private void cbDistanceWaging_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { switch (cbProximityCorrection.SelectedIndex) { case 1: SelectedPBCC = Interpolations.Interpolations.ProximityBasedCoefficientReduction.Full; break; default: case 0: SelectedPBCC = Interpolations.Interpolations.ProximityBasedCoefficientReduction.None; break; } }
public static void Main(string[] args) { //pomoc przy wywołaniu bez argumentów if (args.Length == 0) { Func <bool> exit = () => { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("[Any key - continue, Esc - exit]"); ConsoleKeyInfo key = Console.ReadKey(true); if (key.Key == ConsoleKey.Escape) { return(true); } return(false); }; Console.WriteLine("\tP-Lin Interpolation --- Program Help"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Normal callouts:"); Console.WriteLine("\tplin.exe {input_file} width height {output_file}"); Console.WriteLine("\tplin.exe {input_file} scale {output_file}"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("\tplin.exe - name of this program (if not changed)"); Console.WriteLine("\t{input_file} - path to original image, can be quoted to allow spaces"); Console.WriteLine("\t{output_file} - path to save the file, can be quoted, if target file exists, it will be overwritten, format is obtained from file extension"); Console.WriteLine("\twidth height - size of the image after rescaling (integers)"); Console.WriteLine("\tscale - scaling factor for rescaling (floating point)"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Supported file formats (extensions): *.bmp, *.emf, *.gif, *.jpeg, *.jpg, *.png, *.tif, *.tiff, *.wmf."); if (exit()) { return; } Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Special arguments:"); Console.WriteLine("Remark: Special arguments might be placed anywhere after the program's name and each has to be prefixed with dash (-), e.g. -linear. Options (if avaible) are separated with ':' or '=' (no spaces)"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(" For selecting an interpolation algorithm:"); Console.WriteLine("\tnearest near nn - nearest nieghbour"); Console.WriteLine("\tlinear lin l bilinear - bilinear"); Console.WriteLine("\tplin p-lin - P-Lin"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(" For a proximity-based coefficient correction:"); Console.WriteLine("\tproximity_correction pbcc - general use; full when no parameters"); Console.WriteLine("\t options: full, fast, no"); Console.WriteLine("\tfull_proximity_correction = pbcc:full pbcc:yes pbcc:1 pbcc:true"); Console.WriteLine("\tno_proximity_correction = pbcc:no pbcc:0 pbcc:false no_pbcc"); if (exit()) { return; } Console.WriteLine(" For transition reduction:"); Console.WriteLine("\ttransition tran tar t - for reducing a transition of interpolation between original points"); Console.WriteLine("\tparameter means number of pixels in the output image used for the effect (floating point)"); Console.WriteLine("\te.g. -transition:2 -tran:1.5 -tar:1"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(" Additional:"); Console.WriteLine("\trotation rot r rotate_degrees rotate_dgr rot_dgr rdgr - rotate image counterclockwise (by degrees)"); Console.WriteLine("\trotate_radians rotate_rad rot_rad rrad - rotate image counterclockwise (by radians)"); Console.WriteLine("\tparallel multithreading multithread mt - allow use of Parallel.For (multithreading)"); Console.WriteLine("\twait w pause - after processing wait for user to press any key to continue"); Console.WriteLine("\ttime t measure measure_time diagnostics diag - measure time taken by each step and show at the end"); Console.WriteLine(" Calling with no parameters means to turn those options on (or with zero degrees). They can also be called with parameter (boolean):"); Console.WriteLine("\ttrue t 1 yes - for true (turn the option on)"); Console.WriteLine("\tfalse f 0 no - for false (tunr the option off)"); Console.WriteLine("\te.g. -mt:no -wait:true -time:yes"); Console.WriteLine("\te.g. -rot_dgr:60.35"); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue..."); Console.ReadKey(true); return; } //podział poleceń na podstawowe (bez myślnika) i specjalne (z myślnikiem) //the commands are separated into