/// <summary>  the logical or :
        /// the rule :
        /// left || null -> left
        /// null || right -> right
        /// null || null -> false
        /// left || right ->  left || right
        /// </summary>
        public override bool evaluate(InternalContextAdapter context)
            INode left  = jjtGetChild(0);
            INode right = jjtGetChild(1);

             *  if the left is not null and true, then true

            if (left != null && left.evaluate(context))

             *  same for right

            if (right != null && right.evaluate(context))

文件: VMProxyArg.cs 项目: minskowl/MY
         * CODE FOR ALTERNATE IMPL : please ignore.  I will remove when confortable with current.

        /// <summary>  not used in current impl
        /// *
        /// Constructor for alternate impl where VelProxy class would make new
        /// VMProxyArg objects, and use this contructor to avoid reparsing the
        /// reference args
        /// *
        /// that impl also had the VMProxyArg carry it's context
        /// </summary>
        public VMProxyArg(VMProxyArg model, InternalContextAdapter c)
            usercontext      = c;
            contextReference = model.ContextReference;
            callerReference  = model.CallerReference;
            nodeTree         = model.NodeTree;
            staticObject     = model.StaticObject;
            type             = model.Type;

            if (nodeTree != null)
                numTreeChildren = nodeTree.jjtGetNumChildren();

            if (type == NVelocity.Runtime.Parser.ParserTreeConstants.JJTREFERENCE)
                if (numTreeChildren == 0)
                     *  use the reference node to do this...
                    singleLevelRef = ((ASTReference)nodeTree).RootString;
        /// <summary>   The major meat of VelocimacroProxy, init() checks the # of arguments, patches the
        /// macro body, renders the macro into an AST, and then inits the AST, so it is ready
        /// for quick rendering.  Note that this is only AST dependant stuff. Not context.
        /// </summary>
        public override void init(RuntimeServices rs, InternalContextAdapter context, INode node)
            base.init(rs, context, node);

             *  how many args did we get?

            int i = node.jjtGetNumChildren();

             *  right number of args?

            if (NumArgs != i)
                rsvc.error("VM #" + macroName + ": error : too " + ((NumArgs > i) ? "few" : "many") + " arguments to macro. Wanted " + NumArgs + " got " + i);


             *  get the argument list to the instance use of the VM
            callingArgs = getArgArray(node);

             *  now proxy each arg in the context
            setupMacro(callingArgs, callingArgTypes);
        /// <summary>  computes the product of the two args.  Returns null if either arg is null
        /// or if either arg is not an integer
        /// </summary>
        public override Object Value(InternalContextAdapter context)
             *  get the two args

            Object left  = jjtGetChild(0).Value(context);
            Object right = jjtGetChild(1).Value(context);

             *  if either is null, lets log and bail

            if (left == null || right == null)
                rsvc.error((left == null ? "Left" : "Right") + " side (" + jjtGetChild((left == null ? 0 : 1)).literal() + ") of multiplication operation has null value." + " Operation not possible. " + context.CurrentTemplateName + " [line " + Line + ", column " + Column + "]");

             *  if not an Integer, not much we can do either

            if (!(left is Int32) || !(right is Int32))
                rsvc.error((!(left is Int32) ? "Left" : "Right") + " side of multiplication operation is not a valid type. " + "Currently only integers (1,2,3...) and Integer type is supported. " + context.CurrentTemplateName + " [line " + Line + ", column " + Column + "]");


            return(((Int32)left) * ((Int32)right));
        /// <summary>   Calculates the value of the logical expression
        /// *
        /// arg1 == arg2
        /// *
        /// All class types are supported.   Uses equals() to
        /// determine equivalence.  This should work as we represent
        /// with the types we already support, and anything else that
        /// implements equals() to mean more than identical references.
        /// *
        /// *
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context"> internal context used to evaluate the LHS and RHS
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>true if equivalent, false if not equivalent,
        /// false if not compatible arguments, or false
        /// if either LHS or RHS is null
        /// </returns>
        public override bool evaluate(InternalContextAdapter context)
            Object left  = jjtGetChild(0).Value(context);
            Object right = jjtGetChild(1).Value(context);

             * for equality, they are allowed to be null references
                if (ObjectComparer.CompareObjects(left, right) == 0)
                // Ignore, we can't compare decently by value, but we honestly don't give a sh*t

            // They are not equal by value, try a reference comparison
            // reference equal => definitely equal objects ;)
            // For operator overloaded types, this will not really be a reference comp, but that's ok.
            return(left == right);
        public override bool evaluate(InternalContextAdapter context)
             *  get the two args

            Object left  = jjtGetChild(0).Value(context);
            Object right = jjtGetChild(1).Value(context);

