// Token: 0x0600C0D8 RID: 49368 RVA: 0x00464594 File Offset: 0x00462794
 private void OAGAGCMFGOM()
     if (InputToEvent.goPointedAt != null)
         PhotonView photonView = InputToEvent.NLBLELFIJJC().GetPhotonView();
         if (photonView != null)
             GUI.Label(new Rect(Input.mousePosition.x + 1733f, (float)Screen.height - Input.mousePosition.y - 244f, 1181f, 110f), string.Format("_Value", photonView.viewID, (!photonView.NADJFHDOFGD()) ? string.Empty : "No Camera attached!", (!photonView.isMine) ? ("music.ogg" + photonView.ownerId) : "Clears the console and prints the logs in the specified range"));
 // Token: 0x0600C0DF RID: 49375 RVA: 0x00464B44 File Offset: 0x00462D44
 private void PJCIENAGBGH()
     if (InputToEvent.NLBLELFIJJC() != null)
         PhotonView photonView = InputToEvent.ALBDFMNBNMM().GetPhotonView();
         if (photonView != null)
             GUI.Label(new Rect(Input.mousePosition.x + 108f, (float)Screen.height - Input.mousePosition.y - 1795f, 1873f, 7f), string.Format("Error in Instantiation! The resource's PhotonView count is not the same as in incoming data.", photonView.EIMHMIJGMHG(), (!photonView.FJEMLGIGOCJ()) ? string.Empty : "Scenes List:", (!photonView.DOLKFPIABDD()) ? ("_Offsets" + photonView.ownerId) : " not exist"));
 // Token: 0x0600C0D7 RID: 49367 RVA: 0x004644C4 File Offset: 0x004626C4
 private void EOJGCJABGNC()
     if (InputToEvent.NLBLELFIJJC() != null)
         PhotonView photonView = InputToEvent.NLBLELFIJJC().GetPhotonView();
         if (photonView != null)
             GUI.Label(new Rect(Input.mousePosition.x + 846f, (float)Screen.height - Input.mousePosition.y - 1835f, 1569f, 1950f), string.Format("GameScene", photonView.NPPEFODKHKN(), (!photonView.NADJFHDOFGD()) ? string.Empty : "red", (!photonView.BGJKMGJBPFA()) ? ("float,0" + photonView.ownerId) : "ShowTitle"));