static private string GetItemSenseData(string endpointUri)
            string itemSenseData = string.Empty;

            // Create the web request, with credentials, setting the Proxy
            // parameter to null in order to improve performance for
            // environments that do not use a proxy. Without this setting,
            // a request can take up to 20 seconds to identify that there
            // is no proxy present.
            WebRequest ItemSenseGetRequest = WebRequest.Create(endpointUri);

            ItemSenseGetRequest.Proxy       = null;
            ItemSenseGetRequest.Credentials =
                new System.Net.NetworkCredential(

            // Execute the GET request and retain the JSON data returned
            // in the response.
            using (HttpWebResponse ItemSenseResponse = (HttpWebResponse)ItemSenseGetRequest.GetResponse())
                // The response StatusCode is a .NET Enum, so convert it to
                // integer so that we can verify it against the status
                // codes that ItemSense returns
                ItemSense.ResponseCode ResponseCode =
                if (ItemSense.ResponseCode.Success != ResponseCode)
                    Console.WriteLine("ItemSense GET request response: {0}", ResponseCode);

                // Open a stream to access the response data.
                Stream ItemSenseDataStream = ItemSenseResponse.GetResponseStream();

                // Only continue if an actual response data stream exists
                if (null != ItemSenseDataStream)
                    // Create a StreamReader to access the resulting data
                    StreamReader objReader = new StreamReader(ItemSenseDataStream);

                    // Read the complete GET request results as a raw string
                    itemSenseData = objReader.ReadToEnd();

                    // Close the data stream. If we have got here,
                    // everything has gone well and there are no
                    // errors.
                    Console.WriteLine("null ItemSense data stream.");

        /// <summary>
        /// This program performs a POST request to the create ReaderDefinitions
        /// endpoint of theItemSense instance specified in the SolutionConstants
        /// class in the SolutionItems project.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args">
        /// Command line parameters ignored.
        /// </param>
        static void Main(string[] args)
                // Create and configure a ReaderDefinition object
                ItemSense.ReaderDefinition newReaderDefinition =
                    new ItemSense.ReaderDefinition()
                    Name      = "postTest",
                    Address   = "",
                    Type      = ReaderType.XARRAY,
                    Placement = new ItemSense.Placement()
                        X     = 0,
                        Y     = 0,
                        Z     = 0,
                        Pitch = 0,
                        Yaw   = 0,
                        Roll  = 0
                    Facility   = "",
                    ReaderZone = "postTestZone"

                // Create a string-based JSON object of the object
                string objectAsJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(newReaderDefinition);
                // Now translate the JSON into bytes
                byte[] objectAsBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(objectAsJson);

                // Create the full path to the configure zoneTransitions
                // Message Queu endpoint from default ItemSense URI
                string ReaderDefinitionPostApiEndpoint =
                    SolutionConstants.ItemSenseUri +

                // Create a WebRequest, identifying it as a POST request
                // with a JSON payload, and assign it the specified
                // credentials.
                WebRequest ItemSensePostRequest =
                ItemSensePostRequest.Credentials =
                    new System.Net.NetworkCredential(
                ItemSensePostRequest.Proxy         = null;
                ItemSensePostRequest.Method        = "POST";
                ItemSensePostRequest.ContentType   = "application/json";
                ItemSensePostRequest.ContentLength = objectAsBytes.Length;

                // Create an output data stream representation of the
                // POST WebRequest to output the data
                Stream dataStream = ItemSensePostRequest.GetRequestStream();
                dataStream.Write(objectAsBytes, 0, objectAsBytes.Length);

                Console.Write("POSTing ReaderDefinition ... ");

                // Execute the POST request and retain the response.
                using (HttpWebResponse ItemSenseResponse = (HttpWebResponse)ItemSensePostRequest.GetResponse())
                    // The response StatusCode is a .NET Enum, so convert it to
                    // an ItemSense response code
                    ItemSense.ResponseCode ResponseCode =

                    // In this instance, we are only interested in whether
                    // the ItemSense response to the POST request was a "Success".
                    if (ItemSense.ResponseCode.Success != ResponseCode)
                        throw (new Exception(string.Format(
                                                 "ItemSense POST Response returned status of {0}",


                // Hang on here until user presses Enter
                Console.WriteLine("Press <Enter> to exit.");
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine("Exception: {0} ({1}){2}",
                                  (null == ex.InnerException) ? string.Empty : Environment.NewLine + ex.InnerException.Message
        /// <summary>
        /// This program is an example of a very simple ItemSense Coordinator
        /// Connector. After starting an ItemSense job via a POST request,
        /// the system periodically performs a GET request of the Items API
        /// endpoint and presents to the useronly item data that has been
        /// updated since the start of the job.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args">
        /// Command line parameters ignored.
        /// </param>
        static void Main(string[] args)
            int      itemUpdateIntervalInSeconds = 20;
            int      jobDurationInSeconds        = 60;
            DateTime jobCreationDateTime         = DateTime.Now;
            Dictionary <string, ItemSense.Item> itemsFromCurrentJob = new Dictionary <string, ItemSense.Item>();

