private void Render() { inputBoxes.Clear(); RenderLineInputGroups(); RenderMultiLineInputGroups(); MultiLineContainer.Loaded += (e, c) => { MultiLineBorder.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; OnRenderDone?.Invoke(this, null); }; BindingActionResults(); UpdateVariableAction(); if (ActionContainer != null) { ActionContainer.ItemIndexChanged += ActionContainer_ItemIndexChanged; } RenderGlobalVariable(); //添加操作结果变量 AddActionResultBtn.Click += (e, c) => { if (VariableActionComboBox.SelectedItem != null && VariableActionResultsComboBox.SelectedItem != null) { var action = VariableActionComboBox.SelectedItem as ComBoxModel; var variable = VariableActionResultsComboBox.SelectedItem as ComBoxModel; KeyboradFocusInputBox.AppendText($"{{{action.ID}.{variable.ID}}}"); } }; //渲染事件变量 RenderEventVariable(); //验证输入 Valid(); }
private void OnKeyPadCLick(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (sender is Button) { Button bt = sender as Button; InputBox.AppendText(bt.Text); } }
private void ComputationButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { string computedText = FormatOutputText(); this.InputBox.Text = String.Empty; if (PrintToScreenRadio.IsChecked == true) { //this.InputBox.Text = String.Empty; InputBox.AppendText(computedText); } else { if (PrintToFileRadio.IsChecked == true && FilePath.Text == "Filepath" || String.IsNullOrEmpty(FilePath.Text)) { System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("Print to file chosen, but no file path was given", "Alert", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Warning); } else { File.WriteAllText(FilePath.Text, computedText); } } }
private void openToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Open the openfile dialog if (openFileDialog1.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) { return; } byte[] bytes = File.ReadAllBytes(openFileDialog1.FileName); if (openFileDialog1.FileName.Contains(".txt")) { InputBox.Text = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(bytes); } else { if (MovesetTab.Visible) { string output = bytes.Aggregate("", (current, t) => current + $"{t:X2}"); InputBox.AppendText(output); } else { int value = 0; int multiplicity = 3; int index = 0; int[] values = new int[13]; for (int i = 0; i < bytes.Length; i++) { //Skip the rows of F if (i == 0x1C) { i = 0x20; } if (multiplicity == -1) { values[index] = value; value = 0; index++; multiplicity = 3; } value += bytes[i] << (multiplicity * 8); multiplicity--; } string[] valueStrings = values.Select(s => s.ToString()).ToArray(); //There's probably a better way of doing this (ActionIdBox.Text, DamageThrowDataBox.Text, AngleThrowDataBox.Text, KBSThrowDataBox.Text, FKBThrowDataBox.Text, BKBThrowDataBox.Text, DamageEffectThrowBox.Text, DamageReleaseDataBox.Text, AngleReleaseDataBox.Text, KBSReleaseDataBox.Text, FKBReleaseDataBox.Text, BKBReleaseDataBox.Text, DamageEffectReleaseBox.Text) = (valueStrings[0], valueStrings[1], valueStrings[2], valueStrings[3], valueStrings[4], valueStrings[5], valueStrings[6], valueStrings[7], valueStrings[8], valueStrings[9], valueStrings[10], valueStrings[11], valueStrings[12]); } } }