 /// <summary>
 /// Get "float window" and parametrs
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="value">Mul value</param>
 /// <param name="lastIndex">Last index in mul value</param>
 /// <param name="mulValue">How many doubling</param>
 /// <param name="addValue">How much add after</param>
 /// <returns>New index</returns>
 private static int GetWindow(IntBig value, int lastIndex, out int mulValue, out int addValue)
     mulValue = 0;
     addValue = 0;
     if (lastIndex < 0)
     while (true)
         addValue *= 2;
         if (value.GetBit(lastIndex))
             addValue += 1;
         if (addValue >= 8)
         if (lastIndex < 0)
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the MIntBig value using string representation
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="value">Value in x mod y view</param>
 /// <param name="littleEndian">true if value represents as little-Endian</param>
 public static MIntBig Parse(string value, bool littleEndian)
     string[] items = value.Split(new string[] { "mod", "MOD" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
     if (items == null || items.Length < 2)
         throw new Exception("Unknown format. Please change format to x mod y view.");
     return(new MIntBig(IntBig.Parse(items[0], littleEndian), IntBig.Parse(items[1], littleEndian)));
        /// <summary>
        /// Умножить точку на число на эллиптической кривой
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="value1">Точка на эллиптической кривой</param>
        /// <param name="value2">Множитель к точке</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public IEllipticCurvePoint Multiply(IntBig value2)
            EllipticCurvePointB tempPoint = null;

            // Массив значений для этапа "предвычислений"
            // !!!!!!!!!!!!!!Занимательная задачка: надо подумать над графом вычислений, ибо почти стопроцентная уверенность, что не все значения массива понадобятся... Налицо оптимизация
            EllipticCurvePointB[] points = new EllipticCurvePointB[16];
            points[0]  = GetInfinity() as EllipticCurvePointB;
            points[1]  = this;
            points[2]  = points[1].Doubling() as EllipticCurvePointB;
            points[3]  = points[1].Addition(points[2]) as EllipticCurvePointB;
            points[4]  = points[2].Doubling() as EllipticCurvePointB;
            points[5]  = points[1].Addition(points[4]) as EllipticCurvePointB;
            points[6]  = points[3].Doubling() as EllipticCurvePointB;
            points[7]  = points[1].Addition(points[6]) as EllipticCurvePointB;
            points[8]  = points[4].Doubling() as EllipticCurvePointB;
            points[9]  = points[1].Addition(points[8]) as EllipticCurvePointB;
            points[10] = points[5].Doubling() as EllipticCurvePointB;
            points[11] = points[1].Addition(points[10]) as EllipticCurvePointB;
            points[12] = points[6].Doubling() as EllipticCurvePointB;
            points[13] = points[1].Addition(points[12]) as EllipticCurvePointB;
            points[14] = points[7].Doubling() as EllipticCurvePointB;
            points[15] = points[1].Addition(points[14]) as EllipticCurvePointB;
            // Начальный индекс множителя, от него начинается движение по двоичному представлению большого числа
            int index         = BigHelper.MaxNonZeroBitIndex(value2.m_Value);
            int howManyDouble = 0;
            int howMuchAdd    = 0;

            //if (index < 0)
            //    break;
            index     = GetWindow(value2, index, out howManyDouble, out howMuchAdd);
            tempPoint = points[howMuchAdd];

