public KeyboardInputCallbacker(Keys key, InputEventArgs args, List<KeyboardInputCallback> callbacks) { this.key = key; this.args = args; this.callbacks = callbacks; }
public override bool OnSingleClick(InputEventArgs evt, DiagramView view) { SubGraphNode graph1 = base.Parent as SubGraphNode; if ((graph1 == null) || !graph1.Collapsible) { return false; } if (view != null) { view.StartTransaction(); } string text1 = null; if (graph1.IsExpanded) { graph1.Collapse(); text1 = "Collapsed SubGraph"; } else if (evt.Control) { graph1.ExpandAll(); text1 = "Expanded All SubGraphs"; } else { graph1.Expand(); text1 = "Expanded SubGraph"; } if (view != null) { view.FinishTransaction(text1); } return true; }
public override void Update(GameTime gameTime) { base.Update(gameTime); input.Update(); PlayerIndex aux; bool shoot = false; bool switchweapon = false; int x = 0, y = 0; if (input.IsKeyPressed(Keys.Left, null, out aux)) x--; if (input.IsKeyPressed(Keys.Right, null, out aux)) x++; if (input.IsKeyPressed(Keys.Up, null, out aux)) y--; if (input.IsKeyPressed(Keys.Down, null, out aux)) y++; if (input.IsNewKeyPress(Keys.Space, null, out aux)) shoot = true; if (input.IsNewKeyPress(Keys.LeftControl, null, out aux)) switchweapon = true; if ( x != 0 || y != 0 || shoot || switchweapon) if (InputEvent != null) { InputEventArgs args = new InputEventArgs(); args.x = x; args.y = y; args.shoot = shoot; args.switchWeapon = switchweapon; args.elapsedTime = (float) gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds; InputEvent(args); } }
private void OnSelectedImpl(InputEventArgs args) { if (args.State != InputState.Released) return; if (!HasFocus) return; FireSelectedEvent(null); }
/// <summary> /// Triggered when the user presses a key or mouse button. /// </summary> public override bool OnInputActivated(InputEventArgs args) { // Switch to the main mode GameModeManager.Set(new MainMenuGameMode()); // We are done processing modes return false; }
public virtual bool DoClick(InputEventArgs evt) { if (evt.DoubleClick) { return this.View.DoDoubleClick(evt); } return this.View.DoSingleClick(evt); }
internal void HandleInput() { while (true) { while (!Console.KeyAvailable) ; var key = Console.ReadKey(true); var eargs = new InputEventArgs(key); InputRead(this, eargs); } }
/// <summary> /// Triggered when the user presses a key or mouse button. /// </summary> public override bool OnInputActivated(InputEventArgs args) { // Figure out what to do switch (args.Token) { case InputTokens.Escape: // Quit BooGame.Core.Exit(); return false; } GameModeManager.Set(new NewGameMode()); return true; }
public override bool DoMouseOver(InputEventArgs evt) { if ((this.OverviewRect != null) && this.OverviewRect.ContainsPoint(evt.DocPoint)) { this.Cursor = Cursors.SizeAll; } else { this.Cursor = this.DefaultCursor; } Shapes.DiagramShape obj1 = this.Document.PickObject(evt.DocPoint, false); this.DoToolTipObject(obj1); return true; }
/// <summary> /// Triggered when the user presses a key or mouse button. /// </summary> public override bool OnInputActivated(InputEventArgs args) { // Make some noise //Log.Debug("OnInputActivated: {0}", args.Token); // Figure out what to do switch (args.Token) { case InputTokens.Escape: // Quit GameModeManager.Push(new MainMenuGameMode()); break; } // Allow it to keep passing it on return true; }
public override void DoSelect(InputEventArgs evt) { if ((this.SingleSelection || evt.Control) || evt.Shift) { base.DoSelect(evt); } else { base.CurrentObject = base.View.PickObject(true, false, evt.DocPoint, true); if (base.CurrentObject == null) { base.Selection.Clear(); } else if (!base.Selection.Contains(base.CurrentObject)) { base.Selection.Select(base.CurrentObject); } } }
public override void handleInput(object sender, InputEventArgs e) { input = e.input; switch (input) { case "w"://jump Person_ctrl.SetMoveState(2); Person_ctrl.GetNowMoveState().Start(); break; case "a": break; case "s": case "d": Person_ctrl.SetMoveState(1); Person_ctrl.GetNowMoveState().Start(); break; } }
public virtual void DoSelect(InputEventArgs evt) { this.CurrentObject = this.View.PickObject(true, false, evt.DocPoint, true); if (this.CurrentObject != null) { if (evt.Control) { this.Selection.Toggle(this.CurrentObject); } else if (evt.Shift) { this.Selection.Add(this.CurrentObject); } else { this.Selection.Select(this.CurrentObject); } } else if (!evt.Control && !evt.Shift) { this.Selection.Clear(); } }
