        internal static NetworkInterface[] GetNetworkInterfaces()
            Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result <NetworkInterface[]>() != null);
            AddressFamily        family     = AddressFamily.Unspecified;
            uint                 bufferSize = 0;
            SafeLocalAllocHandle buffer     = null;

            // TODO: #2485: This will probably require changes in the PAL for HostInformation.
            Interop.IpHlpApi.FIXED_INFO   fixedInfo     = HostInformationPal.GetFixedInfo();
            List <SystemNetworkInterface> interfaceList = new List <SystemNetworkInterface>();

            Interop.IpHlpApi.GetAdaptersAddressesFlags flags =
                | Interop.IpHlpApi.GetAdaptersAddressesFlags.IncludeWins;

            // Figure out the right buffer size for the adapter information.
            uint result = Interop.IpHlpApi.GetAdaptersAddresses(
                family, (uint)flags, IntPtr.Zero, SafeLocalAllocHandle.Zero, ref bufferSize);

            while (result == Interop.IpHlpApi.ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW)
                // Allocate the buffer and get the adapter info.
                using (buffer = SafeLocalAllocHandle.LocalAlloc((int)bufferSize))
                    result = Interop.IpHlpApi.GetAdaptersAddresses(
                        family, (uint)flags, IntPtr.Zero, buffer, ref bufferSize);

                    // If succeeded, we're going to add each new interface.
                    if (result == Interop.IpHlpApi.ERROR_SUCCESS)
                        // Linked list of interfaces.
                        IntPtr ptr = buffer.DangerousGetHandle();
                        while (ptr != IntPtr.Zero)
                            // Traverse the list, marshal in the native structures, and create new NetworkInterfaces.
                            Interop.IpHlpApi.IpAdapterAddresses adapterAddresses = Marshal.PtrToStructure <Interop.IpHlpApi.IpAdapterAddresses>(ptr);
                            interfaceList.Add(new SystemNetworkInterface(fixedInfo, adapterAddresses));

                            ptr = adapterAddresses.next;

            // If we don't have any interfaces detected, return empty.
            if (result == Interop.IpHlpApi.ERROR_NO_DATA || result == Interop.IpHlpApi.ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER)
                return(new SystemNetworkInterface[0]);

            // Otherwise we throw on an error.
            if (result != Interop.IpHlpApi.ERROR_SUCCESS)
                throw new NetworkInformationException((int)result);

        internal static unsafe NetworkInterface[] GetNetworkInterfaces()
            AddressFamily family     = AddressFamily.Unspecified;
            uint          bufferSize = 0;

            List <SystemNetworkInterface> interfaceList = new List <SystemNetworkInterface>();

            Interop.IpHlpApi.GetAdaptersAddressesFlags flags =
                | Interop.IpHlpApi.GetAdaptersAddressesFlags.IncludeWins;

            // Figure out the right buffer size for the adapter information.
            uint result = Interop.IpHlpApi.GetAdaptersAddresses(
                family, (uint)flags, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, &bufferSize);

            while (result == Interop.IpHlpApi.ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW)
                // Allocate the buffer and get the adapter info.
                IntPtr buffer = Marshal.AllocHGlobal((int)bufferSize);
                    result = Interop.IpHlpApi.GetAdaptersAddresses(
                        family, (uint)flags, IntPtr.Zero, buffer, &bufferSize);

                    // If succeeded, we're going to add each new interface.
                    if (result == Interop.IpHlpApi.ERROR_SUCCESS)
                        // Linked list of interfaces.
                        Interop.IpHlpApi.IpAdapterAddresses *adapterAddresses = (Interop.IpHlpApi.IpAdapterAddresses *)buffer;
                        while (adapterAddresses != null)
                            // Traverse the list, marshal in the native structures, and create new NetworkInterfaces.
                            interfaceList.Add(new SystemNetworkInterface(in * adapterAddresses));
                            adapterAddresses = adapterAddresses->next;

            // If we don't have any interfaces detected, return empty.
            if (result == Interop.IpHlpApi.ERROR_NO_DATA || result == Interop.IpHlpApi.ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER)
                return(Array.Empty <SystemNetworkInterface>());

            // Otherwise we throw on an error.
            if (result != Interop.IpHlpApi.ERROR_SUCCESS)
                throw new NetworkInformationException((int)result);
