/// <summary> /// Function called to search the model for availability of the specified string. /// </summary> /// <param name="str">The search string</param> /// <returns>True, if the string is contained in the model, else false</returns> public override bool Contains(string str) { return((ContractNumber != null && ContractNumber.StartsWith(str, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) || (InvoiceCustomer != null && InvoiceCustomer.StartsWith(str, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) || (CompanyName != null && CompanyName.StartsWith(str, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) || (DivisionName != null && DivisionName.StartsWith(str, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) || (ActivityName != null && ActivityName.StartsWith(str, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) || (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Convert.ToString(InvoiceDate)) && InvoiceDate.ToString(Constants.DATE_FORMAT).Contains(str)) || (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Convert.ToString(Amount)) && Convert.ToString(Amount).StartsWith(str, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))); }
public override string ToString() { string output = "\r\n"; foreach (var i in InvoiceItems) { output += $" { i.ItemName } ({ i.Description }) - R{ i.Total.ToString("#,#", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) }\r\n"; } return($"Invoice Number: { InvoiceNumber }\r\n" + $"Invoice Date: { InvoiceDate.ToString("d") }\r\n" + $"Due Date: { DueDate.ToString("d") }\r\n" + $"Invoice Items: { output }\r\n" + $"Invoice Total: R{ InvoiceTotal.ToString("#,#", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) }\r\n"); }
public StartRecord() { // Set default values. StandardVersion = 4; StandardSubversion = 2; MessageCode = 117; // Make this a test message by default. Type = MessageType.Test; InvoiceId = string.Empty; CurrencyCode = "EUR"; // Define the fields for this record. MapField(2, 3, "Code").Numeric().Getter(x => MessageCode.ToString("000")); MapField(5, 2, "Versienummer berichtstandaard").Numeric().Getter(x => StandardVersion.ToString()); MapField(7, 2, "Subversienummer berichtstandaard").Numeric().Getter(x => StandardSubversion.ToString()); MapField(9, 1, "Soortbericht").Numeric().Getter(x => { switch (Type) { case MessageType.Production: return("P"); case MessageType.Test: return("T"); default: throw new InvalidOperationException("Message type is not specified."); } }); MapField(10, 6, "Code informatiesysteem softwareleverancier").Numeric(); MapField(26, 4, "UZOVI-nummer").Numeric().Getter(x => UzoviId.ToString()); MapField(30, 8, "Code servicebureau").Numeric(); MapField(38, 8, "Zorgverlenerscode").Numeric().Getter(x => CareProviderAgbId.ToString()); MapField(46, 8, "Praktijkcode").Numeric(); MapField(54, 8, "Instellingcode").Numeric(); MapField(62, 2, "Identificatiecode betaling aan").Numeric().Getter(x => PaymentRecipientCode.ToString("D")); MapField(64, 8, "Begindatum declaratieperiode").Numeric().Getter(x => StartDate.ToString("yyyyMMdd")); MapField(72, 8, "Einddatum declaratieperiode").Numeric().Getter(x => EndDate.ToString("yyyyMMdd")); MapField(80, 12, "Factuurnummer declarant").Alphanumeric().Getter(x => InvoiceId); MapField(92, 8, "Dagtekening factuur").Numeric().Getter(x => InvoiceDate.ToString("yyyyMMdd")); MapField(114, 3, "Valutacode").Alphanumeric().Getter(x => CurrencyCode); }
