private int numberOfAgents = 0; // current number of agents

    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        // initialize //
        gameFlowManager = this;  // store the instance of this class in a public static field

        reducedVisibilityGraph = initManager.getReducedVisibilityGraph();
        agentRadius            = agentPrefab.GetComponent <SphereCollider>().radius *agentPrefab.transform.lossyScale.x; // radius in world space = local radius * scale
        // get the list that containing floors' 4corners as array
        floorCorners = generateFloorsList(floors);
        // run the initialize function for generateRandPointOnMap
        floorWeights = getFloorsWeights(floorCorners);

        //agentBody = testAgennt.GetComponent<Rigidbody>();

        // generate numOfInitAgents agents initially
        for (int i = 0; i < numOfInitAgents; i++)
            spawnAgent(floorCorners, floorWeights, agentsList, agentPrefab, goalPrefab, reducedVisibilityGraph, agentSpeed);

        numberOfAgents = numOfInitAgents;