        public object Any(Search request)

            var results = new List <Comment>();

            Skybrud.Social.Instagram.InstagramService service = Skybrud.Social.Instagram.InstagramService.CreateFromOAuthClient(new InstagramOAuthClient
                AccessToken = "281166601.ae390ad.f16a68e5d161400a88f124dd07690b36"

            // Temporary list for storing the retrieved media
            List <InstagramMedia> temp = new List <InstagramMedia>();

            // Declare the initial options
            InstagramTagRecentMediaOptions options = new InstagramTagRecentMediaOptions
                Count = 10

            // Make the call to the API for the first page
            InstagramRecentMediaResponse response  = service.Tags.GetRecentMedia(request.Keyword, 200);
            InstagramSearchTagsResponse  response2 = service.Tags.Search(request.Keyword);

            // Add the media to the list

            // No reason to make another request if the first request didn't return any media
            if (temp.Count != 0)
                // Update the options
                options.MaxTagId = response.Body.Pagination.NextMaxId;

                // Make another call to the Instagram API
                response = service.Tags.GetRecentMedia("allblacks", 200, options.MaxTagId);

                // Add the media to the list

            foreach (InstagramMedia media in temp)
                results.Add(new Comment {
                    Description = media.CaptionText, Provider = "Instagram"

            foreach (InstagramTag tag in response2.Body.Data)
                results.Add(new Comment {
                    Description = tag.Name, Provider = "Instagram"

 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the raw JSON response from the Instagram API with media from the specified <code>tag</code>.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="tag">The name of the tag.</param>
 /// <param name="options">The options for the call to the API.</param>
 public SocialHttpResponse GetRecentMedia(string tag, InstagramTagRecentMediaOptions options)
     return(Client.DoAuthenticatedGetRequest("https://api.instagram.com/v1/tags/" + tag + "/media/recent/", options));