/// <summary> /// Remove all word bookmark that not exist on internal bookmark collection /// </summary> /// <param name="iBms"></param> public void ValidateBookmarkCollection(string key) { // 1. Get all word bookmark // 2. If bookmark in word not exist in internal bookmark // 2.1. markup this to return // 2.2. if isUpdate = true, we delete its try { ContentServiceProfile contentProfile = Wkl.MainCtrl.ServiceCtrl.GetProfile(key).ContentService; InternalBookmark iBms = Wkl.MainCtrl.CommonCtrl.GetTemplateInfo( contentProfile.ValidateBookmark_ITemplateName).InternalBookmark; GetBookmarkCollection(key); List <string> deletedList = new List <string>(); Dictionary <string, string> wBms = contentProfile.GetBookmarks_OListBM; foreach (string bmKey in wBms.Keys) { InternalBookmarkItem item = iBms.GetInternalBookmarkItem(bmKey); if (item == null || item.BizName != wBms[bmKey]) // compare key and value { if (MarkupUtilities.IsProntoDocCommentBookmark(bmKey) || MarkupUtilities.IsPdeTagBookmark(bmKey)) { continue; } deletedList.Add(wBms[bmKey]); contentProfile.HighlightBookmarkName = bmKey; HighlightBookmark(key); if (contentProfile.ValidateBookmark_IIsUpdate) { contentProfile.DeletedBookmarkName = bmKey; contentProfile.DeleteWholeBookmark = false; DeleteBookmark(key); } } } contentProfile.ValidateBookmark_ORemovedList = deletedList; } catch (BaseException srvExp) { Services.ServiceException newSrvExp = new Services.ServiceException(ErrorCode.ipe_ValidateWordBookmarkError); newSrvExp.Errors.Add(srvExp); throw newSrvExp; } catch (Exception ex) { ServiceException srvExp = new ServiceException(ErrorCode.ipe_ValidateWordBookmarkError, MessageUtils.Expand(Properties.Resources.ipe_ValidateWordBookmarkError, ex.Message), ex.StackTrace); throw srvExp; } }
private string GetPdeDataType(string key, InternalBookmark ibm) { if (ibm == null || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(key)) { return(string.Empty); } InternalBookmarkItem ibmItem = ibm.GetInternalBookmarkItem(key); if (ibmItem == null) { return(string.Empty); } return(MarkupUtilities.SqlDbType2XsdDataType(ibmItem.DataType)); }
public PartBookmark(string name, InternalBookmark ibookmark) { InternalBookmarkItem bookmark = ibookmark.GetInternalBookmarkItem(name); if (bookmark != null) { BizName = bookmark.OrginalBizName; Key = name; } else { PdeDataTagInfo pdeTag = ibookmark.GetPdeDataTagInfo(name); if (pdeTag != null) { BizName = pdeTag.BookmarkName; Key = name; } } InitializeBookmark(); }