInConfigFile(randompass, "MD5"); model.LastPasswordChangedDate = DateTime.Now; _userService.Save(model); _userService.CommitChanges(); mm.lblErrorMessage = "Kiểm tra email để lấy mật khẩu của bạn."; return(View("ResetPassword", mm)); } mm.lblErrorMessage = "Tài khoản không tồn tại trên hệ thống"; return(View("ResetPassword", mm)); } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error(ex); ResetModel model = new ResetModel(); model.lblErrorMessage = "Tài khoản không tồn tại trên hệ thống"; return(View("ResetPassword", mm)); } }
public string DoCheckPermission(string username, string pmsname) { IuserService UserDataService = IoC.Resolve <IuserService>(); string results = "NotOK"; var _lstRoles = UserDataService.Query.Where(m => m.username == username).FirstOrDefault().Roles; if (_lstRoles.Any()) { foreach (var item in _lstRoles) { var _lstpms = item.Permissions.Select(m =>; if (_lstpms.Any()) { bool _checkLstPms = _lstpms.Contains(pmsname); if (_checkLstPms) { results = "OK"; return(results); } } } } return(results); }
private bool IsAuthenticated(HttpActionContext actionContext) { var headers = actionContext.Request.Headers; var authenticationString = GetHttpRequestHeader(headers, AuthenticationHeaderName); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(authenticationString)) { return(false); } var authenticationParts = authenticationString.Split(new[] { ":" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (authenticationParts == null || authenticationParts.Count() == 0) { return(false); } var nonce = authenticationParts[1]; var epoch = authenticationParts[2]; string data = String.Format("{0}{1}{2}", actionContext.Request.Method.ToString().ToUpper(), epoch, nonce); var signature = authenticationParts[0]; if (!SecurityManager.IsTokenValid(data, signature, nonce, epoch)) { return(false); } var agentString = GetHttpRequestHeader(headers, AgentHeaderName); if (agentString != null && agentString.Equals(AgentHeaderValue)) { if (authenticationParts.Length < 4) { return(false); } var accname = authenticationParts[3]; EInvoice.Core.Domain.Company _currentCom = ((EInvoiceContext)FXContext.Current).CurrentCompany; if (_currentCom == null) { return(false); } string GroupName =; IuserService userSrv = IoC.Resolve <IuserService>(); user tempUser = userSrv.Query.Where(u => u.username == accname && u.IsApproved && !u.IsLockedOut && u.GroupName.Equals(GroupName)).FirstOrDefault(); if (tempUser == null) { return(false); } IList <FanxiPermission> fxPer = new List <FanxiPermission>(); UserIdentity tempId = new UserIdentity(accname, fxPer, new string[] { "Printer" }); FanxiPrincipal _principal = new FanxiPrincipal(tempId); HttpContext.Current.User = _principal; tempId.Roles = tempUser.Roles.Select(p =>; if (_Roles != null && _Roles.Length > 0) { IEnumerable <string> TempRoles = (from r in tempId.Roles where _Roles.Contains(r) select r); if (TempRoles == null || TempRoles.Count() == 0) { return(false); } } if (_Permissions != null && _Permissions.Length > 0) { List <string> HasPermission = new List <string>(); IList <IdentityManagement.Domain.role> roles = FX.Core.IoC.Resolve <IroleService>().Query.Where(p => tempId.Roles.Contains(; foreach (var r in roles) { foreach (var per in r.Permissions) { if (HasPermission.Contains( { continue; } HasPermission.Add(; } } string[] TempPer = (from per in _Permissions where (!HasPermission.Contains(per)) select per).ToArray(); if (TempPer != null && TempPer.Length > 0) { return(false); } } return(true); } if (authenticationParts.Length != 5) { return(false); } var username = authenticationParts[3]; var password = authenticationParts[4]; //Kiểm tra username và pass có tồn tại trong db if (!isAccountCorrect(username, password)) { return(false); } return(true); }
public AccountController(IuserService us) { = us; }