//TOSTRING (with delimitter) public string ToString(string delim) { return(RecordType + delim + VendorCode + delim + LocationCode + delim + PurchaseOrderNo + delim + ((Object)ExpectedDeliveryDate ?? " ") + delim + VendorInvoiceNo + delim + InvoiceDate.ToString("MM'/'dd'/'yyyy") + delim + //11/16/2016 (forces the "/" separator) InvoiceTotal.ToString("0.00") + delim + //format (two decimal places) (TaxGlDescription ?? " ") + delim + ((Object)TaxValue ?? " ") + delim + (FreightShippingGlDescription ?? " ") + delim + ((Object)FreightShippingValue ?? " ") + delim + Misc1GlDescription + delim + Misc1Value.ToString("0.00")); }
//TOSTRING OVERRIDE public override string ToString() { return(RecordType + "\t" + VendorCode + "\t" + LocationCode + "\t" + PurchaseOrderNo + "\t" + ((Object)ExpectedDeliveryDate ?? " ") + "\t" + VendorInvoiceNo + "\t" + InvoiceDate.ToString("MM'/'dd'/'yyyy") + "\t" + //11/16/2016 (forces the "/" separator) InvoiceTotal.ToString("0.00") + "\t" + //format (two decimal places) (TaxGlDescription ?? " ") + "\t" + //(handle NULL value and converting (double? to double) in the correct format) MyDoubleToString(TaxValue) + "\t" + //((Object)TaxValue ?? " ") + "\t" + (FreightShippingGlDescription ?? " ") + "\t" + //(handle NULL value and converting (double? to double) in the correct format) MyDoubleToString(FreightShippingValue) + "\t" + //((Object)FreightShippingValue ?? " ") + "\t" + Misc1GlDescription + "\t" + Misc1Value.ToString("0.00")); }
public override string ToString() { return($"Invoice ID: {Id} Customer Name:{CustomerFirstName} {CustomerLastName} Date:{InvoiceDate.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy")}"); }
/// <summary> /// Outputs string containing the following (replace [] with actual values): /// Invoice Number: [InvoiceNumber], InvoiceDate: [DD/MM/YYYY], LineItemCount: [Number of items in LineItems] /// </summary> public override string ToString() { return($"Invoice Number: {InvoiceNumber}, InvoiceDate: {(InvoiceDate == DateTime.MinValue ? string.Empty : InvoiceDate.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy")) }, LineItemCount: {LineItems.Count()}"); }
public string Log() { return(InvoiceDate.ToString()); }
// generatory zapytań MySQL public string GenerateUpdateQuery() { return(String.Format("UPDATE faktura SET id_kontrahenta={0}, data_wystawienia='{1}', termin_platnosci='{2}', data_sprzedazy='{3}', forma_platnosci='{4}', zaplacona_kwota='{5}' WHERE numer='{6}'", CustomerID, InvoiceDate.ToString(), PaymentDate.ToString(), SellingDate.ToString(), Array.IndexOf(paymentMethods, PaymentMethod) + 1, AmountPaid, Number)); }
/// <summary> /// Outputs string containing the following (replace [] with actual values): /// Invoice Number: [InvoiceNumber], InvoiceDate: [DD/MM/YYYY], LineItemCount: [Number of items in LineItems] /// </summary> /// public override string ToString() { return($"Invoice Number: {InvoiceNumber}, InvoiceDate: {InvoiceDate.ToString("dd/MM/yyy")}, LineItemCount: {LineItems.Count}"); }
