        private static unsafe byte[] CreateSendMessageBuffer(IpHeader ipHeader, IcmpHeader icmpHeader, byte[] payload)
            int icmpHeaderSize = sizeof(IcmpHeader);
            int offset         = 0;
            int packetSize     = ipHeader.TotalLength != 0 ? ipHeader.TotalLength : checked (icmpHeaderSize + payload.Length);

            byte[] result = new byte[packetSize];

            if (ipHeader.TotalLength != 0)
                int ipHeaderSize = sizeof(IpHeader);
                new Span <byte>(&ipHeader, sizeof(IpHeader)).CopyTo(result);
                offset = ipHeaderSize;

            //byte[] result = new byte[headerSize + payload.Length];
            Marshal.Copy(new IntPtr(&icmpHeader), result, offset, icmpHeaderSize);
            payload.CopyTo(result, offset + icmpHeaderSize);

            // offset now still points to beginning of ICMP header.
            ushort checksum = ComputeBufferChecksum(result.AsSpan(offset));

            // Jam the checksum into the buffer.
            result[offset + 2] = (byte)(checksum >> 8);
            result[offset + 3] = (byte)(checksum & (0xFF));

        private static bool readNetworkHeaders(BinaryReader binaryReader)
            EthernetHeader ethernetHeader = EthernetHeader.read(binaryReader);

            // Skip non-IP packets
            if (ethernetHeader.proto != 8)
                throw new InvalidDataException();

            IpHeader ipHeader = IpHeader.read(binaryReader);

            // Skip non-UDP packets
            if (ipHeader.proto != 17)
                throw new InvalidDataException();

            UdpHeader udpHeader = UdpHeader.read(binaryReader);

            bool isSend = (udpHeader.dPort >= 9000 && udpHeader.dPort <= 9013);
            bool isRecv = (udpHeader.sPort >= 9000 && udpHeader.sPort <= 9013);

            // Skip non-AC-port packets
            if (!isSend && !isRecv)
                throw new InvalidDataException();

        private unsafe SocketConfig GetSocketConfig(IPAddress address, byte[] buffer, int timeout, PingOptions?options)
            // Use a random value as the identifier. This doesn't need to be perfectly random
            // or very unpredictable, rather just good enough to avoid unexpected conflicts.
            ushort   id  = (ushort)Random.Shared.Next(ushort.MaxValue + 1);
            IpHeader iph = default;

            bool ipv4         = address.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetwork;
            bool sendIpHeader = ipv4 && options != null && SendIpHeader;

            if (sendIpHeader)
                iph.VersionAndLength = 0x45;
                // On OSX this strangely must be host byte order.
                iph.TotalLength = (ushort)(sizeof(IpHeader) + checked (sizeof(IcmpHeader) + buffer.Length));
                iph.Protocol    = 1; // ICMP
                iph.Ttl         = (byte)options !.Ttl;
                iph.Flags       = (ushort)(options.DontFragment ? 0x4000 : 0);
#pragma warning disable 618
                iph.DestinationAddress = (uint)address.Address;
#pragma warning restore 618
                // No need to fill in SourceAddress or checksum.
                // If left blank, kernel will fill it in - at least on OSX.

            return(new SocketConfig(
                       new IPEndPoint(address, 0), timeout, options,
                       ipv4, ipv4 ? ProtocolType.Icmp : ProtocolType.IcmpV6, id,
                       CreateSendMessageBuffer(iph, new IcmpHeader()
                Type = ipv4 ? (byte)IcmpV4MessageType.EchoRequest : (byte)IcmpV6MessageType.EchoRequest,
                Identifier = id,
            }, buffer)));
        private void ReceiveCallback(IAsyncResult ar)
            var currentTime = _pingStopwatch.ElapsedTicks;
            var elapsedTime = 0;

            var bytesRead = _socket.EndReceive(ar);

            if (ar.AsyncState is byte[] buffer)
                var ipHeader = new IpHeader(buffer, bytesRead);
                if (ipHeader.ProtocolType == ProtocolType.Icmp && !_receivedIps.ContainsKey(ipHeader.RawSourceAddress))
                    _receivedIps[ipHeader.RawSourceAddress] = true;

                    var icParsed = new IcmpPacket(ipHeader.Data, ipHeader.MessageLength);

                    if (MeasureTime)
                        // ReSharper disable once AssignNullToNotNullAttribute
                        var parsedTime = BitConverter.ToInt64(icParsed.Data.Array, icParsed.Data.Offset);
                        elapsedTime = TimeSpan.FromTicks(currentTime - parsedTime).Milliseconds;

                    var pingReplyObject =
                        TypeHelper.Construct <PingReply>(buffer, bytesRead, ipHeader.SourceAddress, elapsedTime);
                    var pingCompletedArgs =
                        TypeHelper.Construct <PingCompletedEventArgs>(pingReplyObject, new Exception(), false, this);

