public static Item GetItem(Store objStore, ItemDescription objItemDesc) { Logger.WriteToLogFile(Utilities.GetCurrentMethod()); Item objItem = new Item(); var results = Neo4jController.m_graphClient.Cypher .Match("(A: " + objStore.getLabel() + "{ id : { storeid }})") .Match("(B: " + objItemDesc.getLabel() + "{ id : { itemdescid}})") .Match("(A)-[: " + Rel_Store.store_item + "]->(C:" + objItem.getLabel() + ")") .Match("(C)-[:" + Rel_Item.item_itemDescription + "]->(B)") .WithParams(new { storeid =, itemdescid = }) .Return(C => C.As <Item>()) .Results; if (results.Count() == 0) { return(null); } else { return(results.First()); } }
public static ItemDescription GetItemDescription(Brand objBrand, String ModelNumber) { Logger.WriteToLogFile(Utilities.GetCurrentMethod()); ItemDescription objItemDescr = new ItemDescription(); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(ModelNumber)) { throw new Exception("Model Number is null"); } var results = Neo4jController.m_graphClient.Cypher .Match("(A:" + objBrand.getLabel() + "{id : { Brandid}})") .Match("(A)-[R:" + Rel_Brand.brand_item + "]->(B: " + objItemDescr.getLabel() + "{ Model_Name : { modelNumber}})") .WithParams(new { Brandid =, modelNumber = ModelNumber }) .Return(B => B.As <ItemDescription>()) .Results; if (results.Count() == 0) { return(null); } else { return(results.First()); } }
public static void CreateItemDescriptionNode(ItemDescriptionWrapper objWrap) { Logger.WriteToLogFile(DBInteractor.Common.Utilities.GetCurrentMethod()); Logger.WriteObjectToLogFile <ItemDescription>(objWrap.objItem); ItemDescription objItem = objWrap.objItem; Brand objBrand = objWrap.objBrand; var result = Neo4jController.m_graphClient.Cypher .Match("(A:" + objBrand.getLabel() + " { id: { brandid }})") .Create("(B:" + objItem.getLabel() + "{ objItem })") .Merge("(A)-[:" + Rel_Brand.brand_item + "]->(B)") .WithParams(new { brandid =, objItem = objItem }) .Return((B) => new { NodeCount = B.Count() }) .Results .Single(); if (result.NodeCount == 1) { Logger.WriteToLogFile("Successfully created Item"); } else { Logger.WriteToLogFile("unable to create Item"); } }
public static void CreateItemNode(ItemWrapper objWrap) { Logger.WriteToLogFile(DBInteractor.Common.Utilities.GetCurrentMethod()); Logger.WriteObjectToLogFile <Item>(objWrap.objItem); Brand objBrand = objWrap.objBrand; Item objItem = objWrap.objItem; ItemDescription objItemdescription = objWrap.objItemDescription; Store objStore = objWrap.objStore; Neo4jController.m_graphClient.Cypher .Match("(A1:" + objStore.getLabel() + "{ id : { objstoreid }})") .Match("(A2:" + objBrand.getLabel() + "{ id : {brandid }})") .Merge("(B2: " + objItemdescription.getLabel() + "{Model_Name: { modeNumber}})") .OnCreate() .Set("B2 = {objItemDesc}") .Merge("(A2)-[R2:" + Rel_Brand.brand_item + "]->(B2)") .Merge("(A1)-[:" + Rel_Store.store_item + "]->(A3 : " + objItem.getLabel() + ")-[:" + Rel_Item.item_itemDescription + "]->(B2)") .OnCreate() .Set("A3 = { objItem }") .WithParams(new { objstoreid =, brandid =, objItem = objItem, modeNumber = objItemdescription.Model_Name, objItemDesc = objItemdescription }) .ExecuteWithoutResults(); /* * .Return((B2) => new * { * NodeCount = B2.Count(), * itemObj = B2.As<Item>() * }) * .Results * .Single(); * * * * * if (result.NodeCount == 1) * { * objItem = result.itemObj; * Logger.WriteToLogFile("Successfully created item"); * } * else * Logger.WriteToLogFile("unable to create item"); * * */ }
public static void DeleteItemDescriptionNode(ItemDescription objNode) { Logger.WriteToLogFile(DBInteractor.Common.Utilities.GetCurrentMethod()); Neo4jController.m_graphClient.Cypher .Match("(C:" + objNode.getLabel() + "{ id : { Nodeid }})") .Match("(C)-[R]-()") .OptionalMatch("(D)-[:" + Rel_Item.item_itemDescription + "]->(C)") .Delete("C,R") .With("D") .Match("(D)-[R]-()") .Delete("D,R") .WithParams(new { Nodeid = }) .ExecuteWithoutResults(); }
