        /// <summary> Build and run the risk model in multiple iterations.
        ///           Put the results into the plan.
        /// </summary>
        public bool BuildRiskModel(DataTable plan, int iterations)
            int m = _stockNames.Length;

            for (int reqIx = 0; reqIx < iterations; reqIx++)
                InteriorPointSolver solver = new InteriorPointSolver();

                int[] allocations = new int[m];

                for (int invest = 0; invest < m; invest++)
                    string name = _stockNames[invest];
                    solver.AddVariable(name, out allocations[invest]);
                    solver.SetBounds(allocations[invest], 0, 1);

                int expectedReturn;
                solver.AddRow("expectedReturn", out expectedReturn);

                // expected return must beat the minimum asked

                solver.SetBounds(expectedReturn, (double)plan.Rows[reqIx]["minimum"], double.PositiveInfinity);

                int unity;
                solver.AddRow("Investments sum to one", out unity);
                solver.SetBounds(unity, 1, 1);

                // expected return is a weighted linear combination of investments.
                // unity is a simple sum of the investments

                for (int invest = m; 0 <= --invest; )
                    solver.SetCoefficient(expectedReturn, allocations[invest], _means[invest]);
                    solver.SetCoefficient(unity, allocations[invest], 1);

                // The variance of the result is a quadratic combination of the covariants and allocations.

                int variance;
                solver.AddRow("variance", out variance);
                for (int invest = m; 0 <= --invest; )
                    for (int jnvest = m; 0 <= --jnvest; )
                        solver.SetCoefficient(variance, _covariance[invest, jnvest], allocations[invest], allocations[jnvest]);

                // the goal is to minimize the variance, given the linear lower bound on asked return.

                solver.AddGoal(variance, 0, true);

                InteriorPointSolverParams lpParams = new InteriorPointSolverParams();

                if (solver.Result != LinearResult.Optimal)
                    return false;

                for (int invest = m; 0 <= --invest; )
                    plan.Rows[reqIx][_stockNames[invest]] = (double)solver.GetValue(allocations[invest]);
                plan.Rows[reqIx]["actual"] = (double)solver.GetValue(expectedReturn);
                plan.Rows[reqIx]["Std.Dev."] = Math.Sqrt((double)solver.Statistics.Primal);
                plan.Rows[reqIx]["variance"] = (double)solver.GetValue(variance);
            return true;
        public bool ModeloRiesgo(DataTable plan, int iterations)
            int m = Companias.Length;

            for (int reqIx = 0; reqIx < iterations; reqIx++)
                InteriorPointSolver solver = new InteriorPointSolver();

                int[] asignaciones = new int[m];

                for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
                    solver.AddVariable(Companias[i], out asignaciones[i]);
                    solver.SetBounds(asignaciones[i], 0, 1);

                int rentabilidad;
                solver.AddRow("rentabilidad", out rentabilidad);

                // La rentabilidad debe superar el minimo pedido

                solver.SetBounds(rentabilidad, (double)plan.Rows[reqIx]["minimum"], double.PositiveInfinity);

                int unity;
                solver.AddRow("Invertir la suma a", out unity);
                solver.SetBounds(unity, 1, 1);

                // El rendimiento esperado es una combinacion lineal ponderada de las inversiones
                // unity = suma de inversiones

                for (int invest = m; 0 <= --invest;)
                    solver.SetCoefficient(rentabilidad, asignaciones[invest], media[invest]);
                    solver.SetCoefficient(unity, asignaciones[invest], 1);

                // The variance of the result is a quadratic combination of the covariants and allocations.

                int varianza;
                solver.AddRow("varianza", out varianza);
                for (int invest = m; 0 <= --invest;)
                    for (int jnvest = m; 0 <= --jnvest;)
                        solver.SetCoefficient(varianza, covarianza[invest, jnvest], asignaciones[invest], asignaciones[jnvest]);

                // the goal is to minimize the variance, given the linear lower bound on asked return.

                solver.AddGoal(varianza, 0, true);

