        public static void Load()
            Principal = MainMenu.AddMenu("Championship Riven", "Riven");
            Principal.AddLabel("Championship Riven v" + Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version);
            Principal.AddLabel("Good game !");

            Combo = Principal.AddSubMenu("Combo", "Combo");
            Combo.AddLabel("• Spells Combo");
            Combo.Add("UseQCombo", new CheckBox("Use Q?"));
            Combo.Add("UseWCombo", new CheckBox("Use W?"));
            Combo.Add("UseECombo", new CheckBox("Use E"));
            Combo.Add("UseRCombo", new CheckBox("Use R?"));
            Combo.Add("UseR2Combo", new CheckBox("Use R2?"));
            Combo.AddLabel("• Spell W");
            Combo.Add("W/Auto", new Slider("Auto W if {0} Enemies <=", 2, 1, 5));
            Combo.AddLabel("• Spell R");
            Combo.Add("UseRType", new ComboBox("Use R when", 1, "Normal Kill", "Hard Kill", "Always", "ForceR"));
            Combo.Add("ForceR", new KeyBind("Force R", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.PressToggle, 'U'));
            Combo.Add("DontR1", new Slider("Dont R if Target HP {0}% <=", 25, 10, 50));
            Combo.AddLabel("• Spell R2");
            Combo.Add("UseR2Type", new ComboBox("Use R2 when", 0, "Kill only", "Max damage"));

            Shield = Principal.AddSubMenu("Shield", "Shield");
            Shield.AddLabel("• Spell E");
            foreach (var Enemy in EntityManager.Heroes.Enemies)
                Shield.Add("E/" + Enemy.BaseSkinName + "/Q", new CheckBox(Enemy.ChampionName + " (Q)", false));
                Shield.Add("E/" + Enemy.BaseSkinName + "/W", new CheckBox(Enemy.ChampionName + " (W)", false));
                Shield.Add("E/" + Enemy.BaseSkinName + "/E", new CheckBox(Enemy.ChampionName + " (E)", false));
                Shield.Add("E/" + Enemy.BaseSkinName + "/R", new CheckBox(Enemy.ChampionName + " (R)", false));

            Burst = Principal.AddSubMenu("Burst", "Burst");
            Burst.AddLabel("• Burst");
            Burst.AddLabel("The combo burst key is the Combo !");
            Burst.AddLabel("This 'Burst allowed' option is just to confirm that you want to use the Burst");
            Burst.Add("BurstAllowed", new KeyBind("Burst Allowed ?", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.PressToggle, 'T'));
            Burst.Add("BurstType", new ComboBox("Burst:", 0, "Damage Check", "Always"));
            Burst.AddLabel("Select Burst style");
            Burst.AddLabel("Style Burst 1: E > Flash > R > W > Hydra > R2");
            Burst.AddLabel("Style Burst 2: E > R > Flash > W > Hydra > R2");
            Burst.Add("BurstStyle", new Slider("Burst style", 1, 1, 2));

            Items = Principal.AddSubMenu("Items", "Items");
            Items.AddLabel("• Hydra Logic");
            Items.Add("Hydra", new CheckBox("Use Hydra?"));
            Items.Add("HydraReset", new CheckBox("Use hydra to reset your AA"));
            Items.AddLabel("• Tiamat Logic");
            Items.Add("Tiamat", new CheckBox("Use Tiamat?"));
            Items.Add("TiamatReset", new CheckBox("Use the Tiamat to reset your AA"));
            Items.AddLabel("• Qss / Mercurial Logic");
            Items.Add("Qss", new CheckBox("Use Qss?"));
            Items.Add("QssCharm", new CheckBox("Use Qss because of charm"));
            Items.Add("QssFear", new CheckBox("Use Qss because of fear"));
            Items.Add("QssTaunt", new CheckBox("Use Qss because of taunt"));
            Items.Add("QssSuppression", new CheckBox("Use Qss because of suppression"));
            Items.Add("QssSnare", new CheckBox("Use Qss because of snare"));
            Items.AddLabel("• Youmu Logic");
            Items.Add("Youmu", new CheckBox("Use Youmu?"));
            Items.Add("YoumuHealth", new Slider("Use Youmu if the enemy has less than {0} HP", 65, 25, 100));