/// <summary> /// Called when an input is deactivated (keyboard released). /// </summary> /// <param name="sender">The sender.</param> /// <param name="args">The <see cref="MfGames.Input.InputEventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param> private static void OnInputDeactivated(object sender, InputEventArgs args) { if (args.Token == InputTokens.Comma) { modeIndex--; if (modeIndex < 0) modeIndex = modes.Count - 1; modeIndex = modeIndex % modes.Count; game.Modes.Set(modes[modeIndex]); } else if (args.Token == InputTokens.Period) { modeIndex++; if (modeIndex >= modes.Count) modeIndex = 0; modeIndex = modeIndex % modes.Count; game.Modes.Set(modes[modeIndex]); } }
public override void handleInput(object sender, InputEventArgs e) { input = e.input; switch (input) { case "j": if (chargeTime > MaxTime - 0.1f) { Person_ctrl.GetActState(1).Start(); } break; case "i": if (chargeTime > MaxTime - 0.8f) { Person_ctrl.SetActState(2); Person_ctrl.GetNowActState().Start(); } break; } }
public override bool OnSingleClick(InputEventArgs evt, DiagramView view) { if (!this.CanEdit()) { return false; } if (!view.CanEditObjects()) { return false; } if (evt.Shift || evt.Control) { return false; } this.DoBeginEdit(view); return true; }
void Start() { personCtrl = this.GetComponent<HeroCtrl>(); heroStateActVer = new IdleStateActVer(this.gameObject); heroStateMoveVer = new IdleStateMoveVer(this.gameObject); inputArgs = new InputEventArgs("", "", ""); hero_act_state[0] = new IdleStateActVer(this.gameObject); hero_act_state[1] = new ActState(this.gameObject); hero_act_state[2] = new DefenseState(this.gameObject); hero_move_state[0] = new IdleStateMoveVer(this.gameObject); hero_move_state[1] = new MoveState(this.gameObject); hero_move_state[2] = new JumpState(this.gameObject); InputTran += new InputEventHandler(heroStateActVer.handleInput); InputTran += new InputEventHandler(heroStateMoveVer.handleInput); }
public override bool OnMouseOver(InputEventArgs evt, DiagramView view) { DiagramShape obj1 = this.HandledObject; if (((obj1 == null) || !view.CanResizeObjects()) || (!obj1.CanResize() && !obj1.CanReshape())) { return false; } System.Windows.Forms.Cursor cursor1 = this.Cursor; if (cursor1 == null) { cursor1 = this.GetCursorForHandle(this.HandleID); } if (cursor1 == null) { return false; } if (view.Cursor != cursor1) { view.Cursor = cursor1; } return true; }
public static bool OnKeyDown_Menu(InputEventArgs e) { if (isHidden) { return false; } else { if ((e.KeyCode == KeyCode.Up || (Demo.hjkl && e.KeyCode == KeyCode.K)) && > 1 && currentUI.currentScreen.currentMenuItem > 0) currentUI.currentScreen.currentMenuItem--; else if ((e.KeyCode == KeyCode.Down || (Demo.hjkl && e.KeyCode == KeyCode.J)) && > 1 && currentUI.currentScreen.currentMenuItem < - 1) currentUI.currentScreen.currentMenuItem++; else if (e.KeyCode == confirmKey &&[currentUI.currentScreen.currentMenuItem].enabled && ([currentUI.currentScreen.currentMenuItem].linksTo != null ||[currentUI.currentScreen.currentMenuItem].eventLink != null ||[currentUI.currentScreen.currentMenuItem].actionLink != null)) { menuItemForFinish =[currentUI.currentScreen.currentMenuItem]; menuItemsForRecall.Add([currentUI.currentScreen.currentMenuItem]);[currentUI.currentScreen.currentMenuItem].enabled = false;[currentUI.currentScreen.currentMenuItem].handleAction(e); } else if (e.KeyCode == backKey && currentUI.currentScreen.previousScreen != null && currentUI.currentScreen != currentUI.initialScreen) {[currentUI.currentScreen.currentMenuItem].enabled = true; NavigateBackward(currentUI.currentScreen); HandleRecall(); } return false; } }
public void OnInputEvent(object sender, InputEventArgs e) { InputEvent?.Invoke(sender, e); }
public void checkUpdate() { //Get the updates for keyboard KeyboardState newState_kb = Keyboard.GetState(); if (newState_kb.GetPressedKeys() != prevState_kb.GetPressedKeys()) { List <Keys> Pressed = new List <Keys>(); List <Keys> UnPressed = new List <Keys>(); foreach (Keys k in keys) { bool prevPressed = prevState_kb.IsKeyDown(k); bool nowPressed = newState_kb.IsKeyDown(k); if (nowPressed == true && prevPressed == false) { keyPressedState[k] = true; Pressed.Add(k); } else if (nowPressed == false && prevPressed == true) { keyPressedState[k] = false; UnPressed.Add(k); } InputEventArgs e = new InputEventArgs(Pressed, UnPressed, keyPressedState); OnInput(e); } prevState_kb = newState_kb; } MouseState newState_m = Mouse.GetState(); if (newState_m.LeftButton != prevState_m.LeftButton || newState_m.RightButton != prevState_m.RightButton) { List <string> justClicked = new List <string>(); List <string> justUnClicked = new List <string>(); Point clickLocation = Mouse.GetState().Position; if (prevState_m.Position != clickLocation) { InputEventArgs eMouseMoved = new InputEventArgs(clickLocation); OnMouseMoveM(eMouseMoved); } foreach (string b in mouseButtonState.Keys) { if (b == "Left Click") { //They just left clicked if (prevState_m.LeftButton == ButtonState.Released && newState_m.