basic- (without a dash) and special (with a dash) int[] iiSpecial = args.Select((arg, i) => arg.StartsWith("-") ? i : -1).Where(i => i != -1).ToArray(); string[] basic = args.Where((arg, i) => !iiSpecial.Contains(i)).ToArray(); string[] special = args.Where((arg, i) => iiSpecial.Contains(i)).ToArray(); special = special.Select((arg) => arg.Substring(1).ToLowerInvariant()).ToArray(); //odczytywane dane | acquired data string inputFile = null; string outputFile = null; string algorithm = null; string proximity_correction = null; float reduce = -1.0f; string reduction = null; int targetWidth = -1; int targetHeight = -1; double factor = -1.0d; string allowParallel = null; string wait = null; string measureTime = null; string rotation = null; double angle = 0; //interpretacja komend wiersza poleceń | interpretation of the command-line arguments if (basic.Length < 3) { Console.WriteLine("!\tNot enought arguments (missing input, output and/or size/scaling factor)."); return; } else if (basic.Length == 3) { inputFile = basic[0]; outputFile = basic[2]; if (TryParseDouble(basic[1], out factor)) { if (factor < 0) { factor = -factor; } else if (factor == 0) { factor = 1; } } else { Console.WriteLine("!\tImproper scaling factor."); return; } } else { inputFile = basic[0]; outputFile = basic[3]; Int32.TryParse(basic[1], out targetWidth); Int32.TryParse(basic[2], out targetHeight); factor = -1; if (targetHeight <= 0 || targetWidth <= 0) { Console.WriteLine("!\tImproper output dimensions."); return; } } foreach (string cmd in special) { string a, e; int sep = cmd.IndexOfAny(argsSeparators); if (sep < 0) { a = cmd; e = String.Empty; } else { a = cmd.Substring(0, sep); e = cmd.Substring(sep + 1); } int iArg = Array.IndexOf <string>(argsAlgorithms, a); if (iArg >= 0) { if (algorithm == null) { algorithm = argsAlgorithmsCast[iArg]; } continue; } iArg = Array.IndexOf <string>(argsProximityCorrection, a); if (iArg >= 0) { if (proximity_correction == null) { if (iArg <= 1 && e != String.Empty) { int dwOpt = Array.IndexOf <string>(argsPBCCOptions, e); if (dwOpt >= 0) { proximity_correction = argsPBCCOptionsCast[dwOpt]; } } else { proximity_correction = argsProximityCorrectionCast[iArg]; } } continue; } iArg = Array.IndexOf <string>(argsTransitionReduction, a); if (iArg >= 0) { if (reduction == null) { if (TryParseSingle(e, out reduce)) { if (reduce < 0) { reduce = -reduce; } if (reduce != 0) { reduction = argsTRansitionReductionCast[iArg]; } } } } iArg = Array.IndexOf <string>(argsParallel, a); if (iArg >= 0) { if (allowParallel == null) { if (e != String.Empty) { int prlOpt = Array.IndexOf <String>(argsOptionsBoolean, e); if (prlOpt >= 0) { allowParallel = argsOptionsBooleanCast[prlOpt]; } } else { allowParallel = "true"; } } } iArg = Array.IndexOf <string>(argsWait, a); if (iArg >= 0) { if (wait == null) { if (e != String.Empty) { int wtOpt = Array.IndexOf <String>(argsOptionsBoolean, e); if (wtOpt >= 0) { wait = argsOptionsBooleanCast[wtOpt]; } } else { wait = "true"; } } } iArg = Array.IndexOf <string>(argsTime, a); if (iArg >= 0) { if (measureTime == null) { if (e != String.Empty) { int mtOpt = Array.IndexOf <String>(argsOptionsBoolean, e); if (mtOpt >= 0) { measureTime = argsOptionsBooleanCast[mtOpt]; } } else { measureTime = "true"; } } } iArg = Array.IndexOf <string>(argsRotation, a); if (iArg >= 0) { if (rotation == null) { if (e != String.Empty) { if (TryParseDouble(e, out angle)) { rotation = argsRotationCast[iArg]; } } } } } //ustawianie wartości domyślnych jeśli nie określono parametró //settinf up default values for variables if those parametrów weren't defined if (reduction == null) { reduction = "no"; } if (algorithm == null) { algorithm = "plin"; } if (proximity_correction == null) { proximity_correction = "no"; } if (allowParallel == null) { allowParallel = "true"; } if (wait == null) { wait = "false"; } if (measureTime == null) { measureTime = "false"; } if (rotation == null) { rotation = "no"; } bool diagnostics = measureTime == "true"; bool parallel = allowParallel == "true"; bool stable = rotation == "no"; //inputFile = inputFile.Trim(); //outputFile = outputFile.Trim(); System.DateTime T00 = new DateTime(); //rozpoczęcie pracy | start of work System.DateTime T10 = new DateTime(); //rozpoczęcie ustawiania interpolacji | start of setting-up the interpolation System.DateTime T20 = new DateTime(); //rozpoczęcie interpolacji | start of the interpolation System.DateTime T30 = new DateTime(); //rozpoczęcie zapisywania wyniku | start of saving the result System.DateTime T40 = new DateTime(); //po zapisaniu wyniku | after saving the result if (diagnostics) { T00 = System.DateTime.Now; } if (!System.IO.File.Exists(inputFile)) { Console.WriteLine("!