public static ExcelStructure SaveToDB(ExcelStructure objExcelStruct, Store objStore, SubCategory objSubCategory, Brand objBrand, string server, string port, GridViewRowInfo row = null) { try { if (objStore == null) { throw new Exception("Please select a store ....."); } if (objSubCategory == null) { throw new Exception("Subcateogry do not match or is empty"); } if (objBrand == null) { throw new Exception("Please add brand for this subcategory ir brand is null or not matching"); } ItemDescription objItemDescr = DBGetInterface.GetItemDescription(objBrand, objExcelStruct.ModelNumber); if (objItemDescr == null) { //Call flipkart scrapper CFlipkartScrapper objscrapper = new CFlipkartScrapper(); ItemDescription objItemdesc = ItemFactory.GetItem(objSubCategory); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(objExcelStruct.FlipKart)) { //check if the item link is already scrapped, find in csv string strFilePath = m_ResourcesFolder + "//" + m_CategoryMappingTxt; if (System.IO.File.Exists(strFilePath)) { //File exists //read the file and check for that file in LinkFodler try { using (System.IO.StreamReader sw = new System.IO.StreamReader(strFilePath)) { string line = String.Empty; while ((line = sw.ReadLine()) != null) { bool bflag = false; string[] cat = line.Split(' '); if (cat[0].Equals(objSubCategory.SubCategoryID.ToString(), StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { //search model number in that subcategory file string file = Constants.LINK_EXTRACTED_FOLDER + "//" + cat[1] + ".csv"; //search in this csv file List <List <string> > lmap = Utilities.GetCSVSheet(file); foreach (List <string> product in lmap) { if (product.ElementAt(0).Equals(objExcelStruct.ModelNumber, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { objExcelStruct.FlipKart = product.ElementAt(2); bflag = true; break; } } } if (bflag) { break; } } } } catch (Exception ex) { } } } objscrapper.SetHTMLDocument(objExcelStruct.FlipKart); objscrapper.ExtractData(ref objItemdesc); string image = objItemdesc.image; objItemdesc.image = null; //Now do the following //Create item, create item description. Item objItem = new Item(); objItem.Price = Convert.ToUInt32(objExcelStruct.Price); objItem.OfferDescription = objExcelStruct.Offer; ItemWrapper objWrap = new ItemWrapper(); objWrap.objBrand = objBrand; objWrap.objStore = objStore; objWrap.objItemDescription = objItemdesc; objWrap.objItem = objItem; DBAddinterface.CreateItemNode(objWrap); //Copy image //Create a seperate thread for it as image copying is a tedious process //Copy image to local machine and then copy it to tomcat machine //build path string imageDir = Utilities.GetImageDir(objItemdesc.getLabel()); Utilities.CreateFolder(imageDir); string imagePath = Utilities.GetImagePath(imageDir,; ImageController.GetImageFromUrlAndSave(image, imagePath); //Create a seperate thread for this to do Thread SaveImageThread = new Thread(() => SaveImageToRemoteMachineThread(imageDir, Utilities.AppendImageType(, server, port)); SaveImageThread.Start(); objExcelStruct.Completed = Constants.COMPLETED_DONE; objExcelStruct.Comment = String.Empty; } else { objExcelStruct.Comment = Constants.ALREADY_IN_DB; //Just update the price and offer of the item Item objItem = DBGetInterface.GetItem(objStore, objItemDescr); if (objItem == null) { //Add this node objItem = new Item(); objItem.Price = Convert.ToUInt32(objExcelStruct.Price); objItem.OfferDescription = objExcelStruct.Offer; ItemWrapper objWrap = new ItemWrapper(); objWrap.objBrand = objBrand; objWrap.objStore = objStore; objWrap.objItemDescription = objItemDescr; objWrap.objItem = objItem; DBAddinterface.CreateItemNode(objWrap); objExcelStruct.Completed = Constants.COMPLETED_ADDED; } else { //Check for any updates bool bUpdate = false; if (objItem.Price != Convert.ToUInt32(objExcelStruct.Price)) { objItem.Price = Convert.ToUInt32(objExcelStruct.Price); bUpdate = true; } string offer = String.Empty; if (objExcelStruct.Offer != null) { offer = objExcelStruct.Offer; } if (!objItem.OfferDescription.Equals(offer, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { objItem.OfferDescription = objExcelStruct.Offer; bUpdate = true; } if (bUpdate) { objItem.lastUpdated = Utilities.GetDateTimeInUnixTimeStamp(); DBUpdateInterface.UpdateNode <Item>(objItem); objExcelStruct.Completed = Constants.COMPLETED_UPDATED; } else { objExcelStruct.Completed = Constants.COMPLETED_NOUPDATES; } } } } catch (Exception ex) { objExcelStruct.Completed = Constants.COMPLETED_ERROR; objExcelStruct.Comment = ex.Message; } if (row != null) { row.Cells["Completed"].Value = objExcelStruct.Completed; row.Cells["Comment"].Value = objExcelStruct.Comment; } return(objExcelStruct); }