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed) { justClicked.Add("Left Click"); } //They just un-leftclicked if (prevState_m.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed && newState_m.LeftButton == ButtonState.Released) { justUnClicked.Add("Left Click"); } } if (b == "Right Click") { //They just left clicked if (prevState_m.RightButton == ButtonState.Released && newState_m.RightButton == ButtonState.Pressed) { justClicked.Add("Right Click"); } //They just un-leftclicked if (prevState_m.RightButton == ButtonState.Pressed && newState_m.RightButton == ButtonState.Released) { justUnClicked.Add("Right Click"); } } } InputEventArgs e = new InputEventArgs(clickLocation, justClicked, justUnClicked); if (justClicked.Count > 0) { OnClickM(e); } if (justUnClicked.Count > 0) { OnUnclickM(e); } prevState_m = newState_m; } }
/// <summary> /// Determines whether this <see cref="System.Windows.Input.KeyGesture" /> matches the input associated with the specified <see /// cref="System.Windows.Input.InputEventArgs" /> object. /// </summary> /// <param name="targetElement"> The target. </param> /// <param name="inputEventArgs"> The input event data to compare this gesture to. </param> /// <returns> true if the event data matches this <see cref="System.Windows.Input.KeyGesture" /> ; otherwise, false. </returns> public override bool Matches(object targetElement, InputEventArgs inputEventArgs) { var args = inputEventArgs as KeyEventArgs; if (args == null || args.IsRepeat) { return(false); } var key = args.Key != Key.System ? args.Key : args.SystemKey; //Check if the key identifies a gesture key... if (!IsDefinedKey(key)) { return(false); } var currentSequence = keySequences[currentSequenceIndex]; var currentKey = currentSequence.Keys[currentKeyIndex]; //Check if the key is a modifier... if (IsModifierKey(key)) { //If the pressed key is a modifier, ignore it for now, since it is tested afterwards... return(false); } //Check if the current key press happened too late... if (currentSequenceIndex != 0 && ((DateTime.Now - lastKeyPress) > maximumDelay)) { //The delay has expired, abort the match... ResetState(); #if DEBUG_MESSAGES System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Maximum delay has elapsed", "[" + MultiKeyGestureConverter.Default.ConvertToString(this) + "]"); #endif return(false); } //Check if current modifiers match required ones... if (currentSequence.Modifiers != args.KeyboardDevice.Modifiers) { //The modifiers are not the expected ones, abort the match... ResetState(); #if DEBUG_MESSAGES System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Incorrect modifier " + args.KeyboardDevice.Modifiers + ", expecting " + currentSequence.Modifiers, "[" + MultiKeyGestureConverter.Default.ConvertToString(this) + "]"); #endif return(false); } //Check if the current key is not correct... if (currentKey != key) { //The current key is not correct, abort the match... ResetState(); #if DEBUG_MESSAGES System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Incorrect key " + key + ", expecting " + currentKey, "[" + MultiKeyGestureConverter.Default.ConvertToString(this) + "]"); #endif return(false); } //Move on the index, pointing to the next key... currentKeyIndex++; //Check if the key is the last of the current sequence... if (currentKeyIndex == keySequences[currentSequenceIndex].Keys.Length) { //The key is the last of the current sequence, go to the next sequence... currentSequenceIndex++; currentKeyIndex = 0; } //Check if the sequence is the last one of the gesture... if (currentSequenceIndex != keySequences.Length) { //If the key is not the last one, get the current date time, handle the match event but do nothing... lastKeyPress = DateTime.Now; inputEventArgs.Handled = true; #if DEBUG_MESSAGES System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Waiting for " + (m_KeySequences.Length - m_CurrentSequenceIndex) + " sequences", "[" + MultiKeyGestureConverter.Default.ConvertToString(this) + "]"); #endif return(false); } //The gesture has finished and was correct, complete the match operation... ResetState(); inputEventArgs.Handled = true; #if DEBUG_MESSAGES System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Gesture completed " + MultiKeyGestureConverter.Default.ConvertToString(this), "[" + MultiKeyGestureConverter.Default.ConvertToString(this) + "]"); #endif return(true); }
