bool Check() { if ((RouteDescriptionToDirection(GuiUtils.GetSelected(CboRoutesOtherwise)) == "out") && (TableRoutingController.Items.Count == 0)) { if (GuiUtils.MessageYesNo(Messages.WindowsSettingsRouteOutEmptyList) == false) { return(false); } } if (GuiUtils.GetCheck(ChkLockAllowDNS) == false) { bool hostNameUsed = false; foreach (TableRoutingControllerItem item in TableRoutingController.Items) { if (IpAddress.IsIP(item.Ip) == false) { hostNameUsed = true; break; } } if (hostNameUsed) { if (Engine.Instance.OnAskYesNo(Messages.WindowsSettingsRouteWithHostname) == false) { return(false); } } } return(true); }
public List <string> GetBootstrapUrls() { List <string> urls = new List <string>(); // Manual Urls foreach (string url in Engine.Instance.Storage.Get("bootstrap.urls").Split(';')) { string sUrl = url.Trim(); if (sUrl != "") { if (IpAddress.IsIP(sUrl)) { sUrl = "http://" + sUrl; } string host = UtilsCore.HostFromUrl(sUrl); if (host != "") { urls.Add(sUrl); } } } // Manifest Urls if (Manifest != null) { XmlNodeList nodesUrls = Manifest.SelectNodes("//urls/url"); foreach (XmlNode nodeUrl in nodesUrls) { urls.Add(nodeUrl.Attributes["address"].Value); } } return(urls); }
private void cbbSelectEquip_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e) { Equipment equip = (sender as ComboBox).SelectedItem as Equipment; string equipName = equip.Name; int equipID = equip.Index; IpAddress agentIP = null; try { object strIP = App.DBHelper.returnScalar(string.Format("SELECT IP_Address FROM IPAddress WHERE(IP_EquipID = {0}) AND (IP_IsDefaultIP = 1)", equipID)); if (strIP == null) { MessageBox.Show("数据库中没有" + equipName + "的默认管理IP地址"); return; } if (IpAddress.IsIP(strIP.ToString())) { agentIP = new IpAddress(strIP.ToString()); } else { MessageBox.Show("地址格式错误"); return; } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("读取数据库出现错误\n" + ex.Message); return; } ConstructListByIP(agentIP, equipName); }
public override bool OnDnsSwitchDo(IpAddresses dns) { string mode = Engine.Instance.Storage.GetLower("dns.mode"); if (mode == "auto") { string[] interfaces = GetInterfaces(); foreach (string i in interfaces) { string i2 = i.Trim(); string currentStr = SystemShell.Shell("/usr/sbin/networksetup", new string[] { "-getdnsservers", SystemShell.EscapeInsideQuote(i2) }); // v2 IpAddresses current = new IpAddresses(); foreach (string line in currentStr.Split('\n')) { string ip = line.Trim(); if (IpAddress.IsIP(ip)) { current.Add(ip); } } if (dns.Equals(current) == false) { DnsSwitchEntry e = new DnsSwitchEntry(); e.Name = i2; e.Dns = current.Addresses; m_listDnsSwitch.Add(e); SystemShell s = new SystemShell(); s.Path = LocateExecutable("networksetup"); s.Arguments.Add("-setdnsservers"); s.Arguments.Add(SystemShell.EscapeInsideQuote(i2)); if (dns.IPs.Count == 0) { s.Arguments.Add("empty"); } else { foreach (IpAddress ip in dns.IPs) { s.Arguments.Add(ip.Address); } } s.Run(); Engine.Instance.Logs.Log(LogType.Verbose, MessagesFormatter.Format(Messages.NetworkAdapterDnsDone, i2, ((current.Count == 0) ? "Automatic" : current.Addresses), dns.Addresses)); } } Recovery.Save(); } base.OnDnsSwitchDo(dns); return(true); }