                InteriorPointSolverParams lpParams = new InteriorPointSolverParams();

                if (solver.Result != LinearResult.Optimal)

                for (int invest = m; 0 <= --invest;)
                    plan.Rows[reqIx][Companias[invest]] = (double)solver.GetValue(asignaciones[invest]);
                plan.Rows[reqIx]["actual"]   = (double)solver.GetValue(rentabilidad);
                plan.Rows[reqIx]["Std.Dev."] = Math.Sqrt((double)solver.Statistics.Primal);
    public void SolveQuadratic(RvolSolveModel model_)
      int m = model_.CurrencyLines.Length;
      //int iterations = 1;

      //for (int reqIx = 0; reqIx < iterations; ++reqIx)
        InteriorPointSolver solver = new InteriorPointSolver();
        int[] allocations = new int[m];

        for (int invest = 0; invest < m; ++invest)
          string name = model_.CurrencyLines[invest].Ccy.Code;

          solver.AddVariable(name, out allocations[invest]);

        int expectedReturn;
        solver.AddRow("expectedReturn", out expectedReturn);
        //int sumZero;
        //solver.AddRow("sumZero", out sumZero);

        for (int invest = 0; invest < m; ++invest)
          solver.SetCoefficient(expectedReturn, allocations[invest], model_.CurrencyLines[invest].ExpectedReturn);
          //solver.SetCoefficient(sumZero, allocations[invest], 0);

        int variance;
        solver.AddRow("variance", out variance);

        for (int invest = 0; invest < m; ++invest)
          for (int jnvest = 0; jnvest < m; ++jnvest)
            solver.SetCoefficient(variance, model_.Covar.Data[invest, jnvest], allocations[invest], allocations[jnvest]);

        var varianceTarget = Math.Pow(model_.TargetVol, 2d);

        solver.SetBounds(variance, double.NegativeInfinity, varianceTarget);

        // max expected return
        solver.AddGoal(expectedReturn, 1, false);

        InteriorPointSolverParams lpParams = new InteriorPointSolverParams();


        //if (solver.Result != LinearResult.Optimal)

        for (int invest = m; 0 <= --invest;)
          model_.CurrencyLines[invest].Weight = (double) solver.GetValue(allocations[invest]);
        public bool BuildRiskModel()
            int m = portfolio.NumPositions;

            InteriorPointSolver solver = new InteriorPointSolver();

            int[] allocations = new int[m];
            int counter = 0;

            foreach (Position p in portfolio.Positions.Values)
                solver.AddVariable(p.Symbol, out allocations[counter]);
                solver.SetBounds(allocations[counter], -1, 1);

            int expectedReturn;
            solver.AddRow("expectedReturn", out expectedReturn);

            // expected return must beat the minimum asked

            solver.SetBounds(expectedReturn, minReturn, double.PositiveInfinity);

            int unity;
            solver.AddRow("Investments sum to one", out unity);
            solver.SetBounds(unity, -1, 1);

            // expected return is a weighted linear combination of investments.
            // unity is a simple sum of the investments

            for (int invest = m; 0 <= --invest;)
                solver.SetCoefficient(expectedReturn, allocations[invest], returns[invest]);
                solver.SetCoefficient(unity, allocations[invest], 1);

            // The variance of the result is a quadratic combination of the covariants and allocations.

            int variance;
            solver.AddRow("variance", out variance);
            for (int invest = m; 0 <= --invest;)
                for (int jnvest = m; 0 <= --jnvest;)
                    solver.SetCoefficient(variance, covariance[invest, jnvest], allocations[invest], allocations[jnvest]);

            // the goal is to minimize the variance, given the linear lower bound on asked return.

            solver.AddGoal(variance, 0, true);

            InteriorPointSolverParams lpParams = new InteriorPointSolverParams();

            if (solver.Result != LinearResult.Optimal)
                return false;

            for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)

            counter = 0;
            foreach (Position p in portfolio.Positions.Values)
                Console.Write(p.Symbol + " " + (double)solver.GetValue(allocations[counter++]) + " ");


            Console.WriteLine((double) solver.GetValue(expectedReturn) + " " +
                              Math.Sqrt((double) solver.Statistics.Primal) + "\n");

            return true;
        public bool BuildRiskModel()
            int m = portfolio.NumPositions;

