public static IntakeFormModel ToModel(this IntakeForm entity) { var model = new IntakeFormModel { IntakeFormId = entity.IntakeFormId, PatientId = entity.PatientId, PhysicianId = entity.PhysicianId, DocumentId = entity.DocumentId, ICD10Codes = entity.ICD10Codes?.Select(x => x.ToModel()).ToList(), HCPCSCode = entity.HCPCSCode, Product = entity.Product, PhysicianNotes = entity.PhysicianNotes, Duration = entity.Duration, IntakeFormType = entity.IntakeFormType, Status = entity.Status, PhysicianPaid = entity.PhysicianPaid, VendorBilled = entity.VendorBilled, VendorPaid = entity.VendorPaid, DeniedReason = entity.DeniedReason, Questions = entity.Questions?.Select(q => q.ToModel()).ToList(), CreatedOn = entity.CreatedOn, ModifiedOn = entity.ModifiedOn }; return(model); }
public IntakeFormModel Create(IntakeFormModel intakeFormModel) { var intakeForm = new IntakeForm(); intakeForm.MapFromModel(intakeFormModel); intakeForm.Status = IntakeFormStatus.New; _context.IntakeForm.Add(intakeForm); _context.SaveChanges(); return(intakeForm.ToModel()); }
/// <summary> /// The field values in the word doc need to be update in the property settings object of the word doc. The questions /// have 'keys' which we are using with MappingsEnum to know how update with the value from the IntakeForms. Then we /// explicitly ask the user to verify the fields are to be updated when opening the word doc. /// </summary> /// <param name="intakeForms"></param> /// <param name="doc"></param> private void UpdateValuesInWordDocsCustomProperties( WordprocessingDocument doc, IntakeFormModel intakeForm, PatientModel patient, PhysicianModel physician, ICollection <SignatureModel> signatures) { // Get all question's with a key, then gather the value as all answers comma delimited var intakeFromKeys = intakeForm.Questions .Where(r => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(r.Key)) .Select(y => new KeyValuePair <string, string>(y.Key.ToUpper(), y.Answers.Select(z => z.Text) .Aggregate((c, n) => $"{c},{n}"))).ToList(); intakeFromKeys.AddRange(GetPatientKeys(patient)); intakeFromKeys.AddRange(GetAllCodes(intakeForm)); intakeFromKeys.AddRange(GetPhysicanKeys(physician)); intakeFromKeys.AddRange(GetSignature(signatures.First())); // just use the first signature for now since IP/Creation should be identicalish intakeFromKeys.AddRange(GetDrNotes(intakeForm.PhysicianNotes ?? "")); //This will update all of the custom properties that are used in the word doc. //Again, the fields are update in the document settings, but the downloading user //will need to approve the update for any fields. // Properties properties = doc.CustomFilePropertiesPart.Properties; foreach (MappingEnums propertyEnum in Enum.GetValues(typeof(MappingEnums))) { var item = (CustomDocumentProperty)properties .FirstOrDefault(x => ((CustomDocumentProperty)x).Name.Value.Equals(propertyEnum.ToString())); if (item != null) { //If a key doesn't exist, you could see an empty value stuffed into the word doc var val = intakeFromKeys.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Key == propertyEnum.ToString().ToUpper()).Value ?? "N/A"; item.VTLPWSTR = new VTLPWSTR(val); } } properties.Save(); //The docx is using Custom Properties and above we are updating the custom property values, //however there is no way (that I have found) to programatically updated all of the fields //that are using the custom properties without requiring the downloader to DocumentSettingsPart settingsPart = doc.MainDocumentPart.GetPartsOfType <DocumentSettingsPart>().First(); var updateFields = new UpdateFieldsOnOpen { Val = new OnOffValue(true) }; settingsPart.Settings.PrependChild(updateFields); settingsPart.Settings.Save(); doc.Save(); }
public IntakeFormModel Update(IntakeFormModel intakeFormModel) { IntakeForm intakeForm = _context.IntakeForm .Include(i => i.Signatures) .Include("Questions.Answers") .First(u => u.IntakeFormId == intakeFormModel.IntakeFormId); intakeForm.MapFromModel(intakeFormModel); _context.SaveChanges(); return(intakeForm.ToModel()); }
/// <summary> /// Takes an EF Core Entity and maps the model to it /// </summary> /// <param name="model"></param> /// <param name="entity"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static void MapFromModel(this IntakeForm entity, IntakeFormModel model) { if (entity == null) { entity = new IntakeForm(); } //IntakeFormId = model.IntakeFormId don't map primary key from the model entity.PatientId = model.PatientId; entity.PhysicianId = model.PhysicianId; entity.DocumentId = model.DocumentId; entity.Status = model.Status; entity.IntakeFormType = model.IntakeFormType; entity.Product = model.Product; entity.PhysicianNotes = model.PhysicianNotes; entity.Duration = model.Duration; entity.PhysicianPaid = model.PhysicianPaid; entity.VendorBilled = model.VendorBilled; entity.VendorPaid = model.VendorPaid; entity.DeniedReason = model.DeniedReason; entity.HCPCSCode = model.HCPCSCode; entity.CreatedOn = model.CreatedOn; entity.ModifiedOn = model.ModifiedOn; if (entity.Questions == null) { entity.Questions = new List <Question>(); } entity.Questions = model.Questions?.Select(questionsModel => { var question = new Question(); question.MapFromModel(questionsModel, entity.IntakeFormId); return(question); }).ToList(); if (entity.ICD10Codes == null) { entity.ICD10Codes = new List <ICD10Code>(); } entity.ICD10Codes = model.ICD10Codes?.Select(iCD10CodeModel => { var icd10Code = new ICD10Code(); icd10Code.MapFromModel(iCD10CodeModel); return(icd10Code); }).ToList(); }