             *  if either is null, lets log and bail

            if (left == null || right == null)
                rsvc.error((left == null ? "Left" : "Right") + " side (" + jjtGetChild((left == null ? 0 : 1)).literal() + ") of '<=' operation has null value." + " Operation not possible. " + context.CurrentTemplateName + " [line " + Line + ", column " + Column + "]");

                return(ObjectComparer.CompareObjects(left, right) <= 0);
            catch (ArgumentException ae)

        public override Object init(InternalContextAdapter context, Object data)
             *  init our children

            base.init(context, data);

             *  the only thing we can do in init() is getRoot()
             *  as that is template based, not context based,
             *  so it's thread- and context-safe

            rootString = Root;

            numChildren = jjtGetNumChildren();

             * and if appropriate...

            if (numChildren > 0)
                identifier = jjtGetChild(numChildren - 1).FirstToken.image;

 /// <summary> Return name of this directive.
 /// </summary>
 /// <summary> Return type of this directive.
 /// </summary>
 /// <summary>   render() doesn't do anything in the final output rendering.
 /// There is no output from a #macro() directive.
 /// </summary>
 public override bool render(InternalContextAdapter context, TextWriter writer, Node node)
      *  do nothing : We never render.  The VelocimacroProxy object does that
        /// <summary> logical and :
        /// null && right = false
        /// left && null = false
        /// null && null = false
        /// </summary>
        public override bool evaluate(InternalContextAdapter context)
            INode left  = jjtGetChild(0);
            INode right = jjtGetChild(1);

             *  if either is null, lets log and bail

            if (left == null || right == null)
                rsvc.error((left == null ? "Left" : "Right") + " side of '&&' operation is null." + " Operation not possible. " + context.CurrentTemplateName + " [line " + Line + ", column " + Column + "]");

             *  short circuit the test.  Don't eval the RHS if the LHS is false

            if (left.evaluate(context))
                if (right.evaluate(context))

        /// <summary>  iterates through the argument list and renders every
        /// argument that is appropriate.  Any non appropriate
        /// arguments are logged, but render() continues.
        /// </summary>
        public override bool render(InternalContextAdapter context, TextWriter writer, INode node)
             *  get our arguments and check them

            int argCount = node.jjtGetNumChildren();

            for (int i = 0; i < argCount; i++)
                 *  we only handle StringLiterals and References right now

                INode n = node.jjtGetChild(i);

                if (n.Type == ParserTreeConstants.JJTSTRINGLITERAL || n.Type == ParserTreeConstants.JJTREFERENCE)
                    if (!renderOutput(n, context, writer))
                        outputErrorToStream(writer, "error with arg " + i + " please see log.");
                    //UPGRADE_TODO: The equivalent in .NET for method 'java.Object.toString' may return a different value. 'ms-help://MS.VSCC/commoner/redir/redirect.htm?keyword="jlca1043"'
                    rsvc.error("#include() error : invalid argument type : " + n.ToString());
                    outputErrorToStream(writer, "error with arg " + i + " please see log.");

        /// <summary>  init : we don't have to do much.  Init the tree (there
        /// shouldn't be one) and then see if interpolation is turned on.
        /// </summary>
        public override Object init(InternalContextAdapter context, Object data)
             *  simple habit...  we prollie don't have an AST beneath us

            base.init(context, data);

             *  the stringlit is set at template parse time, so we can
             *  do this here for now.  if things change and we can somehow
             * create stringlits at runtime, this must
             *  move to the runtime execution path
             *  so, only if interpolation is turned on AND it starts
             *  with a " AND it has a  directive or reference, then we
             *  can  interpolate.  Otherwise, don't bother.

            interpolate = rsvc.getBoolean(RuntimeConstants_Fields.INTERPOLATE_STRINGLITERALS, true) && FirstToken.image.StartsWith("\"") && ((FirstToken.image.IndexOf((Char)'$') != -1) || (FirstToken.image.IndexOf((Char)'#') != -1));

             *  get the contents of the string, minus the '/" at each end

            image = FirstToken.image.Substring(1, (FirstToken.image.Length - 1) - (1));

             * tack a space on the end (dreaded <MORE> kludge)

            interpolateimage = image + " ";

            if (interpolate)
                 *  now parse and init the nodeTree
                //UPGRADE_ISSUE: The equivalent of constructor 'java.io.BufferedReader.BufferedReader' is incompatible with the expected type in C#. 'ms-help://MS.VSCC/commoner/redir/redirect.htm?keyword="jlca1109"'
                TextReader br = new StringReader(interpolateimage);

                 * it's possible to not have an initialization context - or we don't
                 * want to trust the caller - so have a fallback value if so
                 *  Also, do *not* dump the VM namespace for this template

                nodeTree = rsvc.parse(br, (context != null) ? context.CurrentTemplateName : "StringLiteral", false);

                 *  init with context. It won't modify anything

                nodeTree.init(context, rsvc);

