    public void Test_DifficultSet_Owen2013()
        // This ion set came from https://www.nature.com/articles/nature12330

        var ionSet = new Ion[]
            new Ion("K", 50, 3),
            new Ion("Gluconate", 50, 0),
            new Ion("Cs", 70, 0),
            new Ion("HSO3", 70, 0),
            new Ion("TEA (TetraethylAmmonium)", 10, 10),
            new Ion("Cl", 12, 131.6),
            new Ion("Mg", 5, 1.3),
            new Ion("HEPES", 10, 0),
            new Ion("EGTA(2-)", .3, 0),
            new Ion("Tris", 10, 0),
            new Ion("ATP (Adenosine 5'-Triphosphate)", 4, 0),
            new Ion("Na", 0.3, 139.25),
            new Ion("HCO3", 0, 26),
            new Ion("H2PO4", 0, 1.25),
            new Ion("Ca", 0, 2),
            new Ion("4-AP (4-aminopyridine)", 0, 5),

        ionSet = IonLibrary.Lookup(ionSet);

        LjpResult ljp = LjpCalculator.SolvePhisThenCalculateLjp(ionSet, temperatureC: 33);

        Assert.That(ljp.LjpMillivolts, Is.EqualTo(15.1 - 3.3).Within(0.5));
    public void Test_Calculator_LimitIterations()
        // This ion set in this order is known to be very difficult to solve

        Ion[] ions =
            new Ion("Zn",  9, .0284),
            new Ion("K",   0,     3),
            new Ion("Cl", 18, 3.062),
            new Ion("Mg",  5,     3),
            new Ion("Ag",  1,     1),

        ions = IonLibrary.Lookup(ions);

        LjpCalculator calcWithoutSorting = new(ions, autoSort : false);

        calcWithoutSorting.IterateRepeatedly(1.0, 123);
        Assert.That(calcWithoutSorting.Iterations, Is.EqualTo(123));

        LjpCalculator calcWithSorting = new(ions, autoSort : true);

        calcWithSorting.IterateRepeatedly(1.0, 123);
        Assert.That(calcWithSorting.Iterations, Is.LessThan(calcWithoutSorting.Iterations));
    public void Test_BadOrder_FixedByAutoSort002()
        /* Known to crash due to poor ion order https://github.com/swharden/LJPcalc/issues/9 */
        // fixed by autoSort prior to calculation

        var ionSet = new Ion[] {
            new Ion("K", 145, 2.8),
            new Ion("Na", 13, 145),
            new Ion("Cl", 10, 148.8),
            new Ion("Gluconate", 145, 0),
            new Ion("Mg", 1, 2),
            new Ion("Ca", 0, 1),
            new Ion("HEPES", 5, 5),

        ionSet = IonLibrary.Lookup(ionSet);

        // it does not solve in this order
        LjpResult result = LjpCalculator.SolvePhisThenCalculateLjp(ionSet, autoSort: false, maxIterations: 123);

        Assert.That(result.Iterations, Is.EqualTo(123));

        // but it does solve if allowed to auto-sort
        LjpResult result2 = LjpCalculator.SolvePhisThenCalculateLjp(ionSet, autoSort: true, maxIterations: 123);

        Assert.That(result2.LjpMillivolts, Is.EqualTo(16.3).Within(0.5));
    public void Test_BadOrder_FixedByAutoSort001()
        /* Known to crash due to poor ion order https://github.com/swharden/LJPcalc/issues/9 */
        // fixed by autoSort prior to calculation

        var ionSet = new Ion[] {
            new Ion("Zn", 9, .0284),
            new Ion("K", 0, 3),
            new Ion("Cl", 18, 3.062),
            new Ion("Mg", 5, 3),
            new Ion("Ag", 1, 1),

        ionSet = IonLibrary.Lookup(ionSet);

        // it does not solve in this order
        LjpResult result = LjpCalculator.SolvePhisThenCalculateLjp(ionSet, autoSort: false, maxIterations: 123);

        Assert.That(result.Iterations, Is.EqualTo(123));

        // but it does solve if allowed to auto-sort
        LjpResult result2 = LjpCalculator.SolvePhisThenCalculateLjp(ionSet, autoSort: true, maxIterations: 123);

        Assert.That(result2.LjpMillivolts, Is.EqualTo(-11.9).Within(0.5));
    public void Test_Calculator_ManualIterations()
        // This ion set in this order is known to be very difficult to solve