// public bool FetchFromDB(string dsn = "DSN=BAAN", bool debug = false) public bool FetchFromDB(OdbcConnection DbConnection, bool debug = true) { if (debug) { Console.WriteLine("0"); } // using (OdbcConnection DbConnection = new OdbcConnection(dsn)) { if (debug) { Console.WriteLine("1"); } //try //{ // if (DbConnection.State != System.Data.ConnectionState.Open) // { // DbConnection.Close(); // DbConnection.Open(); // } //} //catch (Exception ex) //{ // string msg = "Could not connect to BAANDB: " + ex.Message; // if (debug) // { // Console.WriteLine(msg); // } // else // { // throw new System.Exception(msg); // } //} //if (debug) Console.WriteLine("2"); //Query #1 using (OdbcCommand DbCommand = DbConnection.CreateCommand()) { string cmd = "select t_ttyp, t_docd, t_rate, t_ccur, t_amth, t_amnt, t_vath from baandb.ttfacr200{0} where t_ninv={1} and t_tdoc=\"\""; DbCommand.CommandText = String.Format(cmd, CompanyCode, InvoiceNumber); OdbcDataReader reader; if (debug) { Console.WriteLine("3"); } try { reader = DbCommand.ExecuteReader(); } catch (Exception ex) { string msg = "Query #1: " + DbCommand.CommandText + "\n" + ex.Message; if (debug) { Console.WriteLine(msg); } else { throw new System.Exception(msg); } return(false); } if (debug) { Console.WriteLine("4"); } if (reader.Read()) { InvoiceType = reader.GetString(0); InvoiceDate = reader.GetDateTime(1); ExchangeRate = reader.GetDecimal(2); Currentcy = reader.GetString(3); CurrencyDocumentSum = reader.GetDecimal(4); DocumentSum = reader.GetDecimal(5); TaxSum = reader.GetDecimal(6); LineSum = CurrencyDocumentSum - TaxSum; if (debug) { Console.WriteLine("Invoice #: " + InvoiceNumber); Console.WriteLine("InvoiceType: " + InvoiceType); Console.WriteLine("InvoiceDate: " + InvoiceDate.ToShortDateString()); Console.WriteLine("ExchangeRate: " + ExchangeRate); Console.WriteLine("Currentcy: " + Currentcy); Console.WriteLine("CurrencyDocumentSum: " + CurrencyDocumentSum); Console.WriteLine("DocumentSum: " + DocumentSum); Console.WriteLine("LineSum: " + LineSum); Console.WriteLine("TaxSum: " + TaxSum); } } else { if (debug) { Console.WriteLine("5"); } return(false); } reader.Close(); cmd = "select first 1 t_pvat from baandb.ttcmcs032{0} where t_edat<=\"{1}\" and t_cvat=\" 001\" order by t_edat desc"; if (debug) { Console.WriteLine("6"); } string dt = InvoiceDate.ToString("d", CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("en-US")); DbCommand.CommandText = String.Format(cmd, CompanyCode, dt); try { reader = DbCommand.ExecuteReader(); } catch (Exception ex) { string msg = "Query #1: " + DbCommand.CommandText + "\n" + ex.Message; if (debug) { Console.WriteLine("7"); } if (debug) { Console.WriteLine(msg); } else { throw new System.Exception(msg); } return(false); } if (reader.Read()) { if (debug) { Console.WriteLine("8"); } TaxRate = reader.GetString(0); if (debug) { Console.WriteLine("TaxRate: " + TaxRate); } } else { if (debug) { Console.WriteLine("9"); } return(false); } reader.Close(); //Query #2 cmd = "select t_nama, t_vatn from baandb.ttccom000{0} where t_ncmp={0}"; if (debug) { Console.WriteLine("10"); } DbCommand.CommandText = String.Format(cmd, CompanyCode); try { reader = DbCommand.ExecuteReader(); } catch (Exception ex) { if (debug) { Console.WriteLine("11"); } string msg = "Query #2: " + DbCommand.CommandText + "\n" + ex.Message; if (debug) { Console.WriteLine(msg); } else { if (debug) { Console.WriteLine("12"); } throw new