 void Bot_OnMessage(Network n, Irc.IrcEventArgs e)
     if (IsMatch("^autoop \\?$", e.Data.Message))
         AnswerWithNotice(n, e, FormatBold("Use of AutoOp plugin:"));
         AnswerWithNotice(n, e, "No remote commands available. All configuration has to be done manually in the Configuration.xml.");
 void Bot_OnMessage(Network n, Irc.IrcEventArgs e)
     if (IsMatch("^log \\?$", e.Data.Message))
         AnswerWithNotice(n, e, FormatBold("Use of Log plugin:"));
         AnswerWithNotice(n, e, "No remote commands available. Every IRC command gets logged in its raw form to a file in the \\Data subdirectory.");
        void Bot_OnRawMessage(Network network, Irc.IrcEventArgs e)
            DateTime d = DateTime.Now;

            System.IO.StreamWriter writer = new System.IO.StreamWriter("Logs\\" + d.Year + "." + d.Month + "." + d.Day + ".log", true);
            writer.WriteLine(((TimeSpan)(DateTime.Now - new DateTime(1970, 1, 1))).TotalMilliseconds.ToString() + " " + e.Data.RawMessage);
 void Bot_OnMessage(Network n, Irc.IrcEventArgs e)
     if (IsMatch("^Eightball \\?$", e.Data.Message))
         AnswerWithNotice(n, e, FormatBold("Use of Eightball plugin:"));
         AnswerWithNotice(n, e, FormatItalic("<Botname> <your question, at least 7 characters long>?") + " - The bot will answer.");
     else if (IsMatch("^" + n.Nickname + " .{7,}\\?\\s*$", e.Data.Message))
         Answer(n, e, answers[r.Next(answers.Length)] + ", " + e.Data.Nick + ".");
        void Bot_OnMessage(Network n, Irc.IrcEventArgs e)
            if (IsMatch("^googlesearch \\?$", e.Data.Message))
                AnswerWithNotice(n, e, FormatBold("Use of GoogleSearch plugin:"));
                AnswerWithNotice(n, e, FormatItalic("google <search term>") + " - Searches google for <search term> and lists the first two results.");
                AnswerWithNotice(n, e, FormatItalic("google <number of results> <search term>") + " - Searches google for <search term> and lists the first <number of results> (maximum is 10) results.");
            else if (IsMatch("^google ((?<count>\\d{1,2}) )?(?<term>.*)$", e.Data.Message))
                int count = 2;
                if (Matches["count"].Length > 0)
                    count = int.Parse(Matches["count"].ToString());
                if (count > 10)
                    count = 10;

                try {
                    Google.Google.GoogleSearchService s       = new Google.Google.GoogleSearchService();
                    Google.Google.GoogleSearchResult  results = s.doGoogleSearch(Bot.Configuration["Plugins"]["GoogleSearch"].Attributes["Key"].Value, Matches["term"].ToString(), 0, count, false, "", false, "", "", "");

                    if (count > results.resultElements.Length)
                        count = results.resultElements.Length;

