public AnnotatedGrammarElement GetAnnotatedGrammarElement(GrammarDefinition element, IntermediateParserState transitionSource)
            int elementHash = element.GetHashCode();

            IDictionary<int, AnnotatedGrammarElement> annotatedElements;
            if (!_elementMapping.TryGetValue(elementHash, out annotatedElements))
                return null;

            return annotatedElements.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Value.Transition?.Source == transitionSource).Value;
 public Lr1Item(IntermediateParserState state, Lr0Item kernel)
     if (state == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(state));
     if (kernel == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(kernel));
     State = state;
     Kernel = kernel;
     Lookahead = new HashSet<TokenGrammarElement>();
        public ParserTransition GetOrCreateTransition(IntermediateParserState source, GrammarElement element,
            IntermediateParserState destination)
            var transition = source.OutgoingTransitions.Values.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Destination == destination);
            if (transition == null)
                transition = new ParserTransition(source, element, destination);
                source.OutgoingTransitions.Add(element, transition);

            return transition;
        public IntermediateParserState GetOrCreateState(IList<Lr0Item> kernels)
            // Sort the LR(0) items to avoid the creation of states
            // that have the same LR(0) items but in a different order.
            var identifiers = (from item in kernels
                orderby item.Id
                select item.Id).ToArray();

            // Compute hash for quick look up.
            int hash = ComputeHashCode(identifiers);

            IntermediateParserState state;
            if (!_itemIdStateMapping.TryGetValue(hash, out state))
                state = new IntermediateParserState(this, new ParserState());
                state.State.Intermediate = state;
                state.State.Id = States.Count;

                foreach (var item in kernels)
                    state.RegisterItemAndChildren(this, item);


                _itemIdStateMapping.Add(hash, state);

            return state;
        private static void ReplaceRootReductionWithAcceptance(GrammarDefinition augmentedRoot, IntermediateParserState initialState)
            // The augmented root only contains one sequence.
            var augmentedRootSequence = augmentedRoot.Rule.Switch[0];
            var rootDefinition = (GrammarDefinition)augmentedRootSequence[0];

            // Replace the existing reduce action with the accept action.
            var shiftAction = (ShiftParserAction)initialState.State.Actions[rootDefinition];
            var shiftState = shiftAction.NextState;
            shiftState.Actions[Grammar.Eof] = new AcceptParserAction();
            shiftState.DefaultAction = null;
        private static void ExpandState(GrammarCompilationContext context, IntermediateParserState state)
            // Check for possible shifts.
            foreach (var shifter in state.Items.Shifters)
                var currentElement = shifter.Kernel.Element;

                // Get all LR(1) items sharing the same grammar element, get or
                // create the state that corresponds to the shifted items, and create
                // a transition to that state.
                var shiftedKernels = from item in state.Items
                    let kernel = item.Kernel
                    where kernel.Element == currentElement
                    select kernel.NextItem;
                var kernelsArray = shiftedKernels.ToArray();

                var nextState = context.GetOrCreateState(kernelsArray);
                shifter.NextItem = nextState.Items.First(x => x.Kernel == shifter.Kernel.NextItem);
                context.GetOrCreateTransition(state, currentElement, nextState);
                if (!state.State.Actions.ContainsKey(currentElement))
                    var action = new ShiftParserAction(nextState.State);
                    var customActionElement = currentElement as CustomActionGrammarElement;
                    if (customActionElement != null)
                        action.CustomAction = customActionElement.Action;
                    state.State.Actions[currentElement] = action;
 public ParserTransition(IntermediateParserState source, GrammarElement element, IntermediateParserState destination)
     Source = source;
     Element = element;
     Destination = destination;