        /// <summary>
        /// Handle an incoming webhook request and return the default data to send back to Discord.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="request">HttpRequest for the interaction POST</param>
        /// <returns>Handle Webhook operation</returns>
        public async Task <InteractionResponse?> HandleWebhookPost(string requestBody)
                // Attempt to get the Interact object from the JSON ...
                var i = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Interaction>(requestBody);
                // ... and tell the handler to run the command ...

                var         jobj = JObject.Parse(requestBody);
                DiscordUser?user = jobj["member"]?["user"]?.ToObject <DiscordUser>();
                // ... because we cant serialize direct to a DiscordMember, we are working around this
                // and using a DiscordUser instead. I would have to set the Lib as upstream to this before I
                // would be able to change this.
                i.User = user;

                BaseDiscordClient?client = null;
                if (_discord is not null)
                    client = _discord;
                else if (_sharded is not null)
                    foreach (var shard in _sharded.ShardClients)
                        if (shard.Value.Guilds.ContainsKey(i.GuildId))
                            client = shard.Value;

                if (client is null)
                    throw new Exception("Failed to get a proper client for this request.");

                await _slash.HandleInteraction(client, i, this);
            catch (Exception ex)
            { // ... if it errors, log and return null.
                _logger.LogError(ex, "Webhook Handler failed.");
            // ... return the default interaction type.
            var response = new InteractionResponseBuilder()

            if (_config.DefaultResponseType != Enums.InteractionResponseType.Acknowledge &&
                _config.DefaultResponseType != Enums.InteractionResponseType.ACKWithSource)
                response.Data = _config.DefaultResponseData;

        public async Task HelloWorldSlashCommandAsync(InteractionContext ctx)
            var response = new InteractionResponseBuilder()
                           .WithData(new InteractionApplicationCommandCallbackDataBuilder()
                                     .WithEmbed(new DiscordEmbedBuilder()
                                                .WithTitle("Hello World!")
                                                .WithDescription($"And hello to you too, {ctx.Interaction.User.Username}"))
                                     .WithContent("How's Life?"));

            await ctx.ReplyAsync(response.Build());
        private InteractionResponseBuilder GetDeafultResponse()
            // createa  new response object ....
            var response = new InteractionResponseBuilder()

            // ... add the optional configs ...
            if (_config.DefaultResponseType == InteractionResponseType.ChannelMessageWithSource)
                response.Data = _config.DefaultResponseData;
            // ... and return the builder object.
        public async Task ArgumentSubcommandCommandAsync(InteractionContext ctx, TestChoices choice, int age, string name, bool female,
                                                         DiscordUser user, DiscordChannel channel, DiscordRole role)
            var response = new InteractionResponseBuilder()
                           .WithData(new InteractionApplicationCommandCallbackDataBuilder()
                                     .WithEmbed(new DiscordEmbedBuilder()
                                                .WithTitle("Testing Arguments!")
                                                .WithDescription($"Choice: {choice}\n" +
                                                                 $"Age: {age}\n" +
                                                                 $"Name: {name}\n" +
                                                                 $"Female? {female}\n" +
                                                                 $"User: {user.Username}\n" +
                                                                 $"Channel: {channel.Name}\n" +
                                                                 $"Role: {role.Name}"))
                                     .WithContent("How's Life?"));

            await ctx.ReplyAsync(response.Build());