/// <summary>Load one patch from a content pack's <c>content.json</c> file.</summary> /// <param name="pack">The content pack being loaded.</param> /// <param name="entry">The change to load.</param> /// <param name="config">The content pack's config values.</param> /// <param name="logSkip">The callback to invoke with the error reason if loading it fails.</param> private bool LoadPatch(IContentPack pack, PatchConfig entry, InvariantDictionary <ConfigField> config, Action <string> logSkip) { bool TrackSkip(string reason, bool warn = true) { this.PatchManager.AddPermanentlyDisabled(new DisabledPatch(entry.LogName, entry.Action, entry.Target, pack, reason)); if (warn) { logSkip(reason); } return(false); } try { // normalise patch fields if (entry.When == null) { entry.When = new InvariantDictionary <string>(); } // parse action if (!Enum.TryParse(entry.Action, true, out PatchType action)) { return(TrackSkip(string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(entry.Action) ? $"must set the {nameof(PatchConfig.Action)} field." : $"invalid {nameof(PatchConfig.Action)} value '{entry.Action}', expected one of: {string.Join(", ", Enum.GetNames(typeof(PatchType)))}." )); } // parse target asset TokenString assetName; { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(entry.Target)) { return(TrackSkip($"must set the {nameof(PatchConfig.Target)} field.")); } if (!this.TryParseTokenString(entry.Target, config, out string error, out TokenStringBuilder builder)) { return(TrackSkip($"the {nameof(PatchConfig.Target)} is invalid: {error}")); } assetName = builder.Build(); } // parse 'enabled' bool enabled = true; { if (entry.Enabled != null && !this.TryParseBoolean(entry.Enabled, config, out string error, out enabled)) { return(TrackSkip($"invalid {nameof(PatchConfig.Enabled)} value '{entry.Enabled}': {error}")); } } // apply config foreach (string key in config.Keys) { if (entry.When.TryGetValue(key, out string values)) { InvariantHashSet expected = this.PatchManager.ParseCommaDelimitedField(values); if (!expected.Intersect(config[key].Value).Any()) { return(TrackSkip($"disabled: config field '{key}' must have one of '{string.Join(", ", expected)}', but found '{string.Join(", ", config[key].Value)}'.", warn: false)); } entry.When.Remove(key); } } // parse conditions ConditionDictionary conditions; { if (!this.PatchManager.TryParseConditions(entry.When, out conditions, out string error)) { return(TrackSkip($"the {nameof(PatchConfig.When)} field is invalid: {error}.")); } } // get patch instance IPatch patch; switch (action) { // load asset case PatchType.Load: { // init patch if (!this.TryPrepareLocalAsset(pack, entry.FromFile, config, conditions, out string error, out TokenString fromAsset, checkOnly: !enabled)) { return(TrackSkip(error)); } patch = new LoadPatch(entry.LogName, this.AssetLoader, pack, assetName, conditions, fromAsset, this.Helper.Content.NormaliseAssetName); // detect conflicting loaders if (enabled) { InvariantDictionary <IPatch> conflicts = this.PatchManager.GetConflictingLoaders(patch); if (conflicts.Any()) { IEnumerable <string> conflictNames = (from conflict in conflicts orderby conflict.Key select $"'{conflict.Value.LogName}' already loads {conflict.Key}"); return(TrackSkip( $"{nameof(entry.Target)} '{patch.TokenableAssetName.Raw}' conflicts with other load patches ({string.Join(", ", conflictNames)}). Each file can only be loaded by one patch, unless their conditions can never overlap.")); } } } break; // edit data case PatchType.EditData: { // validate if (entry.Entries == null && entry.Fields == null) { return(TrackSkip($"either {nameof(PatchConfig.Entries)} or {nameof(PatchConfig.Fields)} must be specified for a '{action}' change.")); } if (entry.Entries != null && entry.Entries.Any(p => string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(p.Value))) { return(TrackSkip($"the {nameof(PatchConfig.Entries)} can't contain empty values.")); } if (entry.Fields != null && entry.Fields.Any(p => p.Value == null || p.Value.Any(n => n.Value == null))) { return(TrackSkip($"the {nameof(PatchConfig.Fields)} can't contain empty values.")); } // save patch = new EditDataPatch(entry.LogName, this.AssetLoader, pack, assetName, conditions, entry.Entries, entry.Fields, this.Monitor, this.Helper.Content.NormaliseAssetName); } break; // edit image case PatchType.EditImage: { // read patch mode PatchMode patchMode = PatchMode.Replace; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(entry.PatchMode) && !Enum.TryParse(entry.PatchMode, true, out patchMode)) { return(TrackSkip($"the {nameof(PatchConfig.PatchMode)} is invalid. Expected one of these values: [{string.Join(", ", Enum.GetNames(typeof(PatchMode)))}].")); } // save if (!this.TryPrepareLocalAsset(pack, entry.FromFile, config, conditions, out string error, out TokenString fromAsset, checkOnly: !enabled)) { return(TrackSkip(error)); } patch = new EditImagePatch(entry.LogName, this.AssetLoader, pack, assetName, conditions, fromAsset, entry.FromArea, entry.ToArea, patchMode, this.Monitor, this.Helper.Content.NormaliseAssetName); } break; default: return(TrackSkip($"unsupported patch type '{action}'.")); } // only apply patch when its tokens are available HashSet <ConditionKey> tokensUsed = new HashSet <ConditionKey>(patch.GetTokensUsed()); foreach (ConditionKey key in tokensUsed) { if (!patch.Conditions.ContainsKey(key)) { patch.Conditions.Add(key, patch.Conditions.GetValidValues(key)); } } // skip if not enabled // note: we process the patch even if it's disabled, so any errors are caught by the modder instead of only failing after the patch is enabled. if (!enabled) { return(TrackSkip($"{nameof(PatchConfig.Enabled)} is false.", warn: false)); } // save patch this.PatchManager.Add(patch); return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { return(TrackSkip($"error reading info. Technical details:\n{ex}")); } }