        /// <summary>  CTOR, wraps an ICA
        /// </summary>
        public VMContext(InternalContextAdapter inner, RuntimeServices rsvc)
            localcontextscope = rsvc.getBoolean(RuntimeConstants_Fields.VM_CONTEXT_LOCALSCOPE, false);

            wrappedContext = inner;
            innerContext   = inner.BaseContext;
	public override bool render(InternalContextAdapter context, System.IO.TextWriter writer) {
	    int i, k = jjtGetNumChildren();

	    for (i = 0; i < k; i++)
		jjtGetChild(i).render(context, writer);

	    return true;
        /// <summary> Return name of this Velocimacro.
        /// </summary>

        /// <summary> Velocimacros are always LINE
        /// type directives.
        /// </summary>

        /// <summary>   sets the directive name of this VM
        /// </summary>

        /// <summary>  sets the array of arguments specified in the macro definition
        /// </summary>

        /// <summary>  returns the number of ars needed for this VM
        /// </summary>

        /// <summary>   Sets the orignal macro body.  This is simply the cat of the macroArray, but the
        /// Macro object creates this once during parsing, and everyone shares it.
        /// Note : it must not be modified.
        /// </summary>

        /// <summary>   Renders the macro using the context
        /// </summary>
        public override bool render(InternalContextAdapter context, System.IO.TextWriter writer, INode node)
            try {
                 *  it's possible the tree hasn't been parsed yet, so get
                 *  the VMManager to parse and init it

                if (nodeTree != null)
                    if (!init_Renamed_Field)
                        nodeTree.init(context, rsvc);
                        init_Renamed_Field = true;

                     *  wrap the current context and add the VMProxyArg objects

                    VMContext vmc = new VMContext(context, rsvc);

                    for (int i = 1; i < argArray.Length; i++)
                         *  we can do this as VMProxyArgs don't change state. They change
                         *  the context.

                        VMProxyArg arg = (VMProxyArg)proxyArgHash[argArray[i]];

                     *  now render the VM

                    nodeTree.render(vmc, writer);
                    rsvc.error("VM error : " + macroName + ". Null AST");
            } catch (System.Exception e) {
                 *  if it's a MIE, it came from the render.... throw it...

                if (e is MethodInvocationException)
                    throw (MethodInvocationException)e;

                rsvc.error("VelocimacroProxy.render() : exception VM = #" + macroName + "() : " + StringUtils.stackTrace(e));

        /// <summary>  simple init - don't do anything that is context specific.
        /// just get what we need from the AST, which is static.
        /// </summary>
        public override Object init(InternalContextAdapter context, Object data)
            base.init(context, data);

            identifier = FirstToken.image;

            uberInfo = new Info(context.CurrentTemplateName, Line, Column);
        /// <summary>  Returns the 'root string', the reference key
        /// </summary>
        /// <summary>   gets an Object that 'is' the value of the reference
        /// *
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="o">  unused Object parameter
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="context">context used to generate value
        /// </param>
        public override Object execute(Object o, InternalContextAdapter context)
            if (referenceType == RUNT)

             *  get the root object from the context

            Object result = getVariableValue(context, rootString);

            if (result == null)

             * Iteratively work 'down' (it's flat...) the reference
             * to get the value, but check to make sure that
             * every result along the path is valid. For example:
             * $hashtable.Customer.Name
             * The $hashtable may be valid, but there is no key
             * 'Customer' in the hashtable so we want to stop
             * when we find a null value and return the null
             * so the error gets logged.

                for (int i = 0; i < numChildren; i++)
                    result = jjtGetChild(i).execute(result, context);

                    if (result == null)

            catch (MethodInvocationException mie)
                 *  someone tossed their cookies

                rsvc.error("Method " + mie.MethodName + " threw exception for reference $" + rootString + " in template " + context.CurrentTemplateName + " at " + " [" + this.Line + "," + this.Column + "]");

                mie.ReferenceName = rootString;
                throw mie;
        /// <summary>for log msg purposes
        /// </summary>
        /// <summary>for log msg purposes
        /// </summary>
        /// <summary> How this directive is to be initialized.
        /// </summary>
        public virtual void init(RuntimeServices rs, InternalContextAdapter context, INode node)
            rsvc = rs;

            //        int i, k = node.jjtGetNumChildren();

            //for (i = 0; i < k; i++)
            //    node.jjtGetChild(i).init(context, rs);
        /// <summary>   puts the value of the RHS into the context under the key of the LHS
        /// </summary>
        public override bool render(InternalContextAdapter context, TextWriter writer)
             *  get the RHS node, and it's value

            Object value_ = right.Value(context);

             * it's an error if we don't have a value of some sort

            if (value_ == null)
                 *  first, are we supposed to say anything anyway?
                if (blather)
                    EventCartridge ec = context.EventCartridge;

                    bool doit = true;

                     *  if we have an EventCartridge...
                    if (ec != null)
                        doit = ec.shouldLogOnNullSet(left.literal(), right.literal());

                    if (doit)
                        rsvc.error("RHS of #set statement is null. Context will not be modified. " + context.CurrentTemplateName + " [line " + Line + ", column " + Column + "]");


