public void UpdateUI(string itemname, string itemdesc, Sprite itemimage, InventItemScript incitem) { ItemImage.sprite = itemimage; ItemText.text = itemdesc; Stats.text = itemname; currentitem = incitem; }
public void SetItemAsEquiped(InventItemScript item) { //Will need to be changed later as more weapons are added if (item.GetItemType() == "placeable") { if (currentlyEquipedItem != null) { currentlyEquipedItem.Unequip(); } currentlyEquipedItem = item; } }
public void equipitem(GameObject itemtoequip, InventItemScript incscript, string type) { if (type == "placeable") { currentequipment = itemtoequip; currentitemscript = incscript; } if (type == "gun") { playermovement.GetGun(incscript); } }
public void UpdateUI(string itemname, string itemdesc, Sprite itemimage, InventItemScript incscript) { descriptor.UpdateUI(itemname, itemdesc, itemimage, incscript); }
public void GetGun(InventItemScript thegunscript) { GotGun = true; thegun = thegunscript; }