            Laneclear = Principal.AddSubMenu("Laneclear", "Laneclear");
            Laneclear.Add("UseQLane", new CheckBox("Use Q"));
            Laneclear.Add("UseWLane", new CheckBox("Use W"));
            Laneclear.Add("UseWLaneMin", new Slider("Use W if you hit {0} minions", 3, 0, 10));

            Jungleclear = Principal.AddSubMenu("Jungleclear", "Jungleclear");
            Jungleclear.Add("UseQJG", new CheckBox("Use Q"));
            Jungleclear.Add("UseWJG", new CheckBox("Use W"));
            Jungleclear.Add("UseEJG", new CheckBox("Use E"));
            Jungleclear.Add("Level_1 JungleClearing", new CheckBox("only attack small Red/BLUE"));

            Flee = Principal.AddSubMenu("Flee", "Flee");
            Flee.Add("UseQFlee", new CheckBox("Use Q"));
            Flee.Add("UseEFlee", new CheckBox("Use E"));

            Misc = Principal.AddSubMenu("Misc", "Misc");
            Misc.Add("Skin", new CheckBox("Skinhack ?", false));
            Misc.Add("SkinID", new Slider("Skin ID: {0}", 4, 0, 6));
            Misc.Add("Interrupter", new CheckBox("Interrupter ?"));
            Misc.Add("InterrupterW", new CheckBox("Interrupter with W ?"));
            Misc.Add("Gapcloser", new CheckBox("Gapcloser ?"));
            Misc.Add("GapcloserW", new CheckBox("Use W on Gapcloser ?"));
            Misc.Add("BrokenAnimations", new CheckBox("Broken Animations ?"));

            Draw = Principal.AddSubMenu("Drawing", "Drawing");
            Draw.Add("DrawQ", new CheckBox("Draw Q"));
            Draw.Add("DrawW", new CheckBox("Draw W"));
            Draw.Add("DrawE", new CheckBox("Draw E"));
            Draw.Add("DrawR", new CheckBox("Draw R2"));
            Draw.Add("DrawDamage", new CheckBox("Draw Damage"));
            Draw.Add("DrawOFF", new CheckBox("Draw OFF", false));
        private static void Loadin_OnComplete(EventArgs args)
            if (Jhin.Hero != Champion.Jhin)

            Q = new Spell.Targeted(SpellSlot.Q, 550);
            W = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.W, 3000, SkillShotType.Linear, 250, 1200, 60)
                MinimumHitChance      = HitChance.Medium,
                AllowedCollisionCount = int.MaxValue
            E  = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.E, 750, SkillShotType.Circular, 250, 3000, 1);
            R  = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.R, 3500, SkillShotType.Cone, 250, 1200, 500);
            R1 = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.R, 3500, SkillShotType.Linear, 250, 1200, 60);

            Menu = MainMenu.AddMenu("Jhin", "Jhin");

            ComboSettings = Menu.AddSubMenu("Combo Settings", "ComboSettings");
            ComboSettings.Add("useQCombo", new CheckBox("Use Q"));
            ComboSettings.Add("useQEnemyCount", new Slider("Q Enemy Count >= ", 1, 1, 5));
            ComboSettings.Add("useWCombo", new CheckBox("Use W"));
            ComboSettings.Add("useWComboOnlyCC", new CheckBox("Use W Only CC", false));
            ComboSettings.Add("useECombo", new CheckBox("Use E"));
            ComboSettings.Add("useEDistance", new CheckBox("Auto E for Enemy Distance"));
            ComboSettings.Add("EMaxDistance", new Slider("Enemy Distance < ", 400, 100, 900));
            ComboSettings.Add("useRCombo", new CheckBox("Use R"));
            ComboSettings.Add("RKey", new KeyBind("Press Key to Activate Auto R", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, 'G'));