            while (true)
                if (index < 0)
                index = GetWindow(value2, index, out howManyDouble, out howMuchAdd);
                if (howManyDouble > 0)
                    for (int t = 0; t < howManyDouble; ++t)
                        tempPoint = tempPoint.Doubling() as EllipticCurvePointB;
                if (howMuchAdd > 0)
                    tempPoint = tempPoint.Addition(points[howMuchAdd]) as EllipticCurvePointB;
 /// <summary>
 /// Parse the curve and points parameters
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="x">The X value in affine coordinate</param>
 /// <param name="y">The Y value in affine coordinate</param>
 /// <param name="a1">The a1 elliptic curve parameter in the Weierstrass equation</param>
 /// <param name="a2">The a2 elliptic curve parameter in the Weierstrass equation</param>
 /// <param name="a3">The a3 elliptic curve parameter in the Weierstrass equation</param>
 /// <param name="a4">The a4 elliptic curve parameter in the Weierstrass equation</param>
 /// <param name="a6">The a6 elliptic curve parameter in the Weierstrass equation</param>
 /// <param name="modulo">The modulo for finite field operations</param>
 internal EllipticCurvePoint(IntBig x, IntBig y, IntBig a1, IntBig a2, IntBig a3, IntBig a4, IntBig a6, IntBig modulo)
     // Set resolver for different types of elliptic curve
     if (a1 == null && a2 == null && a3 == null && a4 != null && a6 != null)
         m_Resolver = new EllipticCurvePointB(x, y, a4, a6, modulo);
         throw new Exception("Unknown type of elliptic curve.");
        public static bool IsValid(IntBig x, IntBig y, IntBig a4, IntBig a6, IntBig modulo)
            MIntBig my  = new MIntBig(y, modulo);
            MIntBig mx  = new MIntBig(x, modulo);
            MIntBig ma4 = new MIntBig(a4, modulo);
            MIntBig ma6 = new MIntBig(a6, modulo);

            MIntBig my2 = my * my;
            MIntBig mx2 = mx * mx * mx + ma4 * mx + ma6;

            return(my2 == mx2);
        /// <summary>
        /// Multiplies the this value at IntBig value
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="value">IntBig multiplier</param>
        /// <returns>Result of operation</returns>
        public IEllipticCurvePoint Multiply(IntBig value2)
            EllipticCurvePointC tempPoint = null;

            EllipticCurvePointC[] points = new EllipticCurvePointC[16];
            points[0]  = GetInfinity() as EllipticCurvePointC;
            points[1]  = this;
            points[2]  = points[1].Doubling() as EllipticCurvePointC;
            points[3]  = points[1].Addition(points[2]) as EllipticCurvePointC;
            points[4]  = points[2].Doubling() as EllipticCurvePointC;
            points[5]  = points[1].Addition(points[4]) as EllipticCurvePointC;
            points[6]  = points[3].Doubling() as EllipticCurvePointC;
            points[7]  = points[1].Addition(points[6]) as EllipticCurvePointC;
            points[8]  = points[4].Doubling() as EllipticCurvePointC;
            points[9]  = points[1].Addition(points[8]) as EllipticCurvePointC;
            points[10] = points[5].Doubling() as EllipticCurvePointC;
            points[11] = points[1].Addition(points[10]) as EllipticCurvePointC;
            points[12] = points[6].Doubling() as EllipticCurvePointC;
            points[13] = points[1].Addition(points[12]) as EllipticCurvePointC;
            points[14] = points[7].Doubling() as EllipticCurvePointC;
            points[15] = points[1].Addition(points[14]) as EllipticCurvePointC;
            // First index
            int index         = BigHelper.MaxNonZeroBitIndex(value2.m_Value);
            int howManyDouble = 0;
            int howMuchAdd    = 0;

            //if (index < 0)
            //    break;
            index     = GetWindow(value2, index, out howManyDouble, out howMuchAdd);
            tempPoint = points[howMuchAdd];

            while (true)
                if (index < 0)
                index = GetWindow(value2, index, out howManyDouble, out howMuchAdd);
                if (howManyDouble > 0)
                    for (int t = 0; t < howManyDouble; ++t)
                        tempPoint = tempPoint.Doubling() as EllipticCurvePointC;
                if (howMuchAdd > 0)
                    tempPoint = tempPoint.Addition(points[howMuchAdd]) as EllipticCurvePointC;
 internal EllipticCurvePointC(uint[] x, uint[] y, uint[] z, EllipticCurvePointC point)
     m_Modulo = point.m_Modulo;
     m_a4     = point.m_a4;
     m_a6     = point.m_a6;
     m_X      = new IntBig(x) % m_Modulo;
     m_Y      = new IntBig(y) % m_Modulo;
     m_Z      = new IntBig(z) % m_Modulo;
     if (!IsValid(m_X, m_Y, m_Z, m_a4, m_a6, m_Modulo))
         throw new Exception("Point is not from elliptic curve");
 internal EllipticCurvePointC(IntBig x, IntBig y, IntBig z, EllipticCurvePointC point)
     m_Modulo = point.m_Modulo;
     m_a4     = point.m_a4;
     m_a6     = point.m_a6;
     m_X      = x % m_Modulo;
     m_Y      = y % m_Modulo;
     m_Z      = z % m_Modulo;
     if (!IsValid(m_X, m_Y, m_Z, m_a4, m_a6, m_Modulo))
         throw new Exception("Point is not from elliptic curve");
        /// <summary>
        /// Indicates whether the current value is equal to another IntBig value
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="other">A value to compare with this value</param>
        /// <returns>true if the current value is equal to the other value; otherwise, false</returns>
        public bool Equals(IntBig obj)
            if (obj as object == null)
            if (obj as object == m_Value as object)
            IntBig temp = obj % m_Modulo;