                // Create and configure a ReaderDefinition object
                ItemSense.Job newJobDefinition =
                    new ItemSense.Job()
                    RecipeName                  = "IMPINJ_BasicLocation",
                    DurationSeconds             = jobDurationInSeconds,
                    StartDelay                  = 0,
                    ReportToDatabaseEnabled     = true,
                    ReportToMessageQueueEnabled = true,
                    Facility = ""

                // Create a string-based JSON object of the object
                string objectAsJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(newJobDefinition);
                // Now translate the JSON into bytes
                byte[] objectAsBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(objectAsJson);

                // Create the full path to the configure zoneTransitions
                // Message Queu endpoint from default ItemSense URI
                string ReaderDefinitionPostApiEndpoint =
                    SolutionConstants.ItemSenseUri +

                // Create a WebRequest, identifying it as a POST request
                // with a JSON payload, and assign it the specified
                // credentials.
                WebRequest ItemSensePostRequest =
                ItemSensePostRequest.Credentials =
                    new System.Net.NetworkCredential(
                ItemSensePostRequest.Proxy         = null;
                ItemSensePostRequest.Method        = "POST";
                ItemSensePostRequest.ContentType   = "application/json";
                ItemSensePostRequest.ContentLength = objectAsBytes.Length;

                // Create an output data stream representation of the
                // POST WebRequest to output the data
                Stream dataStream = ItemSensePostRequest.GetRequestStream();
                dataStream.Write(objectAsBytes, 0, objectAsBytes.Length);

                // Execute the POST request and retain the response.
                using (HttpWebResponse ItemSenseResponse = (HttpWebResponse)ItemSensePostRequest.GetResponse())
                    // The response StatusCode is a .NET Enum, so convert it to
                    // an ItemSense response code
                    ItemSense.ResponseCode ResponseCode =

                    // In this instance, we are only interested in whether
                    // the ItemSense response to the POST request was a "Success".
                    if (ItemSense.ResponseCode.Success == ResponseCode)
                        // Open a stream to access the response data which
                        // contains the Job identifier
                        Stream ItemSenseDataStream = ItemSenseResponse.GetResponseStream();

                        // Only continue if an actual response data stream exists
                        if (null != ItemSenseDataStream)
                            // Create a StreamReader to access the resulting data
                            StreamReader objReader = new StreamReader(ItemSenseDataStream);

                            // Read the complete POST request results as a raw string
                            string itemSenseData = objReader.ReadToEnd();

                            // Now convert the raw JSON into an Items class
                            // representation
                            ItemSense.JobResponse PostResponseData =
                                JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ItemSense.JobResponse>(

                            string jobCreationTime = PostResponseData.CreationTime.Replace("Z[Etc/UTC]", string.Empty);

                            Console.WriteLine("Job started; ID: {0}",

                            jobCreationDateTime = DateTime.Parse(

                            Console.WriteLine("Job created at time: {0} [Etc/UTC]",

                            // Close the data stream. If we have got here,
                            // everything has gone well and there are no
                            // errors.
                            Console.WriteLine("null ItemSense data stream.");
                        throw (new Exception(string.Format(
                                                 "ItemSense POST Response returned status of {0}",

                // Periodically poll the Items endpoint for data
                for (int i = 0; i < jobDurationInSeconds; i += itemUpdateIntervalInSeconds)
                    Console.Write("Getting Items data update ... ");
                    // Request all of the Items data from the Items endpoint
                    List <ItemSense.Item> allItems = GetItems();

                    // Now iterate through the returned list and only add those
                    // items identified during this job to the final list
                    foreach (ItemSense.Item currentItem in allItems)
                        // Convert the current item time into a value that can be
                        // compared
                        DateTime itemTime = DateTime.Parse(

                        // Write the item data to AllItemData only if the time
                        // filter requiremente are met
                        if (itemTime >= jobCreationDateTime)
                            ItemSense.Item itemFromDictionary;

                            if (false == itemsFromCurrentJob.TryGetValue(currentItem.Epc, out itemFromDictionary))
                                itemsFromCurrentJob.Add(currentItem.Epc, currentItem);
                                itemsFromCurrentJob[currentItem.Epc] = currentItem;

                    Thread.Sleep(itemUpdateIntervalInSeconds * 1000);

                // Print out the results
                Console.WriteLine("Items data:");
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, ItemSense.Item> kvp in itemsFromCurrentJob)
            catch (WebException wex)
                if (wex.Status == WebExceptionStatus.ProtocolError)
                    StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(wex.Response.GetResponseStream());
                    Console.WriteLine("Detail: {0}", reader.ReadToEnd());
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine("Exception: {0} ({1}){2}",
                                  (null == ex.InnerException) ? string.Empty : Environment.NewLine + ex.InnerException.Message