                    if (count > 0)
                        Answer(n, e, FormatBold(count.ToString() + " results for " + FormatItalic(Matches["term"].ToString()) + "."));
                        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                            string result = results.resultElements[i].URL + " (" + FormatBold(results.resultElements[i].title) + " - " + results.resultElements[i].snippet + ")";
                            result = result.Replace("<b>", "").Replace("</b>", "").Replace("<br>", "").Replace("&#39;", "'").Replace("&amp;", "&");
                            Answer(n, e, result);
                        Answer(n, e, "No results found for " + FormatItalic(Matches["term"].ToString()) + ".");
                } catch (Exception ex) {
                    Answer(n, e, "Error in GoogleSearch plugin: " + FormatItalic(ex.Message));
文件: Bash.cs 项目: MrTiggr/Murphy
 void Bot_OnMessage(Network network, Irc.IrcEventArgs e)
     if (IsMatch("^bash \\?$", e.Data.Message)) {
         AnswerWithNotice(n, e, FormatBold("Use of Bash plugin:"));
         AnswerWithNotice(n, e, FormatItalic("bash") + " - Prints a random quote from http://www.bash.org.");
     else if (IsMatch("^bash$", e.Data.Message)) {
         this.n = network;
         this.e = e;
         new System.Threading.Thread(new ThreadStart(GetBash)).Start();
     else if (IsMatch("^german bash$", e.Data.Message)) {
         this.n = network;
         this.e = e;
         new System.Threading.Thread(new ThreadStart(GetGermanBash)).Start();
 void Bot_OnMessage(Network network, Irc.IrcEventArgs e)
     if (IsMatch("^reminder \\?$", e.Data.Message))
         AnswerWithNotice(network, e, FormatBold("Use of Reminder plugin:"));
         AnswerWithNotice(network, e, FormatItalic("remind me in <minutes> <message>") + " - Reminds you in <minutes> minutes.");
         AnswerWithNotice(network, e, FormatItalic("remind me at <hours>:<minutes> <message>") + " - Reminds you at the given time.");
     else if (IsMatch("^remind me in (?<minutes>\\d{1,3}) (?<message>.*)$", e.Data.Message))
         List <RemindInfo> l = LoadFromFile <List <RemindInfo> >("Reminders");
         RemindInfo        i = new RemindInfo();
         i.Network   = network.Name;
         i.Channel   = e.Data.Channel;
         i.User      = e.Data.Nick;
         i.Message   = Matches["message"].ToString();
         i.Date      = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(int.Parse(Matches["minutes"].ToString()));
         i.IsPrivate = e.Data.Type == Irc.ReceiveType.QueryMessage;
         SaveToFile <List <RemindInfo> >(l, "Reminders");
         AnswerWithNotice(network, e, "You will be reminded.");
     else if (IsMatch("^remind me at (?<hours>\\d{1,2}):(?<minutes>\\d{1,2}) (?<message>.*)$", e.Data.Message))
         List <RemindInfo> l = LoadFromFile <List <RemindInfo> >("Reminders");
         RemindInfo        i = new RemindInfo();
         i.Network = network.Name;
         i.Channel = e.Data.Channel;
         i.User    = e.Data.Nick;
         i.Message = Matches["message"].ToString();
         i.Date    = new DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month, DateTime.Now.Day, int.Parse(Matches["hours"].ToString()), int.Parse(Matches["minutes"].ToString()), 0);
         if (i.Date < DateTime.Now)
             i.Date = i.Date.AddDays(1);
         i.IsPrivate = e.Data.Type == Irc.ReceiveType.QueryMessage;
         SaveToFile <List <RemindInfo> >(l, "Reminders");
         AnswerWithNotice(network, e, "You will be reminded.");
        void GetGermanBash()
            Network n = this.n;

            Irc.IrcEventArgs e = this.e;

            HttpWebRequest httpReq = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("http://german-bash.org/action/random/n/1");

            httpReq.Method = "GET";
            WebResponse  httpRes        = httpReq.GetResponse();
            StreamReader stream         = new StreamReader(httpRes.GetResponseStream());
            string       responseString = stream.ReadToEnd();


            Regex  r    = new Regex("\\<div class=\"zitat\"\\>(?<text>.*?)\\</div\\>", RegexOptions.Singleline);
            string text = r.Match(responseString).Groups["text"].ToString();

            r = new Regex("\\<a name=\"(?<number>\\d*)\"\\>\\</a\\>");
            string number = r.Match(responseString).Groups["number"].ToString();

            text = text.Replace("&lt;", "<");
            text = text.Replace("&gt;", ">");
            text = text.Replace("&quot;", "\"");
            text = text.Replace("<br />", "\r\n");
            text = text.Replace("&nbsp;", " ");
            text = text.Replace("&uuml;", "ü");
            text = text.Replace("&auml;", "ä");
            text = text.Replace("&ouml;", "ö");
            text = text.Replace("\r", "");
            text = text.Replace("\t", "");
            text = text.Trim();