        /// <summary>
        /// Compares the current value with another IntBig value
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="obj">An object to compare with this value</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// Zero if this value is equal to other value.
        /// 1 if value is greater than other value.
        /// -1 if the value is less than the other value/
        /// </returns>
        public int CompareTo(IntBig other)
            if (other as object == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("other");
            if (other as object == m_Value as object)
            IntBig temp = other % m_Modulo;

 public EllipticCurvePointC(IntBig x, IntBig y, IntBig a4, IntBig a6, IntBig modulo)
     m_x      = x;
     m_y      = y;
     m_Modulo = modulo;
     m_a4     = a4;
     m_a6     = a6;
     m_X      = new IntBig(x.m_Value) % m_Modulo;
     m_Y      = new IntBig(y.m_Value) % m_Modulo;
     m_Z      = new IntBig(1);
     if (!IsValid(m_X, m_Y, m_Z, m_a4, m_a6, m_Modulo))
         throw new Exception("Point is not from elliptic curve");
 public EllipticCurvePointB(IntBig x, IntBig y, EllipticCurvePointB point)
     m_x      = x;
     m_y      = y;
     m_Modulo = point.m_Modulo;
     m_a4     = point.m_a4;
     m_a6     = point.m_a6;
     if (!IsValid(m_x, m_y, m_a4, m_a6, m_Modulo))
         throw new Exception("Point is not from elliptic curve");
     m_X = new IntBig(x.m_Value) % m_Modulo;
     m_Y = new IntBig(y.m_Value) % m_Modulo;
     m_Z = new IntBig(1);
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the value using the ulong value and the modulo in a uint array
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="value">The value</param>
        /// <param name="modulo">An array of uint values in little-endian order</param>
        internal MIntBig(ulong value, uint[] modulo)
            m_Value = new IntBig(value);
            IntBig moduloTemp = new IntBig(modulo);
            IntBig temp;

            if (m_Modules.TryGetValue(moduloTemp, out temp))
                m_Modulo = temp;
                m_Modules.Add(moduloTemp, moduloTemp);
                m_Modulo = moduloTemp;
            m_MaxModuloBitIndex = m_Modulo.Length - 1;
        public static bool IsValid(IntBig x, IntBig y, IntBig z, IntBig a4, IntBig a6, IntBig modulo)
            MIntBig my  = new MIntBig(y, modulo);
            MIntBig mx  = new MIntBig(x, modulo);
            MIntBig mz  = new MIntBig(z, modulo);
            MIntBig ma4 = new MIntBig(a4, modulo);
            MIntBig ma6 = new MIntBig(a6, modulo);

            MIntBig mz2 = mz * mz;
            MIntBig mz4 = mz2 * mz2;
            MIntBig mz6 = mz4 * mz2;

            MIntBig my2 = my * my;
            MIntBig mx2 = mx * mx * mx + ma4 * mx * mz4 + ma6 * mz6;

            return(my2 == mx2);
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the value using the values in a uint arrays
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="value">An array of uint values in little-endian order</param>
        /// <param name="modulo">An array of uint values in little-endian order</param>
        internal MIntBig(uint[] value, uint[] modulo)
            int length = (value.Length > modulo.Length) ? value.Length : modulo.Length;

            length *= 32;
            m_Value = new IntBig(value);
            IntBig moduloTemp = new IntBig(modulo);
            IntBig temp;

            if (m_Modules.TryGetValue(moduloTemp, out temp))
                m_Modulo = temp;
                m_Modules.Add(moduloTemp, moduloTemp);
                m_Modulo = moduloTemp;
            m_MaxModuloBitIndex = m_Modulo.Length - 1;
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the value using the IntBig values
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="value">The value</param>
        /// <param name="modulo">The modulo</param>
        internal MIntBig(IntBig value, IntBig modulo)
            if (value < modulo)
                m_Value = value;
                m_Value = value % modulo;
            IntBig temp;

