private bool InternalAddItem(TItem item, TOpEnum op, InsertionBehavior behavior) { if (item == null) { return(false); } var itemDataType = GetItemOrgDataType(item); if (itemDataType != null) { if (_matchedItemsType != null) //本块内所含各项与项,项与块整集之间的匹配类型 { var tmpType = TypeMatcher.MatchDataTtype(_matchedItemsType, itemDataType, out _); if (tmpType != null) { _matchedItemsType = tmpType; } else //匹配失败 { throw new ArithmeticException(MsgStrings.InvalidTypeConvert(itemDataType, _matchedItemsType)); } } else { _matchedItemsType = itemDataType; //首次加入的具有非空值项, } } ReMatchDataType(); _itemVersion++; _hashCodeVersion++; return(m_items.Add(op, item, behavior)); }
public int AddItem(string opName, InsertionBehavior behavior, params TItem[] itemArray) { if (GetOperatorWithString == null) { throw new Exception(string.Format(MsgStrings.NullGetOperatorWithStringDelegate, nameof(GetOperatorWithString))); } var op = GetOperatorWithString(opName); return(AddItem(op, behavior, itemArray)); }
public int AddBlock(string opName, InsertionBehavior behavior, params TBlock[] blocks) { if (GetOperatorWithString == null) { throw new Exception(string.Format(MsgStrings.NullGetOperatorWithStringDelegate, nameof(GetOperatorWithString))); } var op = GetOperatorWithString.Invoke(opName); return(AddBlock(op, behavior, blocks)); }
public int AddItem(TOpEnum op, InsertionBehavior behavior, params TItem[] itemArray) { var id = 0; foreach (TItem p in itemArray) { if (InternalAddItem(p, op, behavior)) { id++; } } return(id); }
public int AddBlock(TOpEnum op, InsertionBehavior behavior, params TBlock[] blocks) { var id = 0; foreach (TBlock p in blocks) { if (InternalAddBlock(p, op, behavior)) { id++; } } return(id); }
private bool TryInsert(TKey key, TValue value, InsertionBehavior behavior) { if (key == null) { ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentNullException(ExceptionArgument.key); } _version++; if (_buckets == null) { Initialize(0); } Entry[] entries = _entries; IEqualityComparer <TKey> comparer = _comparer; int hashCode = ((comparer == null) ? key.GetHashCode() : comparer.GetHashCode(key)) & 0x7FFFFFFF; int collisionCount = 0; ref int bucket = ref _buckets[hashCode % _buckets.Length];
private bool InternalAddBlock(TBlock block, TOpEnum op, InsertionBehavior behavior) { if (block == null) { return(false); } //var blockType = typeof(TBlock); //var blockAllCount = blockType.GetProperty(nameof(AllCount))?.GetValue(block) ?? 0; var blockAllCount = block.AllCount; if ((int)blockAllCount == 0) { return(false); } //var blockParent = blockType.GetProperty(nameof(ParentBlock)); //blockParent.SetValue(block, this); var subBlockDataType = GetBlockOrgDataType(block); if (subBlockDataType != null) { if (_matchedSubBlocksDataType != null) //本块内所含各子块之间的匹配类型 { var tmpType = TypeMatcher.MatchDataTtype(_matchedSubBlocksDataType, subBlockDataType, out _); if (tmpType != null) { _matchedSubBlocksDataType = tmpType; } else //匹配失败 { throw new ArithmeticException(MsgStrings.InvalidTypeConvert(subBlockDataType, _matchedSubBlocksDataType)); } } else { _matchedSubBlocksDataType = subBlockDataType; //加入的是第一个具有块类型的子块, } //if (_matchedDataType != null) //需要重新匹配本块的类型 //{ // tmpType = TypeMatcher.MatchDataTtype(_matchedDataType, _matchedSubBlocksDataType, out _); // if (tmpType != null) // _matchedDataType = tmpType; // else //匹配失败 // throw new ArithmeticException(MsgStrings.InvalidTypeConvert( subBlockDataType)); //} //else //{ // _matchedDataType = _matchedSubBlocksDataType;//首次确认本块的整体类型 //} ReMatchDataType(); } _blockVersion++; _hashCodeVersion++; return(m_blocks.Add(op, block, behavior)); }
public NodeBlock(string opName, InsertionBehavior behavior, params NodeBlock[] block) : base(opName, behavior, block) { }
/// <summary> /// 传入一个查询项数组,构造实例 /// </summary> /// <param name="op">逻辑连接符,指示与同一块内其它项或子块之间的逻辑关系</param> /// <param name="behavior">指示条件之间是否重复的行为</param> /// <param name="itemArray">包含要添加的项的数组</param> public QueryBlock(TOpEnum op, InsertionBehavior behavior, params TItem[] itemArray) : this() { AddItem(op, behavior, itemArray); }
/// <summary> /// 传入一个查询块,构造实例 /// </summary> /// <param name="op">逻辑连接符,与块内其它子块或项之间逻辑关系</param> /// <param name="behavior">是否阻止添加具有相同逻辑连接符的重复的块</param> /// <param name="blocks">包含要加入的块的数组</param> public QueryBlock(TOpEnum op, InsertionBehavior behavior, params TBlock[] blocks) : this() { AddBlock(op, behavior, blocks); }
