        public void CalculateFeeLaFullPeriodWithFeeChangeMultipleChgInOnePeriodForCustomDates()
            FeeCalculatorService srv = new FeeCalculatorService();

            var schedules       = getSchedules(40);
            var invoiceResident = new InvoiceResident(40, "John", schedules);

            var resident = srv.CalculateFee(invoiceResident, new DateTime(2020, 01, 01), new DateTime(2020, 03, 31));

            var feesPerSchedules = resident.GetSchedules();
            var amounts          = feesPerSchedules.Select(c => c.AmountDue).ToArray();
            var totalAmount      = amounts.Sum();

            // Multiple Fee changes
            // (40, 1, 1, new DateTime(2019, 01, 01), new DateTime(2020, 01, 10), 600.50M));
            // (40, 1, 1, new DateTime(2020, 01, 11), new DateTime(2020, 01, 15), 630.90M));
            // (40, 1, 1, new DateTime(2020, 01, 16), new DateTime(2050, 12, 31), 250.50M));
            // (40, 99, 2, new DateTime(2019, 01, 01), new DateTime(2020, 01, 10), 150.44M));
            // (40, 99, 2, new DateTime(2020, 01, 11), new DateTime(2020, 01, 15), 165.78M));
            // (40, 99, 2, new DateTime(2020, 01, 16), new DateTime(2050, 12, 31), 550.58M));

            // LA 600.50    CC 150.44  for 10 days
            // LA 630.90    CC 165.78  for  5 days
            // LA 250.50    CC 550.58  for 13 days  91 days

            Assert.AreEqual(10339.26M, totalAmount);
        // CORE function
        private IEnumerable <InvoiceResident> GetInvoiceResidentData(DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate)
            // each resi may have multiple contributors, LA || LA and CC || LA and CC1, CC2
            var schedules = this._invoiceDataProvider.GetAllSchedulesForInvoiceDate(startDate, endDate);
            var residents = this._residentDataProvider
                            .Where(res => res.ExitDate >= startDate && res.AdmissionDate <= endDate);

            // create invoiceResident
            var invResidents = residents.Select(r =>
                // find their schedules. by LA or CC or LA+CC?
                var _schedules   = schedules.Where(s => s.ResidentId == r.Id);
                var _invResident = new InvoiceResident(r.Id, $"{r.ForeName} {r.SurName}", _schedules);
                _invResident.LocalAuthorityId = _schedules.Select(s => s.LocalAuthorityId).FirstOrDefault();
                // logger.Info($"Calculate invoice amount {_invResident.Name}");
                var residentsWithCalculatedFees = _feeCalculatorService.CalculateFee(_invResident, startDate, endDate);

                // sum LA total, LA Fee + Supliment Fee(s)
                // PaymentProviderId = LA=1, CC=2, PV=3
                var sumWeekly = residentsWithCalculatedFees.GetSchedules()
                                .Where(s => s.PaymentProviderId == 1).Select(k => k.AmountDue).Sum();
                residentsWithCalculatedFees.TotalLaFee = sumWeekly;

                // get resident weekly fee (LA Fee + CC Fee)
                var payTypeIds = residentsWithCalculatedFees.GetSchedules().Select(s => s.PaymentTypeId).Distinct();
                payTypeIds.ForEach(payId =>
                    if (payId <= 3) // paymentTypeId 1 = La, 2 = CC 3 = Private
                        var wf = residentsWithCalculatedFees.GetSchedules().Where(s => s.PaymentTypeId == payId).Select(s => s.WeeklyFee).FirstOrDefault();
                        residentsWithCalculatedFees.ResidentWeeklyFee += wf;

                // get GrandTotal (all amount dues)
                residentsWithCalculatedFees.GrandTotal = residentsWithCalculatedFees.GetSchedules()
                                                         .Select(s => s.AmountDue).Sum();

                // order by local auth id
                    residentsWithCalculatedFees.GetSchedules().OrderBy(s => s.LocalAuthorityId));

                // Added la div names for report purposes
                residentsWithCalculatedFees.LocalAuthorityName   = r.LocalAuthorityName;
                residentsWithCalculatedFees.CareHomeDivisionId   = r.CareHomeDivisionId;
                residentsWithCalculatedFees.CareHomeDivisionName = r.CareHomeDivisionName;


            var result = invResidents.OrderBy(r => r.Name);

        public void CalculateFeeLaResidentArrivesMidMonth()
            FeeCalculatorService srv = new FeeCalculatorService();

            var schedules       = getSchedules(21);
            var invoiceResident = new InvoiceResident(21, "John", schedules);

            var resident = srv.CalculateFee(invoiceResident, new DateTime(2020, 01, 01), new DateTime(2020, 01, 28));

            var feesPerSchedules = resident.GetSchedules();
            var amounts          = feesPerSchedules.Select(c => c.AmountDue).ToArray();
            var totalAmount      = amounts.Sum();