public override bool OnDnsSwitchDo(string dns) { string mode = Engine.Instance.Storage.GetLower("dns.mode"); if (mode == "auto") { string[] interfaces = GetInterfaces(); foreach (string i in interfaces) { string i2 = i.Trim(); string current = ShellCmd("networksetup -getdnsservers \"" + i2 + "\""); // v2 List <string> ips = new List <string>(); foreach (string line in current.Split('\n')) { string ip = line.Trim(); if (IpAddress.IsIP(ip)) { ips.Add(ip); } } if (ips.Count != 0) { current = String.Join(",", ips.ToArray()); } else { current = ""; } if (current != dns) { // Switch Engine.Instance.Logs.Log(LogType.Verbose, Messages.Format(Messages.NetworkAdapterDnsDone, i2, ((current == "") ? "Automatic" : current), dns)); DnsSwitchEntry e = new DnsSwitchEntry(); e.Name = i2; e.Dns = current; m_listDnsSwitch.Add(e); string dns2 = dns.Replace(",", "\" \""); ShellCmd("networksetup -setdnsservers \"" + i2 + "\" \"" + dns2 + "\""); } } Recovery.Save(); } base.OnDnsSwitchDo(dns); return(true); }
public static bool IsIP(string v) { if (v == "On-link") { return(true); } if (IpAddress.IsIP(v)) { return(true); } return(false); }
private void ParseIP() { string _buffer = (string)pars.GetPar("ip").argValues[0]; if (!IpAddress.IsIP(_buffer)) { Logger.Log("SNMP device Request has problems with Parsing IPAddress", Logger.MessageType.ERROR); throw new ArgumentException("Can't parse IP Address"); } else { _targetIP = IPAddress.Parse(_buffer); } }
public static XmlDocument FetchUrls(string title, string authPublicKey, List <string> urls, Dictionary <string, string> parameters) { parameters["login"] = Engine.Instance.Storage.Get("login"); parameters["password"] = Engine.Instance.Storage.Get("password"); parameters["system"] = Platform.Instance.GetSystemCode(); parameters["version"] = Constants.VersionInt.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); string firstError = ""; int hostN = 0; foreach (string url in urls) { string host = UtilsCore.HostFromUrl(url); hostN++; if (IpAddress.IsIP(host) == false) { // If locked network are enabled, skip the hostname and try only by IP. // To avoid DNS issue (generally, to avoid losing time). if (Engine.Instance.NetworkLockManager.IsDnsResolutionAvailable(host) == false) { continue; } } try { RouteScope routeScope = new RouteScope(host); XmlDocument xmlDoc = FetchUrl(authPublicKey, url, parameters); routeScope.End(); if (xmlDoc == null) { throw new Exception("No answer."); } if (xmlDoc.DocumentElement.Attributes["error"] != null) { throw new Exception(xmlDoc.DocumentElement.Attributes["error"].Value); } return(xmlDoc); } catch (Exception e) { string info = e.Message; string proxyMode = Engine.Instance.Storage.Get("proxy.mode").ToLowerInvariant(); string proxyWhen = Engine.Instance.Storage.Get("proxy.when").ToLowerInvariant(); string proxyAuth = Engine.Instance.Storage.Get("proxy.auth").ToLowerInvariant(); if (proxyMode != "none") { info += " - with '" + proxyMode + "' (" + proxyWhen + ") proxy and '" + proxyAuth + "' auth"; } if (Engine.Instance.Storage.GetBool("")) { Engine.Instance.Logs.Log(LogType.Verbose, MessagesFormatter.Format(Messages.ExchangeTryFailed, title, hostN.ToString(), info)); } if (firstError == "") { firstError = info; } } } throw new Exception(firstError); }
private void btnAddIP_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { string strIpAddr = tbAddIP.Text.Trim(); IpAddress ipAddr, ipMask, ipGateWay; string strIpMask = tbAddMask.Text.Trim(); string strIpGateWay = tbAddGateway.Text.Trim(); string ipName = tbAddIPName.Text.Trim(); string ipEquipName = cbbAddIPEquipName.Text; if (ipEquipName.Equals("选择设备")) { MessageBox.Show("请选择一个设备"); return; } if (!IpAddress.IsIP(strIpAddr)) { MessageBox.Show("地址格式不正确"); return; } ipAddr = new IpAddress(strIpAddr); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(strIpMask)) { ipMask = null; } else { if (!IpAddress.IsIP(strIpMask)) { MessageBox.Show("掩码应是一个IP地址格式"); return; } ipMask = new IpAddress(strIpMask); if (!ipMask.IsValidMask()) { MessageBox.Show("掩码格式不正确"); return; } } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(strIpGateWay)) { ipGateWay = null; } else { if (!IpAddress.IsIP(strIpGateWay)) { MessageBox.Show("网关格式错误"); return; } ipGateWay = new IpAddress(strIpGateWay); } string getIDSql = "SELECT Equip_Index FROM Equipments WHERE Equip_Name = '" + ipEquipName + "'"; int equipID = Convert.ToInt32(App.DBHelper.returnScalar(getIDSql)); if (equipID <= 0) { MessageBox.Show("数据库中未找到相应的设备号"); return; } string insertSql = string.Format("INSERT INTO IPAddress(IP_Address, IP_EquipID, IP_Mask, IP_GateWay, IP_Name) VALUES('{0}',{1},'{2}','{3}','{4}')", strIpAddr, equipID, strIpMask, strIpGateWay, ipName); if (!App.DBHelper.ExecuteReturnBool(insertSql)) { MessageBox.Show("插入IP失败"); return; } IPInfor4DB ipInfo = new IPInfor4DB(ipAddr, equipID, ipEquipName, ipMask, ipGateWay, ipName, false); string getipIDSql = string.Format("SELECT IP_Index FROM IPAddress WHERE IP_EquipID = {0} AND IP_Address = '{1}'", equipID, strIpAddr); ipInfo.IpIndex = Convert.ToInt32(App.DBHelper.returnScalar(getipIDSql)); ipInformationList.Add(ipInfo); tbAddIP.Text = ""; tbAddIPName.Text = ""; tbAddMask.Text = ""; tbAddGateway.Text = ""; }
void ReadOptions() { Storage s = Engine.Instance.Storage; // General GuiUtils.SetCheck(ChkConnect, s.GetBool("connect")); GuiUtils.SetCheck(ChkNetLock, s.GetBool("netlock")); GuiUtils.SetCheck(ChkGeneralStartLast, s.GetBool("servers.startlast")); GuiUtils.SetCheck(ChkGeneralOsxVisible, s.GetBool("gui.osx.visible")); // GuiUtils.SetCheck (ChkGeneralOsxDock, s.GetBool ("gui.osx.dock")); // See this FAQ: GuiUtils.SetCheck(ChkGeneralOsxNotifications, s.GetBool("gui.osx.notifications")); GuiUtils.SetCheck(ChkUiSystemBarShowInfo, s.GetBool("gui.osx.sysbar.show_info")); GuiUtils.SetCheck(ChkUiSystemBarShowSpeed, s.GetBool("gui.osx.sysbar.show_speed")); GuiUtils.SetCheck(ChkUiSystemBarShowServer, s.GetBool("gui.osx.sysbar.show_server")); GuiUtils.SetCheck(ChkExitConfirm, s.GetBool("gui.exit_confirm")); // UI string uiUnit = s.Get("ui.unit"); if (uiUnit == "bytes") { GuiUtils.SetSelected(CboUiUnit, Messages.WindowsSettingsUiUnit1); } else if (uiUnit == "bits") { GuiUtils.SetSelected(CboUiUnit, Messages.WindowsSettingsUiUnit2); } else { GuiUtils.SetSelected(CboUiUnit, Messages.WindowsSettingsUiUnit0); } GuiUtils.SetCheck(ChkUiIEC, s.GetBool("ui.iec")); /* * string interfaceMode = GuiUtils.InterfaceColorMode (); * if (interfaceMode == "Dark") * GuiUtils.SetSelected (CboGeneralOsxInterfaceStyle,"Dark"); * else * GuiUtils.SetSelected (CboGeneralOsxInterfaceStyle,"Default"); */ // Protocols String protocol = s.Get("mode.protocol").ToUpperInvariant(); int port = s.GetInt("mode.port"); int entryIP = s.GetInt("mode.alt"); if (protocol == "AUTO") { GuiUtils.SetCheck(ChkProtocolsAutomatic, true); } else { bool found = false; int iRow = 0; foreach (TableProtocolsControllerItem itemProtocol in TableProtocolsController.Items) { if ((itemProtocol.Protocol == protocol) && (itemProtocol.Port == port) && (itemProtocol.IP == entryIP)) { found = true; TableProtocols.SelectRow(iRow, false); TableProtocols.ScrollRowToVisible(iRow); break; } iRow++; } if (found == false) { GuiUtils.SetCheck(ChkProtocolsAutomatic, true); } else { GuiUtils.SetCheck(ChkProtocolsAutomatic, false); } } // Proxy GuiUtils.SetSelected(CboProxyType, s.Get("proxy.mode")); if (s.Get("proxy.when") == "always") { GuiUtils.SetSelected(CboProxyWhen, Messages.WindowsSettingsProxyWhenAlways); } else if (s.Get("proxy.when") == "web") { GuiUtils.SetSelected(CboProxyWhen, Messages.WindowsSettingsProxyWhenWeb); } else if (s.Get("proxy.when") == "openvpn") { GuiUtils.SetSelected(CboProxyWhen, Messages.WindowsSettingsProxyWhenOpenVPN); } else if (s.Get("proxy.when") == "none") { GuiUtils.SetSelected(CboProxyWhen, Messages.WindowsSettingsProxyWhenNone); } else { GuiUtils.SetSelected(CboProxyWhen, Messages.WindowsSettingsProxyWhenAlways); } TxtProxyHost.StringValue = s.Get(""); TxtProxyPort.StringValue = s.Get("proxy.port"); GuiUtils.SetSelected(CboProxyAuthentication, s.Get("proxy.auth")); TxtProxyLogin.StringValue = s.Get("proxy.login"); TxtProxyPassword.StringValue = s.Get("proxy.password"); TxtProxyTorControlPort.StringValue = s.Get("proxy.tor.control.port"); TxtProxyTorControlPassword.StringValue = s.Get("proxy.tor.control.password"); // Routes GuiUtils.SetSelected(CboRoutesOtherwise, RouteDirectionToDescription(s.Get("routes.default"))); string routes = s.Get("routes.custom"); string[] routes2 = routes.Split(';'); foreach (string route in routes2) { string[] routeEntries = route.Split(','); if (routeEntries.Length < 2) { continue; } TableRoutingControllerItem item = new TableRoutingControllerItem(); item.Ip = routeEntries[0]; item.Action = routeEntries[1]; item.Icon = routeEntries[1]; if (routeEntries.Length == 3) { item.Notes = routeEntries[2]; } TableRoutingController.Items.Add(item); } TableRoutingController.RefreshUI(); // Advanced - General GuiUtils.SetCheck(ChkAdvancedExpertMode, s.GetBool("")); GuiUtils.SetCheck(ChkAdvancedCheckRoute, s.GetBool("advanced.check.route")); string ipV6Mode = s.Get("ipv6.mode"); if (ipV6Mode == "none") { GuiUtils.SetSelected(CboIpV6, "None"); } else if (ipV6Mode == "disable") { GuiUtils.SetSelected(CboIpV6, "Disable"); } else { GuiUtils.SetSelected(CboIpV6, "None"); } GuiUtils.SetCheck(ChkAdvancedPingerEnabled, s.GetBool("pinger.enabled")); GuiUtils.SetCheck(ChkRouteRemoveDefaultGateway, s.GetBool("routes.remove_default")); TxtAdvancedOpenVpnPath.StringValue = s.Get("tools.openvpn.path"); GuiUtils.SetCheck(ChkAdvancedSkipAlreadyRun, s.GetBool("advanced.skip_alreadyrun")); GuiUtils.SetCheck(ChkAdvancedProviders, s.GetBool("advanced.providers")); int manifestRefresh = s.GetInt("advanced.manifest.refresh"); if (manifestRefresh == 60) { GuiUtils.SetSelected(CboAdvancedManifestRefresh, "Every one hour"); } else if (manifestRefresh == 10) { GuiUtils.SetSelected(CboAdvancedManifestRefresh, "Every ten minute"); } else if (manifestRefresh == 1) { GuiUtils.SetSelected(CboAdvancedManifestRefresh, "Every minute"); } else if (manifestRefresh == 0) { GuiUtils.SetSelected(CboAdvancedManifestRefresh, "Never"); } else { GuiUtils.SetSelected(CboAdvancedManifestRefresh, "Automatic"); } int openVpnSndBuf = s.GetInt("openvpn.sndbuf"); if (openVpnSndBuf == -2) { GuiUtils.SetSelected(CboOpenVpnSndBuf, Messages.Automatic); } else if (openVpnSndBuf == -1) { GuiUtils.SetSelected(CboOpenVpnSndBuf, Messages.WindowsSettingsOpenVpnDefault); } else if (openVpnSndBuf == 1024 * 8) { GuiUtils.SetSelected(CboOpenVpnSndBuf, "8 KB"); } else if (openVpnSndBuf == 1024 * 16) { GuiUtils.SetSelected(CboOpenVpnSndBuf, "16 KB"); } else if (openVpnSndBuf == 1024 * 32) { GuiUtils.SetSelected(CboOpenVpnSndBuf, "32 KB"); } else if (openVpnSndBuf == 1024 * 64) { GuiUtils.SetSelected(CboOpenVpnSndBuf, "64 KB"); } else if (openVpnSndBuf == 1024 * 128) { GuiUtils.SetSelected(CboOpenVpnSndBuf, "128 KB"); } else if (openVpnSndBuf == 1024 * 256) { GuiUtils.SetSelected(CboOpenVpnSndBuf, "256 KB"); } else if (openVpnSndBuf == 1024 * 512) { GuiUtils.SetSelected(CboOpenVpnSndBuf, "512 