public int Add(TOpEnum op, InsertionBehavior behavior, params TItem[] items) { return(AddItem(op, behavior, items)); }
private bool TryInsert(TKey key, TValue value, InsertionBehavior behavior) { if (key == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(key)); } if (buckets == null) { Initialize(0); } int hashCode = comparer.GetHashCode(key) & 0x7FFFFFFF; int targetBucket = hashCode % buckets.Length; int collisionCount = 0; for (int i = buckets[targetBucket]; i >= 0; i = entries[i].next) { if (entries[i].hashCode == hashCode && comparer.Equals(entries[i].key, key)) { if (behavior == InsertionBehavior.OverwriteExisting) { entries[i].value = value; version++; return(true); } if (behavior == InsertionBehavior.ThrowOnExisting) { throw new ArgumentException(SR.Format(SR.Argument_AddingDuplicate, key)); } return(false); } collisionCount++; } int index; if (freeCount > 0) { index = freeList; freeList = entries[index].next; freeCount--; } else { if (count == entries.Length) { Resize(); targetBucket = hashCode % buckets.Length; } index = count; count++; } entries[index].hashCode = hashCode; entries[index].next = buckets[targetBucket]; entries[index].key = key; entries[index].value = value; buckets[targetBucket] = index; version++; if (collisionCount > HashHelpers.HashCollisionThreshold && comparer is NonRandomizedStringEqualityComparer) { comparer = (IEqualityComparer <TKey>)EqualityComparer <string> .Default; Resize(entries.Length, true); } return(true); }
public bool TryInsert(string key, TValue value, InsertionBehavior behavior) { if (_buckets == null) { Initialize(0); } Entry[] entries = _entries; int hashCode = _comparer.GetHashCode(key) & 0x7FFFFFFF; int collisionCount = 0; int bucket = _buckets[hashCode % _buckets.Length]; // Value in _buckets is 1-based int i = bucket - 1; do { // Should be a while loop // Test uint in if rather than loop condition to drop range check for following array access if ((uint)i >= (uint)entries.Length) { break; } if (entries[i].hashCode == hashCode && entries[i].key == key) { if (behavior == InsertionBehavior.OverwriteExisting) { entries[i].value = value; return(true); } if (behavior == InsertionBehavior.SkipIfExists) { return(true); } if (behavior == InsertionBehavior.ThrowOnExisting) { ExceptionHelper.ThrowArgumentException("key already exists"); } return(false); } i = entries[i].next; if (collisionCount >= entries.Length) { // The chain of entries forms a loop; which means a concurrent update has happened. // Break out of the loop and throw, rather than looping forever. ExceptionHelper.ThrowInvalidOperationException(); } collisionCount++; } while (true); bool updateFreeList = false; int index; if (_freeCount > 0) { index = _freeList; updateFreeList = true; _freeCount--; } else { int count = _count; if (count == entries.Length) { Resize(); bucket = _buckets[hashCode % _buckets.Length]; } index = count; _count = count + 1; entries = _entries; } Entry entry = entries[index]; if (updateFreeList) { _freeList =; } entry.hashCode = hashCode; // Value in _buckets is 1-based = bucket - 1; entry.key = key; entry.value = value; // Value in _buckets is 1-based bucket = index + 1; return(true); }
public NodeBlock(string opName, InsertionBehavior behavior, params QueryItem[] items) : base(opName, behavior, items) { }
public NodeBlock(QueryArithmetic op, InsertionBehavior behavior, params QueryItem[] items) : base(op, behavior, items) { }
public int Add(string opName, InsertionBehavior behavior, params TItem[] items) { return(AddItem(opName, behavior, items)); }
public int Add(TOpEnum op, InsertionBehavior behavior, params TBlock[] blocks) { return(AddBlock(op, behavior, blocks)); }
/// <summary> /// 传入一个查询块数组,构造实例 /// </summary> /// <param name="op">逻辑连接符,指示与块与块之间,项与项之间,项与块之间的逻辑关系</param> /// <param name="behavior">指示是否重复的行为</param> /// <param name="itemArray">包含要添加的块的数组</param> public QueryBlock(string opName, InsertionBehavior behavior, params TBlock[] blocks) : this() { AddBlock(opName, behavior, blocks); }
public int Add(string opName, InsertionBehavior behavior, params TBlock[] blocks) { return(AddBlock(opName, behavior, blocks)); }
public QueryBlock(string opName, InsertionBehavior behavior, params TItem[] itemArray) { AddItem(opName, behavior, itemArray); }
public NodeBlock(QueryArithmetic op, InsertionBehavior behavior, params NodeBlock[] block) : base(op, behavior, block) { }