        Ion[] ions =
            new Ion("Zn",  9, .0284),
            new Ion("K",   0,     3),
            new Ion("Cl", 18, 3.062),
            new Ion("Mg",  5,     3),
            new Ion("Ag",  1,     1),

        ions = IonLibrary.Lookup(ions);

        LjpCalculator calc  = new(ions);
        double        error = double.PositiveInfinity;

        for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
            if (calc.BestSolution.MaxAbsoluteError < error)
                error = calc.BestSolution.MaxAbsoluteError;

    public void Test_KnownIonSets_LjpWithinExpectedRange()
        IKnownIonSet[] knowSets = Core.KnownIonSets.KnownSets.GetAll();
        Assert.That(knowSets, Is.Not.Null);
        Assert.That(knowSets, Is.Not.Empty);

        Parallel.ForEach(knowSets, (knownSet) =>
            Ion[] ions       = IonLibrary.Lookup(knownSet.Ions);
            LjpResult result = LjpCalculator.SolvePhisThenCalculateLjp(ions, knownSet.Temperature_C);
            Assert.That(result.LjpMillivolts, Is.EqualTo(knownSet.Ljp_mV).Within(knownSet.Accuracy_mV), knownSet.Name);
    public void Test_LjpCalculationMatches_ExampleFromSourceCode()
        /* From JLJP: https://github.com/swharden/JLJP/blob/2.0.0/src/Example.java */

        Ion Zn = new Ion("Zn", MolsPerCubicMeter(9), MolsPerCubicMeter(0.0284));
        Ion K  = new Ion("K", MolsPerCubicMeter(0), MolsPerCubicMeter(3));
        Ion Cl = new Ion("Cl", MolsPerCubicMeter(18), MolsPerCubicMeter(3.0568));

        var ionSet = new Ion[] { Zn, K, Cl };

        ionSet = IonLibrary.Lookup(ionSet);

        LjpResult ljp = LjpCalculator.SolvePhisThenCalculateLjp(ionSet, autoSort: false);

        Assert.That(ljp.LjpMillivolts, Is.EqualTo(-20.79558643).Within(1e-6));
    public void Test_LjpCalculationMatches_Harper004()
        // ion set from Harper (1985) Table I
        // https://pubs.acs.org/doi/pdf/10.1021/j100255a022

        var ionSet = new Ion[]
            new Ion("Zn", .4, .0186),
            new Ion("SO4", .4, .0186),

        ionSet = IonLibrary.Lookup(ionSet);

        LjpResult ljp = LjpCalculator.SolvePhisThenCalculateLjp(ionSet);

        Assert.That(ljp.LjpMillivolts, Is.EqualTo(-8.1).Within(0.5));
    public void Test_LjpCalculationMatches_ExampleFromScreenshot()
        /* Test came from screenshot on original JLJP website */

        var ionSet = new Ion[]
            new Ion("Zn", 9, 0.0284),
            new Ion("K", 0, 3),
            new Ion("Cl", 18, 3.0568)

        ionSet = IonLibrary.Lookup(ionSet);

        LjpResult ljp = LjpCalculator.SolvePhisThenCalculateLjp(ionSet, autoSort: false);

        Assert.That(ljp.LjpMillivolts, Is.EqualTo(-20.79558643).Within(1e-6));
    public void Test_IonSet_TextExport()
        IKnownIonSet knownSet = new Owen2013();

        Ion[]  ions1        = IonLibrary.Lookup(knownSet.Ions);
        double temperature1 = knownSet.Temperature_C;

        string text1 = IonSet.ToText(ions1, temperature1);


        (Ion[] ions2, double temperature2) = IonSet.FromText(text1);
        string text2 = IonSet.ToText(ions2, temperature2);

        Assert.That(temperature1, Is.EqualTo(temperature2));
        Assert.That(text1, Is.EqualTo(text2));
    public void Test_LjpCalculationMatches_NgAndBarry001()
        /* LJP for this test came from Ng and Barry (1994) Table 2 */

        // 50 mM NaCl : 50 mM KCl
        var ionSet = new Ion[]
            new Ion("Na", 50, 0),
            new Ion("K", 0, 50),
            new Ion("Cl", 50, 50)

        ionSet = IonLibrary.Lookup(ionSet);

        LjpResult ljp = LjpCalculator.SolvePhisThenCalculateLjp(ionSet);

        Assert.That(ljp.LjpMillivolts, Is.EqualTo(-4.3).Within(0.5));
    public void Test_LjpCalculationMatches_NgAndBarry005()
        /* LJP for this test came from Ng and Barry (1994) Table 2 */