            InteriorPointSolver solver = new InteriorPointSolver();

            int[] allocations = new int[m];
            int   counter     = 0;

            foreach (Position p in portfolio.Positions.Values)
                solver.AddVariable(p.Symbol, out allocations[counter]);
                solver.SetBounds(allocations[counter], -1, 1);

            int expectedReturn;

            solver.AddRow("expectedReturn", out expectedReturn);

            // expected return must beat the minimum asked

            solver.SetBounds(expectedReturn, minReturn, double.PositiveInfinity);

            int unity;

            solver.AddRow("Investments sum to one", out unity);
            solver.SetBounds(unity, -1, 1);

            // expected return is a weighted linear combination of investments.
            // unity is a simple sum of the investments

            for (int invest = m; 0 <= --invest;)
                solver.SetCoefficient(expectedReturn, allocations[invest], returns[invest]);
                solver.SetCoefficient(unity, allocations[invest], 1);

            // The variance of the result is a quadratic combination of the covariants and allocations.

            int variance;

            solver.AddRow("variance", out variance);
            for (int invest = m; 0 <= --invest;)
                for (int jnvest = m; 0 <= --jnvest;)
                    solver.SetCoefficient(variance, covariance[invest, jnvest], allocations[invest], allocations[jnvest]);

            // the goal is to minimize the variance, given the linear lower bound on asked return.

            solver.AddGoal(variance, 0, true);

            InteriorPointSolverParams lpParams = new InteriorPointSolverParams();

            if (solver.Result != LinearResult.Optimal)

            for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)

            counter = 0;
            foreach (Position p in portfolio.Positions.Values)
                Console.Write(p.Symbol + " " + (double)solver.GetValue(allocations[counter++]) + " ");

            Console.WriteLine((double)solver.GetValue(expectedReturn) + " " +
                              Math.Sqrt((double)solver.Statistics.Primal) + "\n");

        public OptimizationResult OptimizePortfolioAllocation(OptimizationData data)
            int assetCount = data.Stocks.Count;

            InteriorPointSolver solver = new InteriorPointSolver();
            int[] allocations = new int[assetCount];

            for (int i = 0; i < assetCount; i++)
                solver.AddVariable(data.Stocks[i].Symbol, out allocations[i]);
                if (data.Stocks[i].Symbol == "SPY")
                    solver.SetBounds(allocations[i], 0, 0);
                    solver.SetBounds(allocations[i], 0, 1);

            int expectedRateOfReturn;
            solver.AddRow("expectedRateOfReturn", out expectedRateOfReturn);
            solver.SetBounds(expectedRateOfReturn, data.MinimumReturn, double.PositiveInfinity);

            int unity;
            solver.AddRow("Investments sum to one", out unity);
            solver.SetBounds(unity, 1, 1);

            for (int i = 0; i < assetCount; i++)
                solver.SetCoefficient(expectedRateOfReturn, allocations[i], data.Stocks[i].MeanReturnRate);
                solver.SetCoefficient(unity, allocations[i], 1);

            int variance;
            solver.AddRow("variance", out variance);
            for (int i = 0; i < assetCount; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < assetCount; j++)
                    solver.SetCoefficient(variance, data.Stocks[i].Covariances[data.Stocks[j].Symbol], allocations[i], allocations[j]);

            solver.AddGoal(variance, 0, true);

            InteriorPointSolverParams lpParams = new InteriorPointSolverParams();


            bool optimal = false;
            bool feasible = false;
            if (solver.Result == LinearResult.Optimal)
                optimal = feasible = true;
            else if (solver.Result == LinearResult.Feasible)
                optimal = false;
                feasible = true;

            List<AssetResult> assetResults = new List<AssetResult>();
            for (int i = 0; i < assetCount; i++)
                assetResults.Add(new AssetResult
                    Symbol = data.Stocks[i].Symbol,
                    Allocation = (double)solver.GetValue(allocations[i])

            OptimizationResult result = new OptimizationResult
                Optimal = optimal,
                Feasible = feasible,
                ExpectedReturn = (double)solver.GetValue(expectedRateOfReturn),
                Results = assetResults

            return result;