        private Path ConstructPath(BezierCurve bezierCurve, float step)  // TODO: refactor!
            // reset manipulator
            _manipulator.q = _initialConfiguration;

            float counter = 0;

            var points = new List <Vector3[]> {
            var configs = new List <VectorFloat> {

            while (counter <= 1)
                var ikRes = _solver.Execute(_manipulator, bezierCurve.CalculatePoint(counter));

                _manipulator.q = ikRes.Configuration;


                counter += step;

            return(new Path(points, configs, false));
        protected override PathPlanningResult RunAbstract(Manipulator manipulator, Vector3 goal, InverseKinematicsSolver solver, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            if (manipulator.DistanceTo(goal) < _threshold)
                // the goal is already reached
                return new PathPlanningResult
                           Iterations = 0,
                           Path       = null

            // create new tree
            Tree = new Tree(new Tree.Node(null, manipulator.GripperPos, manipulator.q), _maxIterations + 1);

            // define local attractors as the goal attractor and copies of static attractors
            var attractors = new List <Attractor>()
                new Attractor(goal)


            // recalculate attractors' weights
            Attractor.RecalculateWeights(attractors, manipulator, _threshold);

            // sort attractors
            attractors = attractors.OrderBy(a => a.Weight).ToList();

            // create necessary locals
            Attractor attractorFirst = attractors.First();
            Attractor attractorLast  = attractors.Last(); // TODO: last attractor has too big radius (~5 units for 0.04 step); fix!

            float mu    = attractorFirst.Weight;
            float sigma = (attractorLast.Weight - attractorFirst.Weight) / 2.0f;

            List <float> weights = new List <float>();

            Iterations = 0;
            while (Iterations < _maxIterations)


                // trim tree
                if (_enableTrimming && Iterations % _trimPeriod == 0)
                    Tree.Trim(manipulator, solver);

                // generate normally distributed weight
                float num = RandomThreadStatic.NextGaussian(mu, sigma);

                // get the index of the most relevant attractor
                int index = attractors.IndexOfNearest(num, a => a.Weight);

                // get point of the obtained attractor
                Vector3 sample = attractors[index].Center;

                // find the closest node to that attractor
                Tree.Node nodeClosest = Tree.Closest(sample);

                // get new tree node point
                Vector3 point = nodeClosest.Point + Vector3.Normalize(sample - nodeClosest.Point) * _step;

                if (!(_collisionCheck && ObstacleHandler.ContainmentTest(point, out _)))
                    // solve inverse kinematics for the new node
                    manipulator.q = nodeClosest.q;
                    var ikRes = solver.Execute(manipulator, point);
                    if (ikRes.Converged && !(_collisionCheck && manipulator.CollisionTest().Contains(true)))  // TODO: is convergence check really needed?
                        manipulator.q = ikRes.Configuration;

                        // add node to the tree
                        Tree.Node node = new Tree.Node(nodeClosest, manipulator.GripperPos, manipulator.q);

                        // check exit condition
                        if (point.DistanceTo(attractors[index].Center) < attractors[index].Radius)
                            if (index == 0)
                                // stop in case the main attractor has been hit
                                // remove attractor if it has been hit

            // retrieve resultant path along with respective configurations
            return(new PathPlanningResult
                Iterations = Iterations,
                Path = Tree.GetPath(manipulator, Tree.Closest(goal))  // TODO: refactor! tree should be written to temp variable in path planner, not permanent in manipulator
文件: RRT.cs 项目: scikodot/manipusim
        protected override PathPlanningResult RunAbstract(Manipulator manipulator, Vector3 goal, InverseKinematicsSolver solver, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            if (manipulator.DistanceTo(goal) < _threshold)
                // the goal is already reached
                return new PathPlanningResult
                           Iterations = 0,
                           Path       = null

            // create new tree
            Tree = new Tree(new Tree.Node(null, manipulator.GripperPos, manipulator.q), _maxIterations + 1);

            Iterations = 0;
            while (Iterations < _maxIterations)


                // trim tree
                if (_enableTrimming && Iterations % _trimPeriod == 0)
                    Tree.Trim(manipulator, solver);

                // get sample point
                Vector3 sample;
                if (Iterations % _goalBiasPeriod == 0)
                    // use goal bias
                    sample = goal;
                    // generate sample
                    sample = RandomThreadStatic.NextPointSphere(manipulator.WorkspaceRadius) + manipulator.Base;

                // find the closest node to the generated sample point
                Tree.Node nodeClosest = Tree.Closest(sample);

                // get new tree node point
                Vector3 point = nodeClosest.Point + Vector3.Normalize(sample - nodeClosest.Point) * _step;

                if (!(_collisionCheck && ObstacleHandler.ContainmentTest(point, out _)))
                    // solve inverse kinematics for the new node to obtain the agent configuration
                    manipulator.q = nodeClosest.q;
                    var ikRes = solver.Execute(manipulator, point);
                    if (ikRes.Converged && !(_collisionCheck && manipulator.CollisionTest().Contains(true)))
                        manipulator.q = ikRes.Configuration;

                        // add new node to the tree
                        Tree.Node node = new Tree.Node(nodeClosest, manipulator.GripperPos, manipulator.q);

                        // check exit condition
                        if (manipulator.DistanceTo(goal) < _threshold)

            // retrieve resultant path along with respective configurations
            return(new PathPlanningResult
                Iterations = Iterations,
                Path = Tree.GetPath(manipulator, Tree.Closest(goal))  // TODO: refactor! tree should be written to temp variable in path planner, not permanent in manipulator