            Answer(n, e, FormatBold("german-bash.org quote #" + number));
            foreach (string s in text.Split('\n'))
                if (s.Length > 0)
                    Answer(n, e, s);
 void Bot_OnMessage(Network network, Irc.IrcEventArgs e)
     if (IsMatch("^tell \\?$", e.Data.Message))
         AnswerWithNotice(network, e, FormatBold("Use of Tell plugin:"));
         AnswerWithNotice(network, e, FormatItalic("tell <recipient> <message>") + " - Tells <recipient> the <message> the next time he joins.");
     else if (IsMatch("^tell (?<target>.*?) (?<message>.*)$", e.Data.Message))
         List <TellInfo> l = LoadFromFile <List <TellInfo> >("Tell");
         TellInfo        t = new TellInfo();
         t.Date    = DateTime.Now;
         t.Name    = e.Data.Nick;
         t.Network = network.Name;
         t.Target  = Matches["target"].ToString();
         t.Text    = Matches["message"].ToString();
         SaveToFile <List <TellInfo> >(l, "Tell");
         AnswerWithNotice(network, e, "I'll tell your message.");
 void Bot_OnMessage(Network network, Irc.IrcEventArgs e)
     if (IsMatch("^bash \\?$", e.Data.Message))
         AnswerWithNotice(n, e, FormatBold("Use of Bash plugin:"));
         AnswerWithNotice(n, e, FormatItalic("bash") + " - Prints a random quote from http://www.bash.org.");
         AnswerWithNotice(n, e, FormatItalic("german bash") + " - Prints a random quote from http://www.german-bash.org.");
     else if (IsMatch("^bash$", e.Data.Message))
         this.n = network;
         this.e = e;
         new System.Threading.Thread(new ThreadStart(GetBash)).Start();
     else if (IsMatch("^german bash$", e.Data.Message))
         this.n = network;
         this.e = e;
         new System.Threading.Thread(new ThreadStart(GetGermanBash)).Start();
        void Bot_OnMessage(Network network, Irc.IrcEventArgs e)
            if (IsMatch("^seen \\?$", e.Data.Message))
                AnswerWithNotice(network, e, FormatBold("Use of Seen plugin:"));
                AnswerWithNotice(network, e, FormatItalic("seen <nick>") + " - Displays information when the Bot last saw <nick>.");
            else if (IsMatch("^seen (?<nick>.*)$", e.Data.Message))
                SeenInfo i = FindName(network.Name, Matches["nick"].ToString(), l);
                if (i == null)
                    Answer(network, e, "I never saw " + Matches["nick"].ToString() + " before.");
                else if (i.Ident == e.Data.Ident)
                    Answer(network, e, "Looking for yourself, eh?");
                    string   hour   = "hours";
                    string   minute = "minutes";
                    TimeSpan t      = (TimeSpan)(DateTime.Now - i.Date);
                    if (t.TotalHours == 1)
                        hour = "hour";
                    if (t.Minutes == 1)
                        minute = "minute";
                    Answer(network, e, "I saw " + Matches["nick"].ToString() + " " + Convert.ToInt16(t.TotalHours).ToString() + " " + hour + " and " + t.Minutes.ToString() + " " + minute + " ago, " + i.Text + ".");

            NewSeen(network.Name, e.Data.Nick, e.Data.Ident, "on " + e.Data.Channel + ", saying " + e.Data.Message);
        void GetBash()
            Network n = this.n;

            Irc.IrcEventArgs e       = this.e;
            HttpWebRequest   httpReq = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("http://bash.org/?random");

            httpReq.Method = "GET";
            WebResponse  httpRes        = httpReq.GetResponse();
            StreamReader stream         = new StreamReader(httpRes.GetResponseStream());
            string       responseString = stream.ReadToEnd();


            int    start     = Regex.Match(responseString, "class=\"qt\"").Index + 11;
            int    end       = Regex.Match(responseString, "</p>\n<p class=\"quote\">").Index;
            string cutstring = responseString.Substring(start, end - start);

            cutstring = cutstring.Replace("&lt;", "<");
            cutstring = cutstring.Replace("&gt;", ">");
            cutstring = cutstring.Replace("&quot;", "\"");
            cutstring = cutstring.Replace("<br />", "\r\n");
            cutstring = cutstring.Replace("&nbsp;", " ");
            cutstring = cutstring.Replace("\r", "");
            Match m = Regex.Match(responseString, "<a href=\".([0-9]{2,10})\" title");

