        private void Seed()
            if (People.Count() > 0)
                // Don't re-seed database if people already exist in the database

            // Ensure that the database is refreshed in case entities exist

            #region Occupations
            var jedi = new Occupation {
                Name = "Jedi"
            var sith = new Occupation {
                Name = "Sith"
            var senator = new Occupation {
                Name = "Senator"
            var bountyHunter = new Occupation {
                Name = "Bounty Hunter"
            var smuggler = new Occupation {
                Name = "Smuggler"
            var moistureFarmer = new Occupation {
                Name = "Moisture Farmer"
            var general = new Occupation {
                Name = "General"
            var stormtrooper = new Occupation {
                Name = "Stormtrooper"
            var droid = new Occupation {
                Name = "Droid"
            var king = new Occupation {
                Name = "King"
            var emperor = new Occupation {
                Name = "Emperor"

            Occupations.AddRange(new List <Occupation>


            #region Addresses
            // TODO: Change this to be accurate
            var jediTemple = new Address
                AddressLine1 = "Jedi Temple",
                Region       = "Senatorial District",
                City         = "Coruscant",
                Planet       = "Coruscant",

            var millenniumFalcon = new Address
                AddressLine1 = "Millennium Falcon",
                AddressLine2 = "Unknown Location",
                Planet       = "Galaxy",

            var alderaan = new Address
                AddressLine1 = "Great Palace",
                City         = "Organa City",
                Region       = "Royal PLains",
                Planet       = "Alderaan",

            var larsFarm = new Address
                AddressLine1 = "Lars Farm",
                Region       = "Desolate Plains",
                Planet       = "Tatooine",

            var bensHut = new Address
                AddressLine1 = "Ben's Hut",
                Region       = "Dune Sea",
                Planet       = "Tatooine",

            var slaveII = new Address
                AddressLine1 = "Slave II",
                Region       = "Location Unknown",
                Planet       = "Space",

            var deathStar = new Address
                AddressLine1 = "Corridors 53 x 78",
                AddressLine2 = "Barracks 893a",
                City         = "Residential Level",
                Region       = "Northeastern Quadrant",
                Planet       = "Galaxy",

            var senateBuilding = new Address
                AddressLine1 = "Senate Building",
                AddressLine2 = "Accommodations Section, Ste 361",
                Region       = "Senatorial District",
                City         = "Coruscant",
                Planet       = "Coruscant",

            var imperialPalace = new Address
                AddressLine1 = "Imperial Palace",
                AddressLine2 = "Emperor's Suite",
                Region       = "Imperial District",
                City         = "Coruscant",
                Planet       = "Coruscant",

            var dagobah = new Address
                AddressLine1 = "Yoda's Hut",
                Region       = "Forgotten Swamps",
                Planet       = "Dagobah",

            var unknown = new Address
                AddressLine1 = "Unknown",

            Addresses.AddRange(new List <Address>


            #region Interests
            var flying = new Interest {
                Name = "Flying"
            var meditating = new Interest {
                Name = "Meditating"
            var fighting = new Interest {
                Name = "Fighting"
            var eating = new Interest {
                Name = "Eating"
            var farming = new Interest {
                Name = "Farming"
            var politicalUpheaval = new Interest {
                Name = "Political Upheaval"
            var socializing = new Interest {
                Name = "Socializing"
            var racing = new Interest {
                Name = "Racing"
            var tracking = new Interest {
                Name = "Tracking"
            var familyTime = new Interest {
                Name = "Family Time"
            var gambling = new Interest {
                Name = "Gambling"
            var playingDejarik = new Interest {
                Name = "Playing Dejarik"
            var theForce = new Interest {
                Name = "The Force"
            var espionage = new Interest {
                Name = "Espionage"
            var chances = new Interest {
                Name = "Chances"
            var translating = new Interest {
                Name = "Translating"
            var problemSolving = new Interest {
                Name = "Problem Solving"