public void OnScroll(InputEventArgs args) { zoom = global::System.Math.Min((float)global::System.Math.Max(args.ScrollValue > 0 ? zoom - 0.1f : zoom + 0.1f, 0.1f), 1.5f); }
public void ProcessInputEvent(InputEventArgs e) { }
protected override void OnEnded(object sender, InputEventArgs e) { this.gestureStarted = false; base.OnEnded(sender, e); }
private void OnMouseReleased(object sender, InputEventArgs args) { _isSlowingDown = false; }
private void OnHeld(object sender, InputEventArgs args) { SlowDown(); }
private void SetHandled(InputEventArgs e, bool handled) { e.Handled = handled; }
protected override void OnBackgroundSingleClicked(InputEventArgs evt) { base.OnBackgroundSingleClicked(evt); if (this.OverviewRect != null) { RectangleF ef1 = this.OverviewRect.Bounds; PointF tf1 = new PointF(evt.DocPoint.X - (ef1.Width / 2f), evt.DocPoint.Y - (ef1.Height / 2f)); this.OverviewRect.Location = this.OverviewRect.ComputeMove(this.OverviewRect.Location, tf1); } }
private SKTouchAction GetTouchAction(SKTouchAction touchActionType, FrameworkElement view, InputEventArgs evt) { if (evt is TouchEventArgs touchEvent) { var action = touchEvent.GetTouchPoint(view).Action; switch (action) { case TouchAction.Down: touchActionType = SKTouchAction.Pressed; break; case TouchAction.Move: touchActionType = SKTouchAction.Moved; break; case TouchAction.Up: touchActionType = SKTouchAction.Released; break; } } return(touchActionType); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the DragInfo class. /// </summary> /// /// <param name="sender"> /// The sender of the mouse event that initiated the drag. /// </param> /// /// <param name="e"> /// The mouse event that initiated the drag. /// </param> public DragInfo(object sender, InputEventArgs e) { this.DragStartPosition = e.GetPosition((IInputElement)sender); this.Effects = DragDropEffects.None; //this.MouseButton = e.ChangedButton; this.VisualSource = sender as UIElement; this.DragDropCopyKeyState = DragDrop.GetDragDropCopyKeyState(this.VisualSource); if (sender is ItemsControl) { var itemsControl = (ItemsControl)sender; this.SourceGroup = itemsControl.FindGroup(this.DragStartPosition); this.VisualSourceFlowDirection = itemsControl.GetItemsPanelFlowDirection(); var sourceItem = e.OriginalSource as UIElement; // If we can't cast object as a UIElement it might be a FrameworkContentElement, if so try and use its parent. if (sourceItem == null && e.OriginalSource is FrameworkContentElement) { sourceItem = ((FrameworkContentElement)e.OriginalSource).Parent as UIElement; } UIElement item = null; if (sourceItem != null) { item = itemsControl.GetItemContainer(sourceItem); } if (item == null) { if (DragDrop.GetDragDirectlySelectedOnly(VisualSource)) { item = itemsControl.GetItemContainerAt(e.GetPosition(itemsControl)); } else { item = itemsControl.GetItemContainerAt(e.GetPosition(itemsControl), itemsControl.GetItemsPanelOrientation()); } } if (item != null) { // Remember the relative position of the item being dragged this.PositionInDraggedItem = e.GetPosition(item); var itemParent = ItemsControl.ItemsControlFromItemContainer(item); if (itemParent != null) { this.SourceCollection = itemParent.ItemsSource ?? itemParent.Items; if (itemParent != itemsControl) { var tvItem = item as TreeViewItem; if (tvItem != null) { var tv = tvItem.GetVisualAncestor <TreeView>(); if (tv != null && tv != itemsControl && !tv.IsDragSource()) { return; } } else if (itemsControl.ItemContainerGenerator.IndexFromContainer(itemParent) < 0 && !itemParent.IsDragSource()) { return; } } this.SourceIndex = itemParent.ItemContainerGenerator.IndexFromContainer(item); this.SourceItem = itemParent.ItemContainerGenerator.ItemFromContainer(item); } else { this.SourceIndex = -1; } this.SourceItems = itemsControl.GetSelectedItems(); // Some controls (I'm looking at you TreeView!) haven't updated their // SelectedItem by this point. Check to see if there 1 or less item in // the SourceItems collection, and if so, override the control's // SelectedItems with the clicked item. if (this.SourceItems.Cast <object>().Count() <= 1) { this.SourceItems = Enumerable.Repeat(this.SourceItem, 1); } this.VisualSourceItem = item; } else { this.SourceCollection = itemsControl.ItemsSource ?? itemsControl.Items; } } else { if (sender is UIElement) { this.PositionInDraggedItem = e.GetPosition((UIElement)sender); } } if (this.SourceItems == null) { this.SourceItems = Enumerable.Empty <object>(); } }