public ActionResult LogOn(LogOnModel _model, string captch) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(captch)) { _model.lblErrorMessage = "Nhập đúng mã xác thực."; _model.Password = ""; return(View(_model)); } bool cv = CaptchaController.IsValidCaptchaValue(captch); if (!cv) { _model.lblErrorMessage = "Nhập đúng mã xác thực."; _model.Password = ""; return(View(_model)); } log.Info("Login: "******"LogOn:" + HttpContext.User.Identity.Name + ", Date:" + DateTime.Now); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_model.ReturnUrl) && Url.IsLocalUrl(_model.ReturnUrl)) { return(Redirect(_model.ReturnUrl)); } return(Redirect("/")); } else { IuserService userSrv = IoC.Resolve <IuserService>(); var currComp = ((EInvoiceContext)FXContext.Current).CurrentCompany; user TempUser = userSrv.Query.Where(u => u.username == _model.UserName && u.GroupName.Equals(; if (TempUser != null) { if (TempUser.IsLockedOut) { _model.lblErrorMessage = "Tài khoản đã bị khóa."; } else { if (!_model.IsThread) { if (TempUser.FailedPasswordAttemptCount > 0) { TempUser.FailedPasswordAttemptCount = 0; userSrv.Save(TempUser); userSrv.CommitChanges(); } _model.lblErrorMessage = Resources.Message.User_MesWrongAccOrPass; _model.Password = ""; _model.IsThread = true; return(View(_model)); } if (TempUser.FailedPasswordAttemptCount == 4) { TempUser.IsLockedOut = true; } TempUser.FailedPasswordAttemptCount++; _model.lblErrorMessage = Resources.Message.User_MesWrongAccOrPass; userSrv.Save(TempUser); userSrv.CommitChanges(); } _model.Password = ""; return(View(_model)); } _model.lblErrorMessage = Resources.Message.User_MesWrongAccOrPass; _model.Password = ""; return(View(_model)); } } else { _model.Password = ""; return(View("LogOn", _model)); } } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error("Error", ex); _model.lblErrorMessage = Resources.Message.User_MesWrongAccOrPass; _model.Password = ""; return(View("LogOn", _model)); } }
public userController(IuserService service) { _service = service; }
public UsersController(DataContxt context, IuserService userService, ITokenService tokenService) { _context = context; _userService = userService; _tokenService = tokenService; }
public UserController(IuserService userService) { this.UserService = userService; }
public UserRule(IuserService _service) { this._service = _service; }
public string UpdateCus(ApiPublish publish) { IuserService _userSvc = IoC.Resolve <IuserService>(); ICustomerService _cusSvc = IoC.Resolve <ICustomerService>(); IApplicationsService _appSvc = IoC.Resolve <IApplicationsService>(); IRegisterEmailService _emailSvc = IoC.Resolve <IRegisterEmailService>(); ILog log = LogManager.GetLogger(typeof(PublishController)); try { log.Info("updateCus DATA:" + publish.xmlData); //check valiadate xml XmlSchemaValidator validator = new XmlSchemaValidator(); //XMLCusData = convertSpecialCharacter(XMLCusData); if (!validator.ValidXmlDoc(publish.xmlData, "", AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + @"XMLValidate\CustomerValidate.xsd")) { log.Error("updateCus ERR:3-UpdateCus " + validator.ValidationError); return("ERR:3");//du lieu dau vao khong hop le } if (publish.convert == 1) { publish.xmlData = DataHelper.convertTCVN3ToUnicode(publish.xmlData); } Applications _app = _appSvc.GetByName("EInvoice"); //Chu y fix cung phu hop voi services.config/IRBACMembershipProvider EInvoiceContext _Einvoicecontext = (EInvoiceContext)FXContext.Current; Company _currentCom = _Einvoicecontext.CurrentCompany; // get dữ liệu từ string xml XElement xelement = XElement.Parse(publish.xmlData); List <XElement> cusLst = (from item in xelement.Elements("Customer") select item).ToList(); List <string> codeLst = (from item in cusLst select item.Element("Code").Value).ToList(); string defaultPass = (_currentCom.Config.ContainsKey("SetDefaultCusPass")) ? _currentCom.Config["SetDefaultCusPass"] : "******"; string labelEmail = _currentCom.Config.Keys.Contains("LabelMail") ? _currentCom.Config["LabelMail"] : "*****@*****.