            Answer(n, e, FormatBold("bash.org quote #" + m.Groups[1].Value));
            foreach (string s in cutstring.Split('\n'))
                if (s.Length > 0)
                    Answer(n, e, s);
        void Bot_OnMessage(Network n, Irc.IrcEventArgs e)
            if (IsMatch("^events \\?$", e.Data.Message))
                AnswerWithNotice(n, e, FormatBold("Use of Events plugin:"));
                AnswerWithNotice(n, e, FormatItalic("list events") + " - Lists details of all upcoming events.");
                AnswerWithNotice(n, e, FormatItalic("add <nick> to [<number>]") + " - Adds <nick> as there to the specified event (You may use 'me' instead of <nick>).");
                AnswerWithNotice(n, e, FormatItalic("add <nick> not to [<number>]") + " - Adds <nick> as not there to the specified event (You may use 'me' instead of <nick>).");
                AnswerWithNotice(n, e, FormatItalic("add <nick> maybe to [<number>]") + " - Adds <nick> as maybe there to the specified event (You may use 'me' instead of <nick>).");
                AnswerWithNotice(n, e, FormatItalic("remove <nick> from [<number>]") + " - Removes <nick> from the specified event (You may use 'me' instead of <nick>).");
                AnswerWithNotice(n, e, FormatItalic("add event <day>.<month>.<year> <hours>:<minutes> <text>") + " - Adds the specified event.");
                AnswerWithNotice(n, e, FormatItalic("edit event [<number>] <day>.<month>.<year> <hours>:<minutes> <text>") + " - Edits the specified event, but leaves the there/not there/maybe there nicknames intact.");
                AnswerWithNotice(n, e, FormatItalic("remove event [<number>]") + " - Removes the entire specified event.");
                AnswerWithNotice(n, e, FormatItalic("clear event [<number>]") + " - Removes all the there/not there/maybe there nicknames from the specified event, but leaves the event itself intact.");
            else if (IsMatch("^list events$", e.Data.Message))
                List <EventInfo> eventInfos = LoadFromFile <List <EventInfo> >("Events");
                int i = 0;
                foreach (EventInfo eventinfo in eventInfos)
                    string there = "";
                    foreach (string s in eventinfo.There)
                        there += s + ", ";
                    if (there.Length > 0)
                        there = there.Substring(0, there.Length - 2);
                    string maybeThere = "";
                    foreach (string s in eventinfo.MaybeThere)
                        maybeThere += s + ", ";
                    if (maybeThere.Length > 0)
                        maybeThere = maybeThere.Substring(0, maybeThere.Length - 2);
                    string notThere = "";
                    foreach (string s in eventinfo.NotThere)
                        notThere += s + ", ";
                    if (notThere.Length > 0)
                        notThere = notThere.Substring(0, notThere.Length - 2);