             *  if the LHS is simple, just punch the value into the context
             *  otherwise, use the setValue() method do to it.
             *  Maybe we should always use setValue()

            if (left.jjtGetNumChildren() == 0)
                context.Put(leftReference, value_);
                left.setValue(context, value_);

        public override Object init(InternalContextAdapter context, Object data)
            Token t = FirstToken;

            String text = NodeUtils.tokenLiteral(t);

            ctext = text.ToCharArray();

        /// <summary>
        /// does the instrospection of the class for the method needed.
        /// Note, as this calls value() on the args if any, this must
        /// only be called at execute() / render() time.
        /// NOTE: this will try to flip the case of the first character for
        /// convience (compatability with Java version).  If there are no arguments,
        /// it will also try to find a property with the same name (also flipping first character).
        /// </summary>
        private Object doIntrospection(InternalContextAdapter context, Type data)
             *  Now the parameters have to be processed, there
             *  may be references contained within that need
             *  to be introspected.
            for (int j = 0; j < paramCount; j++)
                params_Renamed[j] = jjtGetChild(j + 1).Value(context);

            String       methodNameUsed = methodName;
            MethodInfo   m = rsvc.Introspector.getMethod(data, methodNameUsed, params_Renamed);
            PropertyInfo p = null;

            if (m == null)
                methodNameUsed = methodName.Substring(0, 1).ToUpper() + methodName.Substring(1);
                m = rsvc.Introspector.getMethod(data, methodNameUsed, params_Renamed);
                if (m == null)
                    methodNameUsed = methodName.Substring(0, 1).ToLower() + methodName.Substring(1);
                    m = rsvc.Introspector.getMethod(data, methodNameUsed, params_Renamed);

                    // if there are no arguments, look for a property
                    if (m == null && paramCount == 0)
                        methodNameUsed = methodName;
                        p = rsvc.Introspector.getProperty(data, methodNameUsed);
                        if (p == null)
                            methodNameUsed = methodName.Substring(0, 1).ToUpper() + methodName.Substring(1);
                            p = rsvc.Introspector.getProperty(data, methodNameUsed);
                            if (p == null)
                                methodNameUsed = methodName.Substring(0, 1).ToLower() + methodName.Substring(1);
                                p = rsvc.Introspector.getProperty(data, methodNameUsed);

            // if a method was found, return it.  Otherwise, return whatever was found with a property, may be null
            if (m != null)
        public override void init(RuntimeServices rs, InternalContextAdapter context, Node node)
            base.init(rs, context, node);

             * again, don't do squat.  We want the AST of the macro
             * block to hang off of this but we don't want to
             * init it... it's useless...
 public override bool evaluate(InternalContextAdapter context)
     if (jjtGetChild(0).evaluate(context))
        public override bool render(InternalContextAdapter context, TextWriter writer)
            int i, k = jjtGetNumChildren();

            for (i = 0; i < k; i++)
                jjtGetChild(i).render(context, writer);

            internal virtual void  setup(InternalContextAdapter ica)
                 *  if not parsed yet, parse!

                if (nodeTree == null)
        /// <summary>  Initialization method - doesn't do much but do the object
        /// creation.  We only need to do it once.
        /// </summary>
        public override Object init(InternalContextAdapter context, Object data)
             *  init the tree correctly

            base.init(context, data);

            value__Field = Int32.Parse(FirstToken.image);

            internal virtual void  parseTree(InternalContextAdapter ica)
                try {
                    //UPGRADE_ISSUE: The equivalent of constructor 'java.io.BufferedReader.BufferedReader' is incompatible with the expected type in C#. 'ms-help://MS.VSCC/commoner/redir/redirect.htm?keyword="jlca1109"'
                    System.IO.TextReader br = new System.IO.StringReader(macrobody);

                    nodeTree = Enclosing_Instance.rsvc.parse(br, "VM:" + macroname, true);
                    nodeTree.init(ica, null);
                } catch (System.Exception e) {
                    Enclosing_Instance.rsvc.error("VelocimacroManager.parseTree() : exception " + macroname + " : " + StringUtils.stackTrace(e));
        /// <summary>  Invoked by VMContext when Context.put() is called for a proxied reference.
        /// *
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">context to modify via direct placement, or AST.setValue()
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="o"> new value of reference
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>Object currently null
        /// </returns>
        public Object setObject(InternalContextAdapter context, Object o)
             *  if we are a reference, we could be updating a property

            if (type == ParserTreeConstants.JJTREFERENCE)
                if (numTreeChildren > 0)
                     *  we are a property, and being updated such as
                     *  #foo( $bar.BangStart)

