private void RequestPath(Vector3 from, Vector3 to, InternalPathRequest.Type type)
            var unit = this.GetUnitFacade();

            lock (_syncLock)
                if (_pendingPathRequest != null)
                    _pendingPathRequest.hasDecayed = true;

                _pendingPathRequest = new InternalPathRequest
                    from                = from,
                    to                  = to,
                    pathType            = type,
                    requester           = this,
                    requesterProperties = unit,
                    pathFinderOptions   = unit.pathFinderOptions,
                    timeStamp           = Time.time

                if (type == InternalPathRequest.Type.Normal)
                    _pendingPathRequest.via = _wayPoints.GetViaPoints();

                _stop    = false;
                _stopped = false;

            GameServices.pathService.QueueRequest(_pendingPathRequest, unit.pathFinderOptions.pathingPriority);
        private void RequestPath(Vector3 from, Vector3 to, InternalPathRequest.Type type)
            var unit = this.GetUnitFacade();

            lock (_syncLock)
                _pendingPathRequest = new InternalPathRequest
                    from                = from,
                    to                  = to,
                    pathType            = type,
                    requester           = this,
                    requesterProperties = unit,
                    pathFinderOptions   = unit.pathFinderOptions

                _stop    = false;
                _stopped = false;

            _lastPathRequestTime = Time.time;
            GameServices.pathService.QueueRequest(_pendingPathRequest, unit.pathFinderOptions.pathingPriority);
        private void RequestPath(Vector3 to, InternalPathRequest.Type type)
            if (this.count == 0)
                // if the group has no members, then no need to request anything

            // find a valid from position for the group
            Vector3 fromPos  = _modelUnit.position;
            var     grid     = GridManager.instance.GetGrid(fromPos);
            Cell    fromCell = grid.GetCell(fromPos, true);

            if (fromCell == null || !fromCell.isWalkable(_modelUnit.attributes))
                fromCell = grid.GetNearestWalkableCell(fromPos, fromPos, false, _modelUnit.pathFinderOptions.maxEscapeCellDistanceIfOriginBlocked, _modelUnit);
                if (fromCell != null)
                    fromPos = fromCell.position;

            // setup the path request
            _pendingPathRequest = new InternalPathRequest
                from                = fromPos,
                to                  = to,
                pathType            = type,
                requester           = this,
                requesterProperties = _modelUnit,
                pathFinderOptions   = _modelUnit.pathFinderOptions

            _stopped             = false;
            _lastPathRequestTime = Time.time;
            GameServices.pathService.QueueRequest(_pendingPathRequest, _modelUnit.pathFinderOptions.pathingPriority);