        ** Private methods
        ** Commands
        /// <summary>Handle the 'patch help' command.</summary>
        /// <param name="args">The subcommand arguments.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns whether the command was handled.</returns>
        private bool HandleHelp(string[] args)
            // generate command info
            var helpEntries = new InvariantDictionary <string>
                ["help"]    = $"{this.CommandName} help\n   Usage: {this.CommandName} help\n   Lists all available {this.CommandName} commands.\n\n   Usage: {this.CommandName} help <cmd>\n   Provides information for a specific {this.CommandName} command.\n   - cmd: The {this.CommandName} command name.",
                ["summary"] = $"{this.CommandName} summary\n   Usage: {this.CommandName} summary\n   Shows a summary of the current conditions and loaded patches.",
                ["update"]  = $"{this.CommandName} update\n   Usage: {this.CommandName} update\n   Immediately refreshes the condition context and rechecks all patches.",
                ["parse"]   = $"{this.CommandName} parse\n   usage: {this.CommandName} parse \"value\"\n   Parses the given token string and shows the result. For example, `{this.CommandName} parse \"assets/{{{{Season}}}}.png\" will show a value like \"assets/Spring.png\".\n\n{this.CommandName} parse \"value\" \"content-pack.id\"\n   Parses the given token string and shows the result, using tokens available to the specified content pack (using the ID from the content pack's manifest.json). For example, `{this.CommandName} parse \"assets/{{{{CustomToken}}}}.png\" \"Pathoschild.ExampleContentPack\".",
                ["export"]  = $"{this.CommandName} export\n   Usage: {this.CommandName} export \"<asset name>\"\n   Saves a copy of an asset (including any changes from mods like Content Patcher) to the game folder. The asset name should be the target without the locale or extension, like \"Characters/Abigail\" if you want to export the value of 'Content/Characters/Abigail.xnb'.",
                ["reload"]  = $"{this.CommandName} reload\n   Usage: {this.CommandName} reload \"<content pack ID>\"\n   Reloads the patches of the content.json of a content pack. Config schema changes and dynamic token changes are unsupported."

            // build output
            StringBuilder help = new StringBuilder();

            if (!args.Any())
                    $"The '{this.CommandName}' command is the entry point for Content Patcher commands. These are "
                    + "intended for troubleshooting and aren't intended for players. You use it by specifying a more "
                    + $"specific command (like 'help' in '{this.CommandName} help'). Here are the available commands:\n\n"
                foreach (var entry in helpEntries.OrderByIgnoreCase(p => p.Key))
            else if (helpEntries.TryGetValue(args[0], out string entry))
                help.AppendLine($"Unknown command '{this.CommandName} {args[0]}'. Type '{this.CommandName} help' for available commands.");

            // write output
            this.Monitor.Log(help.ToString(), LogLevel.Debug);

        ** Private methods
        ** Commands
        /// <summary>Handle the 'patch help' command.</summary>
        /// <param name="args">The subcommand arguments.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns whether the command was handled.</returns>
        private bool HandleHelp(string[] args)
            // generate command info
            var helpEntries = new InvariantDictionary <string>
                ["help"]    = $"{this.CommandName} help\n   Usage: {this.CommandName} help\n   Lists all available {this.CommandName} commands.\n\n   Usage: {this.CommandName} help <cmd>\n   Provides information for a specific {this.CommandName} command.\n   - cmd: The {this.CommandName} command name.",
                ["summary"] = $"{this.CommandName} summary\n   Usage: {this.CommandName} summary\n   Shows a summary of the current conditions and loaded patches.",
                ["update"]  = $"{this.CommandName} update\n   Usage: {this.CommandName} update\n   Imediately refreshes the condition context and rechecks all patches.",
                ["export"]  = $"{this.CommandName} export\n   Usage: {this.CommandName} export \"<asset name>\"\n   Saves a copy of an asset (including any changes from mods like Content Patcher) to the game folder. The asset name should be the target without the locale or extension, like \"Characters/Abigail\" if you want to export the value of 'Content/Characters/Abigail.xnb'."

            // build output
            StringBuilder help = new StringBuilder();

            if (!args.Any())
                    $"The '{this.CommandName}' command is the entry point for Content Patcher commands. These are "
                    + "intended for troubleshooting and aren't intended for players. You use it by specifying a more "
                    + $"specific command (like 'help' in '{this.CommandName} help'). Here are the available commands:\n\n"
                foreach (var entry in helpEntries.OrderByIgnoreCase(p => p.Key))
            else if (helpEntries.TryGetValue(args[0], out string entry))
                help.AppendLine($"Unknown command '{this.CommandName} {args[0]}'. Type '{this.CommandName} help' for available commands.");

            // write output

        ** Private methods
        ** Commands
        /// <summary>Handle the 'patch help' command.</summary>
        /// <param name="args">The subcommand arguments.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns whether the command was handled.</returns>
        private bool HandleHelp(string[] args)
            // generate command info
            var helpEntries = new InvariantDictionary <string>
                ["help"]    = $"{this.CommandName} help\n   Usage: {this.CommandName} help\n   Lists all available {this.CommandName} commands.\n\n   Usage: {this.CommandName} help <cmd>\n   Provides information for a specific {this.CommandName} command.\n   - cmd: The {this.CommandName} command name.",
                ["summary"] = $"{this.CommandName} summary\n   Usage: {this.CommandName} summary\n   Shows a summary of the current conditions and loaded patches.",
                ["update"]  = $"{this.CommandName} update\n   Usage: {this.CommandName} update\n   Imediately refreshes the condition context and rechecks all patches."

            // build output
            StringBuilder help = new StringBuilder();

            if (!args.Any())
                    $"The '{this.CommandName}' command is the entry point for Content Patcher commands. These are "
                    + "intended for troubleshooting and aren't intended for players. You use it by specifying a more "
                    + $"specific command (like 'help' in '{this.CommandName} help'). Here are the available commands:\n\n"
                foreach (var entry in helpEntries.OrderByIgnoreCase(p => p.Key))
            else if (helpEntries.TryGetValue(args[0], out string entry))
                help.AppendLine($"Unknown command '{this.CommandName} {args[0]}'. Type '{this.CommandName} help' for available commands.");

            // write output