\tFile \"{0}\" doesn't exists.", inputFile); return; } Image original; using (System.Drawing.Bitmap img = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(inputFile)) { original = new Image(img.Width, img.Height, 3); for (int y = original.Height - 1; y >= 0; --y) { for (int x = original.Width - 1; x >= 0; --x) { var c = img.GetPixel(x, y); original[x, y, Image.R] = c.R; original[x, y, Image.G] = c.G; original[x, y, Image.B] = c.B; } } } if (diagnostics) { T10 = System.DateTime.Now; } if (factor > 0) { targetHeight = (int)(Math.Round(factor * (double)original.Height)); targetWidth = (int)(Math.Round(factor * (double)original.Width)); } Image target = new Image(targetWidth, targetHeight, 3); Interpolations.Interpolations.Implemented theAlgorithm = Interpolations.Interpolations.Implemented.PLin; Interpolations.Interpolations.ProximityBasedCoefficientReduction theDW = Interpolations.Interpolations.ProximityBasedCoefficientReduction.None; switch (algorithm) { case "lin": theAlgorithm = Interpolations.Interpolations.Implemented.Linear; break; case "nn": theAlgorithm = Interpolations.Interpolations.Implemented.NearestNeighbour; break; case "plin": default: theAlgorithm = Interpolations.Interpolations.Implemented.PLin; break; } switch (proximity_correction) { case "full": theDW = Interpolations.Interpolations.ProximityBasedCoefficientReduction.Full; break; case "no": default: theDW = Interpolations.Interpolations.ProximityBasedCoefficientReduction.None; break; } //ustawianie paramaterów i funkcji przeskalowania //setting up the parameters and functions of the resize Casting.Blending2D blending = null; Resizer resizer = new Resizer(); resizer.Original = original; if (stable) { resizer.Result = target; resizer.Interpolation = new Interp(); resizer.Interpolation.InitializeResize(original.Width, original.Height, target.Width, target.Height, Casting.Function.GenProperCasting(original.Width, target.Width), Casting.Function.GenProperCasting(original.Height, target.Height)); //resizer.Interpolation.InitializeFunctions(Interpolations.Interpolations.Implemented.DLin, Interpolations.Interpolations.DistanceWaging.Full, 2); resizer.Interpolation.InitializeFunctions(theAlgorithm, theDW); } else { Transformations.TransformationSetup t = new Transformations.TransformationSetup(true); t.OriginalWidth = original.Width; t.OriginalHeight = original.Height; t.RelativeScaling = false; t.ScalingX = targetWidth; t.ScalingY = targetHeight; t.RotationInDegrees = rotation == "dgr"; t.RotationRescaling = true; t.RotationAngle = angle; Transformations.TransformationPrototype prototype = t.CalculateTransformation(); targetHeight = (int)(Math.Round((double)prototype.TargetHeight)); targetWidth = (int)(Math.Round((double)prototype.TargetWidth)); target = new Image(targetWidth, targetHeight, 3); resizer.Result = target; Cast2D casting = Casting.Function.FromTransformationMatrix(prototype.T_Target2Original, 0.5f); resizer.Interpolation = new Interp(); resizer.Interpolation.InitializeTransformation(original.Width, original.Height, target.Width, target.Height, casting); resizer.Interpolation.InitializeFunctions(theAlgorithm, theDW); //blending = Casting.Function.FastBlendingFromCasting(casting, 0.5f, 0.5f, original.Width, original.Height); blending = Casting.Function.BlendingFromCasting(casting, Casting.Function.PlinBlending, 0.5f, 0.5f, original.Width, original.Height); } if (reduction == "tran") { resizer.Interpolation.InitializePassageReduction(reduce); } else { resizer.Interpolation.TransitionReduction = null; } if (!resizer.Buffer()) { resizer.RemoveBuffer(); } resizer.Optimalize(parallel); if (diagnostics) { T20 = System.DateTime.Now; } bool r = resizer.Resize(); if (diagnostics) { T30 = System.DateTime.Now; } //zapisywanie obrazu wynikowego //saving up the resulting image using (System.Drawing.Bitmap img2 = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(target.Width, target.Height)) { if (blending == null) { for (int y = target.Height - 1; y >= 0; --y) { for (int x = target.Width - 1; x >= 0; --x) { img2.SetPixel(x, y, System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(target[x, y, Image.R], target[x, y, Image.G], target[x, y, Image.B])); } } } else { for (int y = target.Height - 1; y >= 0; --y) { for (int x = target.Width - 1; x >= 0; --x) { float alpha = blending(x, y); int rc = (int)((float)target[x, y, Image.R] * alpha); int gc = (int)((float)target[x, y, Image.G] * alpha); int bc = (int)((float)target[x, y, Image.B] * alpha); int a = (int)((float)255 * alpha); img2.SetPixel(x, y, System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(a, rc, gc, bc)); } } } try { using (System.IO.Stream stream = new System.IO.FileStream(outputFile, System.IO.FileMode.Create)) { string ext = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(outputFile).ToLowerInvariant(); System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat format; switch (ext) { case ".bmp": format = System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Bmp; break; case ".emf": format = System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Emf; break; case ".gif": format = System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Gif; break; case ".jpg": case ".jpeg": format = System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg; break; case ".tiff": case ".tif": format = System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Tiff; break; case ".wmf": format = System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Wmf; break; case ".png": default: format = System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png; break; } img2.Save(stream, format); //img2.Save(outputFile); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } } if (diagnostics) { T40 = System.DateTime.Now; } //jeśli ma wyświetlić pomierzony czas //if have to show the measured time if (diagnostics) { System.TimeSpan t_loading = T10 - T00; System.TimeSpan t_saving = T40 - T30; System.TimeSpan t_interpolation = T30 - T10; System.TimeSpan t_setup = T20 - T10; System.TimeSpan t_resizing = T30 - T20; System.TimeSpan t_total = T40 - T10; Console.WriteLine("DIAGNOSTICS:"); Console.WriteLine("\tfor: {0}", String.Join("; ", special)); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("\t Started work | Loading input: [T0] {0:yyyy:MM:dd hh:mm:ss.fff}", T00); Console.WriteLine("\t Input loaded | Setting up: [T1] {0:yyyy:MM:dd hh:mm:ss.fff}", T10); Console.WriteLine("\tAlgorithm set up | Resizing: [T2] {0:yyyy:MM:dd hh:mm:ss.fff}", T20); Console.WriteLine("\t Resized | Saving output: [T3] {0:yyyy:MM:dd hh:mm:ss.fff}", T30); Console.WriteLine("\t Output saved | Finished work: [T4] {0:yyyy:MM:dd hh:mm:ss.fff}", T40); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(" * Total time: {0} ms (ap. {1} s).", t_total.TotalMilliseconds.ToString(_CI), t_total.TotalSeconds.ToString("0.###", _CI)); Console.WriteLine(" * Loading the input file took {0} ms (ap. {1} s).", t_loading.TotalMilliseconds.ToString(_CI), t_loading.TotalSeconds.ToString("0.###", _CI)); Console.WriteLine(" * Saving the output file took {0} ms (ap. {1} s).", t_saving.TotalMilliseconds.ToString(_CI), t_saving.TotalSeconds.ToString("0.###", _CI)); Console.WriteLine(" * Whole interpolation algorithm took {0} ms (ap. {1} s).", t_interpolation.TotalMilliseconds.ToString(_CI), t_interpolation.TotalSeconds.ToString("0.###", _CI)); Console.WriteLine(" * Setting out the interpolation algorihtm took {0} ms (ap. {1} s).", t_setup.TotalMilliseconds.ToString(_CI), t_setup.TotalSeconds.ToString("0.###", _CI)); Console.WriteLine(" * Resizing the image took {0} ms (ap. {1} s).", t_resizing.TotalMilliseconds.ToString(_CI), t_resizing.TotalSeconds.ToString("0.###", _CI)); Console.WriteLine(); } //jeśli ma spauzować na końcu //if there is pasue on the end if (wait == "true") { Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue..."); Console.ReadKey(true); } }