            HarassSettings = Menu.AddSubMenu("Harass");
            HarassSettings.Add("useQHarass", new CheckBox("Use Q"));
            HarassSettings.Add("HarassQEnemyCount", new Slider("Q Enemy Count >= ", 1, 1, 5));
            HarassSettings.Add("useQHarassMana", new Slider("Q Mana > %", 20, 0, 100));
            HarassSettings.Add("useWHarass", new CheckBox("Use W"));
            HarassSettings.Add("useWHarassMana", new Slider("W Mana > %", 20, 0, 100));
            HarassSettings.Add("useEHarass", new CheckBox("Use E"));
            HarassSettings.Add("useEHarassMana", new Slider("E Mana > %", 35, 0, 100));
            HarassSettings.AddLabel("Auto Harass");
            HarassSettings.Add("autoQHarass", new CheckBox("Auto Q for Harass", false));
            HarassSettings.Add("autoQHarassEnemyCount", new Slider("Q Enemy Count >= ", 2, 0, 5));
            HarassSettings.Add("autoQHarassMana", new Slider("Q Mana > %", 35, 0, 100));
            HarassSettings.Add("autoWHarass", new CheckBox("Auto W for Harass", false));
            HarassSettings.Add("autoWHarassMana", new Slider("W Mana > %", 35, 0, 100));

            ClearSettings = Menu.AddSubMenu("FarmSettings");
            ClearSettings.AddLabel("Lane Clear");
            ClearSettings.Add("useQFarm", new CheckBox("Use Q"));
            ClearSettings.Add("useQFarmCount", new Slider("Q Min. Minion Count", 3, 1, 4));
            ClearSettings.Add("FarmQMana", new Slider("Q Mana > %", 35, 0, 100));
            ClearSettings.AddLabel("Last Hit");
            ClearSettings.Add("useQLastHit", new CheckBox("Use Q Killable Minions"));
            ClearSettings.Add("LastHitQCount", new Slider("Min Minion Count >", 2, 0, 4));
            ClearSettings.Add("LastHitQMana", new Slider("Q Mana > %", 35, 0, 100));
            ClearSettings.AddLabel("Jungle Clear");
            ClearSettings.Add("useQJungle", new CheckBox("Use Q"));
            ClearSettings.Add("useQJungleMana", new Slider("Q Mana > %", 20, 0, 100));
            ClearSettings.Add("useWJungle", new CheckBox("Use W"));
            ClearSettings.Add("useWJungleMana", new Slider("W Mana > %", 20, 0, 100));
            ClearSettings.Add("RJungleSteal", new CheckBox("Jungle Steal(partially working now)", false));
            ClearSettings.Add("SRU_Baron", new CheckBox("Baron"));
            ClearSettings.Add("SRU_Dragon", new CheckBox("Dragon"));
            ClearSettings.Add("SRU_Blue", new CheckBox("Blue"));
            ClearSettings.Add("SRU_Red", new CheckBox("Red"));

            AutoSettings = Menu.AddSubMenu("Misc");
            AutoSettings.Add("gapcloser", new CheckBox("Auto E for Gapcloser"));
            AutoSettings.Add("interrupter", new CheckBox("Auto E for Interrupter"));
            AutoSettings.Add("CCE", new CheckBox("Auto E on Enemy CC"));
            AutoSettings.Add("UsePassive", new CheckBox("Use Passive"));
            AutoSettings.AddLabel("LaneClear,LastHit Mods 4.Passive Stacks Auto Harass to Enemy");

            Items = Menu.AddSubMenu("Items");
            Items.Add("useHP", new CheckBox("Use Health Potion"));
            Items.Add("useHPV", new Slider("HP < %", 40, 0, 100));
            Items.Add("useBOTRK", new CheckBox("Use BOTRK"));
            Items.Add("useBotrkMyHP", new Slider("My Health < ", 60, 1, 100));
            Items.Add("useBotrkEnemyHP", new Slider("Enemy Health < ", 60, 1, 100));
            Items.Add("useYoumu", new CheckBox("Use Youmu"));
            Items.Add("useQSS", new CheckBox("Use QSS"));

            DrawMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Drawing Settings");
            DrawMenu.Add("drawRange", new CheckBox("Draw AA Range", false));
            DrawMenu.Add("drawQ", new CheckBox("Draw Q Range"));
            DrawMenu.Add("drawW", new CheckBox("Draw W Range"));
            DrawMenu.Add("drawE", new CheckBox("Draw E Range"));
            DrawMenu.Add("drawR", new CheckBox("Draw R Range", false));
            DrawMenu.Add("drawStatus", new CheckBox("Draw R KeyBind"));
            DrawMenu.AddLabel("Damage Calculation");
            DrawMenu.Add("draw.Damage", new CheckBox("Draw Damage"));
            DrawMenu.Add("draw.Q", new CheckBox("Q Calculate"));
            DrawMenu.Add("draw.W", new CheckBox("W Calculate"));
            DrawMenu.Add("draw.E", new CheckBox("E Calculate"));
            DrawMenu.Add("draw.R", new CheckBox("R Calculate"));

            Game.OnTick                      += Game_OnTick;
            Game.OnUpdate                    += OnGameUpdate;
            Gapcloser.OnGapcloser            += Gapcloser_OnGapCloser;
            Interrupter.OnInterruptableSpell += Interrupter_OnInterruptableSpell;
            Drawing.OnDraw                   += Drawing_OnDraw;
        public static void Initialize()
            #region CreateMenus
            mainMenu    = MainMenu.AddMenu("Unsigned Gangplank", "UnsignedGangplank");
            Combo       = AddSubMenu(mainMenu, "Combo");
            Harass      = AddSubMenu(mainMenu, "Harass");
            AutoHarass  = AddSubMenu(mainMenu, "Auto Harass");
            LaneClear   = AddSubMenu(mainMenu, "Lane Clear");
            JungleClear = AddSubMenu(mainMenu, "Jungle Clear");
            LastHit     = AddSubMenu(mainMenu, "Last Hit");
            Killsteal   = AddSubMenu(mainMenu, "Killsteal");
            Flee        = AddSubMenu(mainMenu, "Flee");
            Drawing     = AddSubMenu(mainMenu, "Drawing");
            Items       = AddSubMenu(mainMenu, "Items and Auto W");
            Settings    = AddSubMenu(mainMenu, "Settings");

            #region Set Menu Values
            mainMenu.Add("Creator", new Label("This script is apart of the Unsigned Series made by Chaos"));
            mainMenu.AddLabel("In the case of FPS problems: Disabled Barrel Chaining in Killsteal and Auto-Harass.");
            AddComboBox(mainMenu, "Prediction Type:", 1, "EloBuddy", "Current Position");

            AddCheckboxes(ref Combo, "Use Q", "Use W", "Use E", "Use R", "Auto-Attack Barrels if Q on cooldown", "Use Q on enemies", "Use Q on enemies only if no barrels around", "Use Q to kill barrels", "Use W to remove CC", "Use W to remove slows_false", "Create First Barrel", "Chain Barrels", "Use Items", "Use Ignite_false");
            //AddComboBox(Combo, "First Barrel Usage:", 0, "None", "EloBuddy Prediction", "On Closest Enemy", "On Lowest HP Enemy", "On Lowest % HP Enemy", "Between Enemy and Me");
            AddSlider(Combo, "Enemies to use R", 3, 1, 5);
            AddSlider(Combo, "Enemies to use Barrel", 1, 1, 5);
            AddSlider(Combo, "Enemies to use Q on Barrel", 1, 1, 5);
            AddSlider(Combo, "Enemies to Auto-Attack Barrel", 1, 1, 5);

            AddCheckboxes(ref Harass, "Use Q", "Use E", "Auto-Attack Barrels if Q on cooldown", "Use Q on enemies", "Use Q on enemies only if no barrels around", "Use Q to kill barrels", "Create First Barrel", "Chain Barrels", "Use R_false", "Use Items_false");
            AddSlider(Harass, "Enemies to use R", 5, 1, 5);
            AddSlider(Harass, "Enemies to use Barrel", 1, 1, 5);
            AddSlider(Harass, "Enemies to use Q on Barrel", 1, 1, 5);
            AddSlider(Harass, "Enemies to Auto-Attack Barrel", 1, 1, 5);