System.Exception(msg); } return(false); } if (reader.Read()) { if (debug) { Console.WriteLine("13"); } SupplierName = reader.GetString(0); SupplierPrivateCompanyCode = reader.GetString(1); if (debug) { Console.WriteLine("SupplierName: " + SupplierName); Console.WriteLine("SupplierPrivateCompanyCode: " + SupplierPrivateCompanyCode); } } else { if (debug) { Console.WriteLine("14"); } return(false); } reader.Close(); //Query #3 cmd = "select t_fnum from baandb.ttccom810{0} where t_cuno in (select t_cuno from baandb.ttdsls040{0} where t_orno in (select distinct t_orno from baandb.ttdsls045{0} as DSLS045 where DSLS045.t_invn={1}))"; if (debug) { Console.WriteLine("15"); } DbCommand.CommandText = String.Format(cmd, CompanyCode, InvoiceNumber); try { reader = DbCommand.ExecuteReader(); } catch (Exception ex) { if (debug) { Console.WriteLine("16"); } string msg = "Query #3: " + DbCommand.CommandText + "\n" + ex.Message; if (debug) { Console.WriteLine(msg); } else { throw new System.Exception(msg); } return(false); } if (reader.Read()) { if (debug) { Console.WriteLine("17"); } Receiver = reader.GetString(0); if (debug) { Console.WriteLine("Receiver: " + Receiver); } } else { if (debug) { Console.WriteLine("18"); } return(false); } reader.Close(); //Query #4 cmd = "select t_fovn , t_nama, t_namc, t_name, t_ccty, t_pstc from baandb.ttccom010{0} where t_cuno in (select t_cuno from baandb.ttdsls040{0} where t_orno in (select distinct t_orno from baandb.ttdsls045{0} as DSLS045 where DSLS045.t_invn={1}))"; if (debug) { Console.WriteLine("19"); } DbCommand.CommandText = String.Format(cmd, CompanyCode, InvoiceNumber); try { reader = DbCommand.ExecuteReader(); } catch (Exception ex) { if (debug) { Console.WriteLine("20"); } string msg = "Query #4: " + DbCommand.CommandText + "\n" + ex.Message; if (debug) { Console.WriteLine(msg); } else { throw new System.Exception(msg); } return(false); } if (reader.Read()) { if (debug) { Console.WriteLine("21"); } RetailerPrivateCompanyCode = reader.GetString(0); CompanyName = reader.GetString(1); Address = reader.GetString(2); City = reader.GetString(3); Country = reader.GetString(4); Zipcode = reader.GetString(5); // Receiver = reader.GetString(6); if (debug) { Console.WriteLine("Sender: " + Sender); Console.WriteLine("Receiver: " + Receiver); Console.WriteLine("RetailerPrivateCompanyCode: " + RetailerPrivateCompanyCode); Console.WriteLine("CompanyName: " + CompanyName); Console.WriteLine("Address: " + Address); Console.WriteLine("City: " + City); Console.WriteLine("Country: " + Country); Console.WriteLine("Zipcode: " + Zipcode); } } else { if (debug) { Console.WriteLine("22"); } return(false); } reader.Close(); //Query #5 //select t_dsca from ttcmcs013400 where pay = ??? //cmd = "select DSLS041.t_epos, DSLS045.t_dqua, DSLS045.t_pric, DSLS045.t_amnt, DSLS045.t_item, IITM001.t_dsca, TTCMCS041.t_dsca, DSLS040.t_refa, DSLS040.t_orno, DSLS040.t_odat, TCMCS013.t_dsca, DSLS040.t_orno, DSLS045.t_damt_1 from baandb.ttdsls045{0} as DSLS045, baandb.ttiitm001{0} as IITM001, baandb.ttdsls040{0} as DSLS040, baandb.ttdsls041{0} as DSLS041, baandb.ttcmcs041{0} as TTCMCS041, baandb.ttcmcs013{0} as TCMCS013 where DSLS045.t_invn={1} and IITM001.t_item=DSLS045.t_item and DSLS041.t_item=DSLS045.t_item and DSLS040.t_orno=DSLS045.t_orno and (DSLS041.t_pono=DSLS045.t_pono