        public void TestOrderedConsumerAsync()
            Console.SetOut(new ConsoleWriter(output));

            Context.RunInJsServer(c =>
                // Setup
                IJetStream js  = c.CreateJetStreamContext();
                string subject = Subject(222);
                CreateMemoryStream(c, Stream(222), subject);

                // Get this in place before any subscriptions are made
                JetStream.PushMessageManagerFactoryImpl =
                    (conn, so, cc, queueMode, syncMode) =>
                    new OrderedTestDropSimulator(conn, so, cc, queueMode, syncMode);

                // The options will be used in various ways
                PushSubscribeOptions pso = PushSubscribeOptions.Builder().WithOrdered(true).Build();

                // Test queue exception
                void DummyTestHandler(object sender, MsgHandlerEventArgs args)
                NATSJetStreamClientException e = Assert.Throws <NATSJetStreamClientException>(() => js.PushSubscribeAsync(subject, QUEUE, DummyTestHandler, false, pso));
                Assert.Contains(JsSubOrderedNotAllowOnQueues.Id, e.Message);

                // Setup async subscription
                CountdownEvent latch      = new CountdownEvent(6);
                InterlockedInt received   = new InterlockedInt();
                InterlockedLong[] ssFlags = new InterlockedLong[6];
                InterlockedLong[] csFlags = new InterlockedLong[6];

                void TestHandler(object sender, MsgHandlerEventArgs args)
                    int i      = received.Increment() - 1;
                    ssFlags[i] = new InterlockedLong((long)args.msg.MetaData.StreamSequence);
                    csFlags[i] = new InterlockedLong((long)args.msg.MetaData.ConsumerSequence);

                js.PushSubscribeAsync(subject, TestHandler, false, pso);

                // Published messages will be intercepted by the OrderedTestDropSimulator
                JsPublish(js, subject, 101, 6);

                // wait for the messages

                // Loop through the messages to make sure I get stream sequence 1 to 6
                ulong expectedStreamSeq = 1;
                while (expectedStreamSeq <= 6)
                    int idx = (int)expectedStreamSeq - 1;
                    Assert.Equal(expectedStreamSeq, (ulong)ssFlags[idx].Read());
                    Assert.Equal(ExpectedConSeqNums[idx], (ulong)csFlags[idx].Read());
        public void TestPushSyncFlowControl()
            InterlockedInt fcps = new InterlockedInt();

            Action <Options> optionsModifier = opts =>
                opts.FlowControlProcessedEventHandler = (sender, args) => { fcps.Increment(); };

            Context.RunInJsServer(new TestServerInfo(TestSeedPorts.AutoPort.Increment()), optionsModifier, c =>
                // create the stream.

                // Create our JetStream context.
                IJetStream js = c.CreateJetStreamContext();

                byte[] data = new byte[8192];

                int MSG_COUNT = 1000;

                for (int x = 100_000; x < MSG_COUNT + 100_000; x++)
                    byte[] fill = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("" + x);
                    Array.Copy(fill, 0, data, 0, 6);
                    js.Publish(new Msg(SUBJECT, data));

                InterlockedInt count = new InterlockedInt();
                HashSet <string> set = new HashSet <string>();

                ConsumerConfiguration cc = ConsumerConfiguration.Builder().WithFlowControl(1000).Build();
                PushSubscribeOptions pso = PushSubscribeOptions.Builder().WithConfiguration(cc).Build();

                IJetStreamPushSyncSubscription ssub = js.PushSubscribeSync(SUBJECT, pso);
                for (int x = 0; x < MSG_COUNT; x++)
                    Msg msg     = ssub.NextMessage(1000);
                    byte[] fill = new byte[6];
                    Array.Copy(msg.Data, 0, fill, 0, 6);
                    string id = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(fill);
                    if (set.Add(id))


                Assert.Equal(MSG_COUNT, count.Read());
                Assert.True(fcps.Read() > 0);
        public void TestPushAsyncFlowControl()
            InterlockedInt fcps = new InterlockedInt();

            Action <Options> optionsModifier = opts =>
                opts.FlowControlProcessedEventHandler = (sender, args) =>

            Context.RunInJsServer(new TestServerInfo(TestSeedPorts.AutoPort.Increment()), optionsModifier, c =>
                // create the stream.

                // Create our JetStream context.
                IJetStream js = c.CreateJetStreamContext();

                byte[] data = new byte[8192];

                int msgCount = 1000;

                for (int x = 100_000; x < msgCount + 100_000; x++)
                    byte[] fill = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("" + x);
                    Array.Copy(fill, 0, data, 0, 6);
                    js.Publish(new Msg(SUBJECT, data));

                InterlockedInt count = new InterlockedInt();
                HashSet <string> set = new HashSet <string>();

                CountdownEvent latch = new CountdownEvent(msgCount);

                // create our message handler, does not ack
                void Handler(object sender, MsgHandlerEventArgs args)
                    byte[] fill = new byte[6];
                    Array.Copy(args.Message.Data, 0, fill, 0, 6);
                    string id = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(fill);
                    if (set.Add(id))

                // subscribe using the handler
                ConsumerConfiguration cc = ConsumerConfiguration.Builder().WithFlowControl(1000).Build();
                PushSubscribeOptions pso = PushSubscribeOptions.Builder().WithConfiguration(cc).Build();
                js.PushSubscribeAsync(SUBJECT, Handler, false, pso);

                // wait for messages to arrive using the countdown latch.

                Assert.Equal(msgCount, count.Read());
                Assert.True(fcps.Read() > 0);