		//Add a single layer from a single extruder to the GCode
		private void QueueAirGappedExtruderLayerToGCode(LayerDataStorage slicingData, GCodePlanner gcodeLayer, int extruderIndex, int layerIndex, int extrusionWidth_um, int fanSpeedPercent, long currentZ_um)
			if (config.generateSupport
				&& !config.continuousSpiralOuterPerimeter
				&& layerIndex > 0)
				int prevExtruder = gcodeLayer.getExtruder();
				bool extruderChanged = gcodeLayer.SetExtruder(extruderIndex);

				SliceLayer layer = slicingData.Extruders[extruderIndex].Layers[layerIndex];

				IslandOrderOptimizer partOrderOptimizer = new IslandOrderOptimizer(new IntPoint());
				for (int partIndex = 0; partIndex < layer.Islands.Count; partIndex++)
					if (config.continuousSpiralOuterPerimeter && partIndex > 0)


				List<Polygons> bottomFillIslandPolygons = new List<Polygons>();

				for (int inlandIndex = 0; inlandIndex < partOrderOptimizer.bestIslandOrderIndex.Count; inlandIndex++)
					if (config.continuousSpiralOuterPerimeter && inlandIndex > 0)

					LayerIsland part = layer.Islands[partOrderOptimizer.bestIslandOrderIndex[inlandIndex]];

					if (config.avoidCrossingPerimeters)

					Polygons fillPolygons = new Polygons();
					Polygons topFillPolygons = new Polygons();
					Polygons bridgePolygons = new Polygons();

					Polygons bottomFillPolygons = new Polygons();

					CalculateInfillData(slicingData, extruderIndex, layerIndex, part, ref bottomFillPolygons, ref fillPolygons, ref topFillPolygons, ref bridgePolygons);

					// Write the bridge polygons out first so the perimeter will have more to hold to while bridging the gaps.
					// It would be even better to slow down the perimeters that are part of bridges but that is a bit harder.
					if (bridgePolygons.Count > 0)
						QueuePolygonsConsideringSupport(layerIndex, gcodeLayer, bridgePolygons, airGappedBottomConfig, SupportWriteType.SupportedAreas);

					if (config.numberOfPerimeters > 0)
						if (inlandIndex != lastPartIndex)
							// force a retract if changing islands
							lastPartIndex = inlandIndex;

						if (config.continuousSpiralOuterPerimeter)
							if (layerIndex >= config.numberOfBottomLayers)
								inset0Config.spiralize = true;

					//After a layer part, make sure the nozzle is inside the comb boundary, so we do not retract on the perimeter.
					if (!config.continuousSpiralOuterPerimeter || layerIndex < config.numberOfBottomLayers)
						gcodeLayer.MoveInsideTheOuterPerimeter(extrusionWidth_um * 2);

					// Print everything but the first perimeter from the outside in so the little parts have more to stick to.
					for (int perimeterIndex = 1; perimeterIndex < part.InsetToolPaths.Count; perimeterIndex++)
						QueuePolygonsConsideringSupport(layerIndex, gcodeLayer, part.InsetToolPaths[perimeterIndex], airGappedBottomConfig, SupportWriteType.SupportedAreas);
					// then 0
					if (part.InsetToolPaths.Count > 0)
						QueuePolygonsConsideringSupport(layerIndex, gcodeLayer, part.InsetToolPaths[0], airGappedBottomConfig, SupportWriteType.SupportedAreas);

					QueuePolygonsConsideringSupport(layerIndex, gcodeLayer, bottomFillIslandPolygons[inlandIndex], airGappedBottomConfig, SupportWriteType.SupportedAreas);

		//Add a single layer from a single extruder to the GCode
		private void QueueExtruderLayerToGCode(LayerDataStorage slicingData, GCodePlanner gcodeLayer, int extruderIndex, int layerIndex, int extrusionWidth_um, int fanSpeedPercent, long currentZ_um)
			int prevExtruder = gcodeLayer.getExtruder();
			bool extruderChanged = gcodeLayer.SetExtruder(extruderIndex);

			SliceLayer layer = slicingData.Extruders[extruderIndex].Layers[layerIndex];
			if (extruderChanged)
				addWipeTower(slicingData, gcodeLayer, layerIndex, prevExtruder, extrusionWidth_um);

			if (slicingData.wipeShield.Count > 0 && slicingData.Extruders.Count > 1)
				gcodeLayer.QueuePolygonsByOptimizer(slicingData.wipeShield[layerIndex], skirtConfig);

