/// <summary> /// 获取所有的商品分类 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> protected string GetAllItemCategories() { var bll = new ItemCategoryService(this.CurrentUserInfo); var list = bll.GetItemCagegoryList("", ""); return(list.ToJSON()); }
public async Task <JsonResult> GetByID(string id) { try { var data = ItemCategoryService.GetByID(Guid.Parse(id)); return(Success(ItemCategoryVM.MToVM(data))); } catch { return(Failed(MessageUtility.ServerError())); } }
//public int GetLevel(string parentID) //{ // //return 0; // var bll = new ItemCategoryService(this.CurrentUserInfo); // if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(parentID) || parentID == "-99") // { // return 0; // } // else // { // var parent = bll.GetItemCategoryById(parentID); // if (parentID != null) // { // return GetLevel(parent.Parent_Id) + 1; // } // } // return 0; //} public int GetLevel(string parentID, List <ItemCategoryInfo> list) { //return 0; var bll = new ItemCategoryService(this.CurrentUserInfo); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(parentID) || parentID == "-99") { return(0); } else { var parent = list.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Item_Category_Id == parentID); //parent = bll.GetItemCategoryById(parentID); if (parentID != null) { if (parent == null) { return(1); } return(GetLevel(parent.Parent_Id, list) + 1); } } return(0); }
/// <summary> /// 获取第一级商品分类 /// </summary> public string GetLevel1ItemCategory() { var responseData = new ResponseData(); var categoryService = new ItemCategoryService(this.CurrentUserInfo); var content = new GetLevel1ItemCategoryRespContentData(); //商品类别集合 try { var ds = categoryService.GetLevel1ItemCategory(this.CurrentUserInfo.ClientID); if (ds != null && ds.Tables.Count > 0 && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { content.categoryList = DataTableToObject.ConvertToList <GetLevel1ItemCategoryEntity>(ds.Tables[0]); } responseData.success = true; responseData.data = content; return(responseData.ToJSON()); } catch (Exception ex) { responseData.success = false; responseData.msg = ex.ToString(); return(responseData.ToJSON()); } }
public async Task <JsonResult> GetAll() { try { var data = ItemCategoryService.GetAll(); return(Success(ItemCategoryVM.MsToVMs(data))); } catch { return(Failed(MessageUtility.ServerError())); } }
public string CategorySort(string pRequest) { var rp = pRequest.DeserializeJSONTo <APIRequest <CategorySortRP> >(); var loggingSessionInfo = new SessionManager().CurrentUserLoginInfo; var rd = new SaveSkuRD();//返回值 var service = new ItemCategoryService(loggingSessionInfo);//保存到商品分类表 // var skuPropServer = new SkuPropServer(loggingSessionInfo);//保存到T_Sku_Property if (rp.Parameters.CategoryList == null) { throw new APIException("缺少参数【CategoryList】或参数值为空") { ErrorCode = 135 }; } foreach (var item in rp.Parameters.CategoryList) { service.SetItemCategoryDisplayIndex(loggingSessionInfo, item.Item_Category_Id, item.DisplayIndex == null ? 0 : (int)item.DisplayIndex); } var rsp = new SuccessResponse <IAPIResponseData>(rd); return(rsp.ToJSON()); }
/// <summary> /// 切换商品分类状态 /// </summary> protected string ToggoleItemCategoryStatus() { // string res = "{success:false}"; var rsp = new ResponseData(); string checkRes = ""; var bll = new ItemCategoryService(this.CurrentUserInfo); var id = this.Request("id"); var status = this.Request("status"); var bat_id = this.Request("bat_id"); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(id)) { var bllItem = new ItemService(this.CurrentUserInfo); if (bllItem.GetItemCountByCategory(id, bat_id) > 0) { rsp.success = false; rsp.msg = "该" + bat_id == "1" ? "分类" : "分组" + "下有商品,请先处理商品状态"; } else { bll.SetItemCategoryStatus(CurrentUserInfo, id, status, out checkRes); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(checkRes)) { rsp.success = false; rsp.msg = checkRes; } else { rsp.success = true; } } #region 原来逻辑 20160103 wujx 屏蔽 //if (bllItem.SearchItemList(null, null, id, null, null, null, 1, 0) != null)//判断该分类下是否有商品 //{ // bll.SetItemCategoryStatus(CurrentUserInfo, id, status, out checkRes); // if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(checkRes)) // { // // res = "{success:false,msg:\"" + checkRes + "\"}"; // rsp.success = false; // rsp.msg = checkRes; // } // else // { // // res = "{success:true}"; // rsp.success = true; // } //} //else //{ // rsp.success = false; // rsp.msg = "该分类下有商品,请先处理商品状态"; //} #endregion } return(rsp.ToJSON()); }