            Interests.AddRange(new List <Interest>


            #region People
            var luke = new Person
                FirstName    = "Luke",
                LastName     = "Skywalker",
                OccupationId = moistureFarmer.Id,
                AddressId    = larsFarm.Id,
                Age          = 16,
                Picture      = "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/9/9b/Luke_Skywalker.png",
                Email        = "*****@*****.**",
                Notes        = "Restless and sometimes whiny youth; prefers to spend time with friends picking up power converters; has much potential, but does not yet know it",

            var leia = new Person
                FirstName    = "Leia",
                LastName     = "Organa",
                OccupationId = senator.Id,
                AddressId    = senateBuilding.Id,
                Age          = 16,
                Picture      = "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/1/1b/Princess_Leia%27s_characteristic_hairstyle.jpg",
                Email        = "*****@*****.**",
                Notes        = "Adopted daughter of Bail Organa, royalty of Alderaan; schooled on all sorts of craft between espionage, deception, political positioning, marksmanship, and leadership; also unaware of her great Force ability",

            var han = new Person
                FirstName    = "Han",
                LastName     = "Solo",
                Age          = 28,
                OccupationId = smuggler.Id,
                AddressId    = millenniumFalcon.Id,
                Picture      = "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/b/be/Han_Solo_depicted_in_promotional_image_for_Star_Wars_%281977%29.jpg",
                Email        = "*****@*****.**",
                Notes        = "Han is a proficient smuggler who also tends to make mistakes that get him into trouble; is very good at miraculously recovering from bad situations",

            var chewie = new Person
                FirstName    = "Chewbacca",
                LastName     = "",
                OccupationId = smuggler.Id,
                AddressId    = millenniumFalcon.Id,
                Age          = 107,
                Picture      = "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/6/6d/Chewbacca-2-.jpg",
                Email        = "*****@*****.**",
                Notes        = "A Wookiee who has a life-debt to Han and is his best friend; copilot of the Millennium Falcon; party to all of the antics Han has done",

            var obiWan = new Person
                FirstName    = "Obi Wan",
                LastName     = "Kenobi",
                OccupationId = jedi.Id,
                AddressId    = bensHut.Id,
                Age          = 74,
                Picture      = "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/3/32/Ben_Kenobi.png",
                Email        = "*****@*****.**",
                Notes        = "Taking on the alias of Ben, he is really a Jedi in hiding; after battling and leaving his pupil, Anakin, for dead, he took Anakin's son to the remote Tatooine in an effort to hid his existance from the Galactic Empire; a proficient Jedi, though not as spry as he used to be",

            var c3p0 = new Person
                FirstName    = "C-3PO",
                LastName     = "",
                OccupationId = droid.Id,
                AddressId    = larsFarm.Id,
                Age          = 36,
                Picture      = "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/5/5c/C-3PO_droid.png",
                Email        = "",
                Notes        = "Protocol droid originally created by Anakin Skywalker; very good about telling everybody that can hear what the probabilities of something happening might be; excellent translator despite his extreme pessimism; bought by Lars from some Jawas who'd picked them up from the Dune Sea",

            var r2d2 = new Person
                FirstName    = "R2D2",
                LastName     = "",
                OccupationId = droid.Id,
                AddressId    = larsFarm.Id,
                Age          = 48,
                Picture      = "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/3/39/R2-D2_Droid.png",
                Email        = "",
                Notes        = "Astromech droid that is like the Swiss army knife of all droids; likes to live life on the edge and takes risks regularly; purchased by Owen Lars from some Jawas who'd picked him up in the trecherous rocky canyons near the Dune Sea",

            var darthVader = new Person
                FirstName    = "Darth",
                LastName     = "Vader",
                OccupationId = sith.Id,
                AddressId    = deathStar.Id,
                Age          = 44,
                Picture      = "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/7/76/Darth_Vader.jpg",
                Email        = "*****@*****.**",
                Notes        = "The sinister dark hand of the Emperor; used to be called Anakin Skywalker and was a Jedi of the Jedi Order based on Coruscant; after some very terrible life choices, he took up the new name and became a Sith; somehow never decided to check in on his new \"nephew\" (that has his same last name) which his uncle and aunt started looking after...",