            // Hang on here until user presses Enter
            Console.WriteLine(" Press <Enter> to exit.");
    {/// <summary>
        /// This program performs a POST request to the zoneTransitions
        /// configure message queue endpoint of the ItemSense instance
        /// specified in the SolutionConstants class in the SolutionItems
        /// project. Upon successful completion of the POST, the resulting
        /// message queue details are then used to create and configure an
        /// AMQP message queue client for receiving events from the queue.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args">
        /// Command line parameters ignored.
        /// </param>
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Define an object that will contain the AMQP Message Queue details
            ItemSense.AmqpMessageQueueDetails MsgQueueDetails = null;

                // Create a JSON object for configuring a zoneTransition
                // Message Queue
                ItemSense.ZoneTransitionMessageQueueConfig msgQConfig =
                    new ItemSense.ZoneTransitionMessageQueueConfig()
                    FromZone = "ABSENT",
                    ToZone   = "FACILITY"

                // Create a string-based JSON object of the object
                string objectAsJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(msgQConfig);
                // Now translate the JSON into bytes
                byte[] objectAsBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(objectAsJson);

                // Create the full path to the configure zoneTransitions
                // Message Queu endpoint from default ItemSense URI
                string ZoneTransitionMessageQueueConfigApiEndpoint =
                    SolutionConstants.ItemSenseUri +

                // Create a WebRequest, identifying it as a POST request
                // with a JSON payload, and assign it the specified
                // credentials.
                WebRequest ItemSensePostRequest =
                ItemSensePostRequest.Credentials =
                    new System.Net.NetworkCredential(
                ItemSensePostRequest.Proxy         = null;
                ItemSensePostRequest.Method        = "POST";
                ItemSensePostRequest.ContentType   = "application/json";
                ItemSensePostRequest.ContentLength = objectAsBytes.Length;

                // Create an output data stream representation of the
                // POST WebRequest to output the data
                Stream dataStream = ItemSensePostRequest.GetRequestStream();
                dataStream.Write(objectAsBytes, 0, objectAsBytes.Length);

                // Execute the POST request and retain the response.
                using (HttpWebResponse ItemSenseResponse = (HttpWebResponse)ItemSensePostRequest.GetResponse())
                    // The response StatusCode is a .NET Enum, so convert it to
                    // integer so that we can verify it against the status
                    // codes that ItemSense returns
                    ItemSense.ResponseCode ResponseCode =

                    // In this instance, we are only interested in whether
                    // the ItemSense response to the POST request was a "Success".
                    if (ItemSense.ResponseCode.Success == ResponseCode)
                        // Open a stream to access the response data which
                        // contains the AMQP URL and queue identifier
                        Stream ItemSenseDataStream = ItemSenseResponse.GetResponseStream();

                        // Only continue if an actual response data stream exists
                        if (null != ItemSenseDataStream)
                            // Create a StreamReader to access the resulting data
                            StreamReader objReader = new StreamReader(ItemSenseDataStream);

                            // Read the complete POST request results as a raw string
                            string itemSenseData = objReader.ReadToEnd();

                            // Now convert the raw JSON into a
                            // AmqpMessageQueueDetails class
                            // representation
                            MsgQueueDetails =
                                JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ItemSense.AmqpMessageQueueDetails>(

                            MsgQueueDetails.ServerUrl = MsgQueueDetails.ServerUrl.Replace(":5672/%2F", string.Empty);

                            Console.WriteLine("Message Queue details:{0}URI: {1}{0}QueueID: {2}",

                            // Close the data stream. If we have got here,
                            // everything has gone well and there are no
                            // errors.
                            Console.WriteLine("null ItemSense data stream.");
                        throw (new Exception(string.Format(
                                                 "ItemSense POST Response returned status of {0}",

                // Now that we have our MessageQueue, we can create a RabbitMQ
                // factory to handle connections to ItemSense AMQP broker
                ConnectionFactory factory = new ConnectionFactory()
                    Uri = MsgQueueDetails.ServerUrl,
                    AutomaticRecoveryEnabled = true,
                    UserName = SolutionConstants.ItemSenseUsername,
                    Password = SolutionConstants.ItemSensePassword

                // Now connect to the ItemSense factory
                using (var connection = factory.CreateConnection())

                    // Create a fresh channel to handle message queue interactions
                    using (var channel = connection.CreateModel())
                        // Create an event consumer to receive incoming events
                        EventingBasicConsumer consumer =
                            new EventingBasicConsumer(channel);
                        // Bind an event handler to the message received event
                        consumer.Received += consumer_Received;

                        // Initiate consumption of data from the ItemSense queue
                        channel.BasicConsume(queue: MsgQueueDetails.Queue,
                                             noAck: true,
                                             consumer: consumer);

                        // Hang on here until user presses Enter
                        Console.WriteLine(" Press <Enter> to exit.");
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine("Exception: {0} ({1}){2}",
                                  (null == ex.InnerException) ? string.Empty : Environment.NewLine + ex.InnerException.Message