public Mouse3DEventArgs(RoutedEvent routedEvent, object source, HitTestResult hitTestResult, Point position, Viewport3DX viewport = null, InputEventArgs originalInputEventArgs = null) : base(routedEvent, source) { this.HitTestResult = hitTestResult; this.Position = position; this.Viewport = viewport; this.OriginalInputEventArgs = originalInputEventArgs; }
private System.Int64 GetTimestamp(InputEventArgs e) { return(-1); }
public bool ProcessInput(InputEventArgs input) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public virtual void handleInput(object sender, InputEventArgs e) { }
public virtual void ActionStarted(InputEventArgs action) { }
private void ReceiveCommandInput(char inputChar) { if (IsOpen && _inputEnabled) { if (inputChar == '\r') { if (InputEntered != null) { InputEventArgs inputEventArgs = new InputEventArgs(_input); InputEntered(this, inputEventArgs); if (inputEventArgs.Execute) { Execute(_input, inputEventArgs.AddToLog); } } else { Execute(_input); } _input = ""; _cursorPosition = 0; if (InputChanged != null) { InputChanged(this, new InputEventArgs(_input)); } } else if (inputChar == '\b' && _cursorPosition > 0) { _input = _input.Remove(--_cursorPosition, 1); if (InputChanged != null) { InputChanged(this, new InputEventArgs(_input)); } } else if (inputChar == '\t') // AutoComplete extension code { IEnumerable<string> autoCollection = from c in _commands.Keys where c.StartsWith(_input) orderby c select c; if (autoCollection.Count() != 0) { _cursorPosition += autoCollection.FirstOrDefault() .Zip(autoCollection.LastOrDefault(), (c1, c2) => c1 == c2) .TakeWhile(b => b) .Count() - _input.Length; int index = autoCollection.FirstOrDefault() .Zip(autoCollection.LastOrDefault(), (c1, c2) => c1 == c2) .TakeWhile(b => b) .Count(); _input = autoCollection.FirstOrDefault().Substring(0, index); if (autoCollection.Count() > 1) { if (!_mashTab) { _mashTab = true; Log(Prefix + _input); foreach (string s in autoCollection) { Log(" -> " + s); } } else if (_mashTab) { if (_input == autoCollection.ElementAt(0)) { _cursorPosition += autoCollection.ElementAt(1).Length - _input.Length; _input = autoCollection.ElementAt(1); } else { _cursorPosition += autoCollection.ElementAt(0).Length - _input.Length; _input = autoCollection.ElementAt(0); } } } } } else { _mashTab = false; } } }
public virtual void ActionEnded(InputEventArgs action) { }
private void MediaDoubleClick(object sender, InputEventArgs e) { AttachmentManager.RunViewer(((FrameworkElement)sender).DataContext as Attachment, true); }
/// <summary> /// Triggered when the user presses a key or mouse button. /// </summary> public override bool OnInputActivated(InputEventArgs args) { // Figure out what to do switch (args.Token) { case InputTokens.Up: case InputTokens.NumPad8: index = GetIndex(index - 1); break; case InputTokens.Down: case InputTokens.NumPad2: index = GetIndex(index + 1); break; case InputTokens.Right: case InputTokens.Enter: case InputTokens.Space: switch (index) { case 0: GameModeManager.Set(new NewGameMode()); break; case 1: GameModeManager.Push(new TextScrollGameMode( "help.txt", null)); break; case 2: GameModeManager.Push(new TextScrollGameMode( "story.txt", null)); break; case 3: GameModeManager.Push(new TextScrollGameMode( "credits.txt", null)); break; case 4: Core.Exit(); break; case 5: // Pop off the mode and resume the game GameModeManager.Pop(); break; } break; case InputTokens.Escape: // Quit Core.Exit(); break; } // Allow it to keep passing it on return true; }
public void handleAction(InputEventArgs e) { if (linksTo != null) ScreenBrowser.Navigate(linksTo); else if (eventLink != null) { ScreenBrowser.Hide(); Demo.mode = InputMode.Map; Keyboard.KeyDown -= eventLink; Keyboard.KeyDown += eventLink; } if (actionLink != null) { actionLink(); } }
public virtual bool OnMouseOver(InputEventArgs evt, DiagramView view) { return false; }
// Update is called once per frame void Input_events(InputEventArgs e) { if (e != null) { InputTran(this, e); } }
