        public void Convert()
            Process.StartInfo.Arguments = String.Format(
                "-y -i \"{0}\" -acodec {1} -metadata comment=\"{2}\" -vcodec copy -sample_fmt s16p -ar 44100 -ac 2 \"{3}\"",
                InputPath.Replace("\\", "/"),
                OutputPath.Replace("\\", "/")
            //Process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
            //Process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = true;

            // hookup the eventhandlers to capture the data that is received
            //Process.OutputDataReceived += (sender, args) => sb.AppendLine(args.Data);
            //Process.ErrorDataReceived += (sender, args) => sb.AppendLine(args.Data);

            // direct start
            //Process.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
            Process.StartInfo.WindowStyle            = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden;
            Process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = false;
            Process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError  = false;

            // start our event pumps

            // until we are done
        public FindFileSystemEntryInfo(KernelTransaction transaction, bool isFolder, string path, string searchPattern, DirectoryEnumerationOptions?options, DirectoryEnumerationFilters customFilters, PathFormat pathFormat, Type typeOfT)
            if (null == options)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("options");

            Transaction = transaction;

            OriginalInputPath = path;

            InputPath = Path.GetExtendedLengthPathCore(transaction, path, pathFormat, GetFullPathOptions.RemoveTrailingDirectorySeparator | GetFullPathOptions.FullCheck);

            IsRelativePath = !Path.IsPathRooted(OriginalInputPath, false);

            RelativeAbsolutePrefix = IsRelativePath ? InputPath.Replace(OriginalInputPath, string.Empty) : null;

            SearchPattern = searchPattern.TrimEnd(Path.TrimEndChars); // .NET behaviour.

            FileSystemObjectType = null;

            ContinueOnException = (options & DirectoryEnumerationOptions.ContinueOnException) != 0;

            AsLongPath = (options & DirectoryEnumerationOptions.AsLongPath) != 0;

            AsString         = typeOfT == typeof(string);
            AsFileSystemInfo = !AsString && (typeOfT == typeof(FileSystemInfo) || typeOfT.BaseType == typeof(FileSystemInfo));

            LargeCache = (options & DirectoryEnumerationOptions.LargeCache) != 0 ? NativeMethods.UseLargeCache : NativeMethods.FIND_FIRST_EX_FLAGS.NONE;

            // Only FileSystemEntryInfo makes use of (8.3) AlternateFileName.
            FindExInfoLevel = AsString || AsFileSystemInfo || (options & DirectoryEnumerationOptions.BasicSearch) != 0 ? NativeMethods.FindexInfoLevel : NativeMethods.FINDEX_INFO_LEVELS.Standard;

            if (null != customFilters)
                InclusionFilter = customFilters.InclusionFilter;

                RecursionFilter = customFilters.RecursionFilter;

                ErrorHandler = customFilters.ErrorFilter;

#if !NET35
                CancellationToken = customFilters.CancellationToken;

#if !NET35
            if (null == CancellationToken)
                CancellationToken = new CancellationToken();

            if (isFolder)
                IsDirectory = true;

                Recursive = (options & DirectoryEnumerationOptions.Recursive) != 0 || null != RecursionFilter;

                SkipReparsePoints = (options & DirectoryEnumerationOptions.SkipReparsePoints) != 0;

                // Need folders or files to enumerate.
                if ((options & DirectoryEnumerationOptions.FilesAndFolders) == 0)
                    options |= DirectoryEnumerationOptions.FilesAndFolders;

                options &= ~DirectoryEnumerationOptions.Folders; // Remove enumeration of folders.
                options |= DirectoryEnumerationOptions.Files;    // Add enumeration of files.

            FileSystemObjectType = (options & DirectoryEnumerationOptions.FilesAndFolders) == DirectoryEnumerationOptions.FilesAndFolders

                                   // Folders and files (null).
            ? (bool?)null

                                   // Only folders (true) or only files (false).
            : (options & DirectoryEnumerationOptions.Folders) != 0;