        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes the object graph by building every object and resolving all dependencies.
        /// </summary>
        public static void BuildGraph()
            // List of all objects we need to inject dependencies into.
            var InjectList = new List <object>();

            // First we build every type we have registered but isn't yet built.
            // This allows us to run this after the content assembly has been loaded.
            foreach (KeyValuePair <Type, Type> currentType in ResolveTypes.Where(p => !Services.ContainsKey(p.Key)))
                // Find a potential dupe by checking other registered types that have already been instantiated that have the same instance type.
                // Can't catch ourselves because we're not instantiated.
                // Ones that aren't yet instantiated are about to be and'll find us instead.
                KeyValuePair <Type, Type> DupeType = ResolveTypes.FirstOrDefault(p => Services.ContainsKey(p.Key) && p.Value == currentType.Value);

                // Interface key can't be null so since KeyValuePair<> is a struct,
                // this effectively checks whether we found something.
                if (DupeType.Key != null)
                    // We have something with the same instance type, use that.
                    Services[currentType.Key] = Services[DupeType.Key];

                    var instance = Activator.CreateInstance(currentType.Value);
                    Services[currentType.Key] = instance;
                catch (TargetInvocationException e)
                    throw new ImplementationConstructorException(currentType.Value, e.InnerException);

            // Graph built, go over ones that need injection.
            foreach (var Implementation in InjectList)
                foreach (FieldInfo field in Implementation.GetType()
                         .GetFields(BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance)
                         .Where(p => Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(p, typeof(DependencyAttribute)) != null))
                    // Not using Resolve<T>() because we're literally building it right now.
                    if (!Services.ContainsKey(field.FieldType))
                        throw new UnregisteredDependencyException(Implementation.GetType(), field.FieldType, field.Name);

                    // Quick note: this DOES work with readonly fields, though it may be a CLR implementation detail.
                    field.SetValue(Implementation, Services[field.FieldType]);

            foreach (IPostInjectInit InjectedItem in InjectList.OfType <IPostInjectInit>())
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes the object graph by building every object and resolving all dependencies.
        /// </summary>
        /// <seealso cref="InjectDependencies(object)"/>
        public static void BuildGraph()
            // List of all objects we need to inject dependencies into.
            var InjectList = new List <object>();

            // First we build every type we have registered but isn't yet built.
            // This allows us to run this after the content assembly has been loaded.
            foreach (KeyValuePair <Type, Type> currentType in ResolveTypes.Where(p => !Services.ContainsKey(p.Key)))
                // Find a potential dupe by checking other registered types that have already been instantiated that have the same instance type.
                // Can't catch ourselves because we're not instantiated.
                // Ones that aren't yet instantiated are about to be and'll find us instead.
                KeyValuePair <Type, Type> DupeType = ResolveTypes.FirstOrDefault(p => Services.ContainsKey(p.Key) && p.Value == currentType.Value);

                // Interface key can't be null so since KeyValuePair<> is a struct,
                // this effectively checks whether we found something.
                if (DupeType.Key != null)
                    // We have something with the same instance type, use that.
                    Services[currentType.Key] = Services[DupeType.Key];

                    var instance = Activator.CreateInstance(currentType.Value);
                    Services[currentType.Key] = instance;
                catch (TargetInvocationException e)
                    throw new ImplementationConstructorException(currentType.Value, e.InnerException);

            // Graph built, go over ones that need injection.
            foreach (var Implementation in InjectList)

            foreach (IPostInjectInit InjectedItem in InjectList.OfType <IPostInjectInit>())