        // 100 CaCl2 : 100 MgCl2
        // Ca (100), Cl (200) : Mg (100) Cl (200)
        var ionSet = new Ion[]
            new Ion("Ca", 100, 0),
            new Ion("Mg", 0, 100),
            new Ion("Cl", 200, 200)

        ionSet = IonLibrary.Lookup(ionSet);

        LjpResult ljp = LjpCalculator.SolvePhisThenCalculateLjp(ionSet);

        Assert.That(ljp.LjpMillivolts, Is.EqualTo(+0.6).Within(0.5));
    public void Test_LjpCalculationMatches_JPWin002()
        // ion set shown in JPCalcWin manual (page 10)
        // https://tinyurl.com/wk7otn7

        var ionSet = new Ion[]
            new Ion("Cs", 145, 0),
            new Ion("Na", 0, 145),
            new Ion("F", 125, 0),
            new Ion("Cl", 20, 145)

        ionSet = IonLibrary.Lookup(ionSet);

        LjpResult ljp = LjpCalculator.SolvePhisThenCalculateLjp(ionSet);

        Assert.That(ljp.LjpMillivolts, Is.EqualTo(+8.71).Within(0.5));
    public void Test_LjpCalculationMatches_NgAndBarry006()
        /* LJP for this test came from Ng and Barry (1994) Table 2 */

        // 100 KCl + 2 CaCl2 : 100 LiCl + 2 CaCl2
        // K (100), Cl (104), Ca (2) : Li (100), Cl (104), Ca (2)
        var ionSet = new Ion[]
            new Ion("Ca", 2, 2),
            new Ion("K", 100, 0),
            new Ion("Li", 0, 100),
            new Ion("Cl", 104, 104)

        ionSet = IonLibrary.Lookup(ionSet);

        LjpResult ljp = LjpCalculator.SolvePhisThenCalculateLjp(ionSet);

        Assert.That(ljp.LjpMillivolts, Is.EqualTo(+6.4).Within(0.5));
    public void Test_Calculator_ManualIterationsOwen()
        Core.KnownIonSets.Owen2013 set = new();
        Ion[] ions = IonLibrary.Lookup(set.Ions);

        LjpCalculator calc  = new(ions);
        double        error = double.PositiveInfinity;

        while (error > .01)
            if (calc.BestSolution.MaxAbsoluteError < error)
                error = calc.BestSolution.MaxAbsoluteError;

    public void Test_BadOrder_SecondFromLastSameConc()
        // second to last ion cannot have same concentration on both sides
        var ionSet = new Ion[]
            new Ion("Zn", 2, 2),
            new Ion("K", 3, 3),  // after sorting this is last (biggest absolute CL)
            new Ion("Mg", 2, 2),
            new Ion("Cl", 4, 0), // after sorting this is second to last (largest difference between C0 and CL)

        ionSet = IonLibrary.Lookup(ionSet);

        Assert.Throws <InvalidOperationException>(() => LjpCalculator.SolvePhisThenCalculateLjp(ionSet, autoSort: false));

        LjpResult ljp = LjpCalculator.SolvePhisThenCalculateLjp(ionSet, autoSort: true);

        string ionOrder = string.Join(", ", ljp.Ions.Select(x => x.Name));

        Assert.That(ionOrder, Is.EqualTo("Zn, Mg, Cl, K"));
    public void Test_Lookup_KnownIon()
        Ion ion = IonLibrary.Lookup("glutamate");

        Assert.That(ion.Charge, Is.EqualTo(-1));
    public void Test_CompareValues_ToJLJP()
        // ion charges and mus came from the JLJP project source code
        // https://github.com/swharden/JLJP/blob/b585ab99d78f39960f85b17988374f3445b7dadb/src/Ion.java#L29-L125

