 /* Method: SubsetTrainData
  * Changes the training data to a subset, starting at position *pos*
  * and *length* elements forward. Use the copy constructor to work
  * on a new copy of the training data.
  *  >TrainingData fullDataSet = new TrainingData();
  *  >fullDataSet.ReadTrainFromFile("somefile.train");
  *  >TrainingData smallDataSet = new TrainingData(fullDataSet);
  *  >smallDataSet->SubsetTrainData(0, 2); // Only use first two
  *  >// Use smallDataSet ...
  *  >small_data_set.Dispose();
  * See also:
  *      <fann_subset_train_data http://libfann.github.io/fann/docs/files/fann_train-h.html#fann_subset_train_data>
  * This function appears in FANN >= 2.0.0.
 public void SubsetTrainData(uint pos, uint length)
     InternalData.subset_train_data(pos, length);