            AddCheckboxes(ref AutoHarass, "Use Q_false", "Use E_false", "Auto-Attack Barrels if Q on cooldown_false", "Use Q on enemies", "Use Q on enemies only if no barrels around", "Use Q to kill barrels", "Create First Barrel_false", "Chain Barrels");
            AddCheckboxes(ref LaneClear, "Use Q", "Use E", "Auto-Attack Barrels if Q on cooldown", "Use Q to kill barrels", "Create First Barrel", "Chain Barrels", "Use Items");
            AddSlider(LaneClear, "Minions to use Barrel", 3, 1, 5);
            AddSlider(LaneClear, "Minions to use Q on Barrel", 1, 1, 5);
            AddSlider(LaneClear, "Minions to Auto-Attack Barrel", 1, 1, 5);
            AddComboBox(LaneClear, "Q On Enemy Logic:", 2, "Last Hit", "No Barrels Around", "No Barrels Around and Last Hit", "Never");

            AddCheckboxes(ref JungleClear, "Use Q", "Use E", "Auto-Attack Barrels if Q on cooldown", "Use Q on enemies", "Use Q on enemies only if no barrels around", "Use Q to kill barrels", "Create First Barrel", "Chain Barrels", "Use Items");
            AddSlider(JungleClear, "Minions to use Barrel", 1, 1, 5);
            AddSlider(JungleClear, "Minions to use Q on Barrel", 1, 1, 5);
            AddSlider(JungleClear, "Minions to Auto-Attack Barrel", 1, 1, 5);

            AddCheckboxes(ref LastHit, "Use Q", "Use E", "Auto-Attack Barrels if Q on cooldown", "Use Q on enemies", "Use Q on enemies only if no barrels around", "Use Q to kill barrels", "Create First Barrel", "Chain Barrels", "Use Items");
            AddSlider(LastHit, "Minions to use Barrel", 3, 1, 5);
            AddSlider(LastHit, "Minions to use Q on Barrel", 1, 1, 5);
            AddSlider(LastHit, "Minions to Auto-Attack Barrel", 1, 1, 5);

            AddCheckboxes(ref Killsteal, "Activate Killsteal", "Auto-Attack Barrels if Q on cooldown", "Use Q", "Use Q on enemies", "Use Q on enemies only if no barrels around", "Use Q to kill barrels", "Use E", "Create First Barrel", "Chain Barrels", "Use R", "Use Items", "Use Ignite");
            AddCheckboxes(ref Flee, "Use Passive", "Slow Enemies with Barrels", "Ult for slow_false");
            AddCheckboxes(ref Drawing, "Draw Q", "Draw Health after W", "Draw E", "Draw E Circle on Mouse_false", "Draw E Chains", "Draw Enemies Killable with E", "Draw Enemies Killable with E + Q", "Draw Killable Text", "Draw Enemy Health after Combo", "Draw Silver Serpent Notifier", "Draw Shiny Barrels_false");
            AddSlider(Drawing, "Autos in Combo", 2, 0, 5);

            AddCheckboxes(ref Items, "Use Quick Silver Sash", "Use Mercurials Scimitar", "Use QSS to remove slows_false", "Use Mercurials Scimitar to remove slows_false", "Use Tiamat", "Use Ravenous Hydra", "Use Titanic Hydra", "Use Youmuus", "Use Bilgewater Cutlass", "Use Hextech Gunblade", "Use Blade of the Ruined King");
            AddSlider(Items, "HP to use Potions", 40, 1, 99);

            AddCheckboxes(ref Items, "Auto W", "Use W to remove CC", "Use W to remove slows_false");
            AddSlider(Items, "HP to use W", 30, 1, 99);
            AddSlider(Items, "Mana to use W", 80, 1, 99);

            AddCheckboxes(ref Settings, "Auto-Place Barrels with 3 stacks", "Barrel Position Auto-Correct_false");
            AddComboBox(Settings, "Barrel Mode:", 2, "Best Prediction", "Best FPS", "Middle Ground");
            AddComboBox(Settings, "Barrel Range Mode:", 0, "Max Range", "Middle Ground", "Any Position");