                        ((ASTReference)nodeTree).setValue(context, o);
                    catch (MethodInvocationException mie)
                        rsvc.error("VMProxyArg.getObject() : method invocation error setting value : " + mie);
                     *  we are a 'single level' reference like $foo, so we can set
                     *  out context directly

                    context.Put(singleLevelRef, o);

                    // alternate impl : usercontext.put( singleLevelRef, o);
                 *  if we aren't a reference, then we simply switch type,
                 *  get a new value, and it doesn't go into the context
                 *  in current impl, this shouldn't happen.

                type         = GENERALSTATIC;
                staticObject = o;

                rsvc.error("VMProxyArg.setObject() : Programmer error : I am a constant!  No setting! : " + contextReference + " / " + callerReference);

        public override Object Value(InternalContextAdapter context)
            int size = jjtGetNumChildren();

            ArrayList objectArray = new ArrayList();

            for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)

        /// <summary> Return name of this directive.
        /// </summary>
        /// <summary> Return type of this directive.
        /// </summary>
        /// <summary>  simple init - init the tree and get the elementKey from
        /// the AST
        /// </summary>
        public override void init(RuntimeServices rs, InternalContextAdapter context, INode node)
            base.init(rs, context, node);

             *  get the msg, and add the space so we don't have to
             *  do it each time
            outputMsgStart = rsvc.getString(RuntimeConstants_Fields.ERRORMSG_START);
            outputMsgStart = outputMsgStart + " ";

            outputMsgEnd = rsvc.getString(RuntimeConstants_Fields.ERRORMSG_END);
            outputMsgEnd = " " + outputMsgEnd;
        /// <summary>
        /// simple init - init our subtree and get what we can from
        /// the AST
        /// </summary>
        public override Object init(InternalContextAdapter context, Object data)
            base.init(context, data);

             *  this is about all we can do

            methodName     = FirstToken.image;
            paramCount     = jjtGetNumChildren() - 1;
            params_Renamed = new Object[paramCount];

        /// <summary>
        /// simple init - init the tree and get the elementKey from
        /// the AST
        /// </summary>
        public override void init(RuntimeServices rs, InternalContextAdapter context, INode node)
            base.init(rs, context, node);

            counterName         = rsvc.getString(RuntimeConstants_Fields.COUNTER_NAME);
            counterInitialValue = rsvc.getInt(RuntimeConstants_Fields.COUNTER_INITIAL_VALUE);

             *  this is really the only thing we can do here as everything
             *  else is context sensitive

            elementKey = node.jjtGetChild(0).FirstToken.image.Substring(1);
	public override bool render(InternalContextAdapter context, TextWriter writer, INode node) {
	    *  what is our arg?
	    INode n = node.jjtGetChild(0);

	    if (n.Type == ParserTreeConstants.JJTSTRINGLITERAL) {
		try {
		    String element = (String) node.jjtGetChild(0).value_Renamed(context);
		    TemplateHandler th = (TemplateHandler) rsvc.getApplicationAttribute("NVelocity.Dvsl.TemplateHandler");

		    th.RegisterMatch(element, (SimpleNode) node.jjtGetChild(node.jjtGetNumChildren() - 1));
		} catch (System.Exception ee) {}}

	    return true;
	/// <summary>  CTOR, wraps an ICA
	/// </summary>
	public VMContext(InternalContextAdapter inner, RuntimeServices rsvc) {
	    localcontextscope = rsvc.getBoolean(RuntimeConstants_Fields.VM_CONTEXT_LOCALSCOPE, false);

	    wrappedContext = inner;
	    innerContext = inner.BaseContext;
	/// <summary>  does the actual rendering of the included file
	/// *
	/// </summary>
	/// <param name="node">AST argument of type StringLiteral or Reference
	/// </param>
	/// <param name="context">valid context so we can render References
	/// </param>
	/// <param name="writer">output Writer
	/// </param>
	/// <returns>boolean success or failure.  failures are logged
	/// </returns>
	private bool renderOutput(INode node, InternalContextAdapter context, System.IO.TextWriter writer) {
	    System.String arg = "";

	    if (node == null) {
		rsvc.error("#include() error :  null argument");
		return false;

	    *  does it have a value?  If you have a null reference, then no.
	    System.Object value_Renamed = node.value_Renamed(context);
	    if (value_Renamed == null) {
		rsvc.error("#include() error :  null argument");
		return false;

	    *  get the path
	    //UPGRADE_TODO: The equivalent in .NET for method 'java.Object.toString' may return a different value. 'ms-help://MS.VSCC/commoner/redir/redirect.htm?keyword="jlca1043"'
	    arg = value_Renamed.ToString();

	    Resource resource = null;

	    Resource current = context.CurrentResource;

	    try {
				*  get the resource, and assume that we use the encoding of the current template
				*  the 'current resource' can be null if we are processing a stream....