public ActionResult <IntakeFormModel> Post([FromBody] IntakeFormModel intakeForm) { try { IntakeFormModel newIntakeForm = _intakeBusiness.Create(intakeForm); return(newIntakeForm); } catch (Exception ex) { _logging.Log(LogSeverity.Error, ex.ToString()); throw; } }
public ActionResult <IntakeFormModel> Put(int id, [FromBody] IntakeFormModel intakeForm) { try { intakeForm.IntakeFormId = id; return(_intakeBusiness.Update(intakeForm)); } catch (Exception ex) { _logging.Log(LogSeverity.Error, ex.ToString()); throw; } }
private List <KeyValuePair <string, string> > GetAllCodes(IntakeFormModel intake) { var kvps = new List <KeyValuePair <string, string> > { new KeyValuePair <string, string>(MappingEnums.GeneralIntakeNotes.ToString().ToUpper(), ""), //Below the Pain Chart Image new KeyValuePair <string, string>(MappingEnums.HCPCSCode.ToString().ToUpper(), GetOrthoPrescribedAfter255(intake.HCPCSCode)), new KeyValuePair <string, string>(MappingEnums.HCPCSProduct.ToString().ToUpper(), intake.Product ?? "N/A"), new KeyValuePair <string, string>(MappingEnums.HCPCSDescription.ToString().ToUpper(), GetOrthoPrescribed(intake.HCPCSCode)), new KeyValuePair <string, string>(MappingEnums.HCPCSDuration.ToString().ToUpper(), intake.Duration), new KeyValuePair <string, string>(MappingEnums.ICDCode.ToString().ToUpper(), GetDiagnosis(intake.ICD10Codes)), // new KeyValuePair<string, string>(MappingEnums.ICDDescription.ToString().ToUpper(), intake.ICD10?.Description ?? "N/A") }; return(kvps); }
/// <summary> /// Take all of the intake forms and replace the properties on the word doc, then append all of the /// intake forms /// </summary> /// <param name="intakeForms"></param> /// <returns></returns> public byte[] GenerateIntakeDocuments( IntakeFormModel intakeForm, PatientModel patient, PhysicianModel physician, ICollection <SignatureModel> signatures) { MemoryStream examNoteMemoryStream = LoadMemoryStream(); using (var doc = WordprocessingDocument.Open(examNoteMemoryStream, true)) { Body docBody = doc.MainDocumentPart.Document.Body; // create and add the character style with the style id, style name, and // aliases specified. var answerFormatStyleId = CreateIntakeFormAnswersCharStyle(doc); SetSignatures(doc, signatures); // Create title and add the subsequent question answers for the questionaire AppendTitleForIntakeForm(doc, docBody, intakeForm); var questionCount = 1; foreach (QuestionModel question in intakeForm.Questions) { questionCount = AppendQuestionAnswerPair(docBody, answerFormatStyleId, questionCount, question); } docBody.AppendChild(new Paragraph()); // Manual mapping bits UpdateValuesInWordDocsCustomProperties(doc, intakeForm, patient, physician, signatures); } var result = examNoteMemoryStream.ToArray(); examNoteMemoryStream.Flush(); examNoteMemoryStream.Close(); return(result); }
public int Create(DocumentModel documentModel) { IntakeForm intakeForm = _context.IntakeForm .Include("Questions.Answers") .Include(i => i.ICD10Codes) .Include(i => i.Physician.Address) .Include(i => i.Signatures) .First(i => i.IntakeFormId == documentModel.IntakeFormId); Patient patient = _context.Patient .Include(p => p.Address) .Include(p => p.PrivateInsurance) .Include(p => p.Medicare) .First(p => p.PatientId == intakeForm.PatientId); IntakeFormModel intakeFormModel = intakeForm.ToModel(); PatientModel patientModel = patient.ToModel(); PhysicianModel physicianModel = intakeForm.Physician.ToModel(); ICollection <SignatureModel> signatureModels = intakeForm.Signatures.Select(s => s.ToModel()).ToList(); var documentContent = _exporter.GenerateIntakeDocuments( intakeFormModel, patientModel, physicianModel, signatureModels); var document = new Document { IntakeFormId = documentModel.IntakeFormId, Content = documentContent }; intakeForm.Document = document; _context.SaveChanges(); return(document.DocumentId); }
private void AppendTitleForIntakeForm(WordprocessingDocument doc, Body docBody, IntakeFormModel intakeForm) { docBody.AppendChild(new Paragraph()); Paragraph titleParagraph = CreateIntakeFormTitle(intakeForm.IntakeFormType); if (titleParagraph != null) { Formatting.AddNewStyle(doc, "PRTitle1", "PRTitle", titleParagraph); ParagraphProperties paragraphProperties = titleParagraph.PrependChild(new ParagraphProperties()); docBody.AppendChild(titleParagraph); } docBody.AppendChild(new Paragraph()); }