         * This method will take a candidate list and identify is there is redundant
         * individual in it. If yes, it will get rid of the redundant individuals.
         * After that, it will check if all the samples from this generation have
         * been visited in previous generation. If yes, it will retrieve the samples
         * from previous generations.
        public IList <Individual> UniqueSamples(IEvolutionState state, IList <Individual> candidates)
            // first filter out the redundant sample with in the set of candidates
            HashSet <Individual> set = new HashSet <Individual>();

            foreach (Individual i in candidates)
                if (!set.Contains(i))
            // now all the individual in candidates are unique with in the set
            candidates = new List <Individual>(set);

            // Sk will be the new population
            IList <Individual> sk = new List <Individual>();

            // see if we have these individual in visted array before
            for (int i = 0; i < candidates.Count; ++i)
                IntegerVectorIndividual individual = (IntegerVectorIndividual)candidates[i];

                if (VisitedIndexMap.ContainsKey(individual))
                    // we have this individual before, retrieve that
                    int index = VisitedIndexMap[individual];
                    // get the original individual
                    individual = (IntegerVectorIndividual)Visited[index];
                    VisitedIndexMap[individual] = Visited.Count - 1;

                    // We add the new individual into the CornerMap
                    // NOTE: if the individual already, we still need to do this?
                    // original code says yes, but it seems to be wrong
                    // so we do this only the new individual is new
                    for (int j = 0; j < GenomeSize; ++j)
                        // The individual is the content. The key is its
                        // coordinate position
                        Corners[j].Insert(individual.genome[j], individual);


        public void IntegerVectorIndividualWriteAndRead()
            // First we'll set up a Fitness for the Individual
            var rand = new MersenneTwisterFast(0);
            var f    = new SimpleFitness();

            f.SetFitness(null, float.MaxValue, true);

            const int n = 10;

            f.Trials = new List <double>(n);
            for (var i = 0; i < n; i++)

            // Now we can create and initialize the Individual
            var ind  = new IntegerVectorIndividual();
            var ind2 = new IntegerVectorIndividual(); // We'll read back into this instance

            ind.Genome = new int[10];                 // This is the set of genes
            for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                ind.genome[i] = rand.NextInt(); // Some random genes
            ind.Fitness   = f;
            ind.Evaluated = true;

            using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
                var writer = new BinaryWriter(ms);
                ind.WriteIndividual(null, writer);

                ms.Position = 0;
                var reader = new BinaryReader(ms);

                ind2.Fitness = new SimpleFitness();
                ind2.ReadIndividual(null, reader);

                Assert.IsTrue(ind.Equals(ind2)); // Genetically equivalent
                for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                    Assert.AreEqual(ind.genome[i], ind2.genome[i]); // check each gene
         * In DOVS, we provide the algorithm with a start individual from file, this
         * start individual is the start search point of the DOVS algorithm. We use
         * this start point to construct a hyperbox contains promising solutions,
         * and sample from this region, the number of sample is equal to parameter
         * "pop.subpop.X.size" in parameter files.
         * However, due to redundant samples, we the individuals size may be
         * smaller than what have been specified in pop.subpop.X.size.
        public override Population InitialPopulation(IEvolutionState state, int thread)
            Population p = base.InitialPopulation(state, thread);

            // make sure the each subpop only have one individual
            for (int i = 0; i < p.Subpops.Count; i++)
                if (p.Subpops[i].Species is DOVSSpecies)
                    DOVSSpecies species = (DOVSSpecies)p.Subpops[i].Species;

                    if (p.Subpops[i].Individuals.Count != 1)
                        state.Output.Fatal("contain more than one start point");

                    // add the start point to the visited ArrayList
                    species.VisitedIndexMap[p.Subpops[i].Individuals[0]] = 0;
                    species.OptimalIndex = 0;

                    IntegerVectorIndividual ind = (IntegerVectorIndividual)species.Visited[species.OptimalIndex];
                    // For the visited solution, record its coordinate
                    // positions in the multimap
                    for (int j = 0; j < species.GenomeSize; ++j)
                        // The individual is the content. The key is its
                        // coordinate position
                        species.Corners[j].Insert(ind.genome[j], ind);

                    // update MPA

                    // sample from MPA
                    int initialSize = p.Subpops[i].InitialSize;
                    IList <Individual> candidates = species.MostPromisingAreaSamples(state, initialSize);

                    // get unique candidates for evaluation, this is Sk in paper
                    IList <Individual> uniqueCandidates = species.UniqueSamples(state, candidates);

                    // update the individuals
                    p.Subpops[i].Individuals = uniqueCandidates;
         * Given a list of individuals, it will find the one with highest fitness
         * value and retrieve its index in visited solution list.
        private int FindOptimalIndividual(IList <Individual> list)
            double maximum = int.MinValue;
            IntegerVectorIndividual bestInd = null;

            for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; ++i)
                IntegerVectorIndividual ind = (IntegerVectorIndividual)list[i];
                if (((DOVSFitness)ind.Fitness).Mean > maximum)
                    maximum = ((DOVSFitness)ind.Fitness).Mean;
                    bestInd = ind;