                    AnswerWithNotice(n, e, FormatBold("[" + Format(i) + "]") + " - " + FormatBold(eventinfo.Text) + " - scheduled for " + eventinfo.Date.ToLongDateString() + " " + eventinfo.Date.ToShortTimeString());
                    AnswerWithNotice(n, e, "there: " + FormatItalic(there) + " - maybe there: " + FormatItalic(maybeThere) + " - not there: " + FormatItalic(notThere));
                if (i <= 0)
                    AnswerWithNotice(n, e, "There are no upcoming events.");
            else if (IsMatch("^add event (?<day>\\d{1,2})\\.(?<month>\\d{1,2})\\.(?<year>\\d{4}) (?<hour>\\d{1,2}):(?<minute>\\d{1,2}) (?<text>.*)$", e.Data.Message))
                DateTime         d          = new DateTime(int.Parse(Matches["year"].ToString()), int.Parse(Matches["month"].ToString()), int.Parse(Matches["day"].ToString()), int.Parse(Matches["hour"].ToString()), int.Parse(Matches["minute"].ToString()), 0);
                List <EventInfo> eventInfos = LoadFromFile <List <EventInfo> >("Events");
                eventInfos.Add(new EventInfo(d, Matches["text"].ToString()));
                eventInfos.Sort(new EventInfoComparer());
                SaveToFile <List <EventInfo> >(eventInfos, "Events");
                AnswerWithNotice(n, e, "I added the event.");
            else if (IsMatch("^add (?<nick>\\w*) to \\[(?<event>\\d{1,3})\\]$", e.Data.Message))
                List <EventInfo> eventInfos = LoadFromFile <List <EventInfo> >("Events");
                int i = int.Parse(Matches["event"].ToString());
                if (i >= eventInfos.Count)
                    AnswerWithNotice(n, e, "There is no such event.");
                EventInfo eventinfo = eventInfos[i];
                string    nick      = Matches["nick"].ToString();
                if (nick.ToLower() == "me")
                    nick = e.Data.Nick;
                Remove(nick, eventinfo);
                eventInfos.Sort(new EventInfoComparer());
                SaveToFile <List <EventInfo> >(eventInfos, "Events");
                AnswerWithNotice(n, e, "I added " + FormatItalic(nick) + " as " + FormatItalic("there") + ".");
            else if (IsMatch("^add (?<nick>\\w*) not to \\[(?<event>\\d{1,3})\\]$", e.Data.Message))
                List <EventInfo> eventInfos = LoadFromFile <List <EventInfo> >("Events");
                int i = int.Parse(Matches["event"].ToString());
                if (i >= eventInfos.Count)
                    AnswerWithNotice(n, e, "There is no such event.");
                EventInfo eventinfo = eventInfos[i];
                string    nick      = Matches["nick"].ToString();
                if (nick.ToLower() == "me")
                    nick = e.Data.Nick;
                Remove(nick, eventinfo);
                eventInfos.Sort(new EventInfoComparer());
                SaveToFile <List <EventInfo> >(eventInfos, "Events");
                AnswerWithNotice(n, e, "I added " + FormatItalic(nick) + " as " + FormatItalic("not there") + ".");
            else if (IsMatch("^add (?<nick>\\w*) maybe to \\[(?<event>\\d{1,3})\\]$", e.Data.Message))
                List <EventInfo> eventInfos = LoadFromFile <List <EventInfo> >("Events");
                int i = int.Parse(Matches["event"].ToString());
                if (i >= eventInfos.Count)
                    AnswerWithNotice(n, e, "There is no such event.");
                EventInfo eventinfo = eventInfos[i];
                string    nick      = Matches["nick"].ToString();
                if (nick.ToLower() == "me")
                    nick = e.Data.Nick;
                Remove(nick, eventinfo);
                eventInfos.Sort(new EventInfoComparer());
                SaveToFile <List <EventInfo> >(eventInfos, "Events");
                AnswerWithNotice(n, e, "I added " + FormatItalic(nick) + " as " + FormatItalic("maybe there") + ".");
            else if (IsMatch("^remove (?<nick>\\w*) from \\[(?<event>\\d{1,3})\\]$", e.Data.Message))
                string nick = Matches["nick"].ToString();