KB"); } int openVpnRcvBuf = s.GetInt("openvpn.rcvbuf"); if (openVpnRcvBuf == -2) { GuiUtils.SetSelected(CboOpenVpnRcvBuf, Messages.Automatic); } else if (openVpnRcvBuf == -1) { GuiUtils.SetSelected(CboOpenVpnRcvBuf, Messages.WindowsSettingsOpenVpnDefault); } else if (openVpnRcvBuf == 1024 * 8) { GuiUtils.SetSelected(CboOpenVpnRcvBuf, "8 KB"); } else if (openVpnRcvBuf == 1024 * 16) { GuiUtils.SetSelected(CboOpenVpnRcvBuf, "16 KB"); } else if (openVpnRcvBuf == 1024 * 32) { GuiUtils.SetSelected(CboOpenVpnRcvBuf, "32 KB"); } else if (openVpnRcvBuf == 1024 * 64) { GuiUtils.SetSelected(CboOpenVpnRcvBuf, "64 KB"); } else if (openVpnRcvBuf == 1024 * 128) { GuiUtils.SetSelected(CboOpenVpnRcvBuf, "128 KB"); } else if (openVpnRcvBuf == 1024 * 256) { GuiUtils.SetSelected(CboOpenVpnRcvBuf, "256 KB"); } else if (openVpnRcvBuf == 1024 * 512) { GuiUtils.SetSelected(CboOpenVpnRcvBuf, "512 KB"); } // Advanced - DNS string dnsMode = s.Get("dns.mode"); if (dnsMode == "none") { GuiUtils.SetSelected(CboDnsSwitchMode, "Disabled"); } else { GuiUtils.SetSelected(CboDnsSwitchMode, "Automatic"); } GuiUtils.SetCheck(ChkDnsCheck, s.GetBool("dns.check")); TableDnsServersController.Clear(); string[] dnsServers = s.Get("dns.servers").Split(','); foreach (string dnsServer in dnsServers) { if (IpAddress.IsIP(dnsServer)) { TableDnsServersController.Add(dnsServer); } } // Advanced - Lock string lockMode = s.Get("netlock.mode"); GuiUtils.SetSelected(CboLockMode, "None"); if (lockMode == "auto") { GuiUtils.SetSelected(CboLockMode, "Automatic"); } else { foreach (NetworkLockPlugin lockPlugin in Engine.Instance.NetworkLockManager.Modes) { if (lockPlugin.GetCode() == lockMode) { GuiUtils.SetSelected(CboLockMode, lockPlugin.GetName()); } } } GuiUtils.SetCheck(ChkLockAllowPrivate, s.GetBool("netlock.allow_private")); GuiUtils.SetCheck(ChkLockAllowPing, s.GetBool("netlock.allow_ping")); GuiUtils.SetCheck(ChkLockAllowDNS, s.GetBool("netlock.allow_dns")); TxtLockAllowedIPS.StringValue = s.Get("netlock.allowed_ips"); // Advanced - Logging GuiUtils.SetCheck(ChkLoggingEnabled, s.GetBool("log.file.enabled")); GuiUtils.SetCheck(ChkLogLevelDebug, s.GetBool("log.level.debug")); TxtLoggingPath.StringValue = s.Get("log.file.path"); // Advanced - OVPN Directives GuiUtils.SetSelected(CboOpenVpnDirectivesSkipDefault, (s.GetBool("openvpn.skip_defaults") ? Messages.WindowsSettingsOpenVpnDirectivesDefaultSkip2 : Messages.WindowsSettingsOpenVpnDirectivesDefaultSkip1)); TxtAdvancedOpenVpnDirectivesDefault.StringValue = s.Get("openvpn.directives"); TxtAdvancedOpenVpnDirectivesCustom.StringValue = s.Get("openvpn.custom"); TxtOpenVpnDirectivesCustomPath.StringValue = s.Get("openvpn.directives.path"); // Advanced - Events ReadOptionsEvent("app.start", 0); ReadOptionsEvent("app.stop", 1); ReadOptionsEvent("session.start", 2); ReadOptionsEvent("session.stop", 3); ReadOptionsEvent("vpn.pre", 4); ReadOptionsEvent("vpn.up", 5); ReadOptionsEvent("vpn.down", 6); TableAdvancedEventsController.RefreshUI(); }
private void cbbSelectEquip_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e) { Equipment equip = (sender as ComboBox).SelectedItem as Equipment; string equipName = equip.Name; int equipID = equip.Index; IpAddress agentIP = null; try { object strIP = App.DBHelper.returnScalar(string.Format("SELECT IP_Address FROM IPAddress WHERE(IP_EquipID = {0}) AND (IP_IsDefaultIP = 1)", equipID)); if (strIP == null) { MessageBox.Show("数据库中没有" + equipName + "的默认管理IP地址"); return; } if (IpAddress.IsIP(strIP.ToString())) { agentIP = new