private void AddPotions() { var buyInfo = new InternalBuyInfo(); foreach (CraftItem item in DefAlchemy.CraftSystem.CraftItems) { var price = 0; foreach (CraftRes res in item.Resources) { var info = buyInfo.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Type == res.ItemType); if (info != null) { price += info.Price; } } //Modify the price based on difficulty to craft, for scribe this ranges from 25-125 for mage scrolls // gives us a price mod of 1.25-6.25 //so lvl 1-2-3 will lose cash then you make more and more higher you go price += (int)item.Skills.GetAt(0).MaxSkill / 20; price += 3; // Add 3 to the base price so now profit will be 4-10 depending on circle. if (price != 0) { Add(item.ItemType, price); } } }
public InternalSellInfo() { Add(typeof(BlackPearl), 3); Add(typeof(Bloodmoss), 3); Add(typeof(MandrakeRoot), 2); Add(typeof(Garlic), 2); Add(typeof(Ginseng), 2); Add(typeof(Nightshade), 2); Add(typeof(SpidersSilk), 2); Add(typeof(SulfurousAsh), 2); Add(typeof(RecallRune), 8); Add(typeof(Spellbook), 9); Add(typeof(BlankScroll), 3); /*Add( typeof( NightSightPotion ), 7 ); * Add( typeof( AgilityPotion ), 7 ); * Add( typeof( StrengthPotion ), 7 ); * Add( typeof( RefreshPotion ), 7 ); * Add( typeof( LesserCurePotion ), 7 ); * Add( typeof( LesserHealPotion ), 7 );*/ AddPotions(); Type[] types = Loot.RegularScrollTypes; var buyInfo = new InternalBuyInfo(); for (int i = 0; i < types.Length; ++i) { var cItem = Engines.Craft.DefInscription.CraftSystem.CraftItems.SearchFor(types[i]); var price = 0; foreach (CraftRes res in cItem.Resources) { var info = buyInfo.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Type == res.ItemType); if (info != null) { price += info.Price; } } //Modify the price based on difficulty to craft, for scribe this ranges from 25-125 for mage scrolls // gives us a price mod of 1.25-6.25 //so lvl 1-2-3 will lose cash then you make more and more higher you go price += (int)cItem.Skills.GetAt(0).MaxSkill / 20; price += 3; // Add 3 to the base price so now profit will be 4-10 depending on circle. Add(types[i], price); //Add(types[i], ((i / 8) + 2) * 2); } }
public InternalSellInfo() { Add(typeof(WizardsHat), 15); Add(typeof(BlackPearl), 3); Add(typeof(Bloodmoss), 4); Add(typeof(MandrakeRoot), 2); Add(typeof(Garlic), 2); Add(typeof(Ginseng), 2); Add(typeof(Nightshade), 2); Add(typeof(SpidersSilk), 2); Add(typeof(SulfurousAsh), 2); if (Core.AOS) { Add(typeof(BatWing), 1); Add(typeof(DaemonBlood), 3); Add(typeof(PigIron), 2); Add(typeof(NoxCrystal), 3); Add(typeof(GraveDust), 1); } Add(typeof(RecallRune), 13); Add(typeof(Spellbook), 25); Add(typeof(BlankScroll), 3); Type[] types = Loot.RegularScrollTypes; //For this to work, all resources required for the item must already be listed under BuyInfo we use the prices vendors sell, not the price they pay var buyInfo = new InternalBuyInfo(); for (int i = 0; i < types.Length; ++i) { var cItem = Engines.Craft.DefInscription.CraftSystem.CraftItems.SearchFor(types[i]); var price = 0; foreach (CraftRes res in cItem.Resources) { var info = buyInfo.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Type == res.ItemType); if (info != null) { price += info.Price; } } //Modify the price based on difficulty to craft, for scribe this ranges from 25-125 for mage scrolls // gives us a price mod of 1.25-6.25 //so lvl 1-2-3 will lose cash then you make more and more higher you go price += (int)cItem.Skills.GetAt(0).MaxSkill / 20; price += 3; // Add 3 to the base price so now profit will be 4-10 depending on circle. Add(types[i], price); //Add(types[i], ((i / 8) + 2) * 2); } if (Core.SE) { Add(typeof(ExorcismScroll), 3); Add(typeof(AnimateDeadScroll), 8); Add(typeof(BloodOathScroll), 8); Add(typeof(CorpseSkinScroll), 8); Add(typeof(CurseWeaponScroll), 8); Add(typeof(EvilOmenScroll), 8); Add(typeof(PainSpikeScroll), 8); Add(typeof(SummonFamiliarScroll), 8); Add(typeof(HorrificBeastScroll), 8); Add(typeof(MindRotScroll), 10); Add(typeof(PoisonStrikeScroll), 10); Add(typeof(WraithFormScroll), 15); Add(typeof(LichFormScroll), 16); Add(typeof(StrangleScroll), 16); Add(typeof(WitherScroll), 16); Add(typeof(VampiricEmbraceScroll), 20); Add(typeof(VengefulSpiritScroll), 20); } }