        // Save
        // Save the new file in requested format
        internal void Save(FileInfo orig, Image i, IsImageExtension.ImageType saveType, string renameTxt)
            // Create the new files name taking account of any renaming of change of type
            string dir    = orig.DirectoryName;
            string name   = orig.Name;
            string ext    = orig.Extension;
            string newExt = "." + saveType.ToString().ToLower();

            if (renameTxt.Length > 0)
                name = renameTxt + newExt;
                name = name.Substring(0, name.Length - ext.Length);
                name = name + newExt;
            FileInfo newFile = new FileInfo(dir + "\\" + name);

            l.Info("\tSaving as {0} ", newFile.FullName);

            // save the file in correct format. Jpeg also has quality value
            if (saveType == IsImageExtension.ImageType.JPG)
                ImageCodecInfo    myImageCodecInfo;
                Encoder           myEncoder;
                EncoderParameter  myEncoderParameter;
                EncoderParameters myEncoderParameters;
                myImageCodecInfo             = GetEncoderInfo("image/jpeg");
                myEncoder                    = Encoder.Quality;
                myEncoderParameters          = new EncoderParameters(1);
                myEncoderParameter           = new EncoderParameter(myEncoder, 90L);
                myEncoderParameters.Param[0] = myEncoderParameter;
                i.Save(newFile.FullName, myImageCodecInfo, myEncoderParameters);
            else if (saveType == IsImageExtension.ImageType.PNG)
                i.Save(newFile.FullName, ImageFormat.Png);
                l.Error("Unsupported file type");// never get here
 // AddTask
 // Called from main windod to start processing with prodided parameters
 public void AddTask(string sourceDir, bool useSubDirs, int maxAxis, string renameTxt, IsImageExtension.ImageType saveType, bool backup)
     l.Info("Add task dir:{0}, subs:{1}, max:{2}, as:{3}", sourceDir, useSubDirs ? "Yes" : "no", maxAxis, saveType);
     this.sourceDir  = sourceDir;
     this.useSubDirs = useSubDirs;
     this.maxAxis    = maxAxis;
     this.renameTxt  = renameTxt;
     this.saveType   = saveType;
     this.backup     = backup;
     dirsCounted     = 0;
     filesCounted    = 0;
     imageFiles      = 0;
     isRunning       = true;
     cancelTask      = false;
     // If a thread was running, join it to end cleanly
     if (t != null)
     // start a new thread to do the actual processing
     t = new Thread(new ThreadStart(fileWalkerThread));
        // Process
        // Perform the transformations
        public bool Process(FileInfo infile, int maxAxis, string renameTxt, IsImageExtension.ImageType saveType, bool backup)
            // dont attempt to open a file if it dosn't have a correct extension
            if (!IsImageExtension.IsImageFileExtension(infile))

            // save original name & open the file as a stream
            string oldFile = infile.FullName;

            s = File.OpenRead(infile.FullName);

            // determin type from file contents, if not an image file, close and return
            IsImageExtension.ImageType itype;
            if (!IsImageExtension.IsImage(s, out itype))

            // Looks like a valid image file, read it and close stream
            l.Info("Processing {0}", infile.FullName);
            i = Image.FromStream(s);

            // needNew will be set if we do anything that requires the file to be saved
            bool needNew = false;

            // if no change in format requested, use existing format
            if (saveType == IsImageExtension.ImageType.NONE)
                saveType = itype;

            // if save format is different, then set needNew so it gets saved
            if (saveType != itype)
                needNew = true;
                l.Info("\tfile type changed");
                string act = String.Format("File " + infile.Name + " converted to " + saveType.ToString());
                l.Info("\t" + act);

            // do we need to resize the image ?
            if (maxAxis != Common.NoResize && (i.Width > maxAxis || i.Height > maxAxis))
                // yes - set needNew & calculate ratio and new lengths
                needNew = true;
                double ratioX    = (double)maxAxis / (double)i.Width;
                double ratioY    = (double)maxAxis / (double)i.Height;
                double ratio     = ratioX < ratioY ? ratioX : ratioY;
                int    newHeight = Convert.ToInt32(i.Height * ratio);
                int    newWidth  = Convert.ToInt32(i.Width * ratio);
                string act       = String.Format("File " + infile.Name + " reduced from {0},{1} to {2},{3}", i.Width, i.Height, newWidth, newHeight);
                l.Info("\t" + act);
                Bitmap newi = new Bitmap(i, newWidth, newHeight);
                i = newi;

            // if we dont need to save this file, we may still need to rename it
            if (!needNew)
                if (renameTxt.Length > 0)
                    // if so the we can just move to the new filename. backup first if requested
                    if (backup)
                    string newFileName = infile.DirectoryName + "\\" + renameTxt + infile.Extension;
                    l.Info("\tRenaming {0} to {1}", infile.FullName, newFileName);
                    File.Move(infile.FullName, newFileName);
                    Common.ConsoleWrite("Renaming " + infile.FullName + " to " + newFileName);
                    // nothing to do
                    l.Info("\tNo change needed");

            // If we get here then we will be writing a new file. backup old if requested
            if (backup)
            Save(infile, i, saveType, renameTxt);