            var palpatine = new Person
                FirstName    = "Emperor",
                LastName     = "Palpatine",
                OccupationId = emperor.Id,
                AddressId    = imperialPalace.Id,
                Age          = 86,
                Picture      = "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/8/8f/Emperor_RotJ.png",
                Email        = "*****@*****.**",
                Notes        = "Emperor over the Galactic Empire and Dark Lord of the Sith; favorite thing to do is electrocute his adversaries to death; dictatorial status definite",

            var yoda = new Person
                FirstName    = "Yoda",
                LastName     = "",
                OccupationId = jedi.Id,
                AddressId    = dagobah.Id,
                Age          = 308,
                Picture      = "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/9/9b/Yoda_Empire_Strikes_Back.png",
                Email        = "",
                Notes        = "Old and shriveled Jedi master; one of the few surviving Jedi in self-imposed exile; extremely powerful in the Force",

            var bobaFett = new Person
                FirstName    = "Boba",
                LastName     = "Fett",
                OccupationId = bountyHunter.Id,
                AddressId    = slaveII.Id,
                Age          = 34,
                Picture      = "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/3/3e/FettbobaJB.png",
                Email        = "*****@*****.**",
                Notes        = "Skilled bounty hunter, possibly the best in the galaxy; never fails and tracks his quarry carefully; would not recommend sending him an email directly; he will find you",

            var bossk = new Person
                FirstName    = "Bossk",
                LastName     = "",
                OccupationId = bountyHunter.Id,
                AddressId    = unknown.Id,
                Age          = 25,
                Picture      = "https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/1/1d/Bossk.png/revision/latest?cb=20130219044712",
                Email        = "*****@*****.**",
                Notes        = "Trandoshan whose brutal methods have been effective in tracking down and often killing his quarry; should be as intimidated about hiring him as you would be if he was looking for you",

            var bail = new Person
                FirstName    = "Bail",
                LastName     = "Organa",
                OccupationId = king.Id,
                AddressId    = alderaan.Id,
                Age          = 59,
                Picture      = "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/d/db/BailOrgana.jpeg",
                Email        = "*****@*****.**",
                Notes        = "King of Alderaan; part-time senator, though much of that is now handled by Leia; one of the founders of the Rebel Alliance, though as quiet about this fact as he can be so the imperial intelligence doesn't catch wind of it",

            var owenLars = new Person
                FirstName    = "Owen",
                LastName     = "Lars",
                OccupationId = moistureFarmer.Id,
                AddressId    = larsFarm.Id,
                Age          = 53,
                Picture      = "https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/e/eb/OwenCardTrader.png/revision/latest?cb=20171108050140",
                Email        = "*****@*****.**",
                Notes        = "Uncle to Luke and stepbrother to Anakin Skywalker; extremely fearful of the Empire, worried for their scrutiny if they were ever to find out that Luke was the son and heir to Anakin Skywalker, now Darth Vader",

            var beruLars = new Person
                FirstName    = "Beru",
                LastName     = "Lars",
                OccupationId = moistureFarmer.Id,
                AddressId    = larsFarm.Id,
                Age          = 56,
                Picture      = "https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/c/cc/BeruCardTrader.png/revision/latest?cb=20170713063118",
                Email        = "*****@*****.**",
                Notes        = "Aunt to Luke and wife to Owen Lars; considerably less fearful of the Empire than her husband; more understanding of Luke's situation than her husband",