                if (nick.ToLower() == "me")
                    nick = e.Data.Nick;
                List <EventInfo> eventInfos = LoadFromFile <List <EventInfo> >("Events");
                int i = int.Parse(Matches["event"].ToString());
                if (i >= eventInfos.Count)
                    AnswerWithNotice(n, e, "There is no such event.");
                Remove(nick, eventInfos[i]);
                eventInfos.Sort(new EventInfoComparer());
                SaveToFile <List <EventInfo> >(eventInfos, "Events");
                AnswerWithNotice(n, e, "I removed " + FormatItalic(nick) + ".");
            else if (IsMatch("^remove event \\[(?<event>\\d{1,3})\\]$", e.Data.Message))
                List <EventInfo> eventInfos = LoadFromFile <List <EventInfo> >("Events");
                int i = int.Parse(Matches["event"].ToString());
                if (i >= eventInfos.Count)
                    AnswerWithNotice(n, e, "There is no such event.");
                eventInfos.Sort(new EventInfoComparer());
                SaveToFile <List <EventInfo> >(eventInfos, "Events");
                AnswerWithNotice(n, e, "I removed the event.");
            else if (IsMatch("^clear event \\[(?<event>\\d{1,3})\\]$", e.Data.Message))
                List <EventInfo> eventInfos = LoadFromFile <List <EventInfo> >("Events");
                int i = int.Parse(Matches["event"].ToString());
                if (i >= eventInfos.Count)
                    AnswerWithNotice(n, e, "There is no such event.");
                EventInfo eventinfo = eventInfos[i];
                eventInfos.Sort(new EventInfoComparer());
                SaveToFile <List <EventInfo> >(eventInfos, "Events");
                AnswerWithNotice(n, e, "I cleared the event.");
            else if (IsMatch("^edit event \\[(?<event>\\d{1,3})\\] (?<day>\\d{1,2})\\.(?<month>\\d{1,2})\\.(?<year>\\d{4}) (?<hour>\\d{1,2}):(?<minute>\\d{1,2}) (?<text>.*)$", e.Data.Message))
                List <EventInfo> eventInfos = LoadFromFile <List <EventInfo> >("Events");
                int i = int.Parse(Matches["event"].ToString());
                if (i >= eventInfos.Count)
                    AnswerWithNotice(n, e, "There is no such event.");
                EventInfo eventinfo = eventInfos[i];
                DateTime  d         = new DateTime(int.Parse(Matches["year"].ToString()), int.Parse(Matches["month"].ToString()), int.Parse(Matches["day"].ToString()), int.Parse(Matches["hour"].ToString()), int.Parse(Matches["minute"].ToString()), 0);
                eventinfo.Date = d;
                eventinfo.Text = Matches["text"].ToString();
                eventInfos.Sort(new EventInfoComparer());
                SaveToFile <List <EventInfo> >(eventInfos, "Events");
                AnswerWithNotice(n, e, "I edited the event.");
 void Bot_OnMessage(Network n, Irc.IrcEventArgs e)
     if (IsMatch("^quote \\?$", e.Data.Message))
         AnswerWithNotice(n, e, FormatBold("Use of Quote plugin:"));
         AnswerWithNotice(n, e, FormatItalic("quote") + " - Prints a random quote.");
         AnswerWithNotice(n, e, FormatItalic("quote <name>") + " - Prints a random quote from <name>.");
         AnswerWithNotice(n, e, FormatItalic("quote <name> [<number>]") + " - Prints the specified quote from <name>.");
         AnswerWithNotice(n, e, FormatItalic("add quote from <name> <quote>") + " - Adds the a quote from <name>.");
         AnswerWithNotice(n, e, FormatItalic("list quotes") + " - Lists the sources of all quotes.");
         AnswerWithNotice(n, e, FormatItalic("list quotes from <name>") + " - Lists all quotes of <name>.");
         AnswerWithNotice(n, e, FormatItalic("remove quote [<number>] from <name>") + " - Removes the specified quote from <name>.");
         AnswerWithNotice(n, e, FormatItalic("edit quote [<number>] from <name> <new quote>") + " - Changes the specified quote from <name> to <new quote>.");
     else if (IsMatch("^quote$", e.Data.Message))
