void Update() { if (m_initProcStat != InitProcStat.InProgress) { return; } if (m_assetBundleLoadStat == AssetBundleLoadStat.None) { // Start loading the asset bundle. m_assetBundleLoadStat = AssetBundleLoadStat.InProgress; StartCoroutine(LoadAssetBundle()); } else if (m_assetBundleLoadStat == AssetBundleLoadStat.Success) { // We've succeeded in loading the asset bundle. // Load the XML configuration file from the cache directory, and create the TPTabletUIConfig instance. string path = Path.Combine(Application.persistentDataPath, m_filenameXML); byte[] bytes; try { bytes = File.ReadAllBytes(path); }catch (Exception e) { PutErrorMessage("TPTabletUIManager::Update"); PutErrorMessage(e.Message); m_initProcStat = InitProcStat.Fail; return; } m_config = new TPTabletUIConfig(); if (!m_config.Parse(bytes)) // All the GUI data files are loaded during parsing. { m_config = null; m_initProcStat = InitProcStat.Fail; return; } m_initProcStat = InitProcStat.Success; // The initialization procedure has successfully ended. } else if (m_assetBundleLoadStat == AssetBundleLoadStat.Fail) { // We've failed in loadind the asset bundle. m_initProcStat = InitProcStat.Fail; return; } }
void Awake() { bool isChangePrefs = false; if (!PlayerPrefs.HasKey("ip_address")) { PlayerPrefs.SetString("ip_address", ""); isChangePrefs = true; } if (!PlayerPrefs.HasKey("port_number")) { PlayerPrefs.SetString("port_number", "28000"); isChangePrefs = true; } if (!PlayerPrefs.HasKey("clear_cache")) { PlayerPrefs.SetInt("clear_cache", 1); isChangePrefs = true; } if (!PlayerPrefs.HasKey("debug_mode")) { PlayerPrefs.SetInt("debug_mode", 0); isChangePrefs = true; } if (!PlayerPrefs.HasKey("auto_connect")) { PlayerPrefs.SetInt("auto_connect", 1); isChangePrefs = true; } if (isChangePrefs) { PlayerPrefs.Save(); Debug.Log("PlayerPrefs updated"); } // Indicate that the initialization procedure has been started. m_initProcStat = InitProcStat.InProgress; int isClearCache = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("clear_cache"); PutErrorMessage("[Clear Cache] configuration was set [" + isClearCache.ToString() + "]."); Debug.Log("[Clear Cache] configuration was set [" + isClearCache.ToString() + "]."); //PutErrorMessage("[Clear Cache] configuration was set [" + PlayerPrefs.GetString("clear_cache") + "]."); // Check if we need to download the GUI data. //if(PlayerPrefs.GetString("clear_cache", "0") == "1"){ //if(PlayerPrefs.GetInt("clear_cache") == 1){ if (isClearCache == 1) { //if(PlayerPrefs.GetString("clear_cache") == "1"){ if (!DownloadFiles()) { m_initProcStat = InitProcStat.Fail; // The initialization process has failed. return; } // We succeeded in downloading the GUI data, so let us disable the switch. //PlayerPrefs.SetString("clear_cache", "0"); //PlayerPrefs.Save(); } //Application.targetFrameRate = 60; }