/// <summary> /// 保存数据 /// </summary> protected string UpdateItemCategory() { var bll = new ItemCategoryService(this.CurrentUserInfo); var data = this.DeserializeJSONContent <ItemCategoryInfo>(); var rsp = new ResponseData(); if (data != null) { IList <ItemCategoryInfo> listdata = bll.GetItemCagegoryList("", "");//获取所有类别 if (Searchtype(listdata, data.Item_Category_Id, data.Parent_Id)) { rsp.success = false; rsp.msg = "上级分类不能选择自身下级"; return(rsp.ToJSON()); } if (CheckCategoryNameIsExist(data.Item_Category_Id, data.Item_Category_Name, listdata)) { rsp.success = false; rsp.msg = "商品品类不能重复"; return(rsp.ToJSON()); } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(data.Item_Category_Code)) { rsp.success = false; rsp.msg = "类型编码不能为空"; return(rsp.ToJSON()); } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(data.Status)) { rsp.success = false; rsp.msg = "状态不能为空"; return(rsp.ToJSON()); } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(data.Parent_Id)) { rsp.success = false; rsp.msg = "上级分类不能为空"; return(rsp.ToJSON()); } data.Create_User_Id = CurrentUserInfo.CurrentUser.User_Id; data.Create_Time = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); data.Create_User_Name = CurrentUserInfo.CurrentUser.User_Name; data.CustomerID = CurrentUserInfo.CurrentUser.customer_id; bll.SetItemCategoryInfo(this.CurrentUserInfo, data); } rsp.success = true; rsp.msg = "保存成功"; // return(rsp.ToJSON()); }
/// <summary> /// 获取未打包的商品类别数量 /// </summary> /// <param name="Customer_Id">客户标识</param> /// <param name="User_Id">用户标识</param> /// <param name="Unit_Id">组织标识</param> /// <returns></returns> public int GetItemCategoryNotPackagedCount(string Customer_Id, string User_Id, string Unit_Id) { LoggingSessionInfo loggingSessionInfo = GetLoggingSessionInfo(Customer_Id, User_Id, Unit_Id); int iCount = 0; ItemCategoryService itemCategoryService = new ItemCategoryService(); iCount = itemCategoryService.GetItemCategoryNotPackagedCount(loggingSessionInfo); return(iCount); }
/// <summary> /// 需要打包的Item category集合 /// </summary> /// <param name="Customer_Id">客户标识</param> /// <param name="User_Id">用户标识</param> /// <param name="Unit_Id">组织标识</param> /// <returns>未打包的商品集合</returns> public IList <ItemCategoryInfo> GetItemCategoryListPackaged(string Customer_Id, string User_Id, string Unit_Id) { IList <ItemCategoryInfo> itemCategoryInfoList = new List <ItemCategoryInfo>(); LoggingSessionInfo loggingSessionInfo = GetLoggingSessionInfo(Customer_Id, User_Id, Unit_Id); ItemCategoryService itemCategoryService = new ItemCategoryService(); itemCategoryInfoList = itemCategoryService.GetItemCategoryListPackaged(loggingSessionInfo); return(itemCategoryInfoList); }
/// <summary> /// 更新Item表打包标识方法 /// </summary> /// <param name="Customer_Id">客户标识</param> /// <param name="User_Id">用户标识</param> /// <param name="Unit_Id">组织标识</param> /// <param name="bat_id">批次号</param> /// <returns>true=成功,false=失败</returns> public bool SetItemCategoryIfFlagInfo(string Customer_Id, string User_Id, string Unit_Id, string bat_id) { LoggingSessionInfo loggingSessionInfo = GetLoggingSessionInfo(Customer_Id, User_Id, Unit_Id); bool bReturn = false; ItemCategoryService itemCategoryService = new ItemCategoryService(); bReturn = itemCategoryService.SetItemCategoryIfFlagInfo(loggingSessionInfo, bat_id); return(bReturn); }
public InventoryController() { context = new ApplicationDbContext(); itemService = new ItemService(context); statusService = new StatusService(context); supplierService = new SupplierService(context); categoryService = new ItemCategoryService(context); userService = new UserService(context); itemPriceService = new ItemPriceService(context); }