void PlayRecord_Inputed(IFocusable sender, InputEventArgs args) { if (args.InputInfo.IsPressed(ButtonType.Cross)) { FocusManager.RemoveFocus(); sound.Play(PPDSetting.DefaultSounds[2], -1000); } else if (args.InputInfo.IsPressed(ButtonType.Left)) { graphDrawType--; if (graphDrawType < 0) { graphDrawType = GraphDrawType.FinishTime; } ChangeGraphData(); sound.Play(PPDSetting.DefaultSounds[3], -1000); } else if (args.InputInfo.IsPressed(ButtonType.Right)) { graphDrawType++; if (graphDrawType > GraphDrawType.FinishTime) { graphDrawType = GraphDrawType.Score; } ChangeGraphData(); sound.Play(PPDSetting.DefaultSounds[3], -1000); } else if (args.InputInfo.IsPressed(ButtonType.R)) { Difficulty last = selectedDifficulty; selectedDifficulty++; int iter = 0; while (!CheckExist() && iter < 4) { selectedDifficulty++; if (selectedDifficulty >= Difficulty.Other) { selectedDifficulty = Difficulty.Easy; } iter++; } selectedIndex = 0; ChangeResultTableDifficulty(); ChangeGraphData(); ChangeResultTable(); if (last != selectedDifficulty) { sound.Play(PPDSetting.DefaultSounds[3], -1000); } } else if (args.InputInfo.IsPressed(ButtonType.L)) { Difficulty last = selectedDifficulty; selectedDifficulty--; int iter = 0; while (!CheckExist() && iter < 4) { selectedDifficulty--; if (selectedDifficulty < Difficulty.Easy) { selectedDifficulty = Difficulty.Extreme; } iter++; } selectedIndex = 0; ChangeResultTableDifficulty(); ChangeGraphData(); ChangeResultTable(); if (last != selectedDifficulty) { sound.Play(PPDSetting.DefaultSounds[3], -1000); } } else if (args.InputInfo.IsPressed(ButtonType.Up)) { if (currentDifficultyRecults.Count > 0) { selectedIndex--; if (selectedIndex < 0) { selectedIndex = 0; } else { SetResultInfo(); sound.Play(PPDSetting.DefaultSounds[0], -1000); } } } else if (args.InputInfo.IsPressed(ButtonType.Down)) { if (currentDifficultyRecults.Count > 0) { selectedIndex++; if (selectedIndex >= currentDifficultyRecults.Count) { selectedIndex = currentDifficultyRecults.Count - 1; } else { SetResultInfo(); sound.Play(PPDSetting.DefaultSounds[0], -1000); } } } else if (args.InputInfo.IsPressed(ButtonType.Triangle)) { if (graphDrawType == GraphDrawType.FinishTime && currentDifficultyRecults.Count > 0) { var ppd = new PreviewPlayDialog(device, resourceManager, sound) { SongName = songname.Text, Difficulty = difficultyStrings[(int)selectedDifficulty], StartTime = FloatToFloatFormatter.Formatter.Format(currentDifficultyRecults[selectedIndex].FinishTime) }; FocusManager.Focus(ppd); this.InsertChild(ppd, 0); ppd.LostFocused += ppd_LostFocused; } } else if (args.InputInfo.IsPressed(ButtonType.Square)) { if (currentDifficultyRecults.Count > 0) { var drd = new GeneralDialog(device, resourceManager, sound, Utility.Language["DeleteRecordConfirm"], GeneralDialog.ButtonTypes.OkCancel); FocusManager.Focus(drd); this.InsertChild(drd, 0); drd.LostFocused += drd_LostFocused; } } }
private static void onMouseDown(InputEventArgs e) { mouseDown = true; start = new System.Drawing.Point(e.X, e.Y); }
protected virtual void OnStarted(object sender, InputEventArgs e) { this.args.Clear(); this.args.Add(new ArgsVm(e)); }
private void ParseMouseUp(InputEventArgs e) { try { // if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(Thread.CurrentThread.Name)) Thread.CurrentThread.Name = "IE.Plugin.OnMouseUP"; Log.Debug(string.Format("IE.Recording::OnMouseUp::begin")); var re = new RecordEvent { Button = e.Button }; var a = new GetElement { DisplayName = (e.Element.Name).Replace(Environment.NewLine, "").Trim() }; var p = System.Diagnostics.Process.GetProcessById(e.Element.ProcessId); if (p.ProcessName != "iexplore" && p.ProcessName != "iexplore.exe") { return; } var browser = new Browser(e.Element.RawElement); var htmlelement = browser.ElementFromPoint(e.X, e.Y); if (htmlelement == null) { return; } var sw = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch(); sw.Start(); IESelector sel = null; // sel = new IESelector(e.Element.rawElement, null, true); GenericTools.RunUI(() => { sel = new IESelector(browser, htmlelement, null, false, e.X, e.Y); }); if (sel == null) { return; } if (sel.Count < 2) { return; } a.Selector = sel.ToString(); a.Image = sel.Last().Element.ImageString(); re.UIElement = e.Element; re.Element = new IEElement(browser, htmlelement); re.Selector = sel; re.X = e.X; re.Y = e.Y; Log.Debug(e.Element.SupportInput + " / " + e.Element.ControlType); re.a = new GetElementResult(a); //if (htmlelement.tagName.ToLower() == "input" && htmlelement.tagName.ToLower() == "select") if (htmlelement.tagName.ToLower() == "input") { MSHTML.IHTMLInputElement inputelement = (MSHTML.IHTMLInputElement)htmlelement; re.SupportInput = (inputelement.type.ToLower() == "text" || inputelement.type.ToLower() == "password"); } re.SupportSelect = false; Log.Debug(string.Format("IE.Recording::OnMouseUp::end {0:mm\\:ss\\.fff}", sw.Elapsed)); OnUserAction?.Invoke(this, re); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error(ex.ToString()); } }
protected virtual void OnEnded(object sender, InputEventArgs e) { this.args.Add(new ArgsVm(e)); }