        List <ionJLJP> ionsFromJLJP = new()
            new ionJLJP()
                name = "Ag", charge = 1, mu = 401656000000
            new ionJLJP()
                name = "Al", charge = 3, mu = 131939000000
            new ionJLJP()
                name = "Au(CN)2", charge = -1, mu = 324439000000
            new ionJLJP()
                name = "Au(CN)4", charge = -1, mu = 233596000000
            new ionJLJP()
                name = "Ba", charge = 2, mu = 206343000000
            new ionJLJP()
                name = "B(C6H5)4", charge = -1, mu = 136265000000
            new ionJLJP()
                name = "Be", charge = 2, mu = 145998000000
            new ionJLJP()
                name = "Br3", charge = -1, mu = 279018000000
            new ionJLJP()
                name = "Br", charge = -1, mu = 506774000000
            new ionJLJP()
                name = "BrO3", charge = -1, mu = 361425000000
            new ionJLJP()
                name = "Ca", charge = 2, mu = 192944000000
            new ionJLJP()
                name = "Cd", charge = 2, mu = 175197000000
            new ionJLJP()
                name = "Ce", charge = 3, mu = 150972000000
            new ionJLJP()
                name = "Cl", charge = -1, mu = 495159000000
            new ionJLJP()
                name = "ClO2", charge = -1, mu = 337417000000
            new ionJLJP()
                name = "ClO3", charge = -1, mu = 419176000000
            new ionJLJP()
                name = "ClO4", charge = -1, mu = 436695000000
            new ionJLJP()
                name = "CN", charge = -1, mu = 506125000000
            new ionJLJP()
                name = "CNO", charge = -1, mu = 419176000000
            new ionJLJP()
                name = "CO3", charge = -2, mu = 224836000000
            new ionJLJP()
                name = "Co", charge = 2, mu = 178442000000
            new ionJLJP()
                name = "Co(CN)6", charge = -3, mu = 213914000000
            new ionJLJP()
                name = "Co(NH3)6", charge = 3, mu = 220402000000
            new ionJLJP()
                name = "Cr", charge = 3, mu = 144916000000
            new ionJLJP()
                name = "CrO4", charge = -2, mu = 275773000000
            new ionJLJP()
                name = "Cs", charge = 1, mu = 500934000000
            new ionJLJP()
                name = "Cu", charge = 2, mu = 173900000000
            //new JljpIon() { name = "D", charge = 1, mu = 1621550000000 }, // REF DOESNT HAV 25C
            new ionJLJP()
                name = "Dy", charge = 3, mu = 141888000000
            new ionJLJP()
                name = "Er", charge = 3, mu = 142537000000
            new ionJLJP()
                name = "Eu", charge = 3, mu = 146647000000
            new ionJLJP()
                name = "F", charge = -1, mu = 359479000000
            new ionJLJP()
                name = "FeII", charge = 2, mu = 175197000000
            new ionJLJP()
                name = "FeIII", charge = 3, mu = 147079000000
            new ionJLJP()
                name = "Fe(CN)6 III", charge = -3, mu = 218240000000
            new ionJLJP()
                name = "Fe(CN)6 IIII", charge = -4, mu = 179091000000
            new ionJLJP()
                name = "Gd", charge = 3, mu = 145565000000
            new ionJLJP()
                name = "H2AsO4", charge = -1, mu = 220619000000
            // new ionJLJP() { name = "H2PO2", charge = -1, mu = 298484000000 },
            // new JljpIon() { name = "H2PO4", charge = -1, mu = 233596000000 }, // INACCURATE?
            new ionJLJP()
                name = "H2SbO4", charge = -1, mu = 201152000000
            new ionJLJP()
                name = "H", charge = 1, mu = 2268800000000
            new ionJLJP()
                name = "HCO3", charge = -1, mu = 288751000000
            new ionJLJP()
                name = "HF2", charge = -1, mu = 486659000000
            //new JljpIon() { name = "Hg", charge = 2, mu = 222565000000 }, // INACCURATE?
            new ionJLJP()
                name = "Ho", charge = 3, mu = 143402000000
            //new JljpIon() { name = "HPO4", charge = -2, mu = 184930000000 }, // INACCURATE?
            new ionJLJP()
                name = "HS", charge = -1, mu = 421771000000
            //new JljpIon() { name = "HSO3", charge = -1, mu = 376350000000 }, // INACCURATE?
            //new JljpIon() { name = "HSO4", charge = -1, mu = 337417000000 }, // INACCURATE?
            new ionJLJP()
                name = "I", charge = -1, mu = 498339000000
            new ionJLJP()
                name = "IO3", charge = -1, mu = 262796000000
            new ionJLJP()
                name = "IO4", charge = -1, mu = 353639000000
