public ConsoleInstance() { screen = new StringBuilder(); variableHolder = new Variable <object> (); instanceDelegates.WriteText = WriteTextOnConsoleBuffer; instanceDelegates.ActiveInstance = this; availableFunctions = new InvokerSet(instanceDelegates); }
public Command2(Receiver2 receiver) { Set = receiver.SetData; Execute = receiver.DoIt; Redo = receiver.DoIt; Undo = delegate { Console.WriteLine("Not Implemented"); }; }
public Command(Receiver receiver) { Set = delegate { Console.WriteLine("Not Implemented - default of XXX used"); receiver.S = "XXX"; }; Execute = receiver.Action; Redo = receiver.Action; Undo = receiver.Reverce; }
public void InterpretLine(string line) { string[][] commlist = Tokenizer.Tokenize(line); bool hasret; hasret = false; int funcpos, varstart; List <int> varpos = new List <int> (); foreach (string[] cs in commlist) { varpos.Clear(); funcpos = 0; varstart = 1; if (cs.Length == 0) { continue; } if (cs.Length == 2) { varstart = 1; } if (cs.Length > 2) { if (cs[1] == "=") { hasret = true; funcpos = 2; varstart = 3; } else { varstart = 1; } } /* Fetch the arguments */ List <VariableTBase> argset = new List <VariableTBase> (cs.Length); int i; for (i = varstart; i < cs.Length; i++) { if ((cs[i][0] == '$') | (cs[i][0] == '#')) { string[] spl = cs[i].Split('.'); VariableTBase vtb; try { vtb = variableHolder; foreach (string g in spl) { vtb = vtb.innerVariables[g]; } argset.Add(vtb); } catch (KeyNotFoundException) { WriteTextOnConsoleBuffer("No such variable: " + cs[i]); return; } } else { if (cs[i][0] == '@') { int index1 = cs[i].IndexOf('('); if (index1 == -1 | cs[i][cs[i].Length - 1] != ')') { WriteTextOnConsoleBuffer("Badly formatted input: " + cs[i] + " not valid syntax"); return; } string nm = cs[i].Substring(1, index1 - 1); string text = cs[i].Substring(index1 + 1, cs[i].Length - index1 - 2); VariableTBase vb = InvokerSet.ParseCreateVariable(nm, text, WriteTextOnConsoleBuffer); if (vb == null) { return; } = "temp"; argset.Add(vb); continue; } int tint; if (int.TryParse(cs[i], out tint)) { Variable <int> tmpvar = tint; = "temp"; argset.Add(tmpvar); } else { Variable <string> tmpvar = cs[i]; = "temp"; argset.Add(tmpvar); } } } /* Call the function & set the return value */ bool debug = true; if (!debug) { try { VariableTBase o = availableFunctions.Invoke(cs[funcpos], argset.ToArray()); if (hasret) { = cs[0]; variableHolder.AddInnerVar(, o); } } catch (Exceptions.UserException e) { WriteTextOnConsoleBuffer(e.Message); throw e; } catch (Exception e) { WriteTextOnConsoleBuffer("\n--------\nRuntime error: " + e.Message + "\nProbably bad code. Ask the nearest suitable programmer for help.\n--------"); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(e.ToString(), "Runnable function errors."); System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(e.ToString(), "Runnable function errors."); throw e; } } else { VariableTBase o = availableFunctions.Invoke(cs[funcpos], argset.ToArray()); if (hasret) { = cs[0]; variableHolder.AddInnerVar(, o); } } } }