// Draw and Update Handling public override void Update(GameTime time) { if (IsVisible && IsEnabled) { base.Update(time); // process child element updates if (Children.Count > 0) { foreach (GuiElement child in Children) { child.Update(time); } } // Check Mouse Event Handlers InputState.Update(Keyboard.GetState(), Mouse.GetState()); InputEventArgs args = new InputEventArgs(); args.InputState = InputState; // Mouse Enter if (!MouseEntered && MouseOver) { MouseLeft = false; MouseEntered = true; MouseDown = false; MouseUp = false; OnInputEvent(args, MouseEnter); } else // Mouse Leave if (MouseEntered && !MouseOver) { MouseEntered = false; MouseLeft = true; MouseDown = false; MouseUp = false; OnInputEvent(args, MouseLeave); } // Mouse Click if (IsMousePressed) { MouseUp = false; MouseDown = true; IsActive = true; } if (MouseDown && Mouse.GetState().LeftButton == ButtonState.Released && MouseOver) { MouseDown = false; MouseUp = true; OnInputEvent(args, MouseClick); } if (!MouseOver && Mouse.GetState().LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed) { IsActive = false; } // Mouse Scroll if (MouseEntered && InputState.getMouseDeltaScrollWheelValue() != 0) { OnInputEvent(args, MouseScroll); } } }
private void TangramTable_OnInputReceived(InputEventArgs args) { if (args is MultiTouchEventArgs && !args.Handled) { TangramTable_OnMultiTouchReceived(args as MultiTouchEventArgs); } }
private void _OnMouseMove(InputEventArgs e) { if (isMouseDown) { return; } if (CurrentProcessId == 0) { CurrentProcessId = System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id; } var thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(() => { try { lock (_lock) { if (_processing) { return; } _processing = true; } try { if (e.Element == null) { var Element = AutomationHelper.GetFromPoint(e.X, e.Y); if (Element != null) { e.SetElement(Element); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error(ex, ""); } lock (_lock) { _processing = false; } if (e.Element == null) { return; } if (e.Element.RawElement.Properties.ProcessId.IsSupported && e.Element.RawElement.Properties.ProcessId.ValueOrDefault == CurrentProcessId) { return; } var re = new RecordEvent { Button = e.Button, OffsetX = e.X - e.Element.Rectangle.X, OffsetY = e.Y - e.Element.Rectangle.Y, Element = e.Element, UIElement = e.Element, X = e.X, Y = e.Y }; OnMouseMove?.Invoke(this, re); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error(ex, ""); } })); thread.IsBackground = true; thread.Start(); }
public IEnumerable<IInputCallbacker> Update(Dictionary<Type, IInputStateProvider> providers, GameTime gt) { KeyboardStateProvider keyInput = (KeyboardStateProvider)providers[typeof (KeyboardStateProvider)]; //Console.WriteLine(keyInput.IsKeyDown(Keys.Space)); Keys[] newKeys = keyInput.CurrentState.GetPressedKeys(); Keys[] oldKeys = keyInput.OldState.GetPressedKeys(); IEnumerable<Keys> toCheck = oldKeys.Union(newKeys); List<String> calls = new List<string>(); foreach (Keys key in toCheck) { foreach (var bind in keyBinds.Where(bind => bind.Value.Contains(key))) { if (calls.Contains(bind.Key)) continue; KeyboardBinding binding = Bindings[bind.Key]; InputState inputState = InputState.Up; // koska key on down useimmiten, niin parempi tarkastaa eka if (keyInput.IsKeyDown(key)) { inputState = InputState.Down; binding.HoldTime += gt.ElapsedGameTime.TotalMilliseconds; } // just tällä framella else if (keyInput.IsKeyPressed(key)) { inputState = InputState.Pressed; binding.HoldTime = 0; } // just löysätty else if (keyInput.IsKeyReleased(key)) { inputState = InputState.Released; } if ((inputState & binding.Condition) != inputState) continue; InputEventArgs args = new InputEventArgs(binding.HoldTime, inputState, gt); KeyboardInputCallbacker cb = new KeyboardInputCallbacker(key, args, binding.Callbacks); calls.Add(bind.Key); yield return cb; } } }
public void MakeStep(object sender, InputEventArgs e) { var inputKey = e.KeyNumber; game.MakeMove(inputKey); }
private void OnMouseUp(InputEventArgs e) { try { if (e.Element == null) { return; } if (Entity == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(Selector)) { return; } var pathToRoot = new List <AutomationElement>(); AutomationElement element = e.Element.RawElement; while (element != null) { if (pathToRoot.Contains(element)) { break; } try { if (element.Parent != null) { pathToRoot.Add(element); } } catch (Exception) { } try { element = element.Parent; } catch (Exception ex) { element = null; Log.Error(ex, ""); // return; } } WindowsSelector selector = new WindowsSelector(Selector); if (pathToRoot.Count < (selector.Count - 1)) { return; } if (pathToRoot.Count > (selector.Count - 1)) { return; } pathToRoot.Reverse(); for (var i = 0; i < pathToRoot.Count; i++) { element = pathToRoot[i]; WindowsSelectorItem s = new WindowsSelectorItem(selector[(i + 1)]); if (!s.Match(element)) { Log.Debug("Element " + i + " does not match with selector"); return; } } var _e = new DetectorEvent(e.Element); OnDetector?.Invoke(this, _e, EventArgs.Empty); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error(ex.ToString()); } }