         string quote = GetQuote(LoadFromFile <List <QuoteInfo> >("Quotes"));
         if (quote.Length > 0)
             Answer(n, e, quote);
             AnswerWithNotice(n, e, "I'm sorry, but I don't know any quotes.");
     else if (IsMatch("^quote (?<type>\\w*)$", e.Data.Message))
         string quote = GetQuote(Matches["type"].ToString(), LoadFromFile <List <QuoteInfo> >("Quotes"));
         if (quote.Length > 0)
             Answer(n, e, quote);
             AnswerWithNotice(n, e, "I'm sorry, but I don't know any quotes from " + FormatItalic(Matches["type"].ToString()) + ".");
     else if (IsMatch("^quote (?<type>\\w*?) \\[(?<number>\\d{1,2})\\]$", e.Data.Message))
         List <QuoteInfo> quotes = GetQuotes(Matches["type"].ToString(), LoadFromFile <List <QuoteInfo> >("Quotes"));
         int i = int.Parse(Matches["number"].ToString());
         if (quotes.Count >= i + 1)
             Answer(n, e, quotes[i].Text);
             AnswerWithNotice(n, e, "I'm sorry, but this quote does not exist.");
     else if (IsMatch("^add quote from (?<type>\\w*?) (?<text>.*)$", e.Data.Message))
         List <QuoteInfo> quotes = LoadFromFile <List <QuoteInfo> >("Quotes");
         quotes.Add(new QuoteInfo(Matches["type"].ToString(), Matches["text"].ToString()));
         SaveToFile <List <QuoteInfo> >(quotes, "Quotes");
         AnswerWithNotice(n, e, "I added this quote from " + FormatItalic(Matches["type"].ToString()) + ".");
     else if (IsMatch("^list quotes$", e.Data.Message))
         List <QuoteInfo> quotes = LoadFromFile <List <QuoteInfo> >("Quotes");
         if (quotes.Count > 0)
             List <string> names = new List <string>();
             foreach (QuoteInfo q in quotes)
                 if (!names.Contains(q.Type.ToLower()))
             AnswerWithNotice(n, e, FormatBold("The sources of all quotes:"));
             foreach (string s in names)
                 AnswerWithNotice(n, e, s);
             AnswerWithNotice(n, e, "I'm sorry, but I don't know any quotes.");
     else if (IsMatch("^list quotes from (?<type>\\w*?)$", e.Data.Message))
         List <QuoteInfo> quotes = GetQuotes(Matches["type"].ToString(), LoadFromFile <List <QuoteInfo> >("Quotes"));
         if (quotes.Count > 0)
             AnswerWithNotice(n, e, FormatBold("All Quotes from " + FormatItalic(Matches["type"].ToString()) + ":"));
             for (int i = 0; i < quotes.Count; i++)
                 AnswerWithNotice(n, e, FormatBold("[" + Format(i) + "]") + " " + quotes[i].Text);
             AnswerWithNotice(n, e, "I'm sorry, but I don't know any quotes from " + FormatItalic(Matches["type"].ToString()) + ".");
     else if (IsMatch("^remove quote \\[(?<number>\\d{1,3})\\] from (?<type>\\w*?)$", e.Data.Message))
         List <QuoteInfo> allQuotes = LoadFromFile <List <QuoteInfo> >("Quotes");
         List <QuoteInfo> quotes    = GetQuotes(Matches["type"].ToString(), allQuotes);
         int i = int.Parse(Matches["number"].ToString());
         if (quotes.Count >= i + 1)
             SaveToFile <List <QuoteInfo> >(quotes, "Quotes");
             AnswerWithNotice(n, e, "I removed this quote from " + FormatItalic(Matches["type"].ToString()) + ".");
             AnswerWithNotice(n, e, "I'm sorry, but this quote does not exist.");
     else if (IsMatch("^edit quote \\[(?<number>\\d{1,3})\\] from (?<type>\\w*?) (?<text>.*)$", e.Data.Message))
         List <QuoteInfo> allQuotes = LoadFromFile <List <QuoteInfo> >("Quotes");
         List <QuoteInfo> quotes    = GetQuotes(Matches["type"].ToString(), allQuotes);
         int i = int.Parse(Matches["number"].ToString());
         if (quotes.Count >= i + 1)
             quotes[i].Text = Matches["text"].ToString();
             SaveToFile <List <QuoteInfo> >(quotes, "Quotes");
             AnswerWithNotice(n, e, "I edited this quote from " + FormatItalic(Matches["type"].ToString()) + ".");
             AnswerWithNotice(n, e, "I'm sorry, but this quote does not exist.");