    public static int?chooseBestSum(int t, int k, List <int> ls)
        int best         = 0;
        var combinations = IterTools.Combinations(ls, k);

        foreach (var c in combinations)
            best = (c.Sum() > best && c.Sum() <= t) ? c.Sum() : best;
        if (best > 0)
            [InlineData(3, 2, 5, 1, 6)] // Use page size 3 to allow insertions without bounds changes.
            public async Task Execute(int maxLeavesPerPage, int minExisting, int maxExisting, int minUpdated, int maxUpdated)
                var config  = new Catalog2RegistrationConfiguration();
                var options = new SimpleOptions <Catalog2RegistrationConfiguration>(config);
                var logger  = new NullLogger <HiveMerger>();
                var target  = new HiveMerger(options, logger);

                config.MaxLeavesPerPage = maxLeavesPerPage;

                var allExisting         = Enumerable.Range(minExisting, (maxExisting - minExisting) + 1).Select(m => new NuGetVersion(m, 0, 0)).ToList();
                var allUpdated          = Enumerable.Range(minUpdated, (maxUpdated - minUpdated) + 1).Select(m => new NuGetVersion(m, 0, 0)).ToList();
                var versionToNormalized = allExisting.Concat(allUpdated).Distinct().ToDictionary(v => v, v => v.ToNormalizedString());

                // Enumerate all of the updated version sets, which is up to 9 versions and for each set every
                // combination of either PackageDelete or PackageDetails for each version.
                var deleteOrNotDelete = new[] { true, false };
                var updatedCases      = IterTools
                                        .SelectMany(vs => IterTools.CombinationsOfTwo(vs.ToList(), deleteOrNotDelete))
                                        .Select(ts => ts.Select(t => new VersionAction(t.Item1, t.Item2)).OrderBy(v => v.Version).ToList())

                // Enumerate all of the updated version sets, which is up to 7 versions.
                var existingCases = IterTools
                                    .Select(vs => vs.OrderBy(v => v).ToList())

                // Build all of the test cases which is every pairing of updated and existing cases.
                var testCases = new ConcurrentBag <TestCase>();

                foreach (var existing in existingCases)
                    foreach (var updated in updatedCases)
                        testCases.Add(new TestCase(existing, updated));

                var completed  = 0;
                var total      = testCases.Count;
                var outputLock = new object();
                await ParallelAsync
                .Repeat(async() =>
                    await Task.Yield();
                    while (testCases.TryTake(out var testCase))
                            await ExecuteTestCaseAsync(config, target, versionToNormalized, testCase);

                            var thisCompleted = Interlocked.Increment(ref completed);
                            if (thisCompleted % 20000 == 0)
                                lock (outputLock)
                                    _output.WriteLine($"Progress: {1.0 * thisCompleted / total:P}");
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            lock (outputLock)
                                _output.WriteLine("Test Case Failure");
                                _output.WriteLine(new string('=', 50));
                                _output.WriteLine("Existing: " + string.Join(", ", testCase.Existing));
                                _output.WriteLine("Changes:  " + string.Join(", ", testCase.Updated.Select(t => $"{(t.IsDelete ? '-' : '+')}{t.Version}")));
                                _output.WriteLine(new string('=', 50));
                        degreeOfParallelism : 8);

                _output.WriteLine($"Progress: {1.0 * completed / total:P}");
                _output.WriteLine($"Total test cases: {total}");
                _output.WriteLine($"Completed test cases: {completed}");
                Assert.Equal(total, completed);