IpAddress(strIP.ToString()); } else { MessageBox.Show("地址格式错误"); return; } } catch { MessageBox.Show("读取数据库出现错误\n" + e.ToString()); } OctetString community = new OctetString("public"); AgentParameters param = new AgentParameters(community); // Set SNMP version to 2 (GET-BULK only works with SNMP ver 2 and 3) param.Version = SnmpVersion.Ver2; // Construct target UdpTarget target = new UdpTarget((IPAddress)agentIP, 161, 2000, 1); // Define Oid that is the root of the MIB // tree you wish to retrieve Oid rootOid1 = new Oid(""); // ifIndex Oid rootOid2 = new Oid(""); // ifDescr // This Oid represents last Oid returned by // the SNMP agent Oid lastOid1 = (Oid)rootOid1.Clone(); Oid lastOid2 = (Oid)rootOid2.Clone(); // Pdu class used for all requests Pdu pdu = new Pdu(PduType.GetBulk); // In this example, set NonRepeaters value to 0 pdu.NonRepeaters = 0; // MaxRepetitions tells the agent how many Oid/Value pairs to return // in the response. pdu.MaxRepetitions = 5; // Loop through results while (lastOid1 != null && lastOid2 != null) { // When Pdu class is first constructed, RequestId is set to 0 // and during encoding id will be set to the random value // for subsequent requests, id will be set to a value that // needs to be incremented to have unique request ids for each // packet if (pdu.RequestId != 0) { pdu.RequestId += 1; } // Clear Oids from the Pdu class. pdu.VbList.Clear(); // Initialize request PDU with the last retrieved Oid pdu.VbList.Add(lastOid1); pdu.VbList.Add(lastOid2); // Make SNMP request SnmpV2Packet result = (SnmpV2Packet)target.Request(pdu, param); // You should catch exceptions in the Request if using in real application. // If result is null then agent didn't reply or we couldn't parse the reply. if (result != null) { // ErrorStatus other then 0 is an error returned by // the Agent - see SnmpConstants for error definitions if (result.Pdu.ErrorStatus != 0) { // agent reported an error with the request Console.WriteLine("Error in SNMP reply. Error {0} index {1}", result.Pdu.ErrorStatus, result.Pdu.ErrorIndex); MessageBox.Show(string.Format("SNMP应答数据包中有错误。 Error {0} index {1}", result.Pdu.ErrorStatus, result.Pdu.ErrorIndex)); lastOid1 = null; lastOid2 = null; break; } else { // Walk through returned variable bindings foreach (Vb v in result.Pdu.VbList) { // Check that retrieved Oid is "child" of the root OID if (rootOid1.IsRootOf(v.Oid)) { if (v.Value.Type == SnmpConstants.SMI_ENDOFMIBVIEW) { lastOid1 = null; } else { lastOid1 = v.Oid; } var f = v.Value; //Interface interface = new Interface(v.Value.,) } else if (rootOid2.IsRootOf(v.Oid)) { if (v.Value.Type == SnmpConstants.SMI_ENDOFMIBVIEW) { lastOid2 = null; } else { lastOid2 = v.Oid; } var f = v.Value; } else { // we have reached the end of the requested // MIB tree. Set lastOid to null and exit loop lastOid1 = null; lastOid2 = null; } // if (rootOid.IsRootOf(v.Oid)) // { // Console.WriteLine("{0} ({1}): {2}", // v.Oid.ToString(), // SnmpConstants.GetTypeName(v.Value.Type), // v.Value.ToString()); // if (v.Value.Type == SnmpConstants.SMI_ENDOFMIBVIEW) // lastOid = null; // else // lastOid = v.Oid; // } // else // { // // we have reached the end of the requested // // MIB tree. Set lastOid to null and exit loop // lastOid = null; // } } } } else { Console.WriteLine("No response received from SNMP agent."); } } target.Close(); }