		System.String encoding = null;

		if (current != null) {
		    encoding = current.Encoding;
		} else {
		    encoding = (System.String) rsvc.getProperty(NVelocity.Runtime.RuntimeConstants_Fields.INPUT_ENCODING);

		resource = rsvc.getContent(arg, encoding);
	    } catch (ResourceNotFoundException rnfe) {
				* the arg wasn't found.  Note it and throw

		rsvc.error("#include(): cannot find resource '" + arg + "', called from template " + context.CurrentTemplateName + " at (" + Line + ", " + Column + ")");
		throw rnfe;
	    } catch (System.Exception e) {
		rsvc.error("#include(): arg = '" + arg + "',  called from template " + context.CurrentTemplateName + " at (" + Line + ", " + Column + ") : " + e);

	    if (resource == null)
		return false;

	    writer.Write((System.String) resource.Data);
	    return true;
	/// <summary>  Returns the value of the expression.
	/// Since the value of the expression is simply the boolean
	/// result of evaluate(), lets return that.
	/// </summary>
	public override System.Object value_Renamed(InternalContextAdapter context) {
	    return evaluate(context);
	/// <summary> logical and :
	/// null && right = false
	/// left && null = false
	/// null && null = false
	/// </summary>
	public override bool evaluate(InternalContextAdapter context) {
	    INode left = jjtGetChild(0);
	    INode right = jjtGetChild(1);

	    *  if either is null, lets log and bail

	    if (left == null || right == null) {
		rsvc.error((left == null?"Left":"Right") + " side of '&&' operation is null." + " Operation not possible. " + context.CurrentTemplateName + " [line " + Line + ", column " + Column + "]");
		return false;

	    *  short circuit the test.  Don't eval the RHS if the LHS is false

	    if (left.evaluate(context)) {
		if (right.evaluate(context)) {
		    return true;

	    return false;
	    internal virtual void  parseTree(InternalContextAdapter ica) {
		try {
		    //UPGRADE_ISSUE: The equivalent of constructor 'java.io.BufferedReader.BufferedReader' is incompatible with the expected type in C#. 'ms-help://MS.VSCC/commoner/redir/redirect.htm?keyword="jlca1109"'
		    System.IO.TextReader br = new System.IO.StringReader(macrobody);

		    nodeTree = Enclosing_Instance.rsvc.parse(br, "VM:" + macroname, true);
		    nodeTree.init(ica, null);
		} catch (System.Exception e) {
		    Enclosing_Instance.rsvc.error("VelocimacroManager.parseTree() : exception " + macroname + " : " + StringUtils.stackTrace(e));
	/// <summary>  returns the value of the reference.  Generally, this is only
	/// called for dynamic proxies, as the static ones should have
	/// been stored in the VMContext's localcontext store
	/// *
	/// </summary>
	/// <param name="context">Context to use for getting current value
	/// </param>
	/// <returns>Object value
	/// *
	/// </returns>
	public virtual System.Object getObject(InternalContextAdapter context) {
	    try {

		*  we need to output based on our type

		System.Object retObject = null;

		if (type == NVelocity.Runtime.Parser.ParserTreeConstants.JJTREFERENCE) {
		    *  two cases :  scalar reference ($foo) or multi-level ($foo.bar....)

		    if (numTreeChildren == 0) {
			*  if I am a single-level reference, can I not get get it out of my context?

			retObject = context.Get(singleLevelRef);
		    } else {
			*  I need to let the AST produce it for me.

			retObject = nodeTree.execute(null, context);
		} else if (type == NVelocity.Runtime.Parser.ParserTreeConstants.JJTOBJECTARRAY) {
		    retObject = nodeTree.value_Renamed(context);
		} else if (type == NVelocity.Runtime.Parser.ParserTreeConstants.JJTINTEGERRANGE) {
		    retObject = nodeTree.value_Renamed(context);
		} else if (type == NVelocity.Runtime.Parser.ParserTreeConstants.JJTTRUE) {
		    retObject = staticObject;
		} else if (type == NVelocity.Runtime.Parser.ParserTreeConstants.JJTFALSE) {
		    retObject = staticObject;
		} else if (type == NVelocity.Runtime.Parser.ParserTreeConstants.JJTSTRINGLITERAL) {
		    retObject = nodeTree.value_Renamed(context);
		} else if (type == NVelocity.Runtime.Parser.ParserTreeConstants.JJTNUMBERLITERAL) {
		    retObject = staticObject;
		} else if (type == NVelocity.Runtime.Parser.ParserTreeConstants.JJTTEXT) {
		    *  this really shouldn't happen.  text is just a thowaway arg for #foreach()

		    try {
			System.IO.StringWriter writer = new System.IO.StringWriter();
			nodeTree.render(context, writer);

			retObject = writer;
		    } catch (System.Exception e) {
			rsvc.error("VMProxyArg.getObject() : error rendering reference : " + e);
		} else if (type == GENERALSTATIC) {
		    retObject = staticObject;
		} else {
		    rsvc.error("Unsupported VM arg type : VM arg = " + callerReference + " type = " + type + "( VMProxyArg.getObject() )");

		return retObject;
	    } catch (MethodInvocationException mie) {
		*  not ideal, but otherwise we propogate out to the 
		*  VMContext, and the Context interface's put/get 
		*  don't throw. So this is a the best compromise
		*  I can think of

		rsvc.error("VMProxyArg.getObject() : method invocation error getting value : " + mie);

		return null;
	/// <summary>  computes the sum of the two nodes.  Currently only integer operations are
	/// supported.
	/// </summary>
	/// <returns>Integer object with value, or null
	/// </returns>
	public override System.Object value_Renamed(InternalContextAdapter context) {
	    *  get the two addends