            if (m_Modules.TryGetValue(modulo, out temp))
                m_Modulo = temp;
                m_Modules.Add(modulo, modulo);
                m_Modulo = modulo;
            m_MaxModuloBitIndex = m_Modulo.Length - 1;
 internal EllipticCurvePoint(IntBig x, IntBig y, IntBig z, IEllipticCurvePoint resolver)
     m_Resolver = new EllipticCurvePointB(x, y, z, resolver as EllipticCurvePointB);
 /// <summary>
 /// Multiplies the value at IntBig value
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="value1">Elliptic curve point</param>
 /// <param name="value2">IntBig multiplier</param>
 /// <returns>Result</returns>
 public static EllipticCurvePointC Multiply(EllipticCurvePointC value1, IntBig value2)
     return(value1.Multiply(value2) as EllipticCurvePointC);
        /// <summary>
        /// Parse the byte array
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="value">Value array</param>
        /// <param name="modulo">Modulo value</param>
        public static MIntBig Parse(byte[] value, IntBig modulo)
            IntBig value1 = IntBig.Parse(value, true);

            return(new MIntBig(value1, modulo));
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the MIntBig value using IntBig value
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="value">IntBig value</param>
 /// <param name="modulo">Modulo of value</param>
 public static MIntBig Parse(IntBig value, IntBig modulo)
     return(new MIntBig(value, modulo));
        /// <summary>
        /// Compares the current value with another object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="obj">An object to compare with this value</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// Zero if this value is equal to other value.
        /// 1 if value is greater than other value.
        /// -1 if the value is less than the other value/
        /// </returns>
        public int CompareTo(object obj)
            IntBig obj1 = obj as IntBig;

 /// <summary>
 /// Parse the curve from another point and new points parameters x,y
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="x">The X value in affine coordinate</param>
 /// <param name="y">The Y value in affine coordinate</param>
 /// <param name="point">Another point</param>
 public static EllipticCurvePoint Parse(IntBig x, IntBig y, EllipticCurvePoint point)
     return(new EllipticCurvePoint(x, y, point.m_Resolver));
 /// <summary>
 /// Умножить точку на число на эллиптической кривой
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="value1">Точка на эллиптической кривой</param>
 /// <param name="value2">Множитель к точке</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static EllipticCurvePoint Multiply(EllipticCurvePoint value1, IntBig value2)
     return(new EllipticCurvePoint(value1.m_Resolver.Multiply(value2)));
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the MIntBig value using value and modulo strings
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="value">Value</param>
 /// <param name="modulo">Modulo</param>
 /// <param name="littleEndian">true if value represents as little-Endian</param>
 public static MIntBig Parse(string value, string modulo, bool littleEndian)
     return(new MIntBig(IntBig.Parse(value, littleEndian), IntBig.Parse(modulo, littleEndian)));
 /// <summary>
 /// Parse the curve and points parameters
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="x">The X value in affine coordinate</param>
 /// <param name="y">The Y value in affine coordinate</param>
 /// <param name="a1">The a1 elliptic curve parameter in the Weierstrass equation</param>
 /// <param name="a2">The a2 elliptic curve parameter in the Weierstrass equation</param>
 /// <param name="a3">The a3 elliptic curve parameter in the Weierstrass equation</param>
 /// <param name="a4">The a4 elliptic curve parameter in the Weierstrass equation</param>
 /// <param name="a6">The a6 elliptic curve parameter in the Weierstrass equation</param>
 /// <param name="modulo">The modulo for finite field operations</param>
 public static EllipticCurvePoint Parse(IntBig x, IntBig y, IntBig a1, IntBig a2, IntBig a3, IntBig a4, IntBig a6, IntBig modulo)
     return(new EllipticCurvePoint(x, y, a1, a2, a3, a4, a6, modulo));
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the MIntBig value using ulong value
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="value">ulong value</param>
 /// <param name="modulo">Modulo of value</param>
 public static MIntBig Parse(ulong value, IntBig modulo)
     return(new MIntBig(value, modulo.m_Value));