         * PDF generation code starts here
        public uint generateInvoice(double vat, double totalprice, string date, string time, string admin, string paid, string moneyreturn)
            Document myDocument = new Document(PageSize.LETTER, 10, 10, 42, 35);

            InvoiceFactory ifc       = new InvoiceFactory();
            uint           invNumber = ifc.makeNewTransactionNumber();
            Invoice        inv       = new Invoice();

                // step 2:
                // Now create a writer that listens to this doucment and writes the document to desired Stream.
                string documentPath     = @"C:\\Users\\ahmed\\Desktop\\PDF\\";
                string filename         = invNumber + ".pdf";
                string documentFullPath = documentPath + filename;

                string invPath = "C:\\Users\\ahmed\\Desktop\\PDF\\";
                string path    = invPath + invNumber + ".pdf";
                inv.InvoiceNumber = invNumber;
                inv.Date          = date;
                inv.SalesAmount   = totalprice;
                inv.Admin         = admin;
                inv.Path          = invPath;

                PdfWriter.GetInstance(myDocument, new FileStream(documentFullPath, FileMode.Create));

                // step 3:  Open the document now using
                // step 4: Now add some contents to the document

                //myDocument.Add(new Paragraph("                           time: "));
                //myDocument.Add(new Paragraph("                Welcome            "));
                myDocument.Add(new Paragraph("                                                         Weapon Centralized Sales Automation                                                      "));
                myDocument.Add(new Paragraph("                                                                   Nikunjo-2                      "));
                myDocument.Add(new Paragraph("                                                                   Road : 11                      "));
                myDocument.Add(new Paragraph("                                                                   House : 2A                      "));
                myDocument.Add(new Paragraph("                                                        Contact Number : " + "012863772" + "         "));

                myDocument.Add(new Paragraph("Invoice Number = " + invNumber + "                                                                                             Date :" + date));
                myDocument.Add(new Paragraph("                                                                                                                               Time :" + time));

                myDocument.Add(new Paragraph("                   "));
                myDocument.Add(new Paragraph("                   "));
                myDocument.Add(new Paragraph("                   "));

                PdfPTable table = new PdfPTable(3);
                table.AddCell("Total Price");
                PdfPTable table2 = new PdfPTable(3);
                foreach (Product P in purchaseList)
                    table.AddCell(new Phrase(P.ProductName));
                    table.AddCell(new Phrase(P.Quantity.ToString()));
                    table.AddCell(new Phrase(P.Price.ToString()));

                    table2 = table;
                //table.AddCell(" ");
                //table.AddCell(" ");
                //table.AddCell("Vat :"+vat);
                //table.AddCell(" ");
                //table.AddCell(" ");
                //table.AddCell("Total Cost :" + totalCost);
                //table.AddCell(" ");
                //table.AddCell(" ");
                //table.AddCell("Paid :" + paid);
                //table.AddCell(" ");
                //table.AddCell(" ");
                //table.AddCell("Cash Return :" + moneyreturn);

                myDocument.Add(new Paragraph("                                                                                                       VAT :  " + vat + "%"));
                myDocument.Add(new Paragraph("                                                                                                total cost :  " + totalCost));
                myDocument.Add(new Paragraph("                                                                                                Cash Paid :  " + paid));
                myDocument.Add(new Paragraph("                                                                                              cash return :  " + moneyreturn));
                myDocument.Add(new Paragraph("Cashair : " + admin + ""));
                myDocument.Add(new Paragraph("                   "));
                myDocument.Add(new Paragraph("                   "));
                myDocument.Add(new Paragraph("                   "));
                myDocument.Add(new Paragraph("                   "));
                myDocument.Add(new Paragraph("                   "));
                myDocument.Add(new Paragraph("                   "));

                myDocument.Add(new Paragraph("                                                                      Thank you For Your Visit           "));
                myDocument.Add(new Paragraph("                                                                            Have A Nice Day              "));
            catch (DocumentException de)
            catch (IOException ioe)

            // step 5: Remember to close the documnet


            InvoiceDataSource ids = new InvoiceDataSource();