public MouseMove3DEventArgs(object source, HitTestResult hitTestResult, Point position, Viewport3DX viewport = null, InputEventArgs originalInputEventArgs = null) : base(Element3D.MouseMove3DEvent, source, hitTestResult, position, viewport, originalInputEventArgs) { }
public virtual bool OnDoubleClick(InputEventArgs evt, DiagramView view) { return false; }
private void OnMouseUp(InputEventArgs e) { isMouseDown = false; var thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(() => { try { Log.Debug(string.Format("Windows.Recording::OnMouseUp::begin")); var re = new RecordEvent { Button = e.Button }; var a = new GetElement { DisplayName = e.Element.Name }; var sw = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch(); sw.Start(); WindowsSelector sel = null; // sel = new WindowsSelector(e.Element.rawElement, null, true); sel = new WindowsSelector(e.Element.RawElement, null, PluginConfig.enum_selector_properties); if (sel.Count < 2) { return; } if (sel == null) { return; } a.Selector = sel.ToString(); a.MaxResults = 1; a.Image = e.Element.ImageString(); re.OffsetX = e.X - e.Element.Rectangle.X; re.OffsetY = e.Y - e.Element.Rectangle.Y; re.UIElement = e.Element; re.Element = e.Element; re.Selector = sel; re.X = e.X; re.Y = e.Y; if (sel.Count > 3) { var p1 = sel[1].Properties.Where(x => x.Name == "ClassName").FirstOrDefault(); var p2 = sel[2].Properties.Where(x => x.Name == "AutomationId").FirstOrDefault(); if (p1 != null && p2 != null) { if (p1.Value.StartsWith("Windows.UI") && p2.Value == "SplitViewFrameXAMLWindow") { re.SupportVirtualClick = false; } } } re.a = new GetElementResult(a); re.SupportInput = e.Element.SupportInput; re.SupportSelect = e.Element.SupportSelect; Log.Debug(string.Format("Windows.Recording::OnMouseUp::end {0:mm\\:ss\\.fff}", sw.Elapsed)); OnUserAction?.Invoke(this, re); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error(ex.ToString()); } })); thread.IsBackground = true; thread.Start(); }
// handle all input from the game console void console_InputEntered(object sender, InputEventArgs e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Time + ": " + e.Input); }
public void Input(InputEventArgs e) { var mouseButtonDownEvent = e as MouseButtonDownEventArgs; if (mouseButtonDownEvent != null) { if (mouseButtonDownEvent.Button == MouseButton.Left) { m_mouseLeftPressed = true; m_mousePosition = mouseButtonDownEvent.Position; } if (mouseButtonDownEvent.Button == MouseButton.Right) { m_world.Player.NextWeapon(); } } var mouseButtonUpEvent = e as MouseButtonUpEventArgs; if (mouseButtonUpEvent != null) { if (mouseButtonUpEvent.Button == MouseButton.Left) { m_mouseLeftPressed = false; } } var mouseMoveEvent = e as MouseMoveEventArgs; if (mouseMoveEvent != null) { m_mousePosition = mouseMoveEvent.Position; } var mouseButtonWheelEvent = e as MouseWheelEventArgs; if (mouseButtonWheelEvent != null) { World.Instance.Camera.Zoom -= mouseButtonWheelEvent.Ticks; } var keyboardKeyDownEvent = e as KeyboardKeyDownEventArgs; if (keyboardKeyDownEvent != null) { if (keyboardKeyDownEvent.Key == Key.F1) { StateManager.Instance.SetGameState(EGameState.MAINMENU); } if (keyboardKeyDownEvent.Key == Key.F4) { StateManager.Instance.SetGameState(EGameState.PAUSE); } if (keyboardKeyDownEvent.Key == Key.Up || keyboardKeyDownEvent.Key == Key.Z) { m_keyUpPressed = true; } if (keyboardKeyDownEvent.Key == Key.Down || keyboardKeyDownEvent.Key == Key.S) { m_keyDownPressed = true; } if (keyboardKeyDownEvent.Key == Key.Left || keyboardKeyDownEvent.Key == Key.Q) { m_keyLeftPressed = true; } if (keyboardKeyDownEvent.Key == Key.Right || keyboardKeyDownEvent.Key == Key.D) { m_keyRightPressed = true; } if (keyboardKeyDownEvent.Key == Key.R) { m_world.Player.Weapon.ReloadCharger(); } } var keyboardKeyUpEvent = e as KeyboardKeyUpEventArgs; if (keyboardKeyUpEvent != null) { if (keyboardKeyUpEvent.Key == Key.Up || keyboardKeyUpEvent.Key == Key.Z) { m_keyUpPressed = false; } if (keyboardKeyUpEvent.Key == Key.Down || keyboardKeyUpEvent.Key == Key.S) { m_keyDownPressed = false; } if (keyboardKeyUpEvent.Key == Key.Left || keyboardKeyUpEvent.Key == Key.Q) { m_keyLeftPressed = false; } if (keyboardKeyUpEvent.Key == Key.Right || keyboardKeyUpEvent.Key == Key.D) { m_keyRightPressed = false; } } }