public UserCabinet() { InitializeComponent(); Password.PasswordChar = '*'; Oldpassword.PasswordChar = '*'; Confirmpassword.PasswordChar = '*'; Sex.DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList; InsertLinq insertLinq = new InsertLinq(); var persons = insertLinq.GetPeople(); #region Load User information foreach (var person in persons) { if (person.Hash == LoginForm.Counter) { Surname.Text = person.SurName; NamePerson.Text = person.Name; SecondName.Text = person.SecondName; Age.Text = person.Age.ToString(); Sex.Text = person.Sex; PhoneNumber.Text = person.PhoneNumber.ToString(); CityField.Text = person.City; Login = person.Login; Email.Text = person.Email; } } #endregion }
private void Enter_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { InsertLinq insertLinq = new InsertLinq(); var persons = insertLinq.GetPeople(); Exception error = new Exception(); #region Сhecking the existence of the account try { foreach (var person in persons) { if ((Login.Text + Password.Text).GetHashCode() == person.Hash) { Counter = (Login.Text + Password.Text).GetHashCode(); MenuForm menuform = new MenuForm(); Hide(); menuform.Show(); } } throw error; } catch { ErrorUser.Visible = true; ErrorUser.Text = ("Користувача з таким логіном і паролем не знайдено"); Login.Text = ""; } #endregion }
public FlightForm() { InitializeComponent(); var companys = insertLinq.GetCompany(); var persons = insertLinq.GetPeople(); //Загрузка доступеих компаній та типів номерів з БД foreach (var company in companys) { TCompany.Items.Add(company.Company); } foreach (var person in persons) { if (person.Hash == LoginForm.Counter) { SurnameField.Text = person.SurName; NameField.Text = person.Name; From.Text = person.City; } } }
public HotelForm() { InitializeComponent(); var hotels = insertLinq.GetHotelList(); var rooms = insertLinq.GetRoomsList(); var people = insertLinq.GetPeople(); foreach (var h in hotels) { HotelName.Items.Add(h.HotelName); } foreach (var r in rooms) { RoomFormat.Items.Add(r.RoomType); } foreach (var p in people) { if (p.Hash == LoginForm.Counter) { Person.Text = p.Name + " " + p.SurName + " " + p.SecondName; } } }
private void Registration_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int Counter = 0; Error.Text = ""; InsertLinq insertLinq = new InsertLinq(); Exception error = new Exception(); //Geting all users var persons = insertLinq.GetPeople(); try { foreach (var person in persons) { if (Login.Text == person.Login) { Counter = 0; throw error; } } if (Password.Text == Confirmpassword.Text) { #region Creating new user Person p = new Person() { Login = Login.Text, Hash = Convert.ToInt32((Login.Text + Password.Text).GetHashCode()), SurName = Surname.Text, Name = NamePerson.Text, SecondName = SecondName.Text, Age = Convert.ToInt32(Age.Text), Sex = Sex.SelectedItem.ToString(), PhoneNumber = PhoneNumber.Text, City = CityField.Text, Email = Email.Text }; #endregion #region Validation //Валідація всіх заповнених полів var results = new List <ValidationResult>(); var context = new ValidationContext(p); if (!Validator.TryValidateObject(p, context, results, true)) { foreach (var oo in results) { Error.Text += " *" + oo.ErrorMessage + "*\n"; } } else { insertLinq.Insert(p); Hide(); loginform.Show(); } #endregion } else { Counter = 2; throw error; } } catch { if (Counter == 0) { Error.Text = "Користувач з таким іменем вже існує"; } else { if (Counter == 2) { Error.Text = "Паролі не спывпадають"; } else { Error.Text = ("Перевірте чи всі поля заповнені"); } } } }