private double h;                // Step size

    public FunctionIntegrator(IntegratorFunction function, Range <double> interval, int NSteps)
        func  = new IntegratorFunction(function);
        range = new Range <double>(interval.low, interval.high);
        N     = NSteps;

        h = range.spread / (double)N;
    public static Vector <double> RungeKutta4(IntegratorFunction f,
                                              Vector <double> y0, double t0, double h)
        Vector <double> k1 = f(t0, y0);
        Vector <double> k2 = f(t0 + h / 2, y0 + h / 2 * k1);
        Vector <double> k3 = f(t0 + h / 2, y0 + h / 2 * k2);
        Vector <double> k4 = f(t0 + h, y0 + h * k3);

        return(y0 + h / 6 * (k1 + 2 * k2 + 2 * k3 + k4));
    private void IntegrateState()
        IntegratorFunction f = delegate(double t, Vector <double> y) {
            Vector <double> q = new DenseVector(
                new double[] { y[0], y[1], y[2], y[3] });
            _qd = A * q;

            return(new DenseVector(new double[] {
                0,     // steer accel is zero
                0,     // steer rate is zero as we use the handlebar dynamics
                (_v * y[3] +
                 (_param.trail * y[1] *
                  Math.Cos(_param.steerAxisTilt) / _param.wheelbase)),
                _v * Math.Cos(y[4]),
                _v * Math.Sin(y[4]),

        long dt_ms = _lastSensor.timestamp_ms - _timestamp_ms;

        if (dt_ms > 2 * _sim_period_ms)
            // Data not received for a while. Skip integration step.
            dt_ms = 0;
        else if (dt_ms > 0)
            // assume the data was on time and use the nominal time step
            dt_ms = _sim_period_ms;

        // Use the most recent measured handlebar steer angle and rate
        _state.steerRate = _lastSensor.steerRate;
        _state.steer     = _lastSensor.steerAngle;
        // Since y[1], y[3] are set to zero, steer states do not change
        _state.vector = Integrator.RungeKutta4(f, _state.vector, 0,
                                               Convert.ToDouble(dt_ms) / 1000);
        _timestamp_ms = _lastSensor.timestamp_ms;
        _elapsed_ms  += dt_ms;