                    OnResult?.Invoke(this, pingCompletedArgs);
        public virtual void Parse(byte[] source, ref int index)
            IpHeader.Parse(source, ref index);

            IcmpPacket = CreatePacket(source, index);
                IcmpPacket.Parse(source, ref index);
            catch (Exception)
                IcmpPacket = null;
    public static IpHeader read(BinaryReader binaryReader)
        IpHeader newObj = new IpHeader();

        newObj.verIhl         = binaryReader.ReadByte();
        newObj.tos            = binaryReader.ReadByte();
        newObj.tLen           = binaryReader.ReadUInt16();
        newObj.identification = binaryReader.ReadUInt16();
        newObj.flagsFo        = binaryReader.ReadUInt16();
        newObj.ttl            = binaryReader.ReadByte();
        newObj.proto          = binaryReader.ReadByte();
        newObj.crc            = binaryReader.ReadUInt16();
        newObj.sAddr          = IpAddress.read(binaryReader);
        newObj.dAddr          = IpAddress.read(binaryReader);
        public void TestUnrolling()
            var a       = Arbitrary <bool>();
            var b       = Arbitrary <bool>();
            var x       = Arbitrary <int>();
            var y       = Arbitrary <int>();
            var byte1   = Arbitrary <byte>();
            var byte2   = Arbitrary <byte>();
            var short1  = Arbitrary <short>();
            var short2  = Arbitrary <short>();
            var ushort1 = Arbitrary <ushort>();
            var ushort2 = Arbitrary <ushort>();
            var uint1   = Arbitrary <uint>();
            var uint2   = Arbitrary <uint>();
            var long1   = Arbitrary <long>();
            var long2   = Arbitrary <long>();
            var ulong1  = Arbitrary <ulong>();
            var ulong2  = Arbitrary <ulong>();
            var bigint1 = Arbitrary <BigInteger>();
            var bigint2 = Arbitrary <BigInteger>();
            var string1 = Arbitrary <string>();
            var string2 = Arbitrary <string>();
            var string3 = Arbitrary <string>();
            var list1   = Arbitrary <IList <byte> >();
            var list2   = Arbitrary <IList <byte> >();
            var h1      = Arbitrary <IpHeader>();
            var h2      = Arbitrary <IpHeader>();
            var opt     = Arbitrary <Option <int> >();
            var arg     = new ZenArgumentExpr <int>();

            var header = IpHeader.Create(Ip.Create(1), Ip.Create(2), 3, 4, 5);

            CheckEqual(True(), True());
            CheckEqual(False(), False());
            CheckEqual(And(a, b), And(a, b));
            CheckEqual(Or(a, b), Or(a, b));
            CheckEqual(Not(a), Not(a));
            CheckEqual(x | y, x | y);
            CheckEqual(x & y, x & y);
            CheckEqual(x ^ y, x ^ y);
            CheckEqual(x + y, x + y);
            CheckEqual(~x, ~x);
            CheckEqual(byte1 + byte2, byte1 + byte2);
            CheckEqual(short1 + short2, short1 + short2);
            CheckEqual(ushort1 + ushort2, ushort1 + ushort2);
            CheckEqual(uint1 + uint2, uint1 + uint2);
            CheckEqual(long1 + long2, long1 + long2);
            CheckEqual(ulong1 + ulong2, ulong1 + ulong2);
            CheckEqual(x - y, x - y);
            CheckEqual(x * y, x * y);
            CheckEqual(x < y, x < y);
            CheckEqual(x > y, x > y);
            CheckEqual(x <= y, x <= y);
            CheckEqual(x >= y, x >= y);
            CheckEqual(bigint1 + bigint2, bigint1 + bigint2);
            CheckEqual(string1 + string2, string1 + string2);
            CheckEqual(string1.At(bigint1), string1.At(bigint1));
            CheckEqual(string1.Contains(string2), string1.Contains(string2));
            CheckEqual(string1.StartsWith(string2), string1.StartsWith(string2));
            CheckEqual(string1.EndsWith(string2), string1.EndsWith(string2));
            CheckEqual(string1.IndexOf(string2, bigint1), string1.IndexOf(string2, bigint1));
            CheckEqual(string1.Length(), string1.Length());
            CheckEqual(string1.ReplaceFirst(string2, string3), string1.ReplaceFirst(string2, string3));
            CheckEqual(string1.Substring(bigint1, bigint2), string1.Substring(bigint1, bigint2));
            CheckEqual(opt.HasValue(), opt.HasValue());
            CheckEqual(arg, arg);
            CheckEqual(If(a, x, y), If(a, x, y));
            CheckEqual(header, header);
            CheckEqual(header.WithField("DstIp", Ip.Create(99)), header.WithField("DstIp", Ip.Create(99)));
            CheckEqual(list1.AddFront(byte1), list1.AddFront(byte1));

