 protected override Task OnToolActivateAsync(bool active)
     if (_vm == null)
         _vm = this.OverlayEmbeddableControl as OverlayControlViewModel;
     if (_overlaySymbol == null)
         QueuedTask.Run(() => {
             _overlaySymbol = SymbolFactory.ConstructPointSymbol(ColorFactory.Red, 12.0, SimpleMarkerStyle.Circle);
     if (_trees == null)
         _trees = ActiveMapView.Map.GetLayersAsFlattenedList().FirstOrDefault((lyr) => lyr.Name == "Tree") as BasicFeatureLayer;
     if (_theInspector == null)
         _theInspector = new Inspector();
         var tuple = _theInspector.CreateEmbeddableControl();
         _vm.InspectorView      = tuple.Item2;
         _vm.InspectorViewModel = tuple.Item1;
        public AttributeControlViewModel(XElement options) : base(options)
            // create a new instance for the inspector
            _featureInspector = new Inspector();
            // create an embeddable control from the inspector class to display on the pane
            var icontrol = _featureInspector.CreateEmbeddableControl();

            // get view and viewmodel from the inspector
            InspectorView      = icontrol.Item2;
            InspectorViewModel = icontrol.Item1;
        protected ShowAttributeViewModel()
            // create a new instance for the inspector
            _attributeInspector = new Inspector();

            // Tell the singleton module class
            Module1.AttributeInspector = AttributeInspector;
            Module1.AttributeViewModel = this;

            // create an embeddable control from the inspector class to display on the pane
            var icontrol = _attributeInspector.CreateEmbeddableControl();

            // get viewmodel and view for the inspector control
            InspectorViewModel = icontrol.Item1;
            InspectorView      = icontrol.Item2;
        protected override async Task OnToolActivateAsync(bool active)
            // get the Precincts feature layer in the active map
            _pointLayer = ActiveMapView.Map.GetLayersAsFlattenedList().OfType <FeatureLayer>().
                          Where(lyr => lyr.Name == "Police Stations").FirstOrDefault();
            if (_pointLayer == null)

            // build the attribute dictionaries
            _attributesValid = new Dictionary <string, bool>();
            _attributes      = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            // get the embedded control
            if (_attributeVM == null)
                _attributeVM = this.EmbeddableControl as AttributeControlViewModel;

            // these are the fields that we will collect values from the user
            var fieldNames = new List <string>()
                "Precinct", "Address"

            // set up the inspector
            var inspector = new Inspector();

            foreach (var fieldName in fieldNames)
                // add the attribute
                ArcGIS.Desktop.Editing.Attributes.Attribute attr = await inspector.AddAttributeAsync(_pointLayer, fieldName, false);

                // set the validity to true
                _attributesValid.Add(fieldName, true);

                // add some validation - in this example we will make each field mandatory
                attr.AddValidate(() =>
                    var errors = new List <ArcGIS.Desktop.Editing.Attributes.Attribute.ValidationError>();
                    if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(attr.CurrentValue.ToString()))
                        // add an error
                        errors.Add(ArcGIS.Desktop.Editing.Attributes.Attribute.ValidationError.Create("Value is mandatory", ArcGIS.Desktop.Editing.Attributes.Severity.High));
                        // set the validity to false
                        _attributesValid[fieldName] = false;
                        // store the value
                        if (!_attributes.ContainsKey(fieldName))
                            _attributes.Add(fieldName, attr.CurrentValue);
                            _attributes[fieldName] = attr.CurrentValue;

                        // set the validity to true
                        _attributesValid[fieldName] = true;

            // create the embedded control and assign the view/viewmodel pair
            var tuple = inspector.CreateEmbeddableControl();

            _attributeVM.InspectorViewModel = tuple.Item1;
            _attributeVM.InspectorView      = tuple.Item2;