        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new alias.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="aliasName">The name of the alias to create.</param>
        /// <param name="interfaceUri">The interface URI the alias shall point to.</param>
        /// <param name="command">A command within the interface the alias shall point to; can be <c>null</c>.</param>
        /// <returns>The exit status code to end the process with.</returns>
        private ExitCode CreateAlias(string aliasName, FeedUri interfaceUri, string command = null)

            using (var integrationManager = new IntegrationManager(Handler, MachineWide))
                // Check this before modifying the environment
                bool needsReopenTerminal = NeedsReopenTerminal(integrationManager.MachineWide);

                var appEntry = GetAppEntry(integrationManager, ref interfaceUri);

                // Apply the new alias
                var alias = new AppAlias {
                    Name = aliasName, Command = command
                integrationManager.AddAccessPoints(appEntry, FeedManager[interfaceUri], new AccessPoint[] { alias });

                string message = string.Format(Resources.AliasCreated, aliasName, appEntry.Name);
                if (needsReopenTerminal)
                    message += Environment.NewLine + Resources.ReopenTerminal;
                Handler.OutputLow(Resources.DesktopIntegration, message);
    public void AddAccessPoints()
        var capabilityList = CapabilityListTest.CreateTestCapabilityList();
        var feed1          = new Feed {
            Name = "Test", CapabilityLists = { capabilityList }
        var feed2 = new Feed {
            Name = "Test", CapabilityLists = { capabilityList }

        using var applyFlag1 = new TemporaryFlagFile("0install-test-flag");
        using var applyFlag2 = new TemporaryFlagFile("0install-test-flag");
        var accessPoints1 = new AccessPoint[] { new MockAccessPoint {
                                                    ID = "id1", Capability = "my_ext1", ApplyFlagPath = applyFlag1
                                                } };
        var accessPoints2 = new AccessPoint[] { new MockAccessPoint {
                                                    ID = "id2", Capability = "my_ext2", ApplyFlagPath = applyFlag2
                                                } };

        var appEntry1 = _integrationManager.AddApp(new FeedTarget(FeedTest.Test1Uri, feed1));

        _integrationManager.AddAccessPoints(appEntry1, feed1, accessPoints1);
        _integrationManager.AppList.Entries.Count.Should().Be(1, because: "Should implicitly create missing AppEntries");
        applyFlag1.Set.Should().BeTrue(because: "Should apply AccessPoint");
        applyFlag1.Set = false;

        _integrationManager.Invoking(x => x.AddAccessPoints(appEntry1, feed1, accessPoints1))
        .Should().NotThrow(because: "Duplicate access points should be silently reapplied");
        applyFlag1.Set.Should().BeTrue(because: "Duplicate access points should be silently reapplied");

        _integrationManager.AddAccessPoints(appEntry1, feed1, accessPoints2);
        applyFlag2.Set = false;

        var appEntry2 = _integrationManager.AddApp(new FeedTarget(FeedTest.Test2Uri, feed2));

        _integrationManager.Invoking(x => x.AddAccessPoints(appEntry2, feed2, accessPoints2))
        .Should().Throw <ConflictException>(because: "Should prevent access point conflicts");
        applyFlag2.Set.Should().BeFalse(because: "Should prevent access point conflicts");
    /// <inheritdoc/>
    public override ExitCode Execute()
        var importList = XmlStorage.LoadXml <AppList>(AdditionalArgs[0]);

        using var integrationManager = new IntegrationManager(Config, Handler, MachineWide);
        foreach (var importEntry in importList.Entries)
            var interfaceUri = importEntry.InterfaceUri;
            var appEntry     = GetAppEntry(integrationManager, ref interfaceUri);

            if (importEntry.AccessPoints != null)
                var feed = FeedManager[interfaceUri];
                integrationManager.AddAccessPoints(appEntry, feed, importEntry.AccessPoints.Entries);