	    System.Object left = jjtGetChild(0).value_Renamed(context);
	    System.Object right = jjtGetChild(1).value_Renamed(context);

	    *  if either is null, lets log and bail

	    if (left == null || right == null) {
		rsvc.error((left == null?"Left":"Right") + " side (" + jjtGetChild((left == null?0:1)).literal() + ") of addition operation has null value." + " Operation not possible. " + context.CurrentTemplateName + " [line " + Line + ", column " + Column + "]");
		return null;

	    *  if not an Integer, not much we can do either

	    if (!(left is System.Int32) || !(right is System.Int32)) {
		rsvc.error((!(left is System.Int32)?"Left":"Right") + " side of addition operation is not a valid type. " + "Currently only integers (1,2,3...) and Integer type is supported. " + context.CurrentTemplateName + " [line " + Line + ", column " + Column + "]");

		return null;

	    return ((System.Int32) left) + ((System.Int32) right);
	/// <summary>  Invoked by VMContext when Context.put() is called for a proxied reference.
	/// *
	/// </summary>
	/// <param name="context">context to modify via direct placement, or AST.setValue()
	/// </param>
	/// <param name="o"> new value of reference
	/// </param>
	/// <returns>Object currently null
	/// </returns>
	public virtual System.Object setObject(InternalContextAdapter context, System.Object o) {
	    *  if we are a reference, we could be updating a property

	    if (type == NVelocity.Runtime.Parser.ParserTreeConstants.JJTREFERENCE) {
		if (numTreeChildren > 0) {
		    *  we are a property, and being updated such as
		    *  #foo( $bar.BangStart) 

		    try {
			((ASTReference) nodeTree).setValue(context, o);
		    } catch (MethodInvocationException mie) {
			rsvc.error("VMProxyArg.getObject() : method invocation error setting value : " + mie);
		} else {
		    *  we are a 'single level' reference like $foo, so we can set
		    *  out context directly

		    context.Put(singleLevelRef, o);

		    // alternate impl : usercontext.put( singleLevelRef, o);
	    } else {
		*  if we aren't a reference, then we simply switch type, 
		*  get a new value, and it doesn't go into the context
		*  in current impl, this shouldn't happen.

		staticObject = o;

		rsvc.error("VMProxyArg.setObject() : Programmer error : I am a constant!  No setting! : " + contextReference + " / " + callerReference);

	    return null;
	/// <summary> Return name of this Velocimacro.
	/// </summary>

	/// <summary> Velocimacros are always LINE
	/// type directives.
	/// </summary>

	/// <summary>   sets the directive name of this VM
	/// </summary>

	/// <summary>  sets the array of arguments specified in the macro definition
	/// </summary>

	/// <summary>  returns the number of ars needed for this VM
	/// </summary>

	/// <summary>   Sets the orignal macro body.  This is simply the cat of the macroArray, but the
	/// Macro object creates this once during parsing, and everyone shares it.
	/// Note : it must not be modified.
	/// </summary>

	/// <summary>   Renders the macro using the context
	/// </summary>
	public override bool render(InternalContextAdapter context, System.IO.TextWriter writer, INode node) {
	    try {
		*  it's possible the tree hasn't been parsed yet, so get 
		*  the VMManager to parse and init it

		if (nodeTree != null) {
		    if (!init_Renamed_Field) {
			nodeTree.init(context, rsvc);
			init_Renamed_Field = true;

		    *  wrap the current context and add the VMProxyArg objects

		    VMContext vmc = new VMContext(context, rsvc);

		    for (int i = 1; i < argArray.Length; i++) {
			*  we can do this as VMProxyArgs don't change state. They change
			*  the context.