			IslandOrderOptimizer islandOrderOptimizer = new IslandOrderOptimizer(new IntPoint());
			for (int partIndex = 0; partIndex < layer.Islands.Count; partIndex++)
				if (config.continuousSpiralOuterPerimeter && partIndex > 0)


			List<Polygons> bottomFillIslandPolygons = new List<Polygons>();

			for (int islandOrderIndex = 0; islandOrderIndex < islandOrderOptimizer.bestIslandOrderIndex.Count; islandOrderIndex++)
				if (config.continuousSpiralOuterPerimeter && islandOrderIndex > 0)

				LayerIsland island = layer.Islands[islandOrderOptimizer.bestIslandOrderIndex[islandOrderIndex]];

				if (config.avoidCrossingPerimeters)

				Polygons fillPolygons = new Polygons();
				Polygons topFillPolygons = new Polygons();
				Polygons bridgePolygons = new Polygons();

				Polygons bottomFillPolygons = new Polygons();

				CalculateInfillData(slicingData, extruderIndex, layerIndex, island, ref bottomFillPolygons, ref fillPolygons, ref topFillPolygons, ref bridgePolygons);

				// Write the bridge polygons out first so the perimeter will have more to hold to while bridging the gaps.
				// It would be even better to slow down the perimeters that are part of bridges but that is a bit harder.
				if (bridgePolygons.Count > 0)
					QueuePolygonsConsideringSupport(layerIndex, gcodeLayer, bridgePolygons, airGappedBottomConfig, SupportWriteType.UnsupportedAreas);

				if (config.numberOfPerimeters > 0)
					if (islandOrderIndex != lastPartIndex)
						// force a retract if changing islands
						if (config.retractWhenChangingIslands)
						lastPartIndex = islandOrderIndex;

					if (config.continuousSpiralOuterPerimeter)
						if (layerIndex >= config.numberOfBottomLayers)
							inset0Config.spiralize = true;

					// If we are on the very first layer we start with the outside so that we can stick to the bed better.
					if (config.outsidePerimetersFirst || layerIndex == 0 || inset0Config.spiralize)
						if (inset0Config.spiralize)
							if (island.InsetToolPaths.Count > 0)
								Polygon outsideSinglePolygon = island.InsetToolPaths[0][0];
								gcodeLayer.QueuePolygonsByOptimizer(new Polygons() { outsideSinglePolygon }, inset0Config);
							// First the outside (this helps with accuracy)
							if (island.InsetToolPaths.Count > 0)
								QueuePolygonsConsideringSupport(layerIndex, gcodeLayer, island.InsetToolPaths[0], inset0Config, SupportWriteType.UnsupportedAreas);

							for (int perimeterIndex = 1; perimeterIndex < island.InsetToolPaths.Count; perimeterIndex++)
								QueuePolygonsConsideringSupport(layerIndex, gcodeLayer, island.InsetToolPaths[perimeterIndex], insetXConfig, SupportWriteType.UnsupportedAreas);
					else // This is so we can do overhangs better (the outside can stick a bit to the inside).
						// Figure out where the seam hiding start point is for inset 0 and move to that spot so
						// we have the minimum travel while starting inset 0 after printing the rest of the insets
						if (island?.InsetToolPaths?[0]?[0]?.Count > 0)
							int bestPoint = IslandOrderOptimizer.GetBestEdgeIndex(island.InsetToolPaths[0][0]);

						// Print everything but the first perimeter from the outside in so the little parts have more to stick to.
						for (int perimeterIndex = 1; perimeterIndex < island.InsetToolPaths.Count; perimeterIndex++)
							QueuePolygonsConsideringSupport(layerIndex, gcodeLayer, island.InsetToolPaths[perimeterIndex], insetXConfig, SupportWriteType.UnsupportedAreas);
						// then 0
						if (island.InsetToolPaths.Count > 0)
							QueuePolygonsConsideringSupport(layerIndex, gcodeLayer, island.InsetToolPaths[0], inset0Config, SupportWriteType.UnsupportedAreas);

				gcodeLayer.QueuePolygonsByOptimizer(fillPolygons, fillConfig);

				QueuePolygonsConsideringSupport(layerIndex, gcodeLayer, bottomFillPolygons, bottomFillConfig, SupportWriteType.UnsupportedAreas);

				gcodeLayer.QueuePolygonsByOptimizer(topFillPolygons, topFillConfig);

				//After a layer part, make sure the nozzle is inside the comb boundary, so we do not retract on the perimeter.
				if (!config.continuousSpiralOuterPerimeter || layerIndex < config.numberOfBottomLayers)
					gcodeLayer.MoveInsideTheOuterPerimeter(extrusionWidth_um * 2);
