public async Task Should_Throw_Exception_When_Answering_Late() { await TestsFixture.SendTestInstructionsAsync( "Write an inline query that I'll never answer!", startInlineQuery : true ); Update queryUpdate = await TestsFixture.UpdateReceiver.GetInlineQueryUpdateAsync(); InlineQueryResultBase[] results = { new InlineQueryResultArticle( id: "article:bot-api", title: "Telegram Bot API", inputMessageContent: new InputTextMessageContent("")) { Description = "The Bot API is an HTTP-based interface created for developers", }, }; await Task.Delay(10_000); InvalidQueryIdException exception = await Assert.ThrowsAsync <InvalidQueryIdException>( async() => await BotClient.AnswerInlineQueryAsync( inlineQueryId: queryUpdate.InlineQuery !.Id, results: results, cacheTime: 0 ) ); Assert.Equal(400, exception.ErrorCode); Assert.Contains("query is too old and response timeout expired or query ID is invalid", exception.Message); }
public async Task Should_Throw_Exception_QueryIdInvalidException() { await _fixture.SendTestCaseNotificationAsync(FactTitles.ShouldThrowExceptionInvalidQueryIdException, startInlineQuery : true); Update queryUpdate = await _fixture.UpdateReceiver.GetInlineQueryUpdateAsync(); InlineQueryResultBase[] results = { new InlineQueryResultArticle( id: "article:bot-api", title: "Telegram Bot API", inputMessageContent: new InputTextMessageContent("")) { Description = "The Bot API is an HTTP-based interface created for developers", }, }; await Task.Delay(10_000); InvalidQueryIdException e = await Assert.ThrowsAnyAsync <InvalidQueryIdException>(() => BotClient.AnswerInlineQueryAsync( inlineQueryId: queryUpdate.InlineQuery.Id, results: results, cacheTime: 0 ) ); Assert.Equal("inline_query_id", e.Parameter); }