    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        cubeGrid = new InitialCube[24, 24];
        for (var i = 0; i < 24; i++)
            for (var j = 0; j < 24; j++)
                cubeGrid[i, j]        = new InitialCube();
                cubeGrid[i, j].prefab = Instantiate(prefab, new Vector3(i * 1.5f, 0.5f, j * 1.5f), Quaternion.identity);

        cubeGrid[1, 0].SetPlayerType(PlayerType.PLAYER);
        cubeGrid[2, 1].SetPlayerType(PlayerType.PLAYER);
        cubeGrid[0, 2].SetPlayerType(PlayerType.PLAYER);
        cubeGrid[1, 2].SetPlayerType(PlayerType.PLAYER);
        cubeGrid[2, 2].SetPlayerType(PlayerType.PLAYER);
    //Turns the integer based array into usable Cube objects
    public InitialCube[,] getCubeGrid()
        int xLength = _grid.GetLength(0);
        int yLength = _grid.GetLength(1);

        InitialCube[,] cubeGrid = new InitialCube[xLength, yLength];

        for (int x = 0; x < xLength; x++)
            for (int y = 0; y < yLength; y++)
                if (_grid[x, y] == 1)
                    cubeGrid[x, y] = new InitialCube(PlayerType.PLAYER);
                    cubeGrid[x, y] = new InitialCube(PlayerType.DEAD);

    public void initGrid()
        Debug.Log("Resetting Grid");
        cubeGrid = new InitialCube[24, 24];
        for (var i = 0; i < 24; i++)
            for (var j = 0; j < 24; j++)
                cubeGrid[i, j]        = new InitialCube(cubePrefab);
                cubeGrid[i, j].prefab = Instantiate(cubePrefab, new Vector3(i * 1.5f, 0.5f, j * 1.5f), Quaternion.identity);
                if ((j == 0 || j == 23) || (i == 0 || i == 23))
                    cubeGrid[i, j].SetPlayerType(PlayerType.WALL);
                    cubeGrid[i, j].SetPlayerType(PlayerType.DEAD);

        cubeGrid[5, 20].SetPlayerType(PlayerType.ENEMY);
        cubeGrid[4, 19].SetPlayerType(PlayerType.ENEMY);
        cubeGrid[6, 19].SetPlayerType(PlayerType.ENEMY);
        cubeGrid[5, 18].SetPlayerType(PlayerType.ENEMY);

        cubeGrid[12, 20].SetPlayerType(PlayerType.ENEMY);
        cubeGrid[11, 19].SetPlayerType(PlayerType.ENEMY);
        cubeGrid[13, 19].SetPlayerType(PlayerType.ENEMY);
        cubeGrid[12, 18].SetPlayerType(PlayerType.ENEMY);

        cubeGrid[19, 20].SetPlayerType(PlayerType.ENEMY);
        cubeGrid[18, 19].SetPlayerType(PlayerType.ENEMY);
        cubeGrid[20, 19].SetPlayerType(PlayerType.ENEMY);
        cubeGrid[19, 18].SetPlayerType(PlayerType.ENEMY);
    public void step(PlayerType currentPlayer)
        InitialCube[,] future = new InitialCube[24, 24];

        foreach (var cell in cubeGrid)

        for (var i = 0; i < 24; i++)
            for (var j = 0; j < 24; j++)
                future[i, j]        = new InitialCube();
                future[i, j].prefab = Instantiate(prefab, new Vector3(i * 1.5f, 0.5f, j * 1.5f), Quaternion.identity);

        // Loop through every cell
        for (int l = 1; l < 24 - 1; l++)
            for (int m = 1; m < 24 - 1; m++)
                // finding no Of Neighbours that are alive
                int aliveNeighbours = 0;
                for (int i = -1; i <= 1; i++)
                    for (int j = -1; j <= 1; j++)
                        aliveNeighbours += cubeGrid[l + i, m + j].playerType == currentPlayer ? 1 : 0;

                // The cell needs to be subtracted from
                // its neighbours as it was counted before
                aliveNeighbours -= cubeGrid[l, m].playerType == currentPlayer ? 1: 0;

                // Implementing the Rules of Life

                // Cell is lonely and dies
                if ((cubeGrid[l, m].playerType == currentPlayer) && (aliveNeighbours < 2))
                    future[l, m].SetPlayerType(PlayerType.DEAD);

                // Cell dies due to over population
                else if ((cubeGrid[l, m].playerType == currentPlayer) && (aliveNeighbours > 3))
                    future[l, m].SetPlayerType(PlayerType.DEAD);

                // A new cell is born
                else if ((cubeGrid[l, m].playerType == PlayerType.DEAD) && (aliveNeighbours == 3))
                    future[l, m].SetPlayerType(currentPlayer);

                // Remains the same
                    future[l, m].SetPlayerType(cubeGrid[l, m].playerType);

        for (int l = 1; l < 24 - 1; l++)
            for (int m = 1; m < 24 - 1; m++)
                if (cubeGrid[l, m].playerType == PlayerType.PLAYER && cubeGrid[l + 1, m].playerType == PlayerType.ENEMY ||
                    cubeGrid[l, m].playerType == PlayerType.ENEMY && cubeGrid[l + 1, m].playerType == PlayerType.PLAYER)
                    future[l, m].SetPlayerType(PlayerType.DEAD);
                    future[l + 1, m].SetPlayerType(PlayerType.DEAD);
                if (cubeGrid[l, m].playerType == PlayerType.PLAYER && cubeGrid[l - 1, m].playerType == PlayerType.ENEMY ||
                    cubeGrid[l, m].playerType == PlayerType.ENEMY && cubeGrid[l - 1, m].playerType == PlayerType.PLAYER)
                    future[l, m].SetPlayerType(PlayerType.DEAD);
                    future[l - 1, m].SetPlayerType(PlayerType.DEAD);
                if (cubeGrid[l, m].playerType == PlayerType.PLAYER && cubeGrid[l, m + 1].playerType == PlayerType.ENEMY ||
                    cubeGrid[l, m].playerType == PlayerType.ENEMY && cubeGrid[l, m + 1].playerType == PlayerType.PLAYER)
                    future[l, m].SetPlayerType(PlayerType.DEAD);
                    future[l, m + 1].SetPlayerType(PlayerType.DEAD);
                if (cubeGrid[l, m].playerType == PlayerType.PLAYER && cubeGrid[l, m - 1].playerType == PlayerType.ENEMY ||
                    cubeGrid[l, m].playerType == PlayerType.ENEMY && cubeGrid[l, m - 1].playerType == PlayerType.PLAYER)
                    future[l, m].SetPlayerType(PlayerType.DEAD);
                    future[l, m - 1].SetPlayerType(PlayerType.DEAD);
        cubeGrid = future;