/// <summary> /// 切换商品分类状态 /// </summary> protected void ToggoleItemCategoryStatus() { var bll = new ItemCategoryService(this.CurrentUserInfo); var id = this.Request("id"); var status = this.Request("status"); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(id)) { string res = ""; bll.SetItemCategoryStatus(CurrentUserInfo, id, status, out res); } }
public async Task <JsonResult> Insert() { try { var id = Guid.NewGuid(); var Name = Request.Form["name"].ToString(); if (ItemCategoryService.Insert(id, Name)) { return(Success(id.ToString())); } return(Failed(MessageUtility.ServerError())); } catch { return(Failed(MessageUtility.ServerError())); } }
public async Task <JsonResult> Update() { try { var id = Guid.Parse(Request.Form["id"]); var name = Request.Form["name"]; var archive = Boolean.Parse(Request.Form["archive"]); if (ItemCategoryService.Update(id, name, archive)) { return(Success(id.ToString())); } return(Failed(MessageUtility.ServerError())); } catch { return(Failed(MessageUtility.ServerError())); } }
public string DeleteItemCategoryArea() { var responseData = new ResponseData(); var groupID = FormatParamValue(Request("groupId")); var itemCategoryService = new ItemCategoryService(this.CurrentUserInfo); itemCategoryService.DeleteItemCategoryAreaData(groupID); itemCategoryService.DeleteItemCategoryAreaGroupData(groupID); responseData.success = true; responseData.msg = "删除成功"; return(responseData.ToJSON()); }
protected override TreeNodes GetNodes(string pParentNodeID) { string status = ""; if (Request("Status") != null && Request("Status") != "") { status = Request("Status"); } string bat_id = ""; if (Request("bat_id") != null && Request("bat_id") != "") { bat_id = Request("bat_id"); } //获取数据 var bll = new ItemCategoryService(this.CurrentUserInfo); var list = bll.GetItemCagegoryList(status, bat_id); var parentList = bll.GetItemCagegoryList(status, "all"); //组织数据 TreeNodes nodes = new TreeNodes(); if (list != null && list.Count > 0) { foreach (var item in list) { TreeNode node = new TreeNode(); node.ID = item.Item_Category_Id; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(item.Parent_Id) == false && item.Parent_Id != "-99") { node.ParentID = item.Parent_Id; } node.Text = item.Item_Category_Name; node.Status = item.Status; node.IsLeaf = true; node.NodeLevel = GetLevel(item.Parent_Id, parentList.ToList()); node.DisplayIndex = item.DisplayIndex == null ? 0 : (int)item.DisplayIndex;//排序字段,新加 //新添加的节点 node.create_time = string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Create_Time) ? "" : DateTime.Parse(item.Create_Time).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd");//Convert.ToDateTime(item.Create_Time).ToShortDateString(); node.ImageUrl = item.ImageUrl; node.PromotionItemCount = item.PromotionItemCount; nodes.Add(node); } } //? return(nodes); }
public void TestInitialize() { context = new ApplicationDbContext(); itemRepository = new ItemRepository(context); itemcategoryService = new ItemCategoryService(context); itemcategoryRepository = new ItemCategoryRepository(context); //create new ItemCategory object and save into DB ItemCategory ic = itemcategoryRepository.Save(new ItemCategory() { ItemCategoryId = IdService.GetNewItemCategoryId(context), Name = "TEST", CreatedDateTime = DateTime.Now }); }
public void SyncWelfareType() { var interfaceName = "syncwelFarePreferentialType"; var loggingSessionInfo = BaseService.GetLoggingSession(); var categoryService = new ItemCategoryService(loggingSessionInfo); var dsTypes = new DataSet(); var preTypeList = new PreferentialTypeList(); preTypeList.preferentialtypelist = new List <PreferentialType>(); //更新接口同步表 var queryList = UpdateInterfaceTimestamp(interfaceName, loggingSessionInfo); if (queryList != null && queryList.Length > 0) { //存在,根据日期条件查询 dsTypes = categoryService.GetSynWelfareTypeList(queryList.FirstOrDefault().LatestTime.ToString()); } else { //不存在,查询所有数据 dsTypes = categoryService.GetSynWelfareTypeList(string.Empty); } if (dsTypes != null && dsTypes.Tables.Count > 0 && dsTypes.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { preTypeList.preferentialtypelist = DataTableToObject.ConvertToList <PreferentialType>(dsTypes.Tables[0]); //上传数据 var content = preTypeList.ToJSON(); var result = UploadData(interfaceName, content); //写入接口日志 var logEntity = new ZInterfaceLogEntity() { LogId = Utils.NewGuid(), InterfaceName = interfaceName, Params = content, ResultCode = result.code, ResultDesc = result.description }; InsertInterfaceLog(logEntity, loggingSessionInfo); } }