            list1.Case(Constant(1), (hd, tl) => 2).Unroll();
            If(b, list1, list2).Case(Constant(1), (hd, tl) => 2).Unroll();
            If(b, h1, h2).GetDstIp().Unroll();
        private int readPacketRecordData(BinaryReader binaryReader, long len, uint tsSec, long curPacket, bool dontList)
            // Begin reading headers
            long packetStartPos = binaryReader.BaseStream.Position;

            EthernetHeader ethernetHeader = EthernetHeader.read(binaryReader);

            // Skip non-IP packets
            if (ethernetHeader.proto != 8)
                binaryReader.BaseStream.Position += len - (binaryReader.BaseStream.Position - packetStartPos);

            IpHeader ipHeader = IpHeader.read(binaryReader);

            // Skip non-UDP packets
            if (ipHeader.proto != 17)
                binaryReader.BaseStream.Position += len - (binaryReader.BaseStream.Position - packetStartPos);

            UdpHeader udpHeader = UdpHeader.read(binaryReader);

            bool isSend = (udpHeader.dPort >= 9000 && udpHeader.dPort <= 9013);
            bool isRecv = (udpHeader.sPort >= 9000 && udpHeader.sPort <= 9013);

            // Skip non-AC-port packets
            if (!isSend && !isRecv)
                binaryReader.BaseStream.Position += len - (binaryReader.BaseStream.Position - packetStartPos);

            long headersSize = binaryReader.BaseStream.Position - packetStartPos;

            // Begin reading non-header packet content
            StringBuilder packetHeadersStr = new StringBuilder();
            StringBuilder packetTypeStr    = new StringBuilder();

            PacketRecord packet = new PacketRecord();

            packet.index     = records.Count;
            packet.isSend    = isSend;
            packet.tsSec     = tsSec;
            packet.netPacket = new NetPacket();
            packet.data      = binaryReader.ReadBytes((int)(len - headersSize));
            packet.extraInfo = "";
            BinaryReader packetReader = new BinaryReader(new MemoryStream(packet.data));

            try {
                ProtoHeader pHeader = ProtoHeader.read(packetReader);

                readOptionalHeaders(packet, pHeader.header_, packetHeadersStr, packetReader);

                if (packetReader.BaseStream.Position == packetReader.BaseStream.Length)
                    packetTypeStr.Append("<Header Only>");

                uint HAS_FRAGS_MASK = 0x4; // See SharedNet::SplitPacketData
                if ((pHeader.header_ & HAS_FRAGS_MASK) != 0)
                    bool first = true;
                    while (packetReader.BaseStream.Position != packetReader.BaseStream.Length)
                        if (!first)
                            packetTypeStr.Append(" + ");
                        readPacket(packet, packetTypeStr, packetReader);
                        first = false;

                if (packetReader.BaseStream.Position != packetReader.BaseStream.Length)
                    packet.extraInfo = "Didnt read entire packet! " + packet.extraInfo;
            } catch (OutOfMemoryException e) {
                //MessageBox.Show("Out of memory (packet " + curPacket + "), stopping read: " + e);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                packet.extraInfo += "EXCEPTION: " + e.Message + " " + e.StackTrace;
            packet.packetHeadersStr = packetHeadersStr.ToString();
            packet.packetTypeStr    = packetTypeStr.ToString();


            if (!dontList)
                ListViewItem newItem = new ListViewItem(packet.index.ToString());
                newItem.SubItems.Add(packet.isSend ? "Send" : "Recv");