            People.AddRange(new List <Person>


            #region PersonInterests
            PersonInterests.AddRange(new List <PersonInterest>
                new PersonInterest {
                    PersonId = luke.Id, InterestId = flying.Id
                new PersonInterest {
                    PersonId = luke.Id, InterestId = fighting.Id
                new PersonInterest {
                    PersonId = luke.Id, InterestId = theForce.Id
                new PersonInterest {
                    PersonId = luke.Id, InterestId = socializing.Id
                new PersonInterest {
                    PersonId = leia.Id, InterestId = politicalUpheaval.Id
                new PersonInterest {
                    PersonId = leia.Id, InterestId = fighting.Id
                new PersonInterest {
                    PersonId = leia.Id, InterestId = espionage.Id
                new PersonInterest {
                    PersonId = han.Id, InterestId = fighting.Id
                new PersonInterest {
                    PersonId = han.Id, InterestId = flying.Id
                new PersonInterest {
                    PersonId = han.Id, InterestId = gambling.Id
                new PersonInterest {
                    PersonId = chewie.Id, InterestId = fighting.Id
                new PersonInterest {
                    PersonId = chewie.Id, InterestId = flying.Id
                new PersonInterest {
                    PersonId = chewie.Id, InterestId = gambling.Id
                new PersonInterest {
                    PersonId = chewie.Id, InterestId = playingDejarik.Id
                new PersonInterest {
                    PersonId = obiWan.Id, InterestId = fighting.Id
                new PersonInterest {
                    PersonId = obiWan.Id, InterestId = theForce.Id
                new PersonInterest {
                    PersonId = obiWan.Id, InterestId = meditating.Id
                new PersonInterest {
                    PersonId = c3p0.Id, InterestId = translating.Id
                new PersonInterest {
                    PersonId = c3p0.Id, InterestId = chances.Id
                new PersonInterest {
                    PersonId = r2d2.Id, InterestId = problemSolving.Id
                new PersonInterest {
                    PersonId = darthVader.Id, InterestId = theForce.Id
                new PersonInterest {
                    PersonId = darthVader.Id, InterestId = fighting.Id
                new PersonInterest {
                    PersonId = darthVader.Id, InterestId = flying.Id
                new PersonInterest {
                    PersonId = darthVader.Id, InterestId = meditating.Id
                new PersonInterest {
                    PersonId = palpatine.Id, InterestId = meditating.Id
                new PersonInterest {
                    PersonId = palpatine.Id, InterestId = theForce.Id
                new PersonInterest {
                    PersonId = palpatine.Id, InterestId = politicalUpheaval.Id
                new PersonInterest {
                    PersonId = bobaFett.Id, InterestId = fighting.Id
                new PersonInterest {
                    PersonId = bobaFett.Id, InterestId = problemSolving.Id
                new PersonInterest {
                    PersonId = bobaFett.Id, InterestId = espionage.Id
                new PersonInterest {
                    PersonId = bobaFett.Id, InterestId = flying.Id
                new PersonInterest {
                    PersonId = bobaFett.Id, InterestId = tracking.Id
                new PersonInterest {
                    PersonId = bossk.Id, InterestId = fighting.Id
                new PersonInterest {
                    PersonId = bossk.Id, InterestId = espionage.Id
                new PersonInterest {
                    PersonId = bossk.Id, InterestId = tracking.Id
                new PersonInterest {
                    PersonId = bail.Id, InterestId = familyTime.Id
                new PersonInterest {
                    PersonId = bail.Id, InterestId = politicalUpheaval.Id
                new PersonInterest {
                    PersonId = bail.Id, InterestId = espionage.Id
                new PersonInterest {
                    PersonId = owenLars.Id, InterestId = farming.Id
                new PersonInterest {
                    PersonId = owenLars.Id, InterestId = eating.Id
                new PersonInterest {
                    PersonId = beruLars.Id, InterestId = farming.Id
                new PersonInterest {
                    PersonId = beruLars.Id, InterestId = familyTime.Id
                new PersonInterest {
                    PersonId = beruLars.Id, InterestId = eating.Id
                new PersonInterest {
                    PersonId = yoda.Id, InterestId = meditating.Id
                new PersonInterest {
                    PersonId = yoda.Id, InterestId = theForce.Id
                new PersonInterest {
                    PersonId = yoda.Id, InterestId = fighting.Id