public ActionResult Save(ItemCategoryViewModel model) { bool status = false; statusService = new StatusService(context); itemcategoryService = new ItemCategoryService(context); userService = new UserService(context); ItemCategory s = new ItemCategory(); if (itemcategoryService.FindItemCategoryByItemCategoryId(model.ItemCategoryId) == null) { //new item category s.ItemCategoryId = IdService.GetNewItemCategoryId(context); //assign user info s.CreatedDateTime = DateTime.Now; s.CreatedBy = userService.FindUserByEmail(CurrentUserName); } else { //existing ItemCategory s = itemcategoryService.FindItemCategoryByItemCategoryId(model.ItemCategoryId); //assign user info into update fields s.UpdatedDateTime = DateTime.Now; s.UpdatedBy = userService.FindUserByEmail(CurrentUserName); } //assign item category info s.Name = model.Name; s.Description = model.Description; s.Status = statusService.FindStatusByStatusId(model.Status); //save info to database if (itemcategoryService.Save(s) != null) { status = true; } //return RedirectToAction("Index", "ItemCategory"); return(new JsonResult { Data = new { status = status } }); }
/// <summary> /// 获取子节点数据 /// </summary> /// <param name="pParentNodeID">父节点ID</param> /// <returns></returns> protected override TreeNodes GetNodes(string pParentNodeID) { TreeNodes nodes = new TreeNodes(); ItemCategoryService itemService = new ItemCategoryService( new SessionManager().CurrentUserLoginInfo); IList <ItemCategoryInfo> list = new List <ItemCategoryInfo>(); string key = string.Empty; string content = string.Empty; if (Request("node") != null && Request("node") != string.Empty) { key = Request("node").ToString().Trim(); } if (key == "root" || key.Length == 0) { key = "-99"; } list = itemService.GetItemCategoryListByParentId(key); var jsonData = new JsonData(); jsonData.totalCount = list.Count.ToString(); jsonData.data = list; foreach (var item in list) { if (item.Status == "1") { nodes.Add(item.Item_Category_Id, item.Item_Category_Name, item.Parent_Id, false); } } DataSet ds = itemService.GetItemsBytype(key); if (ds != null && ds.Tables.Count > 0 && ds.Tables[0] != null) { foreach (DataRow item in ds.Tables[0].Rows) { nodes.Add(item["item_id"].ToString(), item["item_name"].ToString(), key, false); } } return(nodes); }
public int GetLevel(string parentID) { var bll = new ItemCategoryService(this.CurrentUserInfo); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(parentID) || parentID == "-99") { return(0); } else { var parent = bll.GetItemCategoryById(parentID); if (parentID != null) { return(GetLevel(parent.Parent_Id) + 1); } } return(0); }
/// <summary> /// 删除商品分类信息 /// </summary> public string DeleteItemCategory() { var service = new ItemCategoryService(CurrentUserInfo); string content = string.Empty; string error = ""; var responseData = new ResponseData(); string key = string.Empty; if (FormatParamValue(Request("ids")) != null && FormatParamValue(Request("ids")) != string.Empty) { key = FormatParamValue(Request("ids")).ToString().Trim(); } if (key == null || key.Trim().Length == 0) { responseData.success = false; responseData.msg = "商品分类ID不能为空"; return(responseData.ToJSON()); } var status = "-1"; if (FormatParamValue(Request("status")) != null && FormatParamValue(Request("status")) != string.Empty) { status = FormatParamValue(Request("status")).ToString().Trim(); } string[] ids = key.Split(','); foreach (var id in ids) { //删除商品分类信息 string res = ""; service.SetItemCategoryStatus(CurrentUserInfo, key, status, out res); } responseData.success = true; responseData.msg = error; content = responseData.ToJSON(); return(content); }