**"; string portalLink = _currentCom.Config.Keys.Contains("PortalLink") ? _currentCom.Config["PortalLink"] : ""; _cusSvc.BeginTran(); StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var item in cusLst) { try { string code = item.Element("Code").Value.Trim(); var taxCode = Utils.formatTaxcode(item.Element("TaxCode").Value.Trim()); var cusDb = _cusSvc.Query.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Code == code && x.ComID ==; var userDb = _userSvc.Query.FirstOrDefault(x => x.username == code && x.GroupName ==; // create if (cusDb == null) { if (userDb != null) { msg.AppendFormat("Ma KH: {0}. Khong the tao khach hang do user {0} da ton tai trong he thong.", code).AppendLine(); log.WarnFormat("Ma KH: {0}. Khong the tao khach hang do user {0} da ton tai trong he thong.", code); continue; } if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(taxCode) && _cusSvc.Query.Any(x => x.TaxCode == taxCode && x.ComID == { msg.AppendFormat("Ma KH: {0}. Khong the tao khach hang do ma so thue {0} da ton tai trong he thong.", taxCode).AppendLine(); log.WarnFormat("Ma KH: {0}. Khong the tao khach hang do ma so thue {1} da ton tai trong he thong.", code, taxCode); continue; } var cus = new Customer { Code = code, AccountName = code, TaxCode = taxCode, Name = item.Element("Name").Value, Address = item.Element("Address").Value, BankAccountName = item.Element("BankAccountName").Value, BankName = item.Element("BankName").Value, BankNumber = item.Element("BankNumber").Value, Email = item.Element("Email").Value, Fax = item.Element("Fax").Value, Phone = item.Element("Phone").Value, ContactPerson = item.Element("ContactPerson").Value, RepresentPerson = item.Element("RepresentPerson").Value, CusType = String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(item.Element("Name").Value) ? Int32.Parse(item.Element("Name").Value) : 0, DeliverMethod = 2, ComID = }; string createCusErr; if (_cusSvc.CreateCus(cus, new Certificate(),, out createCusErr)) { log.Info("updateCus Create Customer by: " + HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name + " Info-- TenKhachHang: " + cus.Name + " TaiKhoanKhachHang: " + cus.AccountName + " Email: " + cus.Email); // send Mail-- try { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(cus.Email)) { Dictionary <string, string> subjectParams = new Dictionary <string, string>(1); subjectParams.Add("$subject", ""); Dictionary <string, string> bodyParams = new Dictionary <string, string>(3); bodyParams.Add("$company", _currentCom.Name); bodyParams.Add("$cusname", cus.Name); bodyParams.Add("$username", cus.AccountName); bodyParams.Add("$password", defaultPass); bodyParams.Add("$portalLink", portalLink); _emailSvc.ProcessEmail(labelEmail, cus.Email, "RegisterCustomer", subjectParams, bodyParams); } } catch (Exception ex) { log.Warn("updateCus", ex); } } else { msg.AppendFormat("Ma KH: {0}. Khong the tao khach hang {0}. Thong bao loi: {1}", code, createCusErr).AppendLine(); log.Warn("updateCus Error: " + createCusErr); } } // update else { // update taxcode if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(taxCode) && cusDb.TaxCode != taxCode) { if (_cusSvc.Query.Any(x => x.TaxCode == taxCode && x.ComID == { msg.AppendFormat("Ma KH: {0}. Khong the chinh sua thong tin khach hang {0} do ma so thue {1} da ton tai trong he thong.", code, taxCode).AppendLine(); continue; } cusDb.TaxCode = taxCode; } cusDb.Name = item.Element("Name").Value; cusDb.Address = item.Element("Address").Value; cusDb.BankAccountName = item.Element("BankAccountName").Value; cusDb.BankName = item.Element("BankName").Value; cusDb.BankNumber = item.Element("BankNumber").Value; cusDb.Email = item.Element("Email").Value; cusDb.Fax = item.Element("Fax").Value; cusDb.Phone = item.Element("Phone").Value; cusDb.ContactPerson = item.Element("ContactPerson").Value; cusDb.RepresentPerson = item.Element("RepresentPerson").Value; cusDb.CusType = String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(item.Element("Name").Value) ? Int32.Parse(item.Element("Name").Value) : 0; } } catch (Exception ex) { _cusSvc.RolbackTran(); log.Error("Loi tao hoac cap nhat khach hang: " + item.Element("Code"), ex); return("ERR:2");//loi cap nhat khach hang le vao csdl } } _cusSvc.CommitTran(); return("OK:" + msg); } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error("updateCus: " + ex); throw ex; } }
public ActionResult Create(user _model, string RetypePassword, string[] AssignRoles) { IRBACRoleProvider _RoleProvider = IoC.Resolve <IRBACRoleProvider>(); IuserService _userService = IoC.Resolve <IuserService>(); IRBACMembershipProvider _MemberShipProvider = IoC.Resolve <IRBACMembershipProvider>(); AccountModels model = new AccountModels(); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_model.username)) { Messages.AddErrorMessage("Cần nhập những thông tin bắt buộc."); List <String> lst = new List <string>(_RoleProvider.GetAllRoles()); model.RetypePassword = _model.password = ""; model.AllRoles = lst.ToArray(); model.UserRoles = AssignRoles ?? new string[] { }; model.tmpUser = _model; return(View("New", model)); } try { string status = ""; AssignRoles = AssignRoles ?? new string[] { }; if (!_model.password.Equals(RetypePassword)) { Messages.AddErrorMessage("Nhập đúng mật khẩu của bạn."); List <String> lst = new List <string>(_RoleProvider.GetAllRoles()); model.RetypePassword = _model.password = ""; model.AllRoles = lst.ToArray(); model.UserRoles = new string[] { }; model.tmpUser = _model; return(View("New", model)); } else { _MemberShipProvider.CreateUser(_model.username, _model.password,, _model.PasswordQuestion, _model.PasswordAnswer, _model.IsApproved, null, out status); if (status != "Success") { List <String> lst = new List <string>(_RoleProvider.GetAllRoles()); model.RetypePassword = _model.password = ""; model.AllRoles = lst.ToArray(); model.UserRoles = new string[] { }; model.tmpUser = _model; Messages.AddErrorMessage("Tài khoản đã có trên hệ thống hoặc dữ liệu không hợp lệ."); return(View("New", model)); } if (AssignRoles == null) { Messages.AddFlashMessage("Bạn tạo tài khoản thành công nhưng chưa phân quyền!"); return(RedirectToAction("index")); } _RoleProvider.UpdateUsersToRoles(_model.username, AssignRoles); Messages.AddFlashMessage("Tạo tài khoản thành công."); logSrv.CreateNew(FXContext.Current.CurrentUser.userid, "User - Create : " + string.Format("Create: {0} by {1}", _model.username, HttpContext.User.Identity.Name), "Create User Success ", LogType.Success, HttpContext.Request.UserHostAddress, HttpContext.Request.Browser.Browser); return(RedirectToAction("index")); } } catch (Exception ex) { logSrv.CreateNew(FXContext.Current.CurrentUser.userid, "User - Create ", "Create User Error: " + ex, LogType.Error, HttpContext.Request.UserHostAddress, HttpContext.Request.Browser.Browser); Messages.AddErrorMessage("Chưa tạo được người dùng."); List <String> lst = new List <string>(_RoleProvider.GetAllRoles()); model.RetypePassword = _model.password = ""; model.AllRoles = lst.ToArray(); model.UserRoles = new string[] { }; model.tmpUser = _model; return(View("New", model)); } }
public NGUOIDUNGService(string sessionFactoryConfigPath) : base(sessionFactoryConfigPath) { _donviSvc = IoC.Resolve <IDM_DONVIService>(); _iuserService = IoC.Resolve <IuserService>(); }
public AccountController(IuserService userService) { _userService = userService; }
public HomeController(IuserService iuserService) { _iuserService = iuserService; }