public void ReadOptions() { Storage s = Engine.Instance.Storage; // General chkConnect.Checked = s.GetBool("connect"); chkNetLock.Checked = s.GetBool("netlock"); chkUiMinimizeStart.Checked = s.GetBool(""); chkUiMinimizeTray.Checked = s.GetBool(""); chkSystemNotifications.Checked = s.GetBool(""); chkGeneralStartLast.Checked = s.GetBool("servers.startlast"); chkExitConfirm.Checked = s.GetBool("gui.exit_confirm"); chkOsSingleInstance.Checked = s.GetBool("os.single_instance"); // Ui string uiUnit = s.Get("ui.unit"); if (uiUnit == "bytes") { cboUiUnit.SelectedIndex = 1; } else if (uiUnit == "bits") { cboUiUnit.SelectedIndex = 2; } else { cboUiUnit.SelectedIndex = 0; } if (s.Get("") != "") { chkUiFontGeneral.Checked = true; lblUiFontGeneral.Text = s.Get("") + ", " + s.GetFloat("gui.font.normal.size").ToString(); } else { chkUiFontGeneral.Checked = false; } UpdateUiFontGeneral(); // Protocol String protocol = s.Get("mode.protocol").ToUpperInvariant(); int port = s.GetInt("mode.port"); int alternate = s.GetInt("mode.alt"); if (protocol == "AUTO") { chkProtocolsAutomatic.Checked = true; } else { bool found = false; foreach (Controls.ListViewItemProtocol itemProtocol in lstProtocols.Items) { if ((itemProtocol.Protocol == protocol) && (itemProtocol.Port == port) && (itemProtocol.Entry == alternate)) { found = true; itemProtocol.Selected = true; lstProtocols.EnsureVisible(itemProtocol.Index); break; } } if (found == false) { chkProtocolsAutomatic.Checked = true; } else { chkProtocolsAutomatic.Checked = false; } } // Proxy cboProxyMode.Text = s.Get("proxy.mode"); txtProxyHost.Text = s.Get(""); txtProxyPort.Text = s.Get("proxy.port"); cboProxyAuthentication.Text = s.Get("proxy.auth"); txtProxyLogin.Text = s.Get("proxy.login"); txtProxyPassword.Text = s.Get("proxy.password"); txtProxyTorControlPort.Text = s.Get("proxy.tor.control.port"); txtProxyTorControlPassword.Text = s.Get("proxy.tor.control.password"); // Routes cboRoutesOtherwise.Text = RouteDirectionToDescription(s.Get("routes.default")); string routes = s.Get("routes.custom"); String[] routes2 = routes.Split(';'); foreach (String route in routes2) { String[] routeEntries = route.Split(','); if (routeEntries.Length < 2) { continue; } string ip = routeEntries[0]; string action = routeEntries[1]; string notes = ""; if (routeEntries.Length == 3) { notes = routeEntries[2]; } ListViewItem item = new ListViewItem(); item.Text = ip; item.SubItems.Add(RouteDirectionToDescription(action)); item.SubItems.Add(notes); item.ImageKey = action; lstRoutes.Items.Add(item); } // Advanced - General chkExpert.Checked = s.GetBool(""); chkAdvancedCheckRoute.Checked = s.GetBool("advanced.check.route"); string ipV6 = s.Get("ipv6.mode"); if (ipV6 == "none") { cboIpV6.Text = "None"; } else if (ipV6 == "disable") { cboIpV6.Text = "Disable"; } else { cboIpV6.Text = "None"; } chkAdvancedPingerEnabled.Checked = s.GetBool("pinger.enabled"); chkRouteRemoveDefault.Checked = s.GetBool("routes.remove_default"); chkWindowsTapUp.Checked = s.GetBool("windows.tap_up"); chkWindowsDhcpSwitch.Checked = s.GetBool("windows.dhcp_disable"); chkWindowsDisableDriverUpgrade.Checked = s.GetBool("windows.disable_driver_upgrade"); chkWindowsIPv6DisableAtOs.Checked = s.GetBool("windows.ipv6.os_disable"); chkWindowsDnsForceAllInterfaces.Checked = s.GetBool("windows.dns.force_all_interfaces"); chkWindowsDnsLock.Checked = s.GetBool("windows.dns.lock"); chkWindowsWfp.Checked = s.GetBool("windows.wfp"); txtExePath.Text = s.Get("executables.openvpn"); int manifestRefresh = s.GetInt("advanced.manifest.refresh"); if (manifestRefresh == 60) { cboAdvancedManifestRefresh.SelectedIndex = 4; } else if (manifestRefresh == 10) { cboAdvancedManifestRefresh.SelectedIndex = 3; } else if (manifestRefresh == 1) { cboAdvancedManifestRefresh.SelectedIndex = 2; } else if (manifestRefresh == 0) { cboAdvancedManifestRefresh.SelectedIndex = 1; } else { cboAdvancedManifestRefresh.SelectedIndex = 0; } int openVpnSndBuf = s.GetInt("openvpn.sndbuf"); if (openVpnSndBuf == -2) { cboOpenVpnSndbuf.SelectedIndex = 0; } else if (openVpnSndBuf == -1) { cboOpenVpnSndbuf.SelectedIndex = 1; } else if (openVpnSndBuf == 1024 * 8) { cboOpenVpnSndbuf.SelectedIndex = 2; } else if (openVpnSndBuf == 1024 * 16) { cboOpenVpnSndbuf.SelectedIndex = 3; } else if (openVpnSndBuf == 1024 * 32) { cboOpenVpnSndbuf.SelectedIndex = 4; } else if (openVpnSndBuf == 1024 * 64) { cboOpenVpnSndbuf.SelectedIndex = 5; } else if (openVpnSndBuf == 1024 * 128) { cboOpenVpnSndbuf.SelectedIndex = 6; } else if (openVpnSndBuf == 1024 * 256) { cboOpenVpnSndbuf.SelectedIndex = 7; } else if (openVpnSndBuf == 1024 * 512) { cboOpenVpnSndbuf.SelectedIndex = 8; } int openVpnRcvBuf = s.GetInt("openvpn.rcvbuf"); if (openVpnRcvBuf == -2) { cboOpenVpnRcvbuf.SelectedIndex = 0; } else if (openVpnRcvBuf == -1) { cboOpenVpnRcvbuf.SelectedIndex = 1; } else if (openVpnRcvBuf == 1024 * 8) { cboOpenVpnRcvbuf.SelectedIndex = 2; } else if (openVpnRcvBuf == 1024 * 16) { cboOpenVpnRcvbuf.SelectedIndex = 3; } else if (openVpnRcvBuf == 1024 * 32) { cboOpenVpnRcvbuf.SelectedIndex = 4; } else if (openVpnRcvBuf == 1024 * 64) { cboOpenVpnRcvbuf.SelectedIndex = 5; } else if (openVpnRcvBuf == 1024 * 128) { cboOpenVpnRcvbuf.SelectedIndex = 6; } else if (openVpnRcvBuf == 1024 * 256) { cboOpenVpnRcvbuf.SelectedIndex = 7; } else if (openVpnRcvBuf == 1024 * 512) { cboOpenVpnRcvbuf.SelectedIndex = 8; } // Advanced - DNS cboDnsSwitchMode.Text = s.Get("dns.mode"); string dnsMode = s.Get("dns.mode"); if (dnsMode == "none") { cboDnsSwitchMode.Text = "Disabled"; } else if (dnsMode == "auto") { cboDnsSwitchMode.Text = "Automatic"; } else if (dnsMode == "resolvconf") { cboDnsSwitchMode.Text = "Resolvconf (Linux only)"; } else if (dnsMode == "rename") { cboDnsSwitchMode.Text = "Renaming (Linux only)"; } else { cboDnsSwitchMode.Text = "Automatic"; } chkDnsCheck.Checked = s.GetBool("dns.check"); lstDnsServers.Items.Clear(); string[] dnsServers = s.Get("dns.servers").Split(','); foreach (string dnsServer in dnsServers) { if (IpAddress.IsIP(dnsServer)) { lstDnsServers.Items.Add(new ListViewItem(dnsServer)); } } // Advanced - Lock string lockMode = s.Get("netlock.mode"); cboLockMode.Text = "None"; if (lockMode == "auto") { cboLockMode.Text = "Automatic"; } else { foreach (NetworkLockPlugin lockPlugin in Engine.Instance.NetworkLockManager.Modes) { if (lockPlugin.GetCode() == lockMode) { cboLockMode.Text = lockPlugin.GetName(); } } } chkLockAllowPrivate.Checked = s.GetBool("netlock.allow_private"); chkLockAllowPing.Checked = s.GetBool("netlock.allow_ping"); txtLockAllowedIPS.Text = s.Get("netlock.allowed_ips"); // Advanced - Logging chkLoggingEnabled.Checked = s.GetBool("log.file.enabled"); txtLogPath.Text = s.Get("log.file.path"); chkLogLevelDebug.Checked = s.GetBool("log.level.debug"); // Advanced - OVPN Directives cboOpenVpnDirectivesDefaultSkip.SelectedIndex = (s.GetBool("openvpn.skip_defaults") ? 1:0); txtOpenVpnDirectivesBase.Text = s.Get("openvpn.directives"); txtOpenVpnDirectivesCustom.Text = s.Get("openvpn.custom"); // Advanced - Events ReadOptionsEvent("app.start", 0); ReadOptionsEvent("app.stop", 1); ReadOptionsEvent("session.start", 2); ReadOptionsEvent("session.stop", 3); ReadOptionsEvent("vpn.pre", 4); ReadOptionsEvent("vpn.up", 5); ReadOptionsEvent("vpn.down", 6); chkSystemStart.Checked = Platform.Instance.GetAutoStart(); }