/// <summary> /// 根据ID获取商品分类信息 /// </summary> public string GetItemCategoryByID() { var itemCategoryService = new ItemCategoryService(CurrentUserInfo); ItemCategoryInfo data = new ItemCategoryInfo(); string content = string.Empty; string key = string.Empty; if (Request("ItemCategoryId") != null && Request("ItemCategoryId") != string.Empty) { key = Request("ItemCategoryId").ToString().Trim(); } data = itemCategoryService.GetItemCategoryById(key); var jsonData = new JsonData(); jsonData.totalCount = data == null ? "0" : "1"; jsonData.data = data; content = jsonData.ToJSON(); return(content); }
/// <summary> /// 商品分类查询 /// </summary> public string GetItemCategory() { var responseData = new ResponseData(); //请求参数 var categoryName = FormatParamValue(Request("categoryName")); var pageIndex = Utils.GetIntVal(FormatParamValue(Request("pageIndex"))); var pageSize = Utils.GetIntVal(FormatParamValue(Request("pageSize"))); if (pageSize <= 0) { pageSize = 15; } var categoryService = new ItemCategoryService(this.CurrentUserInfo); var content = new GetItemCategoryRespContentData(); //商品类别集合 try { var ds = categoryService.GetItemCategoryList(this.CurrentUserInfo.ClientID, categoryName, pageIndex, pageSize); if (ds != null && ds.Tables.Count > 0 && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { content.categoryList = DataTableToObject.ConvertToList <GetItemCategoryEntity>(ds.Tables[0]); content.totalCount = categoryService.GetItemCategoryCount(this.CurrentUserInfo.ClientID, categoryName); } responseData.success = true; responseData.data = content; return(responseData.ToJSON()); } catch (Exception ex) { responseData.success = false; responseData.msg = ex.ToString(); return(responseData.ToJSON()); } }
/// <summary> /// 获取商品分类 /// </summary> public string GetItemCategoryListData() { var form = Request("form").DeserializeJSONTo <ItemCategoryQueryEntity>(); var itemCategoryService = new ItemCategoryService(CurrentUserInfo); ItemCategoryInfo data = new ItemCategoryInfo(); string content = string.Empty; string item_category_code = FormatParamValue(form.item_category_code); string item_category_name = FormatParamValue(form.item_category_name); string pyzjm = FormatParamValue(form.pyzjm); string item_category_status = FormatParamValue(Request("item_category_status")); string item_category_id = FormatParamValue(Request("item_category_id")); int maxRowCount = PageSize; int startRowIndex = Utils.GetIntVal(Request("start")); string key = string.Empty; if (Request("item_category_id") != null && Request("item_category_id") != string.Empty) { key = Request("item_category_id").ToString().Trim(); } data = itemCategoryService.SearchItemCategoryList( item_category_code, item_category_name, pyzjm, item_category_status, maxRowCount, startRowIndex, item_category_id); var jsonData = new JsonData(); jsonData.totalCount = data.ItemCategoryInfoList.Count.ToString(); jsonData.data = data.ItemCategoryInfoList; content = string.Format("{{\"totalCount\":{1},\"topics\":{0}}}", data.ItemCategoryInfoList.ToJSON(), data.ICount); return(content); }
/// <summary> /// 保存数据 /// </summary> protected string UpdateItemCategory() { var bll = new ItemCategoryService(this.CurrentUserInfo); var data = this.DeserializeJSONContent <ItemCategoryInfo>(); var rsp = new ResponseData(); if (data != null) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(data.Item_Category_Code)) { rsp.success = false; rsp.msg = "类型编码不能为空"; return(rsp.ToJSON()); } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(data.Status)) { rsp.success = false; rsp.msg = "状态不能为空"; return(rsp.ToJSON()); } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(data.Parent_Id)) { rsp.success = false; rsp.msg = "上级分类不能为空"; return(rsp.ToJSON()); } data.Create_User_Id = CurrentUserInfo.CurrentUser.User_Id; data.Create_Time = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); data.Create_User_Name = CurrentUserInfo.CurrentUser.User_Name; data.CustomerID = CurrentUserInfo.CurrentUser.customer_id; // bll.SetItemCategoryInfo(this.CurrentUserInfo, data); } // return(rsp.ToJSON()); }