            // Fee = la= 678.01
            // For 8 days: 774.87
            Assert.AreEqual(774.87M, totalAmount);
        public void CalculateFeeLaResidentLeavesMidMonth()
            FeeCalculatorService srv = new FeeCalculatorService();

            var schedules       = getSchedules(20);
            var invoiceResident = new InvoiceResident(20, "John", schedules);

            var resident = srv.CalculateFee(invoiceResident, new DateTime(2020, 01, 01), new DateTime(2020, 01, 28));

            var feesPerSchedules = resident.GetSchedules();
            var amounts          = feesPerSchedules.Select(c => c.AmountDue).ToArray();
            var totalAmount      = amounts.Sum();

            // Fee = la= 680.10
            // For 15 days: 1457.36
            Assert.AreEqual(1457.36M, totalAmount);
        public void CalculateFeeLaAndCcFullPeriodNoFeeChange()
            FeeCalculatorService srv = new FeeCalculatorService();

            var schedules       = getSchedules(11);
            var invoiceResident = new InvoiceResident(11, "John", schedules);

            var resident = srv.CalculateFee(invoiceResident, new DateTime(2020, 01, 01), new DateTime(2020, 01, 28));

            var feesPerSchedules = resident.GetSchedules();
            var amounts          = feesPerSchedules.Select(c => c.AmountDue).ToArray();
            var totalAmount      = amounts.Sum();

            // Fee = la= 555.75M  cc= 245.43M
            // For 28 days: 555.75+245.43 / 7 * 28 = 3204.72
            Assert.AreEqual(3204.72M, totalAmount);
        public void CalculateFeeLaFullPeriodNoFeeChangeForCustomDates()
            FeeCalculatorService srv = new FeeCalculatorService();

            var schedules       = getSchedules(10);
            var invoiceResident = new InvoiceResident(10, "John", schedules);

            var resident = srv.CalculateFee(invoiceResident, new DateTime(2020, 01, 01), new DateTime(2020, 03, 31)); // <<--quarter

            var feesPerSchedules = resident.GetSchedules();
            var amounts          = feesPerSchedules.Select(c => c.AmountDue).ToArray();
            var totalAmount      = amounts.Sum();

            // Fee = 599.99M
            // For 91 days: 599.99 / 7 * 91 = 7799.87
            Assert.AreEqual(7799.87M, totalAmount);
        public void CalculateFeeLaFullPeriodNoFeeChange()
            FeeCalculatorService srv = new FeeCalculatorService();

            // get schedules for John
            var schedules       = getSchedules(10);
            var invoiceResident = new InvoiceResident(10, "John", schedules);

            var resident = srv.CalculateFee(invoiceResident, new DateTime(2020, 01, 01), new DateTime(2020, 01, 28));

            var feesPerSchedules = resident.GetSchedules();
            var amounts          = feesPerSchedules.Select(c => c.AmountDue).ToArray();
            var totalAmount      = amounts.Sum();

            // Fee = 599.99M
            // For 28 days: 599.99 / 7 * 28 = 2399.96
            Assert.AreEqual(2399.96M, totalAmount);
        public void CalculateFeeLaFullPeriodWithFeeChange()
            FeeCalculatorService srv = new FeeCalculatorService();

            var schedules       = getSchedules(30);
            var invoiceResident = new InvoiceResident(30, "John", schedules);

            var resident = srv.CalculateFee(invoiceResident, new DateTime(2020, 01, 01), new DateTime(2020, 01, 28));

            var feesPerSchedules = resident.GetSchedules();
            var amounts          = feesPerSchedules.Select(c => c.AmountDue).ToArray();
            var totalAmount      = amounts.Sum();

            // (30, 1, 1, new DateTime(2019, 01, 01), new DateTime(2020, 01, 15), 630.50M));
            // (30, 1, 1, new DateTime(2020, 01, 16), new DateTime(2050, 12, 31), 655.75M));
            // For 630.50 for 15 days = 1351.07
            // For 655.75 for 13 days = 1217.82  = 2568.89
            Assert.AreEqual(2568.89M, totalAmount);
        public void CalculateFeeLaAndCcWithLaMultiplePaymentsAndCcMultiplePayments()
            FeeCalculatorService srv = new FeeCalculatorService();

            var schedules       = getSchedules(50);
            var invoiceResident = new InvoiceResident(50, "John", schedules);

            var resident = srv.CalculateFee(invoiceResident, new DateTime(2020, 01, 01), new DateTime(2020, 01, 28));

            var feesPerSchedules = resident.GetSchedules();
            var amounts          = feesPerSchedules.Select(c => c.AmountDue).ToArray();
            var totalAmount      = amounts.Sum();

            // multiple payments categories from la
            // (50, 1, 1, new DateTime(2019, 01, 01), new DateTime(2050, 12, 31), 499.99M));
            // (50, 1, 1, new DateTime(2019, 01, 01), new DateTime(2050, 12, 31), 69.75M));
            // (50, 1, 1, new DateTime(2019, 01, 01), new DateTime(2050, 12, 31), 25.55M));
            // (50, 99, 2, new DateTime(2019, 01, 01), new DateTime(2050, 12, 31), 125.75M));
            // (50, 99, 2, new DateTime(2019, 01, 01), new DateTime(2050, 12, 31), 13.33M));

            // For 28 days: all totals = 2937.48
            Assert.AreEqual(2937.48M, totalAmount);