            new ionJLJP()
                name = "K", charge = 1, mu = 476796000000
            new ionJLJP()
                name = "La", charge = 3, mu = 150756000000
            new ionJLJP()
                name = "Li", charge = 1, mu = 250857000000
            new ionJLJP()
                name = "Mg", charge = 2, mu = 171953000000
            new ionJLJP()
                name = "Mn", charge = 2, mu = 173575000000
            new ionJLJP()
                name = "MnO4", charge = -1, mu = 397763000000
            new ionJLJP()
                name = "MoO4", charge = -2, mu = 241707000000
            new ionJLJP()
                name = "N2H5", charge = 1, mu = 382838000000
            new ionJLJP()
                name = "N3", charge = -1, mu = 447726000000
            new ionJLJP()
                name = "Na", charge = 1, mu = 324958000000
            new ionJLJP()
                name = "N(CN)2", charge = -1, mu = 353639000000
            new ionJLJP()
                name = "Nd", charge = 3, mu = 150107000000
            new ionJLJP()
                name = "NH2SO3", charge = -1, mu = 313408000000
            new ionJLJP()
                name = "NH4", charge = 1, mu = 476926000000
            new ionJLJP()
                name = "Ni", charge = 2, mu = 160922000000
            new ionJLJP()
                name = "NO2", charge = -1, mu = 465895000000
            new ionJLJP()
                name = "NO3", charge = -1, mu = 463429000000
            new ionJLJP()
                name = "OCN (cyanate)", charge = -1, mu = 419176000000
            //new ionJLJP() { name = "OD", charge = -1, mu = 772166000000 },
            new ionJLJP()
                name = "OH", charge = -1, mu = 1284780000000
            new ionJLJP()
                name = "Pb", charge = 2, mu = 230352000000
            new ionJLJP()
                name = "PF6", charge = -1, mu = 369212000000
            new ionJLJP()
                name = "PO3F", charge = -2, mu = 205370000000
            //new JljpIon() { name = "PO4", charge = -3, mu = 200720000000 }, // INACCURATE?
            new ionJLJP()
                name = "Pr", charge = 3, mu = 150324000000
            new ionJLJP()
                name = "Ra", charge = 2, mu = 216725000000
            new ionJLJP()
                name = "Rb", charge = 1, mu = 504828000000
            new ionJLJP()
                name = "ReO4", charge = -1, mu = 356234000000
            //new ionJLJP() { name = "Sb(OH)6", charge = -1, mu = 206992000000 },
            new ionJLJP()
                name = "Sc", charge = 3, mu = 139942000000
            //new ionJLJP() { name = "SCN (thiocyanate)", charge = -1, mu = 428260000000 },
            new ionJLJP()
                name = "SeCN", charge = -1, mu = 419825000000
            new ionJLJP()
                name = "SeO4", charge = -2, mu = 245601000000
            new ionJLJP()
                name = "Sm", charge = 3, mu = 148161000000
            //new JljpIon() { name = "SO3", charge = -2, mu = 233596000000 }, // INACCURATE?
            new ionJLJP()
                name = "SO4", charge = -2, mu = 259551000000
            new ionJLJP()
                name = "Sr", charge = 2, mu = 192717000000
            new ionJLJP()
                name = "Tl", charge = 1, mu = 484712000000
            new ionJLJP()
                name = "Tm", charge = 3, mu = 141456000000
            new ionJLJP()
                name = "UO2", charge = 2, mu = 103821000000
            new ionJLJP()
                name = "WO4", charge = -2, mu = 223863000000
            new ionJLJP()
                name = "Yb", charge = 3, mu = 141888000000
            new ionJLJP()
                name = "Y", charge = 3, mu = 134102000000
            new ionJLJP()
                name = "Zn", charge = 2, mu = 171304000000

        string[] libraryIonNames = IonLibrary.KnownIons.Select(x => x.Name).ToArray();

        foreach (ionJLJP ionFromJLJP in ionsFromJLJP)
            Ion ionFromThisLibrary = IonLibrary.Lookup(ionFromJLJP.name);

            Assert.That(ionFromThisLibrary.Charge, Is.EqualTo(ionFromJLJP.charge), ionFromThisLibrary.Name);
            Assert.That(ionFromThisLibrary.Mu * 1e-4, Is.EqualTo(ionFromJLJP.mu).Within(10).Percent);
    public void Test_Lookup_FailsWithoutCrashing()
        Ion ion = IonLibrary.Lookup("adfasdfasdfasdf");

        Assert.That(ion.Charge, Is.EqualTo(0));
    public void Test_Lookup_ByDescription()
        Ion ion = IonLibrary.Lookup("Glutamate");

        Assert.That(ion.Charge, Is.EqualTo(-1));
    public void Test_Lookup_IsCaseInsensitive()
        Ion ion = IonLibrary.Lookup("gLuTaMaTe");

        Assert.That(ion.Charge, Is.EqualTo(-1));