public string SaveEventItemArea() { var responseData = new ResponseData(); var itemArea = this.CurrentContext.Request["eventItemList"].DeserializeJSONTo <List <SaveItemArea> >(); var _areaFlag = this.CurrentContext.Request["areaFlag"] == null ? "eventList" : this.CurrentContext.Request["areaFlag"].ToString(); #region if (itemArea != null) { var itemAreaBll = new MHItemAreaBLL(this.CurrentUserInfo); var homeBll = new MobileHomeBLL(this.CurrentUserInfo); string customerId = this.CurrentUserInfo.CurrentUser.customer_id; var homeList = homeBll.QueryByEntity(new MobileHomeEntity { CustomerId = this.CurrentUserInfo.ClientID }, null); if (homeList != null && homeList.Length > 0) { var homeId = homeList.FirstOrDefault().HomeId; string itemAreaIdList = itemArea.Where(item => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.itemAreaId.ToString())).Aggregate("", (current, item) => current + "'" + item.itemAreaId.ToString() + "',"); //根据ItemAreaId删除MHItemArea中旧数据(not in itemAreaIdList) if (itemAreaIdList != "") { var itemCategoryService = new ItemCategoryService(this.CurrentUserInfo); itemCategoryService.UpdateMHItemAreaData(itemAreaIdList, customerId, _areaFlag); } //根据ItemAreaId判断是新增还是更新MHItemArea数据 foreach (var item in itemArea) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.itemAreaId.ToString())) { var entity = new MHItemAreaEntity() { ItemAreaId = Guid.NewGuid(), HomeId = homeId, IsUrl = item.isUrl, EventId = item.eventId, ItemId = item.itemId, areaFlag = _areaFlag, DisplayIndex = item.displayIndex, }; itemAreaBll.Create(entity); } else { var entity = new MHItemAreaEntity() { ItemAreaId = item.itemAreaId, HomeId = homeId, IsUrl = item.isUrl, EventId = item.eventId, ItemId = item.itemId, areaFlag = _areaFlag, DisplayIndex = item.displayIndex, }; itemAreaBll.Update(entity); } } } } #endregion responseData.success = true; responseData.msg = "更新成功"; return(responseData.ToJSON()); }
public string SaveAds() { var responseData = new ResponseData(); var itemAds = this.CurrentContext.Request["adList"].DeserializeJSONTo <List <SaveMHAdArea> >(); #region if (itemAds != null) { var adAreaBll = new MHAdAreaBLL(this.CurrentUserInfo); var homeBll = new MobileHomeBLL(this.CurrentUserInfo); var homeList = homeBll.QueryByEntity(new MobileHomeEntity { CustomerId = this.CurrentUserInfo.ClientID }, null); string customerId = this.CurrentUserInfo.CurrentUser.customer_id; if (homeList != null && homeList.Length > 0) { var homeId = homeList.FirstOrDefault().HomeId; string adsIdList = itemAds.Where(item => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.adId.ToString())).Aggregate("", (current, item) => current + "'" + item.adId.ToString() + "',"); //根据AdAreaId删除MHAdArea中旧数据(not in adsList) var itemCategoryService = new ItemCategoryService(this.CurrentUserInfo); if (adsIdList != "") { itemCategoryService.UpdateMHAdAreaData(adsIdList, customerId); } else { itemCategoryService.DeleteMHAdAreaData(customerId); } //根据AdAreaId判断是新增还是更新MHAdArea数据 foreach (var item in itemAds) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.adId.ToString())) { var entity = new MHAdAreaEntity() { AdAreaId = Guid.NewGuid(), HomeId = homeId, ImageUrl = item.imageUrl, ObjectId = item.objectId, ObjectTypeId = item.typeId, DisplayIndex = item.displayIndex, Url = item.url }; adAreaBll.Create(entity); } else { var entity = new MHAdAreaEntity() { AdAreaId = item.adId, HomeId = homeId, ImageUrl = item.imageUrl, ObjectId = item.objectId, ObjectTypeId = item.typeId, DisplayIndex = item.displayIndex, Url = item.url }; adAreaBll.Update(entity); } } } } #endregion responseData.success = true; responseData.msg = "更新成功"; return(responseData.ToJSON()); }
public ItemCategoryAPIController() { context = new ApplicationDbContext(); itemcategoryService = new ItemCategoryService(context); }