			VMProxyArg arg = (VMProxyArg) proxyArgHash[argArray[i]];

		    *  now render the VM

		    nodeTree.render(vmc, writer);
		} else {
		    rsvc.error("VM error : " + macroName + ". Null AST");
	    } catch (System.Exception e) {
		*  if it's a MIE, it came from the render.... throw it...

		if (e is MethodInvocationException) {
		    throw (MethodInvocationException) e;

		rsvc.error("VelocimacroProxy.render() : exception VM = #" + macroName + "() : " + StringUtils.stackTrace(e));

	    return true;
	/// <summary> Return name of this directive.
	/// </summary>

	/// <summary> Return type of this directive.
	/// </summary>

	/// <summary> Store the literal rendition of a node using
	/// the Node.literal().
	/// </summary>
	public override void  init(RuntimeServices rs, InternalContextAdapter context, INode node) {
	    base.init(rs, context, node);

	    literalText = node.jjtGetChild(0).literal();
	/// <summary> Throw the literal rendition of the block between
	/// #literal()/#end into the writer.
	/// </summary>
	public override bool render(InternalContextAdapter context, System.IO.TextWriter writer, INode node) {
	    return true;
	/// <summary>  iterates through the argument list and renders every
	/// argument that is appropriate.  Any non appropriate
	/// arguments are logged, but render() continues.
	/// </summary>
	public override bool render(InternalContextAdapter context, System.IO.TextWriter writer, INode node) {
	    *  get our arguments and check them

	    int argCount = node.jjtGetNumChildren();

	    for (int i = 0; i < argCount; i++) {
				*  we only handle StringLiterals and References right now

		INode n = node.jjtGetChild(i);

		if (n.Type == NVelocity.Runtime.Parser.ParserTreeConstants.JJTSTRINGLITERAL || n.Type == NVelocity.Runtime.Parser.ParserTreeConstants.JJTREFERENCE) {
		    if (!renderOutput(n, context, writer))
			outputErrorToStream(writer, "error with arg " + i + " please see log.");
		} else {
		    //UPGRADE_TODO: The equivalent in .NET for method 'java.Object.toString' may return a different value. 'ms-help://MS.VSCC/commoner/redir/redirect.htm?keyword="jlca1043"'
		    rsvc.error("#include() error : invalid argument type : " + n.ToString());
		    outputErrorToStream(writer, "error with arg " + i + " please see log.");

	    return true;
	* CODE FOR ALTERNATE IMPL : please ignore.  I will remove when confortable with current.

	/// <summary>  not used in current impl
	/// *
	/// Constructor for alternate impl where VelProxy class would make new
	/// VMProxyArg objects, and use this contructor to avoid reparsing the
	/// reference args
	/// *
	/// that impl also had the VMProxyArg carry it's context
	/// </summary>
	public VMProxyArg(VMProxyArg model, InternalContextAdapter c) {
	    usercontext = c;
	    contextReference = model.ContextReference;
	    callerReference = model.CallerReference;
	    nodeTree = model.NodeTree;
	    staticObject = model.StaticObject;
	    type = model.Type;

	    if (nodeTree != null)
		numTreeChildren = nodeTree.jjtGetNumChildren();

	    if (type == NVelocity.Runtime.Parser.ParserTreeConstants.JJTREFERENCE) {
		if (numTreeChildren == 0) {
		    *  use the reference node to do this...
		    singleLevelRef = ((ASTReference) nodeTree).RootString;
	/// <summary> Return name of this directive.
	/// </summary>

	/// <summary> Return type of this directive.
	/// </summary>

	/// <summary>  simple init - init the tree and get the elementKey from
	/// the AST
	/// </summary>
	public override void  init(RuntimeServices rs, InternalContextAdapter context, INode node) {
	    base.init(rs, context, node);

	    *  get the msg, and add the space so we don't have to
	    *  do it each time
	    outputMsgStart = rsvc.getString(NVelocity.Runtime.RuntimeConstants_Fields.ERRORMSG_START);
	    outputMsgStart = outputMsgStart + " ";

	    outputMsgEnd = rsvc.getString(NVelocity.Runtime.RuntimeConstants_Fields.ERRORMSG_END);
	    outputMsgEnd = " " + outputMsgEnd;
	public override Boolean render(InternalContextAdapter context, TextWriter writer, INode node) {
	    return true;
	    internal virtual void  setup(InternalContextAdapter ica) {
		*  if not parsed yet, parse!

		if (nodeTree == null)
	/// <summary>   The major meat of VelocimacroProxy, init() checks the # of arguments, patches the
	/// macro body, renders the macro into an AST, and then inits the AST, so it is ready
	/// for quick rendering.  Note that this is only AST dependant stuff. Not context.
	/// </summary>
	public override void  init(RuntimeServices rs, InternalContextAdapter context, INode node) {
	    base.init(rs, context, node);

	    *  how many args did we get?

	    int i = node.jjtGetNumChildren();

	    *  right number of args?

	    if (NumArgs != i) {
		rsvc.error("VM #" + macroName + ": error : too " + ((NumArgs > i)?"few":"many") + " arguments to macro. Wanted " + NumArgs + " got " + i);

		return ;

	    *  get the argument list to the instance use of the VM
	    callingArgs = getArgArray(node);

	    *  now proxy each arg in the context
	    setupMacro(callingArgs, callingArgTypes);
	    return ;