and DSLS041.t_orno=DSLS045.t_orno) and TTCMCS041.t_cdec=DSLS040.t_cdec and TCMCS013.t_cpay=DSLS040.t_cpay"; cmd = "select DSLS041.t_epos, DSLS045.t_dqua, DSLS045.t_pric, DSLS045.t_amnt, DSLS045.t_item, IITM001.t_dsca, TTCMCS041.t_dsca, DSLS040.t_cotp, DSLS040.t_refa, DSLS040.t_odat, TCMCS013.t_dsca, DSLS040.t_orno, DSLS045.t_damt_1 from baandb.ttdsls045{0} as DSLS045, baandb.ttiitm001{0} as IITM001, baandb.ttdsls040{0} as DSLS040, baandb.ttdsls041{0} as DSLS041, baandb.ttcmcs041{0} as TTCMCS041, baandb.ttcmcs013{0} as TCMCS013 where DSLS045.t_invn={1} and IITM001.t_item=DSLS045.t_item and DSLS041.t_item=DSLS045.t_item and DSLS040.t_orno=DSLS045.t_orno and (DSLS041.t_pono=DSLS045.t_pono and DSLS041.t_orno=DSLS045.t_orno) and TTCMCS041.t_cdec=DSLS040.t_cdec and TCMCS013.t_cpay=DSLS040.t_cpay"; DbCommand.CommandText = String.Format(cmd, CompanyCode, InvoiceNumber); if (debug) { Console.WriteLine("23"); } try { reader = DbCommand.ExecuteReader(); } catch (Exception ex) { if (debug) { Console.WriteLine("24"); } string msg = "Query #5: " + DbCommand.CommandText + "\n" + ex.Message; if (debug) { Console.WriteLine(msg); } else { throw new System.Exception(msg); } return(false); } int num_lines = 0; if (debug) { Console.WriteLine("25"); } OdbcDataReader readerCustBarcode; OdbcCommand DbCommandCustBarcode; while (reader.Read()) { num_lines++; InvoiceLine line = new InvoiceLine(); line.LineNo = reader.GetString(0); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(line.LineNo)) { line.LineNo = "1"; } //line.UnitQuantity = reader.GetInt32(1); //line.UnitQuantity =Math.Round(reader.GetDouble(1),2); string qty = reader.GetDouble(1).ToString(); if (qty.IndexOf('.') != -1) { line.UnitQuantity = qty.Substring(0, qty.IndexOf('.') + 3); } else { line.UnitQuantity = qty; } line.ItemPriceBruto = reader.GetDecimal(2); line.LineSum = reader.GetDecimal(3); line.ItemBarcode = reader.GetString(4); line.ItemDescription = reader.GetString(5); line.Delivery = reader.GetString(6); line.ReferenceType = reader.GetString(7); line.ReferenceNumber = reader.GetString(8); line.ReferenceDate = reader.GetDate(9); line.PaymentTerms = reader.GetString(10); line.SalesOrder = reader.GetString(11); line.Discount = reader.GetString(12); line.PartNumber = ""; #region getCustomerBarcode //Query #5.5 added by Liat for CustomerBarcode cmd = "select TTII.t_mitm from baandb.ttiitm950{0} as TTII where TTII.t_mnum=\"999\" and TTII.t_item=\"{1}\" and TTII.t_cuno in (select t_cuno from baandb.ttccom810{0} where t_fnum={2})"; if (debug) { Console.WriteLine("26"); } DbCommandCustBarcode = DbConnection.CreateCommand(); string itemBarcode = DbCommandCustBarcode.CommandText = String.Format(cmd, CompanyCode, line.ItemBarcode.PadLeft(16, ' '), Receiver); try { readerCustBarcode = DbCommandCustBarcode.ExecuteReader(); } catch (Exception ex) { System.Diagnostics.EventLog.WriteEntry("error in query 5.5", ex.ToString()); if (debug) { Console.WriteLine("27"); } string msg = "Query #5.5: " + DbCommand.CommandText + "\n" + ex.Message; if (debug) { Console.WriteLine(msg); } else { throw new System.Exception(msg); } return(false); } if (readerCustBarcode.Read()) { if (debug) { Console.WriteLine("28"); } line.CustomerBarcode = readerCustBarcode.GetString(0); System.Diagnostics.EventLog.WriteEntry("CustomerBarcode", "barcode exists: " + line.CustomerBarcode + "this is the query: " + DbCommand.CommandText); if (debug) { Console.WriteLine("CustomerBarcode: " + line.CustomerBarcode); } } else { System.Diagnostics.EventLog.WriteEntry("CustomerBarcode", "Customer Barcode wasnt found this is the query" + cmd); if (debug) { Console.WriteLine("29"); } // return false; } readerCustBarcode.Close(); //Query #6 added by Liat for TaxSumNIS cmd = "select t_rate_c from baandb.ttfgld018{0} where t_docn={1} and t_ttyp=\"{2}\" "; if (debug) { Console.WriteLine("30"); } OdbcDataReader readerSumNIS; OdbcCommand DbCommandSumNIS; DbCommandSumNIS = DbConnection.CreateCommand(); DbCommandSumNIS.CommandText = String.Format(cmd, CompanyCode, InvoiceNumber, InvoiceType); try { readerSumNIS = DbCommandSumNIS.ExecuteReader(); } catch (Exception ex) { System.Diagnostics.EventLog.WriteEntry("sum", ex.ToString()); System.Diagnostics.EventLog.WriteEntry("query", DbCommandSumNIS.CommandText); string msg = "Query #6: " + DbCommandSumNIS.CommandText + "\n" + ex.Message; if (debug) { Console.WriteLine("31"); } if (debug) { Console.WriteLine(msg); } else { throw new System.Exception(msg); } return(false); } if (readerSumNIS.Read()) { System.Diagnostics.EventLog.WriteEntry("TaxSumNIS-query", "TaxSumNIS exists: this is the query: " + DbCommandSumNIS.CommandText); try { CurrencyRate = readerSumNIS.GetDecimal(0); TaxSumNIS = CurrencyRate * TaxSum; System.Diagnostics.EventLog.WriteEntry("TaxSumNIS", "CurrencyRate: " + CurrencyRate + "TaxSum: " + TaxSum + "TaxSumNIS: " + TaxSumNIS + "this is the query: " + DbCommandSumNIS.CommandText); } catch (Exception ex) { System.Diagnostics.EventLog.WriteEntry("error in kefel", ex.ToString()); System.Diagnostics.EventLog.WriteEntry("error in kefel values", "CurrencyRate: " + CurrencyRate + "TaxSum: " + TaxSum + "TaxSumNIS: " + TaxSumNIS + "this is the query: " + DbCommandSumNIS.CommandText); } } else { System.Diagnostics.EventLog.WriteEntry("TaxSumNIS", "TaxSumNIS doesnt exist this is the query: " + DbCommandSumNIS.CommandText); if (debug) { Console.WriteLine("33"); } return(false); } readerSumNIS.Close(); #endregion Add(line); if (debug) { Console.WriteLine(".................................................................................."); Console.WriteLine("Line #: " + num_lines); Console.WriteLine("Customer lineNo: " + line.LineNo); Console.WriteLine("UnitQuantity: " + line.UnitQuantity); Console.WriteLine("ItemPriceBruto: " + line.ItemPriceBruto); Console.WriteLine("LineSum: " + line.LineSum); Console.WriteLine("PartNumber: " + line.PartNumber); Console.WriteLine("ItemDescription: " + line.ItemDescription); Console.WriteLine("Delivery: " + line.Delivery); Console.WriteLine("ReferenceType: " + line.ReferenceType); Console.WriteLine("ReferenceNumber: " + line.ReferenceNumber); Console.WriteLine("ReferenceDate: " + line.ReferenceDate.ToShortDateString()); Console.WriteLine("PaymentTerms: " + line.PaymentTerms); Console.WriteLine("SalesOrder: " + line.SalesOrder); Console.WriteLine("Discount: " + line.Discount); } } if (debug) { Console.WriteLine(".................................................................................."); } TotalLines = num_lines; reader.Close(); } if